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Vet's (Marine) Bumper Stickers under fire


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DALLAS - Frank Larison is a disabled veteran with more than 14 years of service, including more than a year of combat duty in Vietnam.

The 58-year-old former Marine now finds himself under attack by his Dallas homeowners association for displaying seven decals on his vehicle supporting the Marine Corps.

"To me, it's being patriotic, and it shows that I served," the veteran told FOX 4.

The board says the decals are advertisements that violate HOA rules, and must be covered or removed.

Otherwise, the homeowners association for The Woodlands II on The Creek --- where Larimore has lived for eight years --- says in a letter it will tow the car at Larimore's expense. The board also threatens to fine him $50 for any future incident.

(Article continues below, there is also a video of the story in the link)



This is ridiculous to me. I'm NOT a huge military supporter, and I don't think his bumper stickers are "patriotic", but how can they bother this guy for having bumper stickers, on HIS car?

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  GarthP2000 said:
I definitely see his point. S-o-o many Home Owners Associations behave like little Nazis.

I don't know if that was meant to be sarcastic or not - but the HOAs out here in San Diego definitely act like little nazis. Those people have way to much time on their hands. I got written up twice - my garage door was seen open without me in the garage and one of my bushes extended more than 2 inches past the patio fence. Oh - I got fined too. Had a neighbor get a write up for not getting pre-approval for plants he put in without a written approval - no fine for him - just had to go to an HOA board meeting to explain himself...and the list could go on and on...

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I don't know if that was meant to be sarcastic or not - but the HOAs out here in San Diego definitely act like little nazis. Those people have way to much time on their hands. I got written up twice - my garage door was seen open without me in the garage and one of my bushes extended more than 2 inches past the patio fence. Oh - I got fined too. Had a neighbor get a write up for not getting pre-approval for plants he put in without a written approval - no fine for him - just had to go to an HOA board meeting to explain himself...and the list could go on and on...

:asdf: :asdf: :asdf: :asdf:

Hayzeus Flippin Christos

some people really really really need to get lives

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On the other hand, some like mine are worthless. There is a foreclosed house near my block where we walk and the weeds are taller than my wife (literally they are nearly six foot tall) and no forced mow has happened or anything. At the homeowners association meeting we were told that they basically would never enforce any rules because it costs money to pay lawyer fees.

In this case, it is stupid, as it's his vehicle. If he were putting signs up all over his yard looking tacky that would be one thing, but this is different.

Also, I wonder if this is true or not. It could be a mean prank or a hoax, only time will tell.

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The entire concept of HOAs is UNAMERICAN.

These breeding grounds for annoying neighbors (the ones who want to lord it over the rest) are, by virtue of their inherent structure, both FASCIST and COMMUNIST.

I will not debate the merits of any given issue regarding HOAs... I simply believe they should be completely BANNED in America.

However, they will not be banned anytime soon. The reason they have quietly become the dominant form of quasi-municipal government is because they provide and insidiously quiet way to "raise taxes" for municipal services.

Of course, none of them want to be known or defined as such, but allowing homeowners to be taxed with little to no voice or oversight, practically speaking, is the secret they want kept hidden.

The false label of "free market" choices being made by informed homebuyers is complete BUNK.

In most cities in the US these days, there is almost NO new housing being built (for single family ownership) WITHOUT an HOA in place.

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Agreed wholeheartedly

  Rocky said:
The entire concept of HOAs is UNAMERICAN.

These breeding grounds for annoying neighbors (the ones who want to lord it over the rest) are, by virtue of their inherent structure, both FASCIST and COMMUNIST.

I will not debate the merits of any given issue regarding HOAs... I simply believe they should be completely BANNED in America.

However, they will not be banned anytime soon. The reason they have quietly become the dominant form of quasi-municipal government is because they provide and insidiously quiet way to "raise taxes" for municipal services.

