Thanks for posting this. I doubt I would have seen it otherwise. The woman’s singing and the reaction of the judges and crowd was stunning and lovely. I hope she gets much more than 15 minutes.
I'm sorry I think/feel this fascination with individuals is very detrimental to society.I mean while the run up to Iraq was going on we were inundated with Chandra Levy and Gary Condit, anything to take the focus off more important things. I just see this as another way of placating/entertainig the masses.
I'm sorry I think/feel this fascination with individuals is very detrimental to society.I mean while the run up to Iraq was going on we were inundated with Chandra Levy and Gary Condit, anything to take the focus off more important things. I just see this as another way of placating/entertainig the masses.
Others see it a different way, yes there are more 'important' things to think about but what's wrong with sharing in anothers triumph? Even if it is a glorified talent show? Does it hurt to take less than 8 minutes of your news infused life to see or feel a little joy for someone else and perhaps remember that maybe all of life isnt about terrorists or baby rapers?
I personally enjoyed Ms. Boyle's moment in the sun. It is predicted that irregardless if she wins or loses the contest she will have at least one number one record and probably get kissed somewhere along the way. Hmm.
Did that distract me from my 'focus' of more important things? For a few seconds perhaps but then again so does posting on GS.
When I read the lyrics to this song I saw a kind of living counter point in Susan Boyle and the song itself. Could a soul be more bared? Life is certainly cool when it doesn't suck and for that few minutes, it was about as cool as it gets for her and now me! Totally dig it. This is the kind of distraction I need. Thanks exninski!
Others see it a different way, yes there are more 'important' things to think about but what's wrong with sharing in anothers triumph? Even if it is a glorified talent show? Does it hurt to take less than 8 minutes of your news infused life to see or feel a little joy for someone else and perhaps remember that maybe all of life isnt about terrorists or baby rapers?
I personally enjoyed Ms. Boyle's moment in the sun. It is predicted that irregardless if she wins or loses the contest she will have at least one number one record and probably get kissed somewhere along the way. Hmm.
Did that distract me from my 'focus' of more important things? For a few seconds perhaps but then again so does posting on GS.
It's not your enjoyment that I object to, but the incessant news coverage of it that I find disheartening.
What a lesson on superficiality vs. substance, eh? Doesn't it make you wonder how many times we might miss someone who has something fantastic to offer because we judge the book by the cover?
I loved how she came out all spunky and confident. She clearly knew something the audience and judges didn't know. Good for you, Susan Boyle!
Bullwinkl, I often hear people complaining that the news is too negative. This is the first time I've heard anyone complain that the news is giving too much coverage to something so positive.
I've already heard enough about Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton and Brittney Spears et al to last me a lifetime. I hope I hear a lot more about Susan Boyle and other people like her who have so much to give if anyone will pay them any notice.
My son just got BACK from LA. . .performing in front of Sharon Osbourne, David Hasselhoof, and the SAME Pierce for Americas Got Talent.
It is all staged. . . he could not believe how phoney it all was. There is a sound check where everyone get's to hear you. You have to pass an initial audition to get to perform before the judges. Producers pick who is good enough to go to audition.
It is not like she walked out there and no one knew she could sing. The judges reaction was probably real, but they could have had a heads up.
It is a TV show and they CREATE moments like that for reactions just like these.
It is a VERY fake atmosphere. They take one small snip of your story and create a backround for you.
Nick Cannon interviewed my son, and my kid(Who has been interviewed before) was shocked by how they try to get a certain response from you.
My friend auditioned for America Idol. And when I followed "Rock Star" they all said it was set up that Luke would win over that Rockin' chick that could really sell a song. It is all fixed and decided.
However, a minister friend of mine from AZ sent me Susan Boyle in an Email the other day and it is obvious she is not pretty, thin or sexy by the regular thinking of most people. To see her belt out a song that reaches your core was delightful and surprising to ME. It was incredible to see someone who does not look like Faith Hill get a shot because she has "talent." It was refreshing and for a moment it enabled me to revisit my dreams as still being possible.
I thought the eye rolling was kind of the giveaway that she was going to be amazing.
