It is an Advanced Class Special that ran. It was for a few days. This is a replacement for Word In Business. And used by TWI to get people more involved in the Organization.
You know, any other organization would be letting folks know what's going on, be proud of their mission, yet something like this, apparently a big deal, is nowhere to be found on their website. Sections on "What's New" and "Current Events" have nothing new or current. :blink:
I have some wayfers as friends on my facebook account. Some comments I saw were "I don't have superlatives to explain it" and "We are members in particular". That was sooooo inciteful.....NOT!
It sounds to me as if these people are still wasting money and time on stupid classes, and they still don't have the gumption to call something like it is BULLSHIRT!!! They grin and act like they are enjoying their lives. I hope they wake up some day. It was a crappy ACS that helped me make the decision to get the H out.
You know, any other organization would be letting folks know what's going on, be proud of their mission, yet something like this, apparently a big deal, is nowhere to be found on their website. Sections on "What's New" and "Current Events" have nothing new or current
What? Â Let the outside world know what's going on? Â Old pervy vic wouldn't do that, like if it was advertised then people might find out about the word for word plagerism, and how bout trying to explain the Christian Family and Sex class to other christians or even biblical scholars or reporters, yeah, right, that would go over well!!!! Â What about the extra-curricular activities of that inner circle, suicides, rape victims, court cases dismissed, wouldn't want anyone really digging up too many facts?? Â So much better for vic not to advertise, word of mouth only, putting the class on film was a big enough step, abs flowing in fine without it......meticulous damage controll..the ministry (vic) be not blamed...
I was sent this synopsis of the Advanced Class Special. The person has chosen to be anonymous, which I can respect.
Advanced Class Special 2009
Living the Mystery as Members in Particular
Teachers: Matt Stiles, Linda Coulter, Tom Mullins, Pierre-Raphael Baende, Tom Knupp
I was exhausted coming back from this 2-1/2 day event. It was very toxic.
Here is what I gleaned:
#1) Linda Coulter glazed over who the "body of Christ" is, saying it is all born again people. Yet the entire tone of the ACS was that The Way is still superior. They interchanged "body of Christ" with "The Household" to mean "Way Ministry", so they had not truly developed the concept of the real implication of the "body of Christ" being all born-again believers. Their rhetoric went back and forth between "body of Christ", "Household", and "Way Ministry."
#2) The teachings were 100% obvious. My family and I listen to the preachers on the radio teach on the same subject, and they do a much better job. It was the typical, we are all part of the body, so let's all work together, and see how the hand is vital to the physical body as is the foot, etc. Matt Stiles taught on the musical analogy, see how the violin is essential, see how the flute is necessary. Most of us in the ministry have done a better job of this topic just teaching it in our fellowships, than to spend about $1,500 (by the time you pay for the registration, your hotel room, and your travel) to get taught things that we do a much better job teaching in our fellowships.
#3) The level of the teachings were about 3rd grade. If you have intelligence greater than a 3rd grader, you will probably find the teachings very obvious. It seems that Rosalie Rivenbark has dumbed everything down in the last few years. It is worse than going to a church, because it is like re-hashed, simplified collateral readings that are not even as insightful as the collaterals. There is some kind of fear trip going on, why the teachers are afraid to go even one hair beyond the collaterals. Even in an ADVANCED Class Special.
#4) It was taught at this class that the power of the household is in being like-minded, and that is what will attract people to come to the ministry. The fact is, the Mormon Church is very like-minded, but that doesn't make them any more "the way" or "the truth" than any other outfit. They pretty much skipped over explaining that it was the manifestations of holy spirit, the signs, miracles, and wonders that were done by the apostles and the believers (like Phillip the evangelist) that really got people's attention, not "like-mindedness." There are very few signs, miracles, and wonders done within The Way, and the leadership point-blank do not effectually operate the revelation manifestations. So they minimize talking about it at any of the Advanced Class Specials, which is a real shame. That is precisely what a class for an Advanced Class grad should be about.
