My pantyhose aren't in a twist, thank you, Rummie. I was really just trying to get you to come out and say what you were saying without being so vague.
My pantyhose aren't in a twist, thank you, Rummie. I was really just trying to get you to come out and say what you were saying without being so vague.
Guessing is so much more fun anyway!
Isn't any need to guess Linda - I think I stated it clearly - but for the record - no you aren't one of the posters I was thinking of - but thanks for your permission if had I thought so.
Linda you need to re-read my post and untwist the knot in those panty hose. I gave examples without giving names - per your post-suggestion however - face it - if I gave examples of posts then the names (S/Ns at least) are revealed. I'm a little beyond that thank you. Brainfixed can see it on his/her own, not see it, or ignore me. Either way my evening marguerita tastes fine thanks.
I accused no one. I implied no one. I pointedly stated that some people still have their pulpits. Brainfixed made it clear he/she was not interested in what sounded like "way exhortation." That is not veiled and neither was my response. It was about as plain as Dick, Jane and Sally - oh don't forget Spot.
No it was veiled. I hope you are not talking about me RumRunner. But, then again, what do I care. . . have at it.
You are right though. . . there are plenty of pulpits around here. Some sermons preached from them extoll the virtues not found in an average Sunday Sermon.
I have nearly completed cynicism 101. . . just mail me my grade.
No one exhorted anyone to do anything but consider another perspective. The HORROR!! (How am I doing? A+ worthy?)
All I did was point to the "Snapping" thread. Well worth the read. But, then again, there was a University study involved. Why bother?
I see reading what is actually written has flown right out the window. Reacting and being the most pi$$ed off seems to win the day.
This is my final project. . . . are you grading on a curve?? I hope not considering the thread.
Extra credit: When remembering one's WEDDING and the birth of their CHILDREN. . . . and few nice people and a few laughs equates to being a delusional, Way-brained, insensitive wench. . . . . . it might be time to check how that anger embracing is working out for ya!!
One fact is, I was badly injured in a car accident in 1972, and when VPW ministered healing, I had a remarkably rapid, positive, permanent result. I don't really care much how it happened. I'm just thankful that it happened.
Here's another fact. I know full well that some of VPW's behaviors/actions were far from fitting for a Christian minister. I am not ignoring or excusing those, nor am I delusional about them.
No one exhorted anyone to do anything but consider another perspective. The HORROR!! (How am I doing? A+ worthy?)
Perhaps I was unclear then...although not veiled which implies some intentional camouflage. I was not suggesting that everyone was trying to exhort Brainfixed - although as you also noted there are plenty of pulpits here - so I can see how if BF has been poking around I can see how he/she might be a little antsy about the number of people who try to help (which BF noted). That was a good old recruiting tactic in der vey.
Anyway I never give out an A+. I'll give you an A. If you were a guy I would give you extra credit for remembering the wedding and birthdays but chicks always seem to have dates like that down pat.
Don't forget to turn in your final in the cynics class. Indeed grammer duz kount az duz spelling. Your final essay topic is "Does cynics imply a lack of civics?" Extra credit if you come up with a sound solution to the question and still remain cynical.
One fact is, I was badly injured in a car accident in 1972, and when VPW ministered healing, I had a remarkably rapid, positive, permanent result. I don't really care much how it happened. I'm just thankful that it happened.
Here's another fact. I know full well that some of VPW's behaviors/actions were far from fitting for a Christian minister. I am not ignoring or excusing those, nor am I delusional about them.
Geisha: I give you an A+ :)
and I'm not minimizing your personal experience either. The freakish (not as in being a freak.. freakish as in rare as raining cows in a thunderstorm instead of rainwater or something) occurrence would not be unlike Him forcing a known hoodlum, murderer and psychopath to take a five minute break, and open soup kitchens and give away free coffee and doughnuts..
It DID happen..
I've had the same kind of "freakish occurrence" happen as well.. imagine, in a time of economic downturn, technology jobs going away.. universities making drastic budget cuts.. a university actually PAYING a scruffy middle or past aged Squirrel to teach math, and throw in free graduate classes to boot..
Hmmm, well a double standard is clearly in play here.
Ham makes fun of Linda Z's side of the stor-ee, a positive one on this thread. Because it involves VPW it gets ridiculed. Caveats and proviso's up the ying yang are noted and provided.
