That depends on what you mean by "talking to you".
Maybe He's talking to you when you see the miracle of a child being born or hold someone's hand as they take their last breath. Was it ever promised He would "speak" to us in words? Maybe his "voice" is shouting out loud in the symbolism of the wonders of nature. Maybe he doesn't even need words or language to "speak" to us.
No, what I'm talking about is the millions of seemingly independent examples that don't seem to be related in the least bit.
Like how certain types of algae have evolved to produce pigments that will block out specific wavelengths of light that could endanger their future.
Or how the common housefly has developed the ability to synthesize an anti-freeze like substance to fill it's circulatory system so it can survive the brutality of winter and knows exactly when to put the whole shebang in motion.
Maybe there's some kind of lesson in all this. I'm not sure. Seems to me, though, like it can't be summed up into some nice, neat little lesson to be expounded from a pulpit on Sunday morning. (or night)
Actually I've posted on other threads the way god talks to me.
Sometimes by way of the voices that come through the fillings in my teeth and other times when the little men under the earth stoke their coal and dung fires late at night and use bellows to push the smoke up as thoughts into my sleeping brain.
There was this one time, like, when I stopped in 7-11 for an icee, that I was just standing there and I heard this voice saying "I will teach you the Word like it hasn't been known since the first century", and I like shook my head in disbelief and closed my eyes and then opened them, and it was snowing so thick I couldn't even see the gas pumps. Then I like was really confused, and I heard the same voice saying "That will be $1.39 please" in an Arab accent and I opened my eyes again and saw this man with a towel wrapped around his head, and I said "Jesus?" and he said, "no my name is Abdul but I have a brother named Jesus that looks a lot like me". It was then I realized I better steer clear of those energy drink icee's or I might be in danger of starting my own cult.
Seriously, though, I've learned to recognize the still small voice of God in a rainbow, in the laugh of a little girl, in a sunset. He is magnificent and wonderful and a very loving and gracious Father to me, who doesn't deserve Him.
not because i speak in tongues or anything, but i get thoughts and i really think they are from my loving god or jesus christ
plus i talk to him/them all the time
i feel really good about this and comforted, etc.
i guess you could call it instinct or a mental disorder lol
but i have to say, in my life, god is a great comfort and help to my soul
and i've actually helped other people because of what i'm talking about
but that's not my goal :)
okay, let's hand the mic over to geo. mwah
I am so glad your heart is comforted. . . if someone has a problem with that. . . it is just too bad for them.
Yes, God talks to me. . .maybe not in the way we learned about in TWI. . . but . . . when He does talk to me. . . . . . there is no question or guessing about it.
Im not a card carrying christian believer or even a true believer of any type that I can tell or define, but I have to admit that i agree with geisha.
I might word it differently but the belief is basically the same..
Im never getting any 'voice' thats says "blah blah blah"--do such and such" , but life unfolds, observations are made, ideas connect and there is a certain guidance or path somewhere underneath it all --sometimes i see it, sometimes I dont.
Sometimes big ideas (or very simple ideas) just slam into me for no reason other times things just seem to run in a subtle undercurrent.
I dont know if I'd call it God talking to me or something else but generally the experience is there if Im not too locked up in my own little world and too busy to notice...
No, what I'm talking about is the millions of seemingly independent examples that don't seem to be related in the least bit.
Like how certain types of algae have evolved to produce pigments that will block out specific wavelengths of light that could endanger their future.
Or how the common housefly has developed the ability to synthesize an anti-freeze like substance to fill it's circulatory system so it can survive the brutality of winter and knows exactly when to put the whole shebang in motion.
Maybe there's some kind of lesson in all this. I'm not sure. Seems to me, though, like it can't be summed up into some nice, neat little lesson to be expounded from a pulpit on Sunday morning. (or night)
humans have proteins that capture certain wavelengths to modify DNA. that's neat too. some frogs are able to completely freeze for the winter and thaw in the spring.
every animal lives by killing another. life is dependent on death. for one to live another must die. it's all really neat but the lesson is one of struggle and ultimately failure.