#5) It was taught that we should all forgive each other and not yell at each other and be very nice and kind to one another. I have no issues with this. What I have issues with is that THEY DO NOT PRACTICE WHAT THEY PREACH. How many people in the last 2 years even, have been screamed down, belittled, and have had major grudges held against them by top levels of leadership? They are teaching the PEOPLE to do this, but the LEADERSHIP is immune. They don't have to practice this. It made me sick to my stomach to hear them teach this, because I know full well of how much they go against this, but the leaders are blind to the fact that they consistently do not operate the love of God. They are only nice to their "yes-men" friends and those who suck up to them, but if you are a thinking individual with input as to how to improve things within the ministry, you are ostracized, demoted, defamed, and your life is belittled. There was absolutely no correspondence with the teaching and the modus operandi of many of the leadership in general. It was the ultimate in Phariseeism.
#6) There was no depth in the teachings. Many of the older grads and the Way Corps who had been around for Dr. Wierwille's teachings were actually quite upset and let down. You go to an Advanced Class Special to hear something that you might not be able to get in a household fellowship. But this did not happen. It was not the "meat" of the Word as many people wanted. It was "milk", and people are getting sick and tired of this, especially if you have been in the ministry for 20 or 30 years, you want more and you deserve to have more. As a result, there is probably not a soul who does not tune in to Wayne Clapp or other ministers who have a lot more "meat" to offer people. It is the meat of the Word that people really need in this day and time, not to be told glib catch-phrases like "I need you and you need me." This catch-phrase was repeated dozens upon dozens of times to where I thought they may have been trying to numb our brains with subliminal messages. The sad thing is that Barney and Friends repeat this same message on this children's show, and do a much better job, at that!
#7) There are still a good many people in The Way who give the leaders benefit of the doubt, and just call everything "wonderful"--if the leadership taught them that the moon is falling and the trees are running after you, they would believe it, call it "wonderful", and write sappy thank-you notes to the Board of Directors. Most people don't buy it, but some do, your more innocent-gullible types. The ones who see right through what's going on show up at these meetings, quite frankly, to see their friends, or in hopes that things will change. Many people are sticking it out to see if Rosalie croaks or if somehow the ministry gets into the hands of the young people who can shake things up again. The people who are "in" who are not happy are "in" because they do not want to be alienated from their friends (since most of us have most of our friends in the ministry), or are hoping that the ministry can change hands and that things can turn around for the better. Many people are not quick to leave if there is a glimmer of hope.
#8) The Board of Directors did not have one peep to say to the people. There were no heart sharings. Every so often you would see them running around, and none of them seemed genuinely happy. When you looked at Rosalie when she was not up front, her face was a scowl. When she was up front, she artificially put on a fake smile. It was literally two-facedness.
#9) The exercise during "Share Pairs" was to list your top longsuit abilities and how you plan to implement them in your household fellowship. The major flaw with this exercise is that probably the #1 problem in The Way Ministry is that people CANNOT function in their longsuit abilities within the Way Ministry, because there is no room for it. For instance, if someone has a longsuit in doing in-depth Biblical research, how are you going to implement this in your household fellowship? And The Way will not honor your work unless you're at least Way Corps, and even then, many of the Corps get spit in the face over their research that may not agree with what the Way Ministry currently teaches. Many people have longsuits in coordinating and leading, but they have been dropped from the Corps or not given the opportunity to coordinate a fellowship. The ministry has "banned" so many people from operating or exercising their longsuits, it has become a prevalent problem that has caused more hurt hearts and disgruntled, embittered followers more than just about anything. It hurts when your least intelligent, least competent people are up front leading everything, and the ones who have the biggest hearts, minds, and abilities, have to shut up and just attend fellowship, because they are not "trusted"--they're the ones who are not the "yes men" or those sucky-up types who only care about position and know exactly how to pull the strings to get what they want.
The Advanced Class Special was too little, too late.
Eloquently put by the author of the class description.
I felt near to tears. The author obviously has a heart to hear and to learn, and as usual got kicked back. As ever, what a waste of talent and heart. All very sad. Get out now!
