There are about 30 posters who have actually seen me in the flesh...but I have changed in 30 years
LOL well if you are the guy with the red hair and the mustache I think I met you once at ROA or that guy has a doppleganger. but unfortunately I don't remember your name LOL So your secret is safe with me.
LOL well if you are the guy with the red hair and the mustache I think I met you once at ROA or that guy has a doppleganger. but unfortunately I don't remember your name LOL So your secret is safe with me.
Oh, no secret...I use a handle, but I've never hid my real name, T0m J0yce.
I’d vote for Oak being a fellow prone to present something of an uxorious appearance -- probably the guy on the left.
(Confession: I’m cheating. I’m pretty sure I saw a more recent photo of O posted somewhere on this forum, and don’t recall there being the same level of resemblance between the fellow in that photo and the guy on the far right .)
So if Kevin is the pencil Guy ::Hey Kevin I think I met you 30 years ago at ROA..Glad to see you here::
and Oakspear is the guy on the left... have you both reminisced now? also I wonder since I recognize a couple other people on there not their names just their faces how many of them in that picture are here on GS or are still innies
Girl in the far right corner.. The girl between you and Kevin ,, the Guy in the vest... Oakspear I recognized your face too but didn't know your name either not because I met you but probably saw you around. NOT that I expect you to know any of them or where they are but maybe some one else knows.
By the way I always forget names and pretty much always remember faces. IT is annoying.
The WayGB reminder got deleted because I tried to post another, more recent picture and I couldn't get it to come out right. Anyway, I recognize Kevin, vest man and the woman in between the two of them, as well as the girl in the yellow sweater (my girlfriend at the time). I'm not sure how anonymous they want to be, so I'm not sayin'. Kevin and I took PLAF (The Wonder Class) together about a year before this picture was taken. The others I have no recollection of. Kevin, is that the Kew Gardens Way Home or the Queens Village Way Home?
Kevin, is that the Kew Gardens Way Home or the Queens Village Way Home?
I've been looking at other pics from this same class, and I'm thinking it was Kew Gardens. Memory is real fuzzy, but I think you and I were the ones facilitating. BTW - I was coming to the class straight from work, so I was still dressed for the office. That explains the pens and tie.
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Hmmm Okay I am guessing you have a mustache and red hair.
I am not in the picture but I took the class in 1979 too and I was probably a couple thousand miles away! LOL
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There are about 30 posters who have actually seen me in the flesh...but I have changed in 30 years
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LOL well if you are the guy with the red hair and the mustache I think I met you once at ROA or that guy has a doppleganger. but unfortunately I don't remember your name LOL So your secret is safe with me.
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Aww heck. I was thinking that the guy in the red hair and mustache was Ron Howard.
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I was looking for (and couldn't find) the pictures from the 2nd Southern Comfort Weenie Roast.
Bunch of nice photos from the past there, but they seem to have all disappeared. :unsure:
I'm probably wrong, but from what I remember of those pics, I'm guessing (just a WAG -- mind you),
that you're the fellow wearing the vest (based on the smile), but having said that, I'll say also;
I'm not discounting the pens in the pocket of that other guy either!
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Garth, my thoughts exactly about the guy looking like Ron Howard!!!!!
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I think you're the young man with the dark hair second from the left in the back row.
I was at the 2nd Weenie Roast, but you wore a hat almost all the time I saw you...
I think I may recognize the gentleman with the vest all the way to the right in the back row too...
What a fun picture!
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I was @ the 2nd southern comfort weenie roast as well. Hmmm...I would have to agree with Bowtwi.
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Kevin Fallon
Ron Howard? Then I'd be bald now!!. The colors didn't survive the years well - my hair was actually dirty blonde. That's me.
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Mark Clarke
I don't know you or where you are in the picture, but the clothes and hairstyles really take me back. Sometimes I miss the '70s.
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I’d vote for Oak being a fellow prone to present something of an uxorious appearance -- probably the guy on the left.
(Confession: I’m cheating. I’m pretty sure I saw a more recent photo of O posted somewhere on this forum, and don’t recall there being the same level of resemblance between the fellow in that photo and the guy on the far right .)
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I hadn't read this post before I posted. Another failed endeavor into humor!
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Here's a photo of a men's branch at the 1975 Advanced Class in Emporia I just uploaded. I think it would be tougher to identify me in this group.
I wonder if any other folks in this photo are posting here.
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One entry found.
Main Entry: ux·o·ri·ous
Pronunciation: \ˌək-ˈsȯr-ē-əs, ˌəg-ˈzȯr-\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin uxorius uxorious, uxorial, from uxor wife
Date: 1598
: excessively fond of or submissive to a wife
— ux·o·ri·ous·ly adverb
— ux·o·ri·ous·ness noun
well yeah...but not back then
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So if Kevin is the pencil Guy ::Hey Kevin I think I met you 30 years ago at ROA..Glad to see you here::
and Oakspear is the guy on the left... have you both reminisced now? also I wonder since I recognize a couple other people on there not their names just their faces how many of them in that picture are here on GS or are still innies
Girl in the far right corner.. The girl between you and Kevin ,, the Guy in the vest... Oakspear I recognized your face too but didn't know your name either not because I met you but probably saw you around. NOT that I expect you to know any of them or where they are but maybe some one else knows.
By the way I always forget names and pretty much always remember faces. IT is annoying.
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Oops I forget sometimes about the Way GB sorry anyone afraid for their identity.
Edited to add.
and this will make no sense to anyone because Oakspear took down his reminder to me that people may not want their identity revealed. :) :)
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The WayGB reminder got deleted because I tried to post another, more recent picture and I couldn't get it to come out right. Anyway, I recognize Kevin, vest man and the woman in between the two of them, as well as the girl in the yellow sweater (my girlfriend at the time). I'm not sure how anonymous they want to be, so I'm not sayin'. Kevin and I took PLAF (The Wonder Class) together about a year before this picture was taken.
The others I have no recollection of. Kevin, is that the Kew Gardens Way Home or the Queens Village Way Home?
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Cynic, which one are you in that pic?
How kewl, Oak! It's so much fun to get old surprises like that, isn't it?
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I’m in the back row, below the space between the W and I in “Wierwille,” and am partly hidden by some other guy’s mop.
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Linda Z
Cynic, I didn't want to guess because nobody in that photo looks particularly cynical.
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Kevin Fallon
I've been looking at other pics from this same class, and I'm thinking it was Kew Gardens. Memory is real fuzzy, but I think you and I were the ones facilitating. BTW - I was coming to the class straight from work, so I was still dressed for the office. That explains the pens and tie.
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The girl first on the left in the back row looks like some one I knew named Nancy.
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