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what motivates you


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in the way, i remember "the hope" was supposed to motivate me every day..... moment....

but i don't think it ever really did or does. i'm not saying that i can't wait for it and long for it

but when i get out of bed and go to a job (or get laid off from a job and wonder if we'll lose the house), what keeps me going is my kid

i'm trying to remember what kept me going before he came along

just wanting to survive ? i don't know

also, my mom. i don't want to ever die before her because she couldn't take it


i'm not trying to make this a downer thread at all

but what keeps you going ? i'm just curious

i'm not rich. i don't think i ever will be although i would love to be

i'm concerned and content with ..... oh i don't know ......


what do you think ?


i'm not really asking what makes you happy (but please tell me if you want to)

but what makes you keep on keepin' on ?



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For me it is Life... I love living.

I love doing and seeing everything.

There is always something new around the next corner... sometimes I do not really want to go to work and some times I would rather be at work than home... but for me I just love living and doing and being and seeing my family and friends.

(yes I know I am disgustingly optimistic but to tell the truth my life as an adult is so much better than what I lived through as a kid... that every day feels like a gift)

Mind you some things really suck like getting laid off... being sick or losing some one you love... but most days really are good.

Regarding Yogurt and cereal I prefer fresh fruit with yogurt on top and cereal(granola) sprinkled over that.. but to trade yogurt for milk Nah that would be weird.

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For me it is a multistep process.

For me it is that waking sensation when you feel the drool running down the side of your face and onto the wet pillow, eyes stuck shut with eye gunk and mouth feeling like the entire U.T. Austin football team jogged over it. Slowly getting one eye to open to see what time it is.

The next real motivator is seeing the whiskey bottle on its side, the bottle of pills (what where they again?) the pipe - loaded for this morning and darn that bit of blow that got spread on the table when I slipped with the razor blade. I always get out of bed gingerly in case I dropped some glass or a razor blade. Stumble into the shower - stumble out - get dressed - then...

The final motivator - sweep together enough of that blow to do it - only slightly noticing it is now half dust from the table top, line up another serious line - wham it - then a bowl while I remind my self to be motivated for work.

Then after some blow and herb, I look at the whiskey bottle to see if there is any left - put the bottle down and DRIVE TO WORK ALL MOTIVATED

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For me it is a multistep process.

For me it is that waking sensation when you feel the drool running down the side of your face and onto the wet pillow, eyes stuck shut with eye gunk and mouth feeling like the entire U.T. Austin football team jogged over it. Slowly getting one eye to open to see what time it is.

The next real motivator is seeing the whiskey bottle on its side, the bottle of pills (what where they again?) the pipe - loaded for this morning and darn that bit of blow that got spread on the table when I slipped with the razor blade. I always get out of bed gingerly in case I dropped some glass or a razor blade. Stumble into the shower - stumble out - get dressed - then...

The final motivator - sweep together enough of that blow to do it - only slightly noticing it is now half dust from the table top, line up another serious line - wham it - then a bowl while I remind my self to be motivated for work.

Then after some blow and herb, I look at the whiskey bottle to see if there is any left - put the bottle down and DRIVE TO WORK ALL MOTIVATED

Hmmmmmm. And this is a from someone who works with technology for our space program/ exploration/ etc.

(excuse me if I didn't get your job description entirely correct). Please --- stumble on, on your way into work. :blink:

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Hmmmmmm. And this is a from someone who works with technology for our space program/ exploration/ etc.

(excuse me if I didn't get your job description entirely correct). Please --- stumble on, on your way into work. :blink:

Just decided that there wasn't enough dark humor here Dmiller - please only take it as that...heh heh

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What gets me going in the morning is a little dog who may well pee on the carpet if I don't rise and shine. And Mr. Garden who teaches kiddies then does landscaping part time for a relative - he deserves a decent breakfast. And the very first cup of freshly brewed Columbian Supremo - a former coworker called it "the virgin cup" - that I pour for myself whilst preparing that breakfast. And then, as 2Life says, "ya just never know what the day will bring!"

On a more serious note, I guess I'm somewhat responsibility-oriented and just want to make the most of every new day.


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There are people I look forward to seeing or chatting with everyday. My hubby and children and all they are doing interests me. My sister and I talk several times a day, I hear from my good friend who moved to Scotland(we IM) daily, also hear from my brother who travels, and one or more of my local wichy sisters, my online writer's group, my cousin who is retired and travels and iMs, my niece who has a new baby. Work friends. I look forward to all that communication daily.

I like to read, I spend time writing everyday, I play with my cats, maybe cook something tasty, plan or work on the garden, watch TV with Hubby, give my (largley unwanted) opinions to my teens and ask all manner of snoopy questions.There is often something to do that is fun or interesting or comforting that I enjoy, though none of it is life changing important stuff, just day to day things. I'm thinking of buying one of those Learn to Knit kits.

Many of those activities were not possible or were put down or limited when we were in TWI , because we had so many ministry responsibilities to fufill to be 'good.' Now my life is more in my control and I like it much much better.

There's enough sad stuff in life...we lost both my parents and mom in law just a few years ago, hubby has type 1 diabetes that is difficult to manage, I have some health issues due to autoimmune disease... making home and life pleasant and comfortable is important to me, people I love are important to me, helping my kids be successful is important to me, giving what I can is important to me. Life is full.

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For me it is a progression.

step 1

a sweet tap from a soft paw which i can ignore.

step 2 head butt which involves bone on bone crashing and loud purring . I can cover most of my body to lessen the blows.

step 3 wait for it wait for it she will come out of there for air sometime.. and the cold wet nose gets slimed on any visable skin while purring obnoxiously .

step four is the danger zone now fully awake and angry they will begin a row a fight a down and dirty claw on claw teeth on teeth on top of me .

this almost always works with the first or second growl.

Im up.

he is overwieght and she will poo in the tub if the box isnt clean.

my life and what motivates me. everyday.

talk amoung yourselfs.

see picture on left to view one of the reasons in full glory.

I refuse to figure how my life got to this stage it is what it is.

Edited by pond
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The Lord still has His way with words for me.

I got a great boss who does his best to live for the Lord and some co-workers who are awesome.

A new book by Watchman Nee just came out. Most precious. (He has been dead 32 years. A sermon from 1949 found and translated from Chinese.) A tesimony that a life well lived has continual repercussions.

God is so kind and gracious. He still keeps me singing.

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Today, the kittens jumping on my bed.

Finally, they're big enough. Today's the day I hit the street corner with my FREE KITTENS sign.

Hopefully, I can summon up enough of my old wayfer love-bomb mind-control voodoo -- like I used in the old days to put together all those 150-student PFAL classes (lies, all lies) -- to hoodwink someone into taking in these three little terrorists.

Here's an opener I'm pondering:


Whaddaya think? Pretty good mo-tech, eh?

We'll see.

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My real answer is the fact that-

I don't have to go to any meetings

or run around gathering up people and material for classes,

or worry about getting called or faxed or emailed about not reporting back about something I did or didn't do.

or worry about whether God is going to bless me because I didn't give enough over the 10 percent minimum.

Now I can do whatever the hell I want to do. That makes me feel a lot better.

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