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i've heard of jesus the healer.......nice book by e.w. kenyon abundantly plagiarized by der victoid..........but who in the hell is rosie da healer??..........she's not even a competent "orkin man" for twi's messes, let alone any facsimile of a healer!

she hasn't healed herself, a mighty hefty bit of work there just for starters, let alone any of the thousands destroyed, abused, raped, and ripped off by vic and da boyz in da hoods.........she sure didn't heal the doofus from okie did she?............you see folks, rozilla's concept of healing is pouring kosher salt on a large , slow-moving slug, that may be inching its way along one of the precious walkways at crotchaven.....er, 'skuse me......foxhaven, on a muggy summer morning!!!!

'cuz pouring salt in gaping, life-threatening wounds is how folks on the north carolina social register accomplish all they know about healing anything!.....................peace.

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hmm. Interesting observation..

considering that the current pres strongly resembles a mollusk of which you speak, maybe that's the "therapy" to "fix" twi..


might even fix the north carolina social register..


about four or five pounds of kosher salt.. yeah, that would do it..


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I think that would make an ideal "selection" process for da new pres..

line them all up. moneyhands, kiddo, all the other supposed apparent successors to the throne.

Apply kosher salt LIBERALLY. The one who can crawl off to fresh water and emerge in a less than jelly-like condition.. you've got a winner..


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  skyrider said:
And.......what does THAT mean..?????

SPECIFICALLY, what has she healed? Are we talking "soothing over the damage control caused by lcm?" Did she "heal" the ministry by bringing ole veepee's doctrines back into focus? Is micro-managing people and brow-beating them into a sense of like-mindedness......is that the "healing" she has administered?

And.........wouldn't it be highly suspect that any "prophecy" over rosalie carry any relevance in a defunct, immoral, and corrupt organization?

What some would call "healing".............others would call COVER-UP. <_<

I didn't think anything of it at the time, though I remember it and those words. I don't know if lcm had the prophesy pre-written or if he was speaking from the "sub-conscious".

If the innies want it to be healed, then it is healed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  Bolshevik said:
It was at least implied positions would circulate more. Young folks were coming up with all sorts of damned ideas. People have been expecting rosie to step aside for a long time.

Most of these younger folks have bounced - from the cabinet anyway. Hampt0n went on the field. Br00ks left. J0hns0n left. I think M0ynihan is the last of the young guys standing.

You are right people are expecting Rosie to step. I think it will happen in the next year. But again it won't matter because she will remain on the board, pulling the strings.

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  Bolshevik said:
br00ks got screwed

and I was thinking a lot younger then those folks

Johns0n left? cool.

Yeah, I guess when we are creeping up on forty it's hard to claim youth anymore. Those were all the newer, young-ish cabinet folks I could think of. Got to go through the cabinet if you are going to be in those director roles usually.

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This all so twisted, it should be a (not-quite) reality show. Rosie as Donald Trump? "Don't believe my teachings on debt? You're FIRED! Well, actually, you're new corpse assignment is in Pakistan."


p.s. No actual Pakistanis were recruited in the making of this show...

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