Thanks to Paw and the author for this, I have to say that while I was reading this letter the descriptions reminded me of what those of us in twi back in the day used to abhore about churches: Â Teachings pushing church dogma rather than God's word, divisive ways of controlling those who sit in the pews to keep the church attendance full, teaching a social gospell. Â
The way has gone full circle, becoming a static dying church filled with greyheads who attend because it is what they've always done, bereft of any real life, no miracles, no true vision. Â They have literally regulated themselves into a slow death, a far, far cry from what it was in the early days when He*fner and Do*p and others actually walked with God, and brought all the young people to twi in the first place.
thank you to the anonymous writer for taking the time to put that together.
it sounds like the same twi I left in 2006, only more mummified.
It sounds exactly the say it was when I left after the 2002 ACS in Dallas. It was watered-down, boring, time and money consuming. It just wasn't worth it.
I'm sure there are many more people who went who feel the same way. We may not hear from theme here, but I'm sure they are sick of the hypocrisy and boredom.
To all Wayfers reading this: It's OK to leave. God doesn't rebuke you for leaving. He can work even better in you without your mind and judgment being clouded by the crap you've been taught. Life IS great outside TWI. I've never regretted my decision, and I'm goin on 7 years out. Life has been fuller since leaving. Quit limiting yourself. Quit limiting God to the confines of the The Way. Freedom is a step away.
It sounds exactly the say it was when I left after the 2002 ACS in Dallas. It was watered-down, boring, time and money consuming. It just wasn't worth it.
I'm sure there are many more people who went who feel the same way. We may not hear from theme here, but I'm sure they are sick of the hypocrisy and boredom.
To all Wayfers reading this: It's OK to leave. God doesn't rebuke you for leaving. He can work even better in you without your mind and judgment being clouded by the crap you've been taught. Life IS great outside TWI. I've never regretted my decision, and I'm goin on 7 years out. Life has been fuller since leaving. Quit limiting yourself. Quit limiting God to the confines of the The Way. Freedom is a step away.
and might I add, if your friends are truly friends, they'll still be your friends after you leave.
All your points are the same that frustrated me back in 1996........I got SO TIRED eating the "re-re-refried beans" and finally couldn't stomach it anymore. Even when martindale told the region guys that they needed to "eyeball us limb coordinators once a month".........those meetings, too, were bland and petty.
And, your point #4 was strikingly apparent to me BACK THEN.........and twi was worse than a mediocre religion. I could no longer "believe" that twi would revive and/or thrive.
#4) It was taught at this class that the power of the household is in being like-minded, and that is what will attract people to come to the ministry. The fact is, the Mormon Church is very like-minded, but that doesn't make them any more "the way" or "the truth" than any other outfit. They pretty much skipped over explaining that it was the manifestations of holy spirit, the signs, miracles, and wonders that were done by the apostles and the believers (like Phillip the evangelist) that really got people's attention, not "like-mindedness." There are very few signs, miracles, and wonders done within The Way, and the leadership point-blank do not effectually operate the revelation manifestations. So they minimize talking about it at any of the Advanced Class Specials, which is a real shame. That is precisely what a class for an Advanced Class grad should be about.
LIFE outside twi's walls of isolation is..............SCINTILLATING. :)
for those of you still "in" twi for whatever reason, hear this..........twi is anti-christ!.............notice i did not say "twi is the antichrist"...........that would be as foolish and ignorant as saying president obama is the antichrist, imho!
what i mean by that first statement is that twi is against, and in reality stands opposed to everything the true jesus christ is, was, and will be............rosie and her cult have so seared their consciences and their ability to reason, that all they are capable of at their very best, is what the anonymous author described!..........there is no christ in them or anywhere near them and their foolish properties.........truly they are whited sepulchres of phoniness, lies, and all the works of the flesh their precious "word" lists so often, in great detail, in almost all the books of the new testament.
they are this way because they direly need to repent of their evil words and deeds!............and don't be fooled for one minute that wayne clapp, or stfi, or any other offshoot has anything better to offer!.........and, don't think that if some of the eager "young bucks" ever get a chance at trying to run twi out of its spiritual abyss, that somehow, magically, all will be healed and changed. nothing like that will ever happen until they all repent of their evil doctrines, practices, and enormous pride!........they must become honest before the great god and searcher of all hearts, who already knows all the evils they have committed in his name and against his precious children!..........they must apologize to and ask forgiveness from all those whom they have despitefully used, made merchandise of, lied to, and stolen from, and they must do so publicly! no more hiding behind their walls of zion!