Turn it around - if someone else posted a negative experience with VPW and that was ridiculed - how well would it play? How has it played out in the past?
Pretty much the goal of ridiculing anone about anything here can be achieved if VPW's name is involved. I goof on things too but I try to steer clear of denigrating other's valued life's experience.
I still don't see anyone relating to GS that fits your description, RunRunner. In fact, I don't think there's anyone like that posting regularly on this thread or any of the most recent ones I got caught up on today.
Turn it around - if someone else posted a negative experience with VPW and that was ridiculed - how well would it play? How has it played out in the past?
I still don't see anyone relating to GS that fits your description, RunRunner. In fact, I don't think there's anyone like that posting regularly on this thread or any of the most recent ones I got caught up on today.
C'est la vie?
I never said or implied it was on this thread socks - I made it quite clear that I was referring to segments of GSC's population not the people posting on here - so don't try to jerk my chain on that issue.
BTW while you may not see anyone at GSC like that - funny that in private conversations with many people here one of the things that is almost always brought up by others is that very issue - how many people still have pulpits here - and I am not referring to christianity solely. So....seems like I am not the only one with the viewpoint... Maybe we're all messed up though and this is just a lovely little corner of christendom with no problems - oops - wait - seems like there WAS a problem twixt cynic and WG which resulted in some strong words from Pawtucket...
Next, of course, you will point out the difference between having a pulpit and simply not getting along with someone(s). However I am quite through on the topic.
if it makes any difference.. I'm not making fun of your "side of the str-ee" linda. It''s my perception of it, considering what I've come to learn of the vicster's character.
1. I am taking you at your word.. that it ACTUALLY happened..
2. Now add the vicster's documented non-ethical, non christian behavior..
and I say.. if the almighty wants to strap a large encumberances on a lead brick to make it fly.. so be it..
I've seen similar dealings with certain people.. sycophants take a five minute break from obnoxious selfishness, greed, arrogance, and unbridled.. what's the word, it'll come to me five minutes after I post this..
but take a momentary break from all that, and actually compassionately help another individual..
so no. I am not laughing at *you*, if it makes any difference..
Maybe it's just the almighty.. no matter how evil, arrogant, criminal.. abusive or such a man can choose to be.. "by gawd.. nothing I make can be ENTIRELY useless.."
like Capone..
didn't do much to fix his reputation in history, but he DID feed a few hungry people in Chicago..
I dont' get it, get that, and won't get it I'm sure. I don't see pulpits. I must not be as well churched as the rest of you.
To my ears that's the same kind of back-door judgemental attitude that the closeminded leadership of the Way had. Same kind of general, broad brush, ill stated and uncorroborated back stabbing smear campaign the Way could run and perfected. "Some of you SUCK! Those with eyes to see GET it."
Actually that is not an attitude unique to the Way, hardly, so certainly not limited to ex-Wafers. They were just good at it.
Problems? This place on a bad day is a Care Bear Picnic. I don't see the particular kind of profiling on any of the threads I've been reading of late that meet your description RR with any degree of consistency. Sorry, I'm not agreeing with the "many" so I'll remain part of the "few" I guess.
It's funny how you immediately qualified your statements with the phrase "Maybe we're all messed up though and this is just a lovely little corner of christendom with no problems "
It's always Christendom's problem isn't it?
Hardee hardee har har. The biggest pulpit here is the Ultra Critical Judgment Box where anyone can say anything as long as it trashes VPW specifically and the Way generally. As long as you do that you've got your Shields up, Cap'n, you can get away with murder and if you take exception to it you'll be branded and tattooed. Privately. And publicly.
I dont' get it, get that, and won't get it I'm sure. I don't see pulpits. I must not be as well churched as the rest of you.
To my ears that's the same kind of back-door judgemental attitude that the closeminded leadership of the Way had. Same kind of general, broad brush, ill stated and uncorroborated back stabbing smear campaign the Way could run and perfected. "Some of you SUCK! Those with eyes to see GET it."
Actually that is not an attitude unique to the Way, hardly, so certainly not limited to ex-Wafers. They were just good at it.
