A minimum of 10 students at $755 a pop? Sounds like a decent profit being made...
...and no college credits to boot! Hmmm, let me think about that one for awhile.
In our (for the time being) free-market society, brideofjc is free to charge what (s)he believes the market will bear. Having learned Greek in high school (let's hear it for the Jesuits), I have no need for the service, but others might.
In our (for the time being) free-market society, brideofjc is free to charge what (s)he believes the market will bear. Having learned Greek in high school (let's hear it for the Jesuits), I have no need for the service, but others might.
Yea Im Ok with that ---charge 8K each if you can get away with it. It sounds a little steep to me for a weekend seminar(the last one I took --a glass blowing class ---was about half of that) but have at it. I have no interest in Koine Greek myself . If you were offering classes in Orthodox Icon painting, medival manuscript illumination, old truck repairs for the complete imbecile, or labyrinth construction techniques I'd check it out further and consider it, but Greek and word studies doesnt hold much relevance personally for me anymore
In our (for the time being) free-market society, brideofjc is free to charge what (s)he believes the market will bear.
... a-n-n-d-d, since we're talking free market economy, and what it will bear, bear in mind that part of said market is the (almost obligatory) oft-used practice of us consumers w-h-i-n-i-n-g about 'high price' this and 'outrageously expensive' that. :B)
Ohh ohh ohh, I also noticed your little jab there. Ie., "(for the time being) free-market society" (hhhhmmmm, I wonder who George was alluding to with that one? ;) ). But, rather than derailing the thread with where I think that came from, I'll be a gentleman, and hold my tongue about that, ... in this thread anyway.
me too. well, I can't bring myself to beat up a lady..
Bride.. do you have a bachellor's degree?
just a thought.. there are a few universities *dumb* enough to actually PAY squirrels to torture freshmen with math symbols, or in other words, teach math..
and toss in a generous (almost a living) stipend.. and FREE graduate classes to boot..
Sorry, I still see the humor in all of this.. (i.e. can't stop laughing)..
I won't get rich, but it will be fun..
a man (or woman's ) gift makes room for him (her)..
might not be at the pay scale one might want.. but what the hay..
Shame on you silly boys for being ugly towards Bride's post. I don't agree with a lot of her posts on doctrinal but she is,
as Ham pointed out, a lady. She has always acted so in her posts.
Bride, I love words, languages and the origin of them. I don't know where you live but if I was close enough and my schedule permitted I would take your class.
Like you, I have a business of my own. Besides, being a culinary arts instructor at the college, I give private sewing lessons. Right now my largest class is a group of home-schooling mothers. Whether, I have one or 10 (the limit) the price is the same....$30.00 an hour. They pay one month in advance. The class is once a week for 2 hours. I have a waiting list. The tougher the economy gets the more people are interested in learning this art/skill.
On top of that I have 2 clients I cook for. I go to their home and cook a week's worth of meals. One is an older lady and her children have me do this and pay me. The other is a couple. He is a neuro-surgeon and she is head nurse in her dept. This pays more than teaching sewing. My price does vary with the number of meals I prepare.
Funny, how it is thought the fee you charge is all profit. After planning, studying, preparing, materials, gas, oil, tires, wear and tear on the vehicle, food, hotel, cost of room to hold classes, taxes, and more taxes, insurance, wardrobe, hold $$$ in reserve in case the aforesaid vehicle croaks etc., etc., the profit margin dwindles. Did I mention taxes?
First off, my point to George wasn't a complaint against Bride's pricing perse (Heck, I have no idea what the going price for Greek coins--err, Koine classes would be.)
Just wanted to point out something else about the free enterprise system to George when he (apparently) thought it was being attacked or something. And that is customers gripe and squawk about prices, whether they are actually 'too high' or not.
And here's to success for Bride's coin--err Koine Greek classes.
Shame on you silly boys for being ugly towards Bride's post. I don't agree with a lot of her posts on doctrinal but she is,
as Ham pointed out, a lady. She has always acted so in her posts.
Bride, I love words, languages and the origin of them. I don't know where you live but if I was close enough and my schedule permitted I would take your class.
Like you, I have a business of my own. Besides, being a culinary arts instructor at the college, I give private sewing lessons. Right now my largest class is a group of home-schooling mothers. Whether, I have one or 10 (the limit) the price is the same....$30.00 an hour. They pay one month in advance. The class is once a week for 2 hours. I have a waiting list. The tougher the economy gets the more people are interested in learning this art/skill.