THE TRUTH said, "thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thine heart, soul, mind and strength, and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. upon these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets!"............rosie and her cult and all who do not carry out those words of jesus christ are opposed to him, and thus, anti-christ! for those still in twi thinking things will change some day, hear these words, reflect upon them, and leave twi today!.........................peace.
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I wasn't giving them money when I took the new christian family whatever class.
thank you to the anonymous writer for taking the time to put that together. it sounds like the same twi I left in 2006, only more mummified.
I sincerely hope that by RIP you meant Rot In Puke not Rest In Peace...
It is an Advanced Class Special that ran. It was for a few days. This is a replacement for Word In Business. And used by TWI to get people more involved in the Organization.
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they are still hiding what they do
trying to anyway.....
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You know, any other organization would be letting folks know what's going on, be proud of their mission, yet something like this, apparently a big deal, is nowhere to be found on their website. Sections on "What's New" and "Current Events" have nothing new or current. :blink:
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Oak...when was TWI ever about keeping anyone informed? (LOL)
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twi would claim it's wisdom
I say they are cowards.
GSC does more good then twi ever thought of.
they didn't inform me,
and I qualify for their class-
active I am, but they say active is giving them money
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I wasn't giving them money when I took the new christian family whatever class.
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I wonder if they covered any cool new debuhl spurts.
(It probably wouldn't be prudent of them to bring up a discussion of spirits of cancer, drunkenness or debauchery.)
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I have some wayfers as friends on my facebook account. Some comments I saw were "I don't have superlatives to explain it" and "We are members in particular". That was sooooo inciteful.....NOT!
It sounds to me as if these people are still wasting money and time on stupid classes, and they still don't have the gumption to call something like it is BULLSHIRT!!! They grin and act like they are enjoying their lives. I hope they wake up some day. It was a crappy ACS that helped me make the decision to get the H out.
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ACS twice a year. thanksgiving and easter. both times people may have off of work. both times people should spend with family.
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now I see
What? Â Let the outside world know what's going on? Â Old pervy vic wouldn't do that, like if it was advertised then people might find out about the word for word plagerism, and how bout trying to explain the Christian Family and Sex class to other christians or even biblical scholars or reporters, yeah, right, that would go over well!!!! Â What about the extra-curricular activities of that inner circle, suicides, rape victims, court cases dismissed, wouldn't want anyone really digging up too many facts?? Â So much better for vic not to advertise, word of mouth only, putting the class on film was a big enough step, abs flowing in fine without it......meticulous damage controll..the ministry (vic) be not blamed...
Edited by now I seeLink to comment
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I was sent this synopsis of the Advanced Class Special. The person has chosen to be anonymous, which I can respect.
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thank you to the anonymous writer for taking the time to put that together.
it sounds like the same twi I left in 2006, only more mummified.
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Eloquently put by the author of the class description.
I felt near to tears. The author obviously has a heart to hear and to learn, and as usual got kicked back. As ever, what a waste of talent and heart. All very sad. Get out now!
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That is the same dribble I heard at fellowship from the people that went.
They put a postive spin on it but the people were talking more about who they saw
not what was taught.
1500 bucks to be put to sleep, I will pass, a six-pack and talk radio are better and cheaper.
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Copenhagen - a six pack!!!??? What happened to the two drink limit? LOL
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If you were stuck in the way like I am, a 6-pack is your best and only friend.
It is better to live life numb, then live in the way.
P.S. my liver has not failed me yet. How about I come vist you in England and you show me what
real beer tastes like?