Of course, none of them want to be known or defined as such, but allowing homeowners to be taxed with little to no voice or oversight, practically speaking, is the secret they want kept hidden.

The false label of "free market" choices being made by informed homebuyers is complete BUNK.

In most cities in the US these days, there is almost NO new housing being built (for single family ownership) WITHOUT an HOA in place.

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  Rocky said:
The entire concept of HOAs is UNAMERICAN.

These breeding grounds for annoying neighbors (the ones who want to lord it over the rest) are, by virtue of their inherent structure, both FASCIST and COMMUNIST.

I will not debate the merits of any given issue regarding HOAs... I simply believe they should be completely BANNED in America.

However, they will not be banned anytime soon. The reason they have quietly become the dominant form of quasi-municipal government is because they provide and insidiously quiet way to "raise taxes" for municipal services.

Of course, none of them want to be known or defined as such, but allowing homeowners to be taxed with little to no voice or oversight, practically speaking, is the secret they want kept hidden.

The false label of "free market" choices being made by informed homebuyers is complete BUNK.

In most cities in the US these days, there is almost NO new housing being built (for single family ownership) WITHOUT an HOA in place.

Call Ripley! I agree with Rocky!

Growing up in a Chicago suburb -- no HOA.

College, grad school -- no HOA.

First house in Texas -- no HOA.

Second house in Texas -- no HOA.

Moved closer to Houston -- NOW I have an HOA.

To be fair, this one doesn't seem particularly fascist, but I rankle at the idea of paying someone to tell me how to live my life.


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  Rocky said:
The entire concept of HOAs is UNAMERICAN.

These breeding grounds for annoying neighbors (the ones who want to lord it over the rest) are, by virtue of their inherent structure, both FASCIST and COMMUNIST.

I will not debate the merits of any given issue regarding HOAs... I simply believe they should be completely BANNED in America.

However, they will not be banned anytime soon. The reason they have quietly become the dominant form of quasi-municipal government is because they provide and insidiously quiet way to "raise taxes" for municipal services.

Of course, none of them want to be known or defined as such, but allowing homeowners to be taxed with little to no voice or oversight, practically speaking, is the secret they want kept hidden.

The false label of "free market" choices being made by informed homebuyers is complete BUNK.

In most cities in the US these days, there is almost NO new housing being built (for single family ownership) WITHOUT an HOA in place.

I disagree, only because I've seen the effect of someone not maintaining their house to a minimum level (e.g. leaving rusting cars in their front yard, having a broken front door with a hole through it, and a blue tarp on their roof for nearly a decade) can have on the resale value of their neighbors. I also like the idea of having neighborhood playgrounds, clubhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, etc.

While I agree that the fascistic HOAs are a problem, I also think that if they are democratic, they can serve some value. The key, like any other form of government, is to require open elections on a regular basis, and open accounting and goings on. If the person in charge of writing the "tickets" for your neighborhood is a fascist, run against them in the election and you'll probably have a lot of your neighbors supporting you.

Unfortunately, not all HOAs allow open government. In fact, mine has become a thorn in my side by not enforcing any of the rules and lowering their standards. At the last meeting I discovered that the owner of the majority of the property (this is a newly built, not yet fully developed community) is in charge of the HOA by themselves and no community input is really listened to. As a result, I'm considering starting a campaign to encourage people to not pay their dues until we get a voice in the HOA. My idea is to start a web site, pass out flyers and put up signs encouraging people to sign a petition and refuse to pay their dues. However, I want to 1) get my son born first, and 2) get my wife's citizenship completed in case I accidentally do something that results in me going to jail.

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I agree Rocky.

  Rocky said:
The entire concept of HOAs is UNAMERICAN.

These breeding grounds for annoying neighbors (the ones who want to lord it over the rest) are, by virtue of their inherent structure, both FASCIST and COMMUNIST.

I will not debate the merits of any given issue regarding HOAs... I simply believe they should be completely BANNED in America.