Now that does in no way take away from the talent she has.
Ultimately TV is NOT about anything more than selling something. I'd go so far to say that for most programmers it's not really about the content - it's about the commercial sponsors. The shows you see are there only because some company is willing to buy commercial time.
I agree with you Dooje! I don't watch as much as I used to. I do enjoy the documentary channels such as Science Channel and Animal Planet.....and I love the golf match and occasionally a Met's game. The sports play out as the game goes...but I'm sure there are things I'm not seeing on the other channels I enjoy because somebody doesn't want me to see it.
Much of this is relatively new revelation to me....however I was dumbfounded this week when Tues and Wed became all about Archbishop Doyle. Somebody was even willing to donate time to broadcast a mass both days!
There are plenty of good movies though, if you go looking and have a tivo to record the best ones at 3 am and then watch at your convenience (fast forward through the commercials)
yes, everything on tv is fabricated, and edited for effect. There's no such thing as a reality show.
still-Susan Boyle is the real deal-I was expecting a good voice, but there really is something amazing there. You can't fabricate her-I hope they don't ruin her now
Personally, I don't really care whether it was staged or not. Honestly, I don't.
What matters most to me is that she has a unique ability to reach deep inside your soul and evoke an emotional response. That's a rare quality, reserved for a handful of people. Of course, it doesn't hurt that she has a wonderful voice, flawless technique and powerful vocal control. Like bulwinkle, i agree that I can do just fine without another news blurb about Whitney and Bobby. But, this is something different. It's not about Susan. It's about what she does. And she does it remarkably well.
Although I have no doubt they played up the contrast between Susan's average appearance and her magnificent singing ability for dramatic effect, like Waysider says, it makes no difference to me. I'm glad she had her day in the sun, and I hope she gets kissed soon, if she'd like to be kissed!
Not only that, but anyone who uses the word "gobsmacked" is fine in my book!
Geo Aar, you hit the nail on the head.
Hiway, I have a hunch Susan wouldn't be easy to ruin.
And exsie, thanks for posting the YouTubes. That was the first time I saw her sing the whole song. Besides, anything that makes you happy because it makes your mom happy makes me happy, too!
It's not about Susan. It's about what she does. And she does it remarkably well.
There ya go. The result was in the actual performance.
Of course there was some set up involved. The audience reaction was predictable and amped up a little. However the woman could have been all of that and more going in, but still flubbed the actual performance and it would have been a non-story.
For someone who took her looks at face value, dissaociated from her vocal and singing ability, it was a great performance but not a great surprise other than she's pretty much unknown - but everyone is until they're known. Pleasant surprise might describe that response.
For someone who discounted any vocal or singing ability based on her appearance, the response is internal, self-realized and sudden - thus the wild applause, etc. Nobody has to say "you were wrong about her!" The conviction is made by the person themselves, based on what they've heard. It's one of the most meaningful ways to learn or become aware of something, where we are made to face our own perceptions with irrefutable undeniable evidence that counters what we previously thought. No one has to say "this is right". You see for yourself what's right and gladly accept it. "Yae! She's good! Cool!"
How long the effect lasts, dunno. But it's a nice moment. In a world of non-stop horrible news a little bit of good goes a long way and I'll take it where I find it. :)
it's not like Susan is the first 'plain' woman with a great voice. Mama Cass, Janis Joplin, and Kate Smith come to mind. It makes me wonder, but I'm not sure what I'm wondering. It's interesting that a talent that big, can go unnoticed for so long-makes me wonder who else is lurking in villages around the world. We're so accustomed to 'perfect' celebrities ( working at Disney, I'm astounded by the Hannah Montana look alikes that come through). We're supposed to have the same response as the 'beautiful' audience, to ordinary looking people 'daring' to step forward.
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Life is sure full of suprises!!

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My wife grabbed me and showed me her performance on American Idol. Very, very nice. I can't help but wonder how Claudette Royale would do...
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Thanks for posting this. I doubt I would have seen it otherwise. The woman’s singing and the reaction of the judges and crowd was stunning and lovely. I hope she gets much more than 15 minutes.