On top of that I have 2 clients I cook for. I go to their home and cook a week's worth of meals. One is an older lady and her children have me do this and pay me. The other is a couple. He is a neuro-surgeon and she is head nurse in her dept. This pays more than teaching sewing. My price does vary with the number of meals I prepare.
Funny, how it is thought the fee you charge is all profit. After planning, studying, preparing, materials, gas, oil, tires, wear and tear on the vehicle, food, hotel, cost of room to hold classes, taxes, and more taxes, insurance, wardrobe, hold $$$ in reserve in case the aforesaid vehicle croaks etc., etc., the profit margin dwindles. Did I mention taxes?
You go girl!!!
Thanks Kimberly,
It is being offered at a ridiculously low price, one place charges $1200 and another $1800. Of course they offer college credits and I do not. You could take their class and AUDIT it for a slightly lower price, but I'm guessing it probably is still way more than what I'm charging.
As far as profit goes??? LOL....You're right, after I have to set aside money to pay IRS for a self employment position, gas to get there if it is within the 200 mile range...or airfare if it is not....hotel, food, printing, possible conference room fees unless a church can host me in their building etc. etc.
So 755.00 for somewhat local and $1000 for further away and the class is being taught at a college level, and it's live with students being able to ask their questions live and not have to do it via email. Yeah...I'd say the customer will be getting a rather cheap price indeed for a high octane class.
Hey, Kimberly....
Like I posted....I am offering to travel as long as there is a minimum of ten students...so if you go to church ...or perhaps you could do me a favor and post it at your university, if you are allowed to do so. I think ancient Greek is the most fascinating of all the languages. Perhaps this is why God chose that moment in history to write the New Testament. :)
me too. well, I can't bring myself to beat up a lady..
Bride.. do you have a bachellor's degree?
just a thought.. there are a few universities *dumb* enough to actually PAY squirrels to torture freshmen with math symbols, or in other words, teach math..
and toss in a generous (almost a living) stipend.. and FREE graduate classes to boot..
Sorry, I still see the humor in all of this.. (i.e. can't stop laughing)..
I won't get rich, but it will be fun..
a man (or woman's ) gift makes room for him (her)..
might not be at the pay scale one might want.. but what the hay..
Hey, Ham....
I have my Master's Degree. Plus, I have taught this course before and I taught it for free....Started out with 11 students and ended up with four...
I guess it really is true...people place more value upon that which they have to pay for. At the time, I didn't feel led by the Lord to charge a fee....but the Lord has since released me from that premise. I didn't charge before because I was unsure if it would be considered as the Gospel and the Gospel should be taught for free. However, I have since come to terms with that....and I am teaching a language class, not the Gospel.
First off, my point to George wasn't a complaint against Bride's pricing perse (Heck, I have no idea what the going price for Greek coins--err, Koine classes would be.)
Just wanted to point out something else about the free enterprise system to George when he (apparently) thought it was being attacked or something. And that is customers gripe and squawk about prices, whether they are actually 'too high' or not.
And here's to success for Bride's coin--err Koine Greek classes.
It annoyed people (WC). Who the hell did I think I was? Learning stuff?
Yeah, I know....sometimes people are really put off by a person who has been educated formally.
A question about the cost, if I may: ... Do we have to pay in Greek koines?
I will take pounds, Euros or any other easily exchanged commodity. However, if the Greek coins are ancient enough and sell well enough on the open market, I might take those indeed. But generally speaking, good old green stuff will do...you know the kind with American Presidents on it?
But seriously, if you would like to learn and know of 9 other people, the Accelerated class will do just fine.
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Is there a green card to sign?
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A minimum of 10 students at $755 a pop? Sounds like a decent profit being made...
...and no college credits to boot! Hmmm, let me think about that one for awhile.
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Groucho teaches Greek too...for less than that...
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now I see
A case of Old Milwaukee?
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Ahh so you know Groucho
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Didn't "Dr." talk about Greek in CF&S?
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now I see
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In our (for the time being) free-market society, brideofjc is free to charge what (s)he believes the market will bear. Having learned Greek in high school (let's hear it for the Jesuits), I have no need for the service, but others might.
Edited by GeorgeStGeorgeLink to comment
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Yea Im Ok with that ---charge 8K each if you can get away with it. It sounds a little steep to me for a weekend seminar(the last one I took --a glass blowing class ---was about half of that) but have at it. I have no interest in Koine Greek myself . If you were offering classes in Orthodox Icon painting, medival manuscript illumination, old truck repairs for the complete imbecile, or labyrinth construction techniques I'd check it out further and consider it, but Greek and word studies doesnt hold much relevance personally for me anymore
O--and hooray for the Jesuits
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I like gyros! :)
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... a-n-n-d-d, since we're talking free market economy, and what it will bear, bear in mind that part of said market is the (almost obligatory) oft-used practice of us consumers w-h-i-n-i-n-g about 'high price' this and 'outrageously expensive' that.
