"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed – and hence clamorous to be led to safety – by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."
I have done some research recently and found that even Louis Pasteur, though during his lifetime proclaimed that germs caused disease, upon his deathbed, he proclaimed that "the seed is nothing, the soil is everything!"
Look, the reason why a viral infection can take root in a person and then spread is because of the state of health of the person and population.
The short answer is make yourself as healthy as you can and the infection will not bother you.
The great plague was so epidemic because the environment was rich-poor sanitary conditions, poor nutrition.
Make sure that you are making nutrient rich food choices. Eliminate soft drinks and processed food. Get lots of fresh water, fresh air, exercise. Vitamin C needs to be replenished daily and the RDA is 1000 mg. Orange juice is rich in Vitamin C and has the right combination of other nutrients so that your body can use the Vitamin C. Make sure the bowels move daily. We had roasted garlic last night with our spaghetti. Yum. And a good anti-bacterial, anti-fungal. Like our dog, she was attracting fleas and ticks. We give her garlic tablets and the pests have disappeared. Not only was there no bad chemicals to worry about in using sprays, but it disinfects her insides and therefore takes care of stray parasites that she might ingest. Get enough sleep. The body needs it or becomes weak and suseptible because the immune sys tem is compromised.
Herbs I like as multi-vitamins are alfalfa and kelp. Between the two, most of the vitamins and minerals your body needs can be found. Now puts out Alfajuice which is a super product -alfalfa has calcium, copper, folate, iron, magnesium, manganeses, phosphorus, poteassium, silicon, zinc, Vitamines A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, D, E and K. Alfalfa sprouts are excellent in high nutrition.
If you come down with flu-like symptoms, stop eating. Your body needs all its energy to fight the invader. Lots of fluids. Yarrow tea is good to get the body to sweat in order to multiply the immune system response.
Dr. Christopher and Dr. Schulze put out a Plague Formula/Super Tonic which has horseradish, onion, ginger, garlic and cayenne in it which taken once a day helps to stop any invader dead in its tracks. All of these foods are anti-infectants.
I work in a rural hospital and our Epidemiology Department released a memo to all staff about the swine flu.
Some highlights of the memo were:
1. There is no vaccine on the market for this strain so this has the potential of having an impact on the two age groups that are most venerable - the elderly and the very young.
2. Prevention is very important.
3. If you cough or sneeze remember to cover your mouth.
4. If you have symptoms DO NOT come go to work.
5. And finally... most importantly... WASH YOUR HANDS!
It seems this is turning out to be no more harmful than any other type of flu. It presented many "red flags" to the medical community which has been preparing for a world-wide pandemic for many years now. Is that fearful? No, I don't think so. It's being cautious of trends that have been seen in the past and preparing to deal with what will be a reality. I'm probably going to take a beating for saying it but we are "overdue" for a pandemic.
The reason this is so scary in many other countries is that they don't have proper sanitation to begin with and diseases can spread much more quickly. They don't have the availability of medical care and prescription drugs that we have here. Even some of the regular practices within those countries (using human waste to fertilize rice paddies) shows ignorance of how disease can be quickly spread.
Are you asking me? I'm a little puzzled by your post...
If so, are you really asking what the benefits of taking precautions from spreading disease are? :unsure:
I work in healthcare quality management - I thought maybe a more clinical view of how this is being handled by healthcare professionals might help shed some light on things... (it's not a "freak out" or "RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" sorta thing... more of a "use some common sense and all will be well" situation... )
It stymies me why people think pigs are worse than any other flesh we eat. My mother had a huge scar down the left side of her neck where lymph nodes had ruptured from infection when she was a child with BOVINE tuberculosis.
Pigs don't sweat very well. They wallow in a nice cool mudhole to cool off. So for that matter does my dog if she can find one; dogs don't sweat so well either.
We just received a voice message from hubby's superintendent for the school district he works in... She reported there's been 5 confirmed cases in our state and one case is a student at a high school just 10 minutes up the road from where hubby works. That school has opted to close on Monday. So far, that's the only school cancellation in the state. She also reported that they're taking precautions but have no plans to cancel school for now...