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I'm sorry I think/feel this fascination with individuals is very detrimental to society.I mean while the run up to Iraq was going on we were inundated with Chandra Levy and Gary Condit, anything to take the focus off more important things. I just see this as another way of placating/entertainig the masses.
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Others see it a different way, yes there are more 'important' things to think about but what's wrong with sharing in anothers triumph? Even if it is a glorified talent show? Does it hurt to take less than 8 minutes of your news infused life to see or feel a little joy for someone else and perhaps remember that maybe all of life isnt about terrorists or baby rapers?
I personally enjoyed Ms. Boyle's moment in the sun. It is predicted that irregardless if she wins or loses the contest she will have at least one number one record and probably get kissed somewhere along the way. Hmm.
Did that distract me from my 'focus' of more important things? For a few seconds perhaps but then again so does posting on GS.
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When I read the lyrics to this song I saw a kind of living counter point in Susan Boyle and the song itself. Could a soul be more bared? Life is certainly cool when it doesn't suck and for that few minutes, it was about as cool as it gets for her and now me! Totally dig it. This is the kind of distraction I need. Thanks exninski!
Dreamed a Dream
There was a time when men were kind
When their voices were soft
And their words inviting
There was a time when love was blind
And the world was a song
And the song was exciting
There was a time
Then it all went wrong
I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving
Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no wine untasted
But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hope apart
And they turn your dream to shame
He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came
And still I dream he'll come to me
That we will live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather
I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed.
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It's not your enjoyment that I object to, but the incessant news coverage of it that I find disheartening.
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Linda Z
What a lesson on superficiality vs. substance, eh? Doesn't it make you wonder how many times we might miss someone who has something fantastic to offer because we judge the book by the cover?
I loved how she came out all spunky and confident. She clearly knew something the audience and judges didn't know. Good for you, Susan Boyle!
Bullwinkl, I often hear people complaining that the news is too negative. This is the first time I've heard anyone complain that the news is giving too much coverage to something so positive.
I've already heard enough about Lindsey Lohan and Paris Hilton and Brittney Spears et al to last me a lifetime. I hope I hear a lot more about Susan Boyle and other people like her who have so much to give if anyone will pay them any notice.
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My son just got BACK from LA. . .performing in front of Sharon Osbourne, David Hasselhoof, and the SAME Pierce for Americas Got Talent.
It is all staged. . . he could not believe how phoney it all was. There is a sound check where everyone get's to hear you. You have to pass an initial audition to get to perform before the judges. Producers pick who is good enough to go to audition.
It is not like she walked out there and no one knew she could sing. The judges reaction was probably real, but they could have had a heads up.
It is a TV show and they CREATE moments like that for reactions just like these.
It is a VERY fake atmosphere. They take one small snip of your story and create a backround for you.
Nick Cannon interviewed my son, and my kid(Who has been interviewed before) was shocked by how they try to get a certain response from you.
It is all staged.
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Dot Matrix
My friend auditioned for America Idol. And when I followed "Rock Star" they all said it was set up that Luke would win over that Rockin' chick that could really sell a song. It is all fixed and decided.
However, a minister friend of mine from AZ sent me Susan Boyle in an Email the other day and it is obvious she is not pretty, thin or sexy by the regular thinking of most people. To see her belt out a song that reaches your core was delightful and surprising to ME. It was incredible to see someone who does not look like Faith Hill get a shot because she has "talent." It was refreshing and for a moment it enabled me to revisit my dreams as still being possible.
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I thought the eye rolling was kind of the giveaway that she was going to be amazing.
Now that does in no way take away from the talent she has.
Ultimately TV is NOT about anything more than selling something. I'd go so far to say that for most programmers it's not really about the content - it's about the commercial sponsors. The shows you see are there only because some company is willing to buy commercial time.
I hope Susan does well and has a good time.
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Wow, what a nice voice.
Did you listen to her "Cry me a River"?
A lot lot better than some singers who're out there.
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George Aar
Well, I thought it was remarkable that a homely person could do anything right.
