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:eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :wave::knuddel: HAM you took the words (almost) right out of my mouth! If I can go back to school for needle arts to earn a certification, and you went back to school for teaching credentials, anybody who wants to do anything......can probably do it IF they learn to reason and write reasonably well (at least better than I usually do!)
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Ham,I always knew there was an einstien in ya.For me it was at 35 almost 36,to learn somthing new,working at

a chemical plant was awesome for me,I was always fascinated by plumbing,now almost 20 years later,and somewhat closer to retirement.

I still have "fun"at what I do.

The waY though,it was like playing in the sand,ya know like on tv,these people build these huge sand castles,in a contest,then someone trys to blow it up,you still only end up with a pile of sand.The "quote"leadership around these parts were college educated making in excess of 250000 a year,so its real easy to say believe god,he will meet your need,folks as you know most of the time money is

what you need to meet a need,that involves a decent job,twi is sand smokescreen and a whole lotta bs.

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  pawtucket said:
A couple of things.

The mods make the decisions to not allow someone to post. And I am one of them. Voting on it just seems wrong to me.

White Dove was not banned. I have to approve his posts before they go public.

Excathedra really brings up the heart of the matter. Someone sharing something that is painful and personal, and having them attacked by fellow posters is just wrong. Opinions are one thing, trying to play defense attorney for TWI on here is quite another. One thing that TWI instilled in people is this false sense of self-righteousness. Not even closely biblical, it is probably delusional. I can't and won't try to change people, people have to do that on their own. There is more than ample information here to make an educated decision on what you believe in relationship to TWI.

On the subject of banning. In the mission, "All are welcome here" that was and is true. It does NOT say "All are welcome to POST here" Certain individual want to make this a court of law, it is not that. Never will be. I just decided that enough is enough. White Dove was given many warnings. He wants this forum to be something that it is not. He knows that. My offer to let him have his own forum still stands.

The decisions made by the moderating team are not going to please everyone. I wish they could, but the reality is they won't.

Since I was the one talking bans I just wanted to say the voting aspect would be there to express the collective opinion of people posting on the site, and would be something to forward to a moderator to consider the appropriate action to take against an individual.

Ban, moderate posts, or whatever course of action necessary - I'm glad I brought it up. Having to argue every little point with these two on here is a complete waste of time. Maybe this type of action will reign them in a little.

Beyond that, from my perspective I'm certainly not important enough where I think moderators need to please me with their actions. Run your site and your forums as you see fit. I'm glad they are around.

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  Modgellan said:
There is also the Blog feature here. One could carry out their court hearing there. Witnesses of course might not answer the subpeona however.

I do not know a single moderator who would ban a poster for writing in favor of TWI, PFAL, Wierwille, Rosie or LCM. That has never been suggested by any of us to my knowledge.

That said, the safety and healing of victims of TWI abuse in whatever form will always be a first priority. Demanding proof from a victim will be watched very closely, and we will not allow them to be harassed or intimidated away from telling their story whether they provide proof or not.

Yes.........the Blog feature, but THAT would probably not get the attention that WhiteDove and Oldies desires.

When all is said and done.........it seems like those guys want to stand in the spotlight. They crave the attention, the controversy, the "martyrs" of wierwille, the final-say of authority, the lording over others, etc. etc. etc.


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  • 2 weeks later...
I think that sums it up nicely...It would appear to some that Whitedove deliberately hijacks threads and leads them into his cul de sac of illogic. It's the same argument over and over...I think this kind of disruption should be unwelcome here.

Groucho -- I agree!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  mstar1 said:
I still think that Pawtuckets offer is incredibly generous--

and cant fathom why WD isnt jumping on it--

I can fathom...ole wd-40 would get real tired of him and 3 others chanting the praises of all that was w/ no opposition...

He, and his "like-minded" cohorts want to be here, ceaselessly bleating and braying about how we can't forget all the good they enjoyed in days of old while us complainers were missing out on the fun.

Yeah, right....but anyone who harshes their buzz has to be constantly reminded of the Bill of Rights and courtroom logic and all kinds of other totally irrelevant krappola, -- right, boys???

Their OWN site, muwahahahahahah, in a pigs eye, no way will they ever cease being gadflies fer da troof...

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