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I appreciate this person imparting this information but I can't help but wonder: Why are they still there?
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now I see
Thanks to Paw and the author for this, I have to say that while I was reading this letter the descriptions reminded me of what those of us in twi back in the day used to abhore about churches: Â Teachings pushing church dogma rather than God's word, divisive ways of controlling those who sit in the pews to keep the church attendance full, teaching a social gospell. Â
The way has gone full circle, becoming a static dying church filled with greyheads who attend because it is what they've always done, bereft of any real life, no miracles, no true vision. Â They have literally regulated themselves into a slow death, a far, far cry from what it was in the early days when He*fner and Do*p and others actually walked with God, and brought all the young people to twi in the first place.
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I sincerely hope that by RIP you meant Rot In Puke not Rest In Peace...
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Could be a number of things. Like me there could be a spouse they are afraid they will lose to the way.
My case she wont leave and thinks twi is a true place to find God. I would run screaming if she would
follow. Fear of losing kids or parents.
Have lost all contact with friends and will be alone.
If I was single with no kids or family, I would be a thorn in the flesh to twi in biblical porportions.
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It sounds exactly the say it was when I left after the 2002 ACS in Dallas. It was watered-down, boring, time and money consuming. It just wasn't worth it.
I'm sure there are many more people who went who feel the same way. We may not hear from theme here, but I'm sure they are sick of the hypocrisy and boredom.
To all Wayfers reading this: It's OK to leave. God doesn't rebuke you for leaving. He can work even better in you without your mind and judgment being clouded by the crap you've been taught. Life IS great outside TWI. I've never regretted my decision, and I'm goin on 7 years out. Life has been fuller since leaving. Quit limiting yourself. Quit limiting God to the confines of the The Way. Freedom is a step away.
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and might I add, if your friends are truly friends, they'll still be your friends after you leave.
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Thanks "anonymous".......
All your points are the same that frustrated me back in 1996........I got SO TIRED eating the "re-re-refried beans" and finally couldn't stomach it anymore. Even when martindale told the region guys that they needed to "eyeball us limb coordinators once a month".........those meetings, too, were bland and petty.
And, your point #4 was strikingly apparent to me BACK THEN.........and twi was worse than a mediocre religion. I could no longer "believe" that twi would revive and/or thrive.
LIFE outside twi's walls of isolation is..............SCINTILLATING. :)
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for those of you still "in" twi for whatever reason, hear this..........twi is anti-christ!.............notice i did not say "twi is the antichrist"...........that would be as foolish and ignorant as saying president obama is the antichrist, imho!
what i mean by that first statement is that twi is against, and in reality stands opposed to everything the true jesus christ is, was, and will be............rosie and her cult have so seared their consciences and their ability to reason, that all they are capable of at their very best, is what the anonymous author described!..........there is no christ in them or anywhere near them and their foolish properties.........truly they are whited sepulchres of phoniness, lies, and all the works of the flesh their precious "word" lists so often, in great detail, in almost all the books of the new testament.
they are this way because they direly need to repent of their evil words and deeds!............and don't be fooled for one minute that wayne clapp, or stfi, or any other offshoot has anything better to offer!.........and, don't think that if some of the eager "young bucks" ever get a chance at trying to run twi out of its spiritual abyss, that somehow, magically, all will be healed and changed. nothing like that will ever happen until they all repent of their evil doctrines, practices, and enormous pride!........they must become honest before the great god and searcher of all hearts, who already knows all the evils they have committed in his name and against his precious children!..........they must apologize to and ask forgiveness from all those whom they have despitefully used, made merchandise of, lied to, and stolen from, and they must do so publicly! no more hiding behind their walls of zion!
THE TRUTH said, "thou shalt love the lord thy god with all thine heart, soul, mind and strength, and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. upon these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets!"............rosie and her cult and all who do not carry out those words of jesus christ are opposed to him, and thus, anti-christ! for those still in twi thinking things will change some day, hear these words, reflect upon them, and leave twi today!.........................peace.
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