Even some of the regular practices within those countries (using human waste to fertilize rice paddies) shows ignorance of how disease can be quickly spread.
I don't want to get too far off on a tangent, but you do realize this occurs in our country too, right?
We have it in Alabama and tenn too. Schools where there are confirmed cases closed in one city for two weeks. City and other county schools closed thursday and friday ...it is hoped that with the weekend it might prevent the spread of further as yet undiagnosed cases from s[preading.
Yes, but that's treated waste. If monitored and done appropriately it could be a good thing. The grass grows greenest over the septic tank, don't cha' know.
The head of the Epidemiology Department at my hospital once told me about when he was in Vietnam and treating a couple dozen villagers who were suffering from severe diarrhea. He watched the care takers ("nurses") in the medical ward empty bed pans into buckets that were then emptied right into the rice paddies. It was a nasty circle, to say the least!
I guess I understand the need to remind people to practice good hygiene and proper behavior to stay well. :unsure: Maybe, but, it really does seem like this has been blown out of proportion. Like George said, many, many people die from the flu every year. Why such a big deal now?
A friend sent me this link from some 1976 PSA's about swine flu:
Something that has escaped the mainstream media is that there are large supplies of Tamiflu available, thanks to the protocols put in place by Pres. (G W) Bush.
Im not sure if that is still true--My former girlfriend is on the state readiness rapid response something something blah blah blah. I read the protocols a few years back during the bird flu scare and the intent was to have a million or so doses always ready regionally which were to be replenished annually because of shelf life.
That was about 3-4 years ago...Whether thats still the practice and they have been replenished or if the funding was cut (as I mentioned earlier in the thread) I cant be certain
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Sounds like the GWB administration to me.
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I have done some research recently and found that even Louis Pasteur, though during his lifetime proclaimed that germs caused disease, upon his deathbed, he proclaimed that "the seed is nothing, the soil is everything!"
Look, the reason why a viral infection can take root in a person and then spread is because of the state of health of the person and population.
The short answer is make yourself as healthy as you can and the infection will not bother you.
The great plague was so epidemic because the environment was rich-poor sanitary conditions, poor nutrition.
Make sure that you are making nutrient rich food choices. Eliminate soft drinks and processed food. Get lots of fresh water, fresh air, exercise. Vitamin C needs to be replenished daily and the RDA is 1000 mg. Orange juice is rich in Vitamin C and has the right combination of other nutrients so that your body can use the Vitamin C. Make sure the bowels move daily. We had roasted garlic last night with our spaghetti. Yum. And a good anti-bacterial, anti-fungal. Like our dog, she was attracting fleas and ticks. We give her garlic tablets and the pests have disappeared. Not only was there no bad chemicals to worry about in using sprays, but it disinfects her insides and therefore takes care of stray parasites that she might ingest. Get enough sleep. The body needs it or becomes weak and suseptible because the immune sys tem is compromised.
Herbs I like as multi-vitamins are alfalfa and kelp. Between the two, most of the vitamins and minerals your body needs can be found. Now puts out Alfajuice which is a super product -alfalfa has calcium, copper, folate, iron, magnesium, manganeses, phosphorus, poteassium, silicon, zinc, Vitamines A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, D, E and K. Alfalfa sprouts are excellent in high nutrition.
If you come down with flu-like symptoms, stop eating. Your body needs all its energy to fight the invader. Lots of fluids. Yarrow tea is good to get the body to sweat in order to multiply the immune system response.
Dr. Christopher and Dr. Schulze put out a Plague Formula/Super Tonic which has horseradish, onion, ginger, garlic and cayenne in it which taken once a day helps to stop any invader dead in its tracks. All of these foods are anti-infectants.
The Masterherbalist
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I work in a rural hospital and our Epidemiology Department released a memo to all staff about the swine flu.
Some highlights of the memo were:
1. There is no vaccine on the market for this strain so this has the potential of having an impact on the two age groups that are most venerable - the elderly and the very young.