Problems? This place on a bad day is a Care Bear Picnic. I don't see the particular kind of profiling on any of the threads I've been reading of late that meet your description RR with any degree of consistency. Sorry, I'm not agreeing with the "many" so I'll remain part of the "few" I guess.
It's funny how you immediately qualified your statements with the phrase "Maybe we're all messed up though and this is just a lovely little corner of christendom with no problems "
It's always Christendom's problem isn't it?
Sweet twist their socks. I made it quite plain that I was referring not to christianity solely - so far you have misquoted me, or blatantly ignored parts of my posts, to your "advantage" every time. I think maybe you are starting to fit into what you describe below as long as it is someone besides vic...of course if memory serves me...
Hardee hardee har har. The biggest pulpit here is the Ultra Critical Judgment Box where anyone can say anything as long as it trashes VPW specifically and the Way generally. As long as you do that you've got your Shields up, Cap'n, you can get away with murder and if you take exception to it you'll be branded and tattooed. Privately. And publicly.
LOL - dude - refer to your line one of this quote where you don't see any pulpits but just above acknowledge that there is a "biggest pulpit here" - biggest implies at least one more pulpit by your own words. Which is it? None? Two or more? I call BS on ya man.
Now with regard to trashing vic and twi - that is, IMO, fair game. Doesn't always make it a correct memory or recounting of what happened but the evidence as well as testimony about vic and cronies causing enormous personal damage is pretty overwhelming. Doesn't mean everything that was said in twi was wrong nor everything that happened was wrong. But if the net balances come out weighing in on more hurt than help then there is a serious set of flaws either in a large number of people, the organization, or both.
Further; since the stated mission of GSC is, in part, to tell the other side of the story - well bring it on posters - "the other side" seems to be more common than the "still in favor of" at GSC - and in some cases, albeit not many, posters who personally know each other have publicly supported the "facts" presented from a poster.
The only thing I'll give you about trashing vic is that the same old story gets a tad old to read and reread. [Poster 1] Vic did A. [Poster 2] Yeah and vic did B too. [Poster 3] Yeah vic sure did A [Poster 4] Not only did he do A but he did C too...Six months later...[Poster 73] I just found this old thread <insert name> and yeah vic sure did A
Maybe it's all a matter of perception and definition.
When someone makes the focus of their posting activity an avenue to promote a personal agenda, I see that as "speaking from the pulpit". Maybe prosylatizing would be a better word. It could be about anything, really, but typically it's been about an inordinate promotion of such things as: PFAL equaling The Word of God, insisting that every incident be proven, looking for any opportunity to bash Obama, repeated invitations to join a "church" and so forth. Just my opinion but those are things that I would consider to be encompassed in this pulpit idea. I don't let it bother me, though, as long as the "preacher" is open to honest and open discourse regarding whatever their agenda might be.
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There were no "good" times. There were a few good people, but even my first visit - a branch meeting - was not what I would call "good". Overwhelming - yes. I was told it would cost at least a dollar
Linda Z
I'm not quite sure what you're getting at, RumRunner. Without naming names, what are you talking about? You can give examples of behavior/types of posts without naming names. I'm really trying to und
I'm glad vpw is dead.
Linda Z
My pantyhose aren't in a twist, thank you, Rummie. I was really just trying to get you to come out and say what you were saying without being so vague.
Guessing is so much more fun anyway!
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i do love you so much
i'm always trying to figure out how you got healed by veepee ministering to you and how much i hate his guts lol
however, i think god just loves you so much, he used the bastad
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Isn't any need to guess Linda - I think I stated it clearly - but for the record - no you aren't one of the posters I was thinking of - but thanks for your permission if had I thought so.
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Interesting idea. Sort of like God getting Balaam to bless Israel, no matter how much he tried not to!
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The children of Israel did end up snuffing old Balaam out, didn't they?
"Thanks for the.. whatever.. but we gotta do what we gotta do.."

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I think it's an apt description..
I don't think the vicster was a prophet or anything..
but it's pretty similar.. such a dullard, he wouldn't get it if his donkey took up ta few issues with him..

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"God USED him.."
it's like something I heard from some guy in the air force.. enough hardware, and even a lead brick can fly..
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I dunno.. maybe God was bored that day.. been too easy and routine to send a *real* minister to do the job..
I might be laughing.. but Linda, in all sincerity..I think the almighty loves you enough he made a lead dump truck fly for you that day..

