I canceled the webinar because of lack of attendance.
We actually rescheduled it and made it a free event, taking into account much of the good feedback I received from GSC readers. But too few people registered to make for a successful event in which I hoped attendees would share experiences and ask questions of presenters.
It may be that I did not promote the event in the best way. Perhaps I offended some people. It could be that the technology is too new for potential attendees to trust. Or perhaps there are simply not enough people interested in this subject.
Any feedback from the community that might point me in the right direction would be much appreciated.
I am planning on making YouTube videos of Joe's and my presentations -- as well as Pawtucket's, if he is interested.
I also am starting a free newsletter on recovery that I am hoping people will find useful. I have about 100 subscribers so far. If you or someone you know might be interested, please contact me at jmknapp53@gmail.com.
A further note: For the most part, I'm thinking that I will not post to GSC in the future. I chose my career as a psychotherapist, after years in this field with Trancenet.net and TranceChat, to help people. My impression is that my presence at GSC stirs hurtful feelings for some people here.
The last thing I want to do is cause pain for people I hope to help!!! And I sincerely apologize to anyone whom I have offended.
Therapy is not necessary for most people who have left a cult. Many people are stronger for the experience. It's my hope that those individuals who do feel their recovery is blocked and would like to explore therapy will find a professional with whom they feel comfortable -- whether me or one of the other fine professionals in this field.
So thanks to everyone for their input! I am taking it to heart and acting on it.
mr. knapp you seem like a stand up person with a desire to help not hurt, and in fact that's what you've said, and i know that my reaction to the web seminar was because i felt a hard sell to hire you was coming, but you did say that wasn't it but i kept feeling like uh huh when's the other shoe going to drop. you and i both know that how i feel is on me and that nobody can make me feel anything i don't want to feel so i have to look at me and ask why i feel that way, so now that you're asking i think i'm ready to tell. i've been through every sort of therapy that every sort of psychiatrist and psychologist and therapist and "minister" could contrive of to "help" somebody like me and i have to tell you that 99% of it made things worse instead of better because the "help" was not designed around my specific needs but was designed around what everybody else thought i needed. in other words it mostly turned out to be a snake oil kind of thing for me because it was not about individual healing but about proving a pet approach or something like that, and each person i went to that was like that with me blamed me for being "too ill" or "not trying" or "hostile to treatment", and i found all those "helpers" because i was looking for someone that had been through what i had been through and had "recovered" and wanted to "help" instead of looking for someone with the best training and the best results. so all this being said i reacted from these experiences and from no way of knowing your reputation in your community, and the same with your guest speakers, and on top of all of that being charged just felt like insult added to injury to me.
what i would respond more positively to would be seeing you on youtube like you said to see what you're made of and to see first hand your demeanor and approach, and being able to see this without being charged for what would really be an infomercial of sorts. i don't begrudge you making money for your professional services at all, but i do begrudge the idea that i must pay for someone to advertise to me, and because of the things i said in my first paragraph i felt like that was what was happening even though that is not what you were saying was happening. i would also respond very positively to you putting out something like a "getting started on your path to recovery" that included you being aware of the community each participant was in and had a list of the professionals you would recommend that they could turn to in their own community if they felt they would prefer such an approach instead of a web based approach. i hope this "feedback" helps in some way and i wish you the best in your endeavors and i thank you for keeping on and i hope you don't leave here as someone who could point the direction for things you know can help.
Therapy is not necessary for most people who have left a cult. Many people are stronger for the experience. It's my hope that those individuals who do feel their recovery is blocked and would like to explore therapy will find a professional with whom they feel comfortable -- whether me or one of the other fine professionals in this field.
I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. Perhaps part of the problem was your method of approaching people on this website. Most of us here are not trying to make a paycheck out of posting on GreaseSpot...Maybe an ad at the top of the page would have been more appropriate. Best of luck to you in your efforts to help people.
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John - FWIW, I think you have done a fine job.
yeah what twinkie said
twinky i mean
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It didn't happen
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how's come ?
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because why ?
