Growing up not far from Concord and still living pretty close by Ive been to the bridge hundreds of times. In one sense its unimpressive and a very simple place surrounded by farmland not unlike thousands of other places. It could be the last place you would think that something world changing would happen
Its amazing the impact ordinary people can do when they decide to do something..
Monday is a holiday here...I dont know if they stop in remembrance in the rest of the country or not---they should
MStar, I have photos of one of my high school friends and me on that bridge eons ago. Seeing it brings back memories of a fun trip to Boston many moons ago!
Cman, I thought you were going to talk about the Waco fiasco. It was also on April 19th that the Branch Davidian compound was burned and David Koresh and many of his followers died, ending the long standoff. I guess it was fresh in my mind because I heard a brief mention of it on the news this morning. Funny, I didn't hear anyone mention on the news what happened on that date in 1775. Priorities, I guess.
oh, different subject than I expected too. 04/20/1999 Columbine High School shootings. 14 students and one teacher died. 23 were injured. It was a scary and emotional day for us parents in the Jefferson County Colorado school district.
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I thought you were going to mention THIS.
Growing up not far from Concord and still living pretty close by Ive been to the bridge hundreds of times. In one sense its unimpressive and a very simple place surrounded by farmland not unlike thousands of other places. It could be the last place you would think that something world changing would happen
Its amazing the impact ordinary people can do when they decide to do something..
Monday is a holiday here...I dont know if they stop in remembrance in the rest of the country or not---they should
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"The British are coming! The British are coming!"
Now, the ride of Paul Revere
Set the nation on its ear,
And the shot at Lexington heard 'round the world,
When the British fired in the early dawn
The War of Independence had begun,
The die was cast, the rebel flag unfurled.
And on to Concord marched the foe
To seize the arsenal there you know,
Waking folks searching all around
Till our militia stopped them in their tracks,
At the old North Bridge we turned them back
And chased those Redcoats back to Boston town.
And the shot heard 'round the world
Was the start of the Revolution.
The Minute Men were ready, on the move.
Take your powder, and take your gun.
Report to General Washington.
Hurry men, there's not an hour to lose!
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Monday is a holiday?? Oh --- Sure!!! That's right. It's 4/20!
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I'm sure a lot of high-schoolers will be celebrating it, that's for sure.....
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Linda Z
MStar, I have photos of one of my high school friends and me on that bridge eons ago. Seeing it brings back memories of a fun trip to Boston many moons ago!
Cman, I thought you were going to talk about the Waco fiasco. It was also on April 19th that the Branch Davidian compound was burned and David Koresh and many of his followers died, ending the long standoff. I guess it was fresh in my mind because I heard a brief mention of it on the news this morning. Funny, I didn't hear anyone mention on the news what happened on that date in 1775. Priorities, I guess.
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yes it was that day as well,
what a mess that was
tomorrow is the columbine shooting on the 20th
i forgot where i heard about 1775
reading something today on the net
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Little known but true was that during Reveres ride he stopped at a tavern and had a beer in Medford Mass.
I occasionally wonder what history would look like if his drinking habits were a little different and he had stayed for "just one more" several times
Editted to add:
That got me to thinking where the term 420 came from--as if on cue this article showed up this morning...
Origins of "420",
Enjoy workin everyone, I have the day off. :)
Whether there is any 420 celebrations is yet to be determined
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Then again, Paul Revere got a lot of credit for the rides of a lot of people....
William Dawes
Samuel Prescott
the REAL long-range rider, Israel Bissell
and the Midnight Riders
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oh, different subject than I expected too. 04/20/1999 Columbine High School shootings. 14 students and one teacher died. 23 were injured. It was a scary and emotional day for us parents in the Jefferson County Colorado school district.
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The Allman Brothers got a little riding I mean writing credit for the Midnight Rider as well!!!!!!
But I’m not gonna let them catch me, no,
Not gonna let ’em catch the midnight rider.
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