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College credits for WAY classes

Dot Matrix

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My friend passed his master's degree program in religion.

When he sent for the transcripts from his corps days they sent back a paper saying "PFAL" grad. (ONLY) He knows the classes were not accredited, however they count as "life experience" which counts as credit.

I called a lawyer to help him and have not heard yet, but all those classes he can get some credit for -- they will not acknowledge. Anyone else have this problem?

I need these to get into the program I am trying to enter as well...

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It took a couple tries but yes, we were able to get my wife's transcripts of the Way Corps program and completed classes/courses. A list and description of each, and a note of "completed", I don't believe there was any grade score associated with each, basically a pass/completed designation. The Way's obligated to provide on request a copy of the curriculum, classes and coursework and any additional activities that were part of the graduation requirements. If your friend graduated, it's there. Or should be and if not, they would be responsible to reconstruct a facsimile. It's possible to transfer these into credits in different ways, academic portfolio is one. You just need to follow the requirements of the school they're being submitted to and do some pre-counselling work to determine which, if any, would be most qualified for a portfolio approach.

I would hope their response would be if not friendly, cooperative as they do have an obligation to maintain records and respond in a timely manner to inquiries. You should be able to call the main number, identify who you are and what you want, and get referred to the correct person to handle.

Now, when we did this (early 90's) we called the main number and were told to submit the request in writing with the name, Corps year, campus information, etc. And we got back a bizarre short letter from then VP of the Way, Don W. that didn't include a transcript but identified our request as odd to him since we weren't members but were now seeking their "help" as he labelled it. He asked that we contact him directly if we wanted "help". It had the tone of wanting to open the door to giving me a hard time about leaving the Way.

He had no idea what was waiting for him if that door indeed opened, and I wasn't about to stink up our lives with the toxic overload of sucn an encounter, though it would have had a kind of satisfaction to it I admit. But not a good kind.

We didn't want help, we wanted them to do their job and send a transcript and wrote again for one. And never heard back, anything at all. So a month later my wife just tried calling the switchboard and got the person who took the information and said they'd have it sent within a couple weeks. And it did get mailed to us, as requested.

So I hope they considered that switchboard operator for the the Vice President's job as she was able to understand English and do work that Don couldn't figure out how to do.

Hopefully your friend has an easier time with it. Ours wasn't that bad but it showed me at that time how disorganized and petty they were. Still.

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  Dot Matrix said:
My friend passed his master's degree program in religion.

When he sent for the transcripts from his corps days they sent back a paper saying "PFAL" grad. (ONLY) He knows the classes were not accredited, however they count as "life experience" which counts as credit.

I called a lawyer to help him and have not heard yet, but all those classes he can get some credit for -- they will not acknowledge. Anyone else have this problem?

I need these to get into the program I am trying to enter as well...

I was told a few years ago that the corps could get their transcript from the education records department in dowtown Indianapolis, IN.

I can't remember who shared this info. but I do remember that is how the person was able to attain it.

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"Help" - oh yeah, another word with a specific Way meaning.

Could've been "fun", Socks.

You'd think Don with an academic degree would understand what your request was about.

For later Corps (like mine) I cannot imagine what they would put on any academic listings. Nothing worth having, anyway. Not sure chopping wood and watching a few very old videos about the Reformation would count for too much.

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I called a lawyer to help him and have not heard yet, but all those classes he can get some credit for -- they will not acknowledge. Anyone else have this problem?

Intriguing.. that a person would have to consider hiring a lawyer to get an "institute of higher learning(?)" to comply with a SIMPLE request for a transcript..

I dunno. Maybe der way is simply that incompetent.. can't get it together for five minutes, and rise above that level of incompetence.

Maybe they just burned all the "copouts" records during a burn the chaff weekend or something..


I wonder if I should send for mine..


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seems a common theme here though..

I can't think of a single university or community college that would REQUIRE that a request for a transcript be moved up the ranks to the vice president's desk..

doesn't that seem "odd"?

There used to be a registrar there.. you'd think he (or is it she now..) would just DO THEIR FRIGGING JOB..


what the crap do you need? Departmental head's permission to apply for a postage stamp?


The community college I went to a couple years ago.. I made a request for transcripts.. and they had them sent out the SAME DAY..

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Undoubtedly, Jim. I'm sure he understood, it was just a protracted way of handling it. It's a simple, normal process that requires a minimum of evaluation. If you were there, completed the program, and graduated, there's a transcript of what was completed to fulfill requirements. He was just being a jerk, to put it bluntly but in so doing it left him looking like a petty buffoon, unfortunately. But I doubt he cared about that. I suppose it could have been a reasonable civil discourse but I didn't feel like exposing either of us to the risk of a bunch of toxic crap. I was glad it was finally handled expeditiously, and it was.

From what we completed there were classes that would transfer easily for a portfolio assessment. The Greek class Walter J taught, Keys to Research, Business Writing, Public Speaking, and several segments of the Corps series our years - for instance "The Itineraries of Paul" as taught by Walter J, and the book of Timothy by VPW.

Basically the material is rewritten in the form the school accepts, with outlines provided, etc. It's not a big deal really and actually takes a fair amount of work.

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Dot - about 8 years ago - when I was trying t get on as a substitute teacher, I called and had transcripts sent indicating that I had received an Associates which put me at a certain pay scale in this school district. I never saw the transcripts. It would be a good idea I think to call to get a copy for oneself just to know what they have as a legal record.

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One very funny related thing to transcripts - which I guess they can ignore any request for as they don't have any accrediting organization they are accountable to or play all sorts of stupid games...

To get accredited would mean actually attracting and retaining people of intellectual capacity that have PhD's to teach courses. The funny thing is that the higher educated level people really have a hard time buying any of TWI's definitions of "quality", "research", and are far too intelligent to fall for the amount of control and emotional bribery there is latent within the organization.

It does seem to be quite a waste of time taking all those "classes".

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  chockfull said:
One very funny related thing to transcripts - which I guess they can ignore any request for as they don't have any accrediting organization they are accountable to or play all sorts of stupid games...

To get accredited would mean actually attracting and retaining people of intellectual capacity that have PhD's to teach courses. The funny thing is that the higher educated level people really have a hard time buying any of TWI's definitions of "quality", "research", and are far too intelligent to fall for the amount of control and emotional bribery there is latent within the organization.

It does seem to be quite a waste of time taking all those "classes".

Yeah.......any 'higher, educated-level people' and/or 'research people' seemed to find the exit doors faster than the average 'committed' follower.

Some of those corps "classes" were taught to us by OTHER in-residence peers.

The "college division" aspect didn't work, imo...........because it wasn't designed for THAT purpose. The wierwille cornerstone of the corps program was INDOCTRINATIONAL...........not intellectual.


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