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No it was veiled. I hope you are not talking about me RumRunner. But, then again, what do I care. . . have at it.
You are right though. . . there are plenty of pulpits around here. Some sermons preached from them extoll the virtues not found in an average Sunday Sermon.
I have nearly completed cynicism 101. . . just mail me my grade.
No one exhorted anyone to do anything but consider another perspective. The HORROR!! (How am I doing? A+ worthy?)
All I did was point to the "Snapping" thread. Well worth the read. But, then again, there was a University study involved. Why bother?
I see reading what is actually written has flown right out the window. Reacting and being the most pi$$ed off seems to win the day.
This is my final project. . . . are you grading on a curve?? I hope not considering the thread.
Does grammar count??
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Extra credit: When remembering one's WEDDING and the birth of their CHILDREN. . . . and few nice people and a few laughs equates to being a delusional, Way-brained, insensitive wench. . . . . . it might be time to check how that anger embracing is working out for ya!!
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Linda Z
Laugh all you like, Ham. It doesn't bother me.
I like to deal in facts.
One fact is, I was badly injured in a car accident in 1972, and when VPW ministered healing, I had a remarkably rapid, positive, permanent result. I don't really care much how it happened. I'm just thankful that it happened.
Here's another fact. I know full well that some of VPW's behaviors/actions were far from fitting for a Christian minister. I am not ignoring or excusing those, nor am I delusional about them.
Geisha: I give you an A+ :)
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Perhaps I was unclear then...although not veiled which implies some intentional camouflage. I was not suggesting that everyone was trying to exhort Brainfixed - although as you also noted there are plenty of pulpits here - so I can see how if BF has been poking around I can see how he/she might be a little antsy about the number of people who try to help (which BF noted). That was a good old recruiting tactic in der vey.
Anyway I never give out an A+. I'll give you an A. If you were a guy I would give you extra credit for remembering the wedding and birthdays but chicks always seem to have dates like that down pat.
Don't forget to turn in your final in the cynics class. Indeed grammer duz kount az duz spelling. Your final essay topic is "Does cynics imply a lack of civics?" Extra credit if you come up with a sound solution to the question and still remain cynical.
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and I'm not minimizing your personal experience either. The freakish (not as in being a freak.. freakish as in rare as raining cows in a thunderstorm instead of rainwater or something) occurrence would not be unlike Him forcing a known hoodlum, murderer and psychopath to take a five minute break, and open soup kitchens and give away free coffee and doughnuts..
It DID happen..
I've had the same kind of "freakish occurrence" happen as well.. imagine, in a time of economic downturn, technology jobs going away.. universities making drastic budget cuts.. a university actually PAYING a scruffy middle or past aged Squirrel to teach math, and throw in free graduate classes to boot..
does anyone else see the humor in this?
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Hmmm, well a double standard is clearly in play here.
Ham makes fun of Linda Z's side of the stor-ee, a positive one on this thread. Because it involves VPW it gets ridiculed. Caveats and proviso's up the ying yang are noted and provided.
Turn it around - if someone else posted a negative experience with VPW and that was ridiculed - how well would it play? How has it played out in the past?
Pretty much the goal of ridiculing anone about anything here can be achieved if VPW's name is involved. I goof on things too but I try to steer clear of denigrating other's valued life's experience.
I still don't see anyone relating to GS that fits your description, RunRunner. In fact, I don't think there's anyone like that posting regularly on this thread or any of the most recent ones I got caught up on today.
C'est la vie?
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Linda Z
Is that a rhetorical question?
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I never said or implied it was on this thread socks - I made it quite clear that I was referring to segments of GSC's population not the people posting on here - so don't try to jerk my chain on that issue.
BTW while you may not see anyone at GSC like that - funny that in private conversations with many people here one of the things that is almost always brought up by others is that very issue - how many people still have pulpits here - and I am not referring to christianity solely. So....seems like I am not the only one with the viewpoint... Maybe we're all messed up though and this is just a lovely little corner of christendom with no problems - oops - wait - seems like there WAS a problem twixt cynic and WG which resulted in some strong words from Pawtucket...
Next, of course, you will point out the difference between having a pulpit and simply not getting along with someone(s). However I am quite through on the topic.
Geisha I await your final exam!!!