Sometimes something you want "just happens" for you.
Sometimes you read just the thing you need to read, or hear just the thing you need to hear.
Sometimes doors open where they seemed to be shut; opportunities arise where there seemed to be none.
Sometimes it's walking out with a thankful heart and suddenly a patch of sunshine falls right on you.
Sometimes it's the very thing you need to meet a need.
Sometimes a hug, or a kind word, from a friend.
Sometimes it's a "just knowing" something.
Why limit God to words? Words are only a way of expressing thoughts or heart-desires anyway.
I don't have a problem with God communicating with me or any other believer.
I really DO have a problem with TWI's idea that God being spirit can only talk to spirit. That "unbelievers" have no connection with God. It's part of their way of limiting God, cutting him off from people (as if!!).
It's partly through his wonderful works and the physical things around us that he communicates: with believers and unbelievers alike. God is not a respecter of persons.
Does he not care for us ALL - whether we believe (in) him or not?
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i think he talks to me all the time not because i speak in tongues or anything, but i get thoughts and i really think they are from my loving god or jesus christ plus i talk to him/them all the time
I am so glad your heart is comforted. . . if someone has a problem with that. . . it is just too bad for them. Yes, God talks to me. . .maybe not in the way we learned about in TWI. . . but . . . whe
Im not a card carrying christian believer or even a true believer of any type that I can tell or define, but I have to admit that i agree with geisha. I might word it differently but the belief is ba
no, no gods
but if I listen too long I hear twi.
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i hate twi
but i'm lucky in that i have always felt this relationship since i was a little girl
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That depends on what you mean by "talking to you".
Maybe He's talking to you when you see the miracle of a child being born or hold someone's hand as they take their last breath. Was it ever promised He would "speak" to us in words? Maybe his "voice" is shouting out loud in the symbolism of the wonders of nature. Maybe he doesn't even need words or language to "speak" to us.
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beautiful waysider
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If those things (and more) that you experience during those events are God talking to you, TIP in twig fellowship ain't chopped liver!
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There are times.. that I really wished a few (specific) others at least THOUGHT he might be talking to me..
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They were probably too consumed with wondering if you thought God was talking to THEM.
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no no
nature and twi are too much alike.
i.e. eat or be eaten
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Ever think about how amazing evolution is?
Not the kind where man evolved from an amoeba.
No, what I'm talking about is the millions of seemingly independent examples that don't seem to be related in the least bit.
Like how certain types of algae have evolved to produce pigments that will block out specific wavelengths of light that could endanger their future.
Or how the common housefly has developed the ability to synthesize an anti-freeze like substance to fill it's circulatory system so it can survive the brutality of winter and knows exactly when to put the whole shebang in motion.
Maybe there's some kind of lesson in all this. I'm not sure. Seems to me, though, like it can't be summed up into some nice, neat little lesson to be expounded from a pulpit on Sunday morning. (or night)
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I don't hear from Him (as in "definite Voice of The Almighty) as much as I would like.
I know it's not a matter of MY will, which was how it was defined in twi by making it "a manifestation".
cg even dropped the word "may" from his version of the definition, making it COMPULSORY for God
to answer if you're operating it:
"The manifestation of word of knowledge is your operation of the God-given ability
whereby you [may] receive from God, by His Spirit,
certain truths or facts unknown to you by the 5 senses."
His rationale was that the manifestation either works or it isn't.
If he'd said it to me, my response would have been- at the time I first heard it-
that I can will the manifestation- I can speed-dial God Almighty directly-
but if God does not CHOOSE to tell me, He will NOT tell me.
Since I cannot FORCE Him to tell me, it is "may."
The analogy of "reaching up into Daddy's cookie jar" made it obvious to me.
"Sometimes there's a cookie there, sometimes there isn't."
That's how asking God for an answer gets. Sometimes He chooses to answer you,
sometimes He does not.