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... because ... because ... because ... because . . . . be-CAUSE
of all the wonderful things he does ... (ahh rraa-da-da-da-da-da)
... ooops
Wrong set.
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John M Knapp LMSW
Hi, guys,
I canceled the webinar because of lack of attendance.
We actually rescheduled it and made it a free event, taking into account much of the good feedback I received from GSC readers. But too few people registered to make for a successful event in which I hoped attendees would share experiences and ask questions of presenters.
It may be that I did not promote the event in the best way. Perhaps I offended some people. It could be that the technology is too new for potential attendees to trust. Or perhaps there are simply not enough people interested in this subject.
Any feedback from the community that might point me in the right direction would be much appreciated.
I am planning on making YouTube videos of Joe's and my presentations -- as well as Pawtucket's, if he is interested.
I also am starting a free newsletter on recovery that I am hoping people will find useful. I have about 100 subscribers so far. If you or someone you know might be interested, please contact me at jmknapp53@gmail.com.
A further note: For the most part, I'm thinking that I will not post to GSC in the future. I chose my career as a psychotherapist, after years in this field with Trancenet.net and TranceChat, to help people. My impression is that my presence at GSC stirs hurtful feelings for some people here.
The last thing I want to do is cause pain for people I hope to help!!! And I sincerely apologize to anyone whom I have offended.
Therapy is not necessary for most people who have left a cult. Many people are stronger for the experience. It's my hope that those individuals who do feel their recovery is blocked and would like to explore therapy will find a professional with whom they feel comfortable -- whether me or one of the other fine professionals in this field.
So thanks to everyone for their input! I am taking it to heart and acting on it.
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mr. knapp you seem like a stand up person with a desire to help not hurt, and in fact that's what you've said, and i know that my reaction to the web seminar was because i felt a hard sell to hire you was coming, but you did say that wasn't it but i kept feeling like uh huh when's the other shoe going to drop. you and i both know that how i feel is on me and that nobody can make me feel anything i don't want to feel so i have to look at me and ask why i feel that way, so now that you're asking i think i'm ready to tell. i've been through every sort of therapy that every sort of psychiatrist and psychologist and therapist and "minister" could contrive of to "help" somebody like me and i have to tell you that 99% of it made things worse instead of better because the "help" was not designed around my specific needs but was designed around what everybody else thought i needed. in other words it mostly turned out to be a snake oil kind of thing for me because it was not about individual healing but about proving a pet approach or something like that, and each person i went to that was like that with me blamed me for being "too ill" or "not trying" or "hostile to treatment", and i found all those "helpers" because i was looking for someone that had been through what i had been through and had "recovered" and wanted to "help" instead of looking for someone with the best training and the best results. so all this being said i reacted from these experiences and from no way of knowing your reputation in your community, and the same with your guest speakers, and on top of all of that being charged just felt like insult added to injury to me.
what i would respond more positively to would be seeing you on youtube like you said to see what you're made of and to see first hand your demeanor and approach, and being able to see this without being charged for what would really be an infomercial of sorts. i don't begrudge you making money for your professional services at all, but i do begrudge the idea that i must pay for someone to advertise to me, and because of the things i said in my first paragraph i felt like that was what was happening even though that is not what you were saying was happening. i would also respond very positively to you putting out something like a "getting started on your path to recovery" that included you being aware of the community each participant was in and had a list of the professionals you would recommend that they could turn to in their own community if they felt they would prefer such an approach instead of a web based approach. i hope this "feedback" helps in some way and i wish you the best in your endeavors and i thank you for keeping on and i hope you don't leave here as someone who could point the direction for things you know can help.
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did i miss this post ?
also, john, thank you for responding
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For what it's worth, I feel like I have benefited from your input, John.
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John - FWIW, I think you have done a fine job.
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I agree wholeheartedly with this statement. Perhaps part of the problem was your method of approaching people on this website. Most of us here are not trying to make a paycheck out of posting on GreaseSpot...Maybe an ad at the top of the page would have been more appropriate. Best of luck to you in your efforts to help people.
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Edited by excathedraLink to comment
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