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if it makes any difference.. I'm not making fun of your "side of the str-ee" linda. It''s my perception of it, considering what I've come to learn of the vicster's character.
1. I am taking you at your word.. that it ACTUALLY happened..
2. Now add the vicster's documented non-ethical, non christian behavior..
and I say.. if the almighty wants to strap a large encumberances on a lead brick to make it fly.. so be it..
I've seen similar dealings with certain people.. sycophants take a five minute break from obnoxious selfishness, greed, arrogance, and unbridled.. what's the word, it'll come to me five minutes after I post this..
but take a momentary break from all that, and actually compassionately help another individual..
so no. I am not laughing at *you*, if it makes any difference..
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Maybe it's just the almighty.. no matter how evil, arrogant, criminal.. abusive or such a man can choose to be.. "by gawd.. nothing I make can be ENTIRELY useless.."
like Capone..
didn't do much to fix his reputation in history, but he DID feed a few hungry people in Chicago..
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I didn’t go to Woodstock but I was there in spirit. I did go Family Corps but eventually left in the spirit of freedom.
Oh yeah, I saw Hendrix set his guitar on fire at a New York concert…and I got to set my Hendrix albums on fire on Burn the Chaff Day.
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"Ambition".. that's it. I don't know why.. there's this five minute delay for this one word...
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No, I'm not about to do that RumRunner.
I dont' get it, get that, and won't get it I'm sure. I don't see pulpits. I must not be as well churched as the rest of you.
To my ears that's the same kind of back-door judgemental attitude that the closeminded leadership of the Way had. Same kind of general, broad brush, ill stated and uncorroborated back stabbing smear campaign the Way could run and perfected. "Some of you SUCK! Those with eyes to see GET it."
Actually that is not an attitude unique to the Way, hardly, so certainly not limited to ex-Wafers. They were just good at it.
Problems? This place on a bad day is a Care Bear Picnic. I don't see the particular kind of profiling on any of the threads I've been reading of late that meet your description RR with any degree of consistency. Sorry, I'm not agreeing with the "many" so I'll remain part of the "few" I guess.
It's funny how you immediately qualified your statements with the phrase "Maybe we're all messed up though and this is just a lovely little corner of christendom with no problems "
It's always Christendom's problem isn't it?
Hardee hardee har har. The biggest pulpit here is the Ultra Critical Judgment Box where anyone can say anything as long as it trashes VPW specifically and the Way generally. As long as you do that you've got your Shields up, Cap'n, you can get away with murder and if you take exception to it you'll be branded and tattooed. Privately. And publicly.
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So shut the place down then.
let the wayfers live their lives. they're having a good time.
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Now with regard to trashing vic and twi - that is, IMO, fair game. Doesn't always make it a correct memory or recounting of what happened but the evidence as well as testimony about vic and cronies causing enormous personal damage is pretty overwhelming. Doesn't mean everything that was said in twi was wrong nor everything that happened was wrong. But if the net balances come out weighing in on more hurt than help then there is a serious set of flaws either in a large number of people, the organization, or both.
Further; since the stated mission of GSC is, in part, to tell the other side of the story - well bring it on posters - "the other side" seems to be more common than the "still in favor of" at GSC - and in some cases, albeit not many, posters who personally know each other have publicly supported the "facts" presented from a poster.
The only thing I'll give you about trashing vic is that the same old story gets a tad old to read and reread. [Poster 1] Vic did A. [Poster 2] Yeah and vic did B too. [Poster 3] Yeah vic sure did A [Poster 4] Not only did he do A but he did C too...Six months later...[Poster 73] I just found this old thread <insert name> and yeah vic sure did A
Eh...Kinda like reading the news...
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Maybe it's all a matter of perception and definition.
When someone makes the focus of their posting activity an avenue to promote a personal agenda, I see that as "speaking from the pulpit". Maybe prosylatizing would be a better word. It could be about anything, really, but typically it's been about an inordinate promotion of such things as: PFAL equaling The Word of God, insisting that every incident be proven, looking for any opportunity to bash Obama, repeated invitations to join a "church" and so forth. Just my opinion but those are things that I would consider to be encompassed in this pulpit idea. I don't let it bother me, though, as long as the "preacher" is open to honest and open discourse regarding whatever their agenda might be.
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