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Actually I've posted on other threads the way god talks to me.
Sometimes by way of the voices that come through the fillings in my teeth and other times when the little men under the earth stoke their coal and dung fires late at night and use bellows to push the smoke up as thoughts into my sleeping brain.
And you guys thought I was just kidding around...
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The Cos' gives an alternative view as far as God talking to people:
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There was this one time, like, when I stopped in 7-11 for an icee, that I was just standing there and I heard this voice saying "I will teach you the Word like it hasn't been known since the first century", and I like shook my head in disbelief and closed my eyes and then opened them, and it was snowing so thick I couldn't even see the gas pumps. Then I like was really confused, and I heard the same voice saying "That will be $1.39 please" in an Arab accent and I opened my eyes again and saw this man with a towel wrapped around his head, and I said "Jesus?" and he said, "no my name is Abdul but I have a brother named Jesus that looks a lot like me". It was then I realized I better steer clear of those energy drink icee's or I might be in danger of starting my own cult.
Seriously, though, I've learned to recognize the still small voice of God in a rainbow, in the laugh of a little girl, in a sunset. He is magnificent and wonderful and a very loving and gracious Father to me, who doesn't deserve Him.
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I am so glad your heart is comforted. . . if someone has a problem with that. . . it is just too bad for them.
Yes, God talks to me. . .maybe not in the way we learned about in TWI. . . but . . . when He does talk to me. . . . . . there is no question or guessing about it.
I think He speaks to all of us.
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
Edited by geisha779Link to comment
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Im not a card carrying christian believer or even a true believer of any type that I can tell or define, but I have to admit that i agree with geisha.
I might word it differently but the belief is basically the same..
Im never getting any 'voice' thats says "blah blah blah"--do such and such" , but life unfolds, observations are made, ideas connect and there is a certain guidance or path somewhere underneath it all --sometimes i see it, sometimes I dont.
Sometimes big ideas (or very simple ideas) just slam into me for no reason other times things just seem to run in a subtle undercurrent.
I dont know if I'd call it God talking to me or something else but generally the experience is there if Im not too locked up in my own little world and too busy to notice...
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Thanks for the topic!
Yes, God communicates to me.....every day! In Any way He wants to!!!!
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humans have proteins that capture certain wavelengths to modify DNA. that's neat too. some frogs are able to completely freeze for the winter and thaw in the spring.
every animal lives by killing another. life is dependent on death. for one to live another must die. it's all really neat but the lesson is one of struggle and ultimately failure.
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This maybe just a "quirk of the day" kind of thought for me.....
But I am wondering how many people might actually hear from God someday something like....."I did not tell you THAT!"
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Here's my metaphysical thought for the day:
Suppose God really talks to us in ways that transcend "language" as we know it.
Wouldn't that make The Way and all it's intricate studies of specific "words" a rather diabolical twist of irony?
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Yeah, sadly ironic.
Pride tends to lead to insipid incompetance and unreasonable jerkiness!?
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Sometimes something you want "just happens" for you.
Sometimes you read just the thing you need to read, or hear just the thing you need to hear.
Sometimes doors open where they seemed to be shut; opportunities arise where there seemed to be none.
Sometimes it's walking out with a thankful heart and suddenly a patch of sunshine falls right on you.
Sometimes it's the very thing you need to meet a need.
Sometimes a hug, or a kind word, from a friend.
Sometimes it's a "just knowing" something.
Why limit God to words? Words are only a way of expressing thoughts or heart-desires anyway.
I don't have a problem with God communicating with me or any other believer.
I really DO have a problem with TWI's idea that God being spirit can only talk to spirit. That "unbelievers" have no connection with God. It's part of their way of limiting God, cutting him off from people (as if!!).
It's partly through his wonderful works and the physical things around us that he communicates: with believers and unbelievers alike. God is not a respecter of persons.
Does he not care for us ALL - whether we believe (in) him or not?
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It would certainly be grossly inefficient, and diversions from a TRUE walk with God.
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