However, they will not be banned anytime soon. The reason they have quietly become the dominant form of quasi-municipal government is because they provide and insidiously quiet way to "raise taxes" for municipal services.

Of course, none of them want to be known or defined as such, but allowing homeowners to be taxed with little to no voice or oversight, practically speaking, is the secret they want kept hidden.

The false label of "free market" choices being made by informed homebuyers is complete BUNK.

In most cities in the US these days, there is almost NO new housing being built (for single family ownership) WITHOUT an HOA in place.

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  Mister P-Mosh said:
I disagree, only because I've seen the effect of someone not maintaining their house to a minimum level (e.g. leaving rusting cars in their front yard, having a broken front door with a hole through it, and a blue tarp on their roof for nearly a decade) can have on the resale value of their neighbors. I also like the idea of having neighborhood playgrounds, clubhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, etc.

Fair enough - I also agree. However I have yet to be in an HOA (and have been in three) that were not only into the above but also into the whole nazi thing as well. Maybe it's just San Diegans and their fascination with their own property

While I agree that the fascistic HOAs are a problem, I also think that if they are democratic, they can serve some value. The key, like any other form of government, is to require open elections on a regular basis, and open accounting and goings on. If the person in charge of writing the "tickets" for your neighborhood is a fascist, run against them in the election and you'll probably have a lot of your neighbors supporting you.

Depends on how entrenched the incumbents are. Even with open elections my current HOA seems to somehow see to it that the only nominees are cronies of the garage door nazi honchos. Of course there is a write in but unless you are willing to campaign pretty hard to get your whole neighborhood to "write in" the same person it is a losing prospect based on the odds.

Unfortunately, not all HOAs allow open government. In fact, mine has become a thorn in my side by not enforcing any of the rules and lowering their standards. At the last meeting I discovered that the owner of the majority of the property (this is a newly built, not yet fully developed community) is in charge of the HOA by themselves and no community input is really listened to. As a result, I'm considering starting a campaign to encourage people to not pay their dues until we get a voice in the HOA. My idea is to start a web site, pass out flyers and put up signs encouraging people to sign a petition and refuse to pay their dues. However, I want to 1) get my son born first, and 2) get my wife's citizenship completed in case I accidentally do something that results in me going to jail.

It is fairly common for the developer to run the HOA until the development is complete. They then will make a transition to a group of elected locals - usually leaving two seats for themselves until the warranties run out - then finally transition to a completely local group...by which time the flower nazis have entrenched themselves.

ALSO - BE CAREFUL - check your CC&R's about not paying your dues. Mine said if a person was too far behind they could put a lien on the property and it could only be settled through the San Diego Arbiter's Commission which would be considered binding. While a popular "uprising" sounds effective they can all too easily backfire since the attorneys who wrote those documents have no doubt already seen "uprisings."

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I do extensive structural repairs for HOAs that are paid for by settlements from litigation that the HOA has brought against builders for construction defects. Endless stories of meetings not attended but by a few and then the super whining by a few disgruntles that wont lift a finger or get involved until all the work has been done by non-paid board members.

Last meeting I attended a wonderful little lady stood up declaring in a broken Polish accent that she survived the Nazi camps and the board members were all fascist Nazi Hitlers! This was because she couldn't have plants in the camps and now no plants on her deck! Her deck is being completely removed and replaced.

All 5 board members are Jewish and all had relatives in the camps. :unsure:

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  waysider said:
Whatever happened to the days when the burden of zoning enforcement fell on a government entity?

Privatization. End of story.

Btw, I escaped HOAland when I sold my house in 2005. I now live in a 55+ retirement/manufactured home community (even though I won't be old enough until later this year).

I own my home but rent the space. There's reasonable balance in power relationships here.

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Nope, I don't pay any dues and can do whatever I like on/with my private property.

I paid for it and I can use it as I see fit which is how it should be.

It's not quite midnight yet...I think I'll go in the front yard and fire a few practice rounds with my new 9mm pistol.

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