I mean, we all know that generally only beautiful can actually perform, don't we?
Yes, it's uncanny how someone who looks like she does could ever sing. What are the odds?
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I agree with you Dooje! I don't watch as much as I used to. I do enjoy the documentary channels such as Science Channel and Animal Planet.....and I love the golf match and occasionally a Met's game. The sports play out as the game goes...but I'm sure there are things I'm not seeing on the other channels I enjoy because somebody doesn't want me to see it.
Much of this is relatively new revelation to me....however I was dumbfounded this week when Tues and Wed became all about Archbishop Doyle. Somebody was even willing to donate time to broadcast a mass both days!
There are plenty of good movies though, if you go looking and have a tivo to record the best ones at 3 am and then watch at your convenience (fast forward through the commercials)
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String Bean managed that 70 some years ago and became famous as a result. Lot's of folks liked him. YMMV. :)
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oh, all this staging stuff, sad
but i'm still glad susan boyle got a platform
i knew this song from les mis
and i felt like socks about the lyrics. touched my heart in a big way
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plus it made my mom really happy (that's how i heard about her) and that was worth it ALL
is this staged ? and the other interviews ?
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yes, everything on tv is fabricated, and edited for effect. There's no such thing as a reality show.
still-Susan Boyle is the real deal-I was expecting a good voice, but there really is something amazing there. You can't fabricate her-I hope they don't ruin her now
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Personally, I don't really care whether it was staged or not. Honestly, I don't.
What matters most to me is that she has a unique ability to reach deep inside your soul and evoke an emotional response. That's a rare quality, reserved for a handful of people. Of course, it doesn't hurt that she has a wonderful voice, flawless technique and powerful vocal control. Like bulwinkle, i agree that I can do just fine without another news blurb about Whitney and Bobby. But, this is something different. It's not about Susan. It's about what she does. And she does it remarkably well.
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Linda Z
Although I have no doubt they played up the contrast between Susan's average appearance and her magnificent singing ability for dramatic effect, like Waysider says, it makes no difference to me. I'm glad she had her day in the sun, and I hope she gets kissed soon, if she'd like to be kissed!
Not only that, but anyone who uses the word "gobsmacked" is fine in my book!
Geo Aar, you hit the nail on the head.
Hiway, I have a hunch Susan wouldn't be easy to ruin.
And exsie, thanks for posting the YouTubes. That was the first time I saw her sing the whole song. Besides, anything that makes you happy because it makes your mom happy makes me happy, too!
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It's not about Susan. It's about what she does. And she does it remarkably well.
There ya go. The result was in the actual performance.
Of course there was some set up involved. The audience reaction was predictable and amped up a little. However the woman could have been all of that and more going in, but still flubbed the actual performance and it would have been a non-story.
For someone who took her looks at face value, dissaociated from her vocal and singing ability, it was a great performance but not a great surprise other than she's pretty much unknown - but everyone is until they're known. Pleasant surprise might describe that response.
For someone who discounted any vocal or singing ability based on her appearance, the response is internal, self-realized and sudden - thus the wild applause, etc. Nobody has to say "you were wrong about her!" The conviction is made by the person themselves, based on what they've heard. It's one of the most meaningful ways to learn or become aware of something, where we are made to face our own perceptions with irrefutable undeniable evidence that counters what we previously thought. No one has to say "this is right". You see for yourself what's right and gladly accept it. "Yae! She's good! Cool!"
How long the effect lasts, dunno. But it's a nice moment. In a world of non-stop horrible news a little bit of good goes a long way and I'll take it where I find it. :)
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it's not like Susan is the first 'plain' woman with a great voice. Mama Cass, Janis Joplin, and Kate Smith come to mind. It makes me wonder, but I'm not sure what I'm wondering. It's interesting that a talent that big, can go unnoticed for so long-makes me wonder who else is lurking in villages around the world. We're so accustomed to 'perfect' celebrities ( working at Disney, I'm astounded by the Hannah Montana look alikes that come through). We're supposed to have the same response as the 'beautiful' audience, to ordinary looking people 'daring' to step forward.
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