Ohh ohh ohh, I also noticed your little jab there. Ie., "(for the time being) free-market society" (hhhhmmmm, I wonder who George was alluding to with that one? ;) ). But, rather than derailing the thread
with where I think that came from, I'll be a gentleman, and hold my tongue about that, ... in this thread anyway.
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me too. well, I can't bring myself to beat up a lady..
Bride.. do you have a bachellor's degree?
just a thought.. there are a few universities *dumb* enough to actually PAY squirrels to torture freshmen with math symbols, or in other words, teach math..
and toss in a generous (almost a living) stipend.. and FREE graduate classes to boot..
Sorry, I still see the humor in all of this.. (i.e. can't stop laughing)..
I won't get rich, but it will be fun..
a man (or woman's ) gift makes room for him (her)..
might not be at the pay scale one might want.. but what the hay..
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Shame on you silly boys for being ugly towards Bride's post. I don't agree with a lot of her posts on doctrinal but she is,
as Ham pointed out, a lady. She has always acted so in her posts.
Bride, I love words, languages and the origin of them. I don't know where you live but if I was close enough and my schedule permitted I would take your class.
Like you, I have a business of my own. Besides, being a culinary arts instructor at the college, I give private sewing lessons. Right now my largest class is a group of home-schooling mothers. Whether, I have one or 10 (the limit) the price is the same....$30.00 an hour. They pay one month in advance. The class is once a week for 2 hours. I have a waiting list. The tougher the economy gets the more people are interested in learning this art/skill.
On top of that I have 2 clients I cook for. I go to their home and cook a week's worth of meals. One is an older lady and her children have me do this and pay me. The other is a couple. He is a neuro-surgeon and she is head nurse in her dept. This pays more than teaching sewing. My price does vary with the number of meals I prepare.
Funny, how it is thought the fee you charge is all profit. After planning, studying, preparing, materials, gas, oil, tires, wear and tear on the vehicle, food, hotel, cost of room to hold classes, taxes, and more taxes, insurance, wardrobe, hold $$$ in reserve in case the aforesaid vehicle croaks etc., etc., the profit margin dwindles. Did I mention taxes?
You go girl!!!
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Be nice to me Kimberly. If I wasn't a crusty - very old - curmudgeon you wouldn't have anything to worry about any more.
Bride - Go teach'em Greek. Make some money - nothing wrong with that. Buy yourself a good ale to drink and hoist one for the kids.
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First off, my point to George wasn't a complaint against Bride's pricing perse (Heck, I have no idea what the going price for Greek coins--err, Koine classes would be.)
Just wanted to point out something else about the free enterprise system to George when he (apparently) thought it was being attacked or something. And that is customers gripe and squawk about prices, whether they are actually 'too high' or not.
And here's to success for Bride's coin--err Koine Greek classes.
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Talking about Greek and TEACHING Greek are two fundamentally opposed positions.
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Hey, Ham....
I have my Master's Degree. Plus, I have taught this course before and I taught it for free....Started out with 11 students and ended up with four...
I guess it really is true...people place more value upon that which they have to pay for. At the time, I didn't feel led by the Lord to charge a fee....but the Lord has since released me from that premise. I didn't charge before because I was unsure if it would be considered as the Gospel and the Gospel should be taught for free. However, I have since come to terms with that....and I am teaching a language class, not the Gospel.
Thanks RumRunner and GarthP, I hope so too.
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I was just funnin' with you.
The kind of "Greek" he talked about in CF&S was not a language.
No offense intended.
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OOOOHHHHH... Are you sure it wasn't French????
Like..."Excuse my French??"
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I started teaching myself NT Greek once.
It annoyed people (WC). Who the hell did I think I was? Learning stuff?
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A question about the cost, if I may: ... Do we have to pay in Greek koines?
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Yeah, I know....sometimes people are really put off by a person who has been educated formally.
I will take pounds, Euros or any other easily exchanged commodity. However, if the Greek coins are ancient enough and sell well enough on the open market, I might take those indeed. But generally speaking, good old green stuff will do...you know the kind with American Presidents on it?
But seriously, if you would like to learn and know of 9 other people, the Accelerated class will do just fine.
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