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Easy Movie Quotes

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"Repeat after me. 'I'"  "I" "(Your name)"  "Your name!"  "(Twits.) 'Pledge allegiance'" "Pledge allegiance" "'To Hedley Lamarr' "  "To Hedy Lamarr" "That's HEDLEY!"  "'That's Hedley.'" " 'And to the evil for which he stands.' " And to the evil for which he stands."  "Now, go do that voodoo that you do so well!"

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The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.

Bonus: The Ten Commandments.

I was tempted to make the next clue "Nothing is written." But that would not be an easy quote. I'll give you a couple of "easy" ones from the same movie:

"There is the railway. And that is the desert. From here until we reach the other side, no water but what we carry with us. For the camels, no water at all. If the camels die, we die. And in twenty days they will start to die."

"There's no time to waste, then, is there?"


"I pray that I may never see the desert again. Hear me, God."

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