2. Prevention is very important.
3. If you cough or sneeze remember to cover your mouth.
4. If you have symptoms DO NOT come go to work.
5. And finally... most importantly... WASH YOUR HANDS!
It seems this is turning out to be no more harmful than any other type of flu. It presented many "red flags" to the medical community which has been preparing for a world-wide pandemic for many years now. Is that fearful? No, I don't think so. It's being cautious of trends that have been seen in the past and preparing to deal with what will be a reality. I'm probably going to take a beating for saying it but we are "overdue" for a pandemic.
The reason this is so scary in many other countries is that they don't have proper sanitation to begin with and diseases can spread much more quickly. They don't have the availability of medical care and prescription drugs that we have here. Even some of the regular practices within those countries (using human waste to fertilize rice paddies) shows ignorance of how disease can be quickly spread.
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who benefits from this?
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Are you asking me? I'm a little puzzled by your post...
If so, are you really asking what the benefits of taking precautions from spreading disease are? :unsure:
I work in healthcare quality management - I thought maybe a more clinical view of how this is being handled by healthcare professionals might help shed some light on things... (it's not a "freak out" or "RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" sorta thing... more of a "use some common sense and all will be well" situation... )
Edited by ChasUFarleyLink to comment
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Watered Garden
It stymies me why people think pigs are worse than any other flesh we eat. My mother had a huge scar down the left side of her neck where lymph nodes had ruptured from infection when she was a child with BOVINE tuberculosis.
Pigs don't sweat very well. They wallow in a nice cool mudhole to cool off. So for that matter does my dog if she can find one; dogs don't sweat so well either.
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We just received a voice message from hubby's superintendent for the school district he works in... She reported there's been 5 confirmed cases in our state and one case is a student at a high school just 10 minutes up the road from where hubby works. That school has opted to close on Monday. So far, that's the only school cancellation in the state. She also reported that they're taking precautions but have no plans to cancel school for now...
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Every year, 20,000-30,000 Americans die of the flu. I doubt that this will make a big dent.
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Mister P-Mosh
I don't want to get too far off on a tangent, but you do realize this occurs in our country too, right?
Here is one story on it, but there are many more.
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We have it in Alabama and tenn too. Schools where there are confirmed cases closed in one city for two weeks. City and other county schools closed thursday and friday ...it is hoped that with the weekend it might prevent the spread of further as yet undiagnosed cases from s[preading.
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Yes, but that's treated waste. If monitored and done appropriately it could be a good thing. The grass grows greenest over the septic tank, don't cha' know.
The head of the Epidemiology Department at my hospital once told me about when he was in Vietnam and treating a couple dozen villagers who were suffering from severe diarrhea. He watched the care takers ("nurses") in the medical ward empty bed pans into buckets that were then emptied right into the rice paddies. It was a nasty circle, to say the least!
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I guess I understand the need to remind people to practice good hygiene and proper behavior to stay well. :unsure: Maybe, but, it really does seem like this has been blown out of proportion. Like George said, many, many people die from the flu every year. Why such a big deal now?
A friend sent me this link from some 1976 PSA's about swine flu:
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Hi Belle
Good to see you around these parts again :)
Um...Proper behaviour? Damn, me?
I agree it may be overblown a bit but Id rather be on the safe side myself.... for the total unbelievers
I was poking around youtube and found this compelling ( :blink:
) conspiracy theory vid from Lenny the crackhead.
(Not Safe for Work or for those offended by language)
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Something that has escaped the mainstream media is that there are large supplies of Tamiflu available, thanks to the protocols put in place by Pres. (G W) Bush.
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Im not sure if that is still true--My former girlfriend is on the state readiness rapid response something something blah blah blah. I read the protocols a few years back during the bird flu scare and the intent was to have a million or so doses always ready regionally which were to be replenished annually because of shelf life.
That was about 3-4 years ago...Whether thats still the practice and they have been replenished or if the funding was cut (as I mentioned earlier in the thread) I cant be certain
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