I agree with Garth. WD has his mission, he can set up his own forum for it. it's not hard to set up a forum... but then he wouldn't have a somewhat captive audience for his posturing and abuse. some of us come here because we NEED a place that tells the other side of the story. this place has been an essential component of my recovery.
The trouble is that when someone has been abused it often becomes he said she said,,, and there is very little evidence left except word of mouth... the other problem is that when people have had a good experience or no experience with the abuser, or the abuser is in a position of trust (someone who should be above this kind of abuse) it is difficult for people who hear of the abuse to believe or give credability to the person who claims they were abused... and do not for a second think that it is due to not knowing the claimant... It happens in families all the time. I know from my own first hand experience. When people don't want to hear it they assume you are a liar, even when there is actual hard evidence.
What angers people on this forum is that some posters immediately want everyone to pull out legal documents to prove what they say.
For one thing this is not a court of law it is a forum... and yes it is set up to discuss what happened in TWI not just the good but the bad and not just the bad but the good... but when you constantly attack some one for trying to tell you what happened to them ... you effectively silence them... And people on here are grown up enouogh (one would hope) to take what they read and sift it through a bit. and allow for some error.
As far as banning someone... it happens on most forums from time to time. just remember you wouldn't want to be trying to tell what happened to you and have some one calling you a liar to your face... especially as most people tell this kind of stuff because they genuinely want to warn others.
For myself my time in TWI, as I have said before was quite pleasant I was very lucky but I saw stuff and heard stuff that made me wonder... being young I didn't pay enough attention to it... I find it difficult to read some off this stuff.. it is hard to come to grips with what the real ministry was... but it lines up with some of the stuff I heard and saw...
I will say this though... we all do need to be more careful that what we share is as close to accurate as possible... We all are human... mistakes are made, but pulling out the snide little chapter and verse line is rude and self defeating... how about... oh I never saw that... was it ina teaching tape maybe or a teaching you heard or something you saw.. I had that happen when I brought up something I had believed was taught in the class and was shown that I was wrong, that some memories had become muddled....
But when some one is recounting what actually happened to them it is beyond rude to tell them they are a liar if they don't have court documents to prove what they say.
There you go my two cents with an extra $1.50 thrown in for good measure.
edited to add whoops I spent so long composing and being interupted a lot more was said between when I started and when I posted
The mission is pretty clear and the "rules" are pretty clear. Nothing needs to be "clarified" in my opinion.
No matter how many rules and how many clarifications you put out there, someone will always try to find a loophole, someone will always try to find a way around it. That doesn't mean that the administrator was a poor communicator, just that people will be people.
For any who think that the proponents of the pro-TWI point of view treated unfairly, consider that none of the pro-TWI sites allow dissent from their POV. You cannot go to TWI's site, or for that matter any of the offshoots and debate TWI theology. Even the privately owned sites that we have seen from time to time screen out those who are anti-TWI. On the other side anti-TWI sites like Juedes' don't allow you to post pro-TWI material.
So the pro-Wierwillites get ganged up on, aren't allowed to harrass posters with horrific TWI experiences, can't push their agendas...well, boo-f***ing-hoo.
While I personally believe that the presence of dissenting opinions sharpens one's articulation of one's own position, they shouldn't be allowed to derail the primary mission.
Some of the uh, dissenters, are from old twi, as far as I can tell. They'd probably be rejected by today's and tomorrow's twi too. I'm sure that's gotta sting.
I better add that just becasue my time in TWI was okay in no way negates all the bad stuff that happened in fact it is even more appauling to me as I wish I could scoop up all the people who were hurt and make them feel better. and undue my time with TWI...
They pull this shi+ cuz of Power And Control, it's the high, the rush of making others feel like dog crap so they can, themselves, feel NOT like dog crap.
Honestly, why do any of you give them any level of power over your life? What difference does it make what they say or think? Really? Do you not get that it's this caring about what others think that caused more than a few of you to do things that you aren't particularly proud of?
If you really don't like it, put them on your ignore list.
Honestly, why do any of you give them any level of power over your life? What difference does it make what they say or think? Really? Do you not get that it's this caring about what others think that caused more than a few of you to do things that you aren't particularly proud of?
If you really don't like it, put them on your ignore list.
I won't put them on my ignore list, because I hate bullies and I don't feel like sitting around being quiet while they bully other people who might be new and unfamiliar with the bully's tactics.
my life was run by people like him in twi. so legalistic! there's really no reason to put him on ignore because his opinions don't influence me, but I do consider him good practice for my philosophy studies because he thinks the way I used to about a lot of things and being reminded of that motivates me to keep working on myself.
I won't put them on my ignore list, because I hate bullies and I don't feel like sitting around being quiet while they bully other people who might be new and unfamiliar with the bully's tactics.
my life was run by people like him in twi. so legalistic! there's really no reason to put him on ignore because his opinions don't influence me, but I do consider him good practice for my philosophy studies because he thinks the way I used to about a lot of things and being reminded of that motivates me to keep working on myself.
I believe you are one that needn't put them on ignore, because you can hold your own and can beat them at their own game. I won't ignore them for the same reason you do. They remind me of where I was and where I need to be. People who find themselves whipped into a frenzy over the comments might consider ignoring.
You need to take the view that those types are here strictly for their entertainment value.
While I find there words and belief systems deplorable perhaps even despicable - especially toward those genuine victims who they continue to endeavor to discredit...ya just gotta look at them as if in a prison solitary...it's good to poke them with a sharp stick every now and then and sit back and watch the snarling.
Below is an extract of a recent quote from Paw regarding posting on the forums:This quote appears to be saying that pro-twi viewpoints are not welcomed here. Paw even went so far as to say he'd set up a pro-twi site for free.
In other words it seems to be saying "it is your privilege to defend twi, but here, please be quiet, we already know the pro-twi side and we don't want to hear it."
Please please clarify if this is a rule change, and if it is, please post this on the forum rules so that all posters (even those with pro-twi viewpoints from time to time) know where they stand.
I have been here since this place opened, and there have always been dissenting opinions. But there is a difference, in how those opinions are expressed. For example, you Oldies, will ask pointed questions, share that your own experience was different, etc. But you are generally respectful and you aren't a broken record.
I have defended WhiteDove's "right" (although it really is a privilege, not a right) to post here on a number of occassions. However, even I am sick to death of the broken record he has become. Almost every thread he posts on gets derailed into a "prove it"/"make me" argument that goes on for pages and pages and pages, while the initial topic is lost altogether. I've gotten to a point where if I see his name in a thread, I stop reading the thread because I already know where it is going to end up. And it carries from thread to thread to thread to thread with no end in sight.
Now, that isn't ALL White Dove's fault. If people would simply ignore his demand for evidence, he would probably get bored and move on to something else. Perhaps equally irritating, but at least it would be DIFFERENT. However, his demands push people's buttons. People share highly emotional stuff in this forum and it brings up things that are highly emotional for some of the readers. Given the emotionally charged nature of many of the conversations, it is a given that there will always be at least a small handful of people who will take the bait when WhiteDove tosses it out there, and I would be that WhiteDove knows this.
So, I don't think it is asking too much, to ask WhiteDove to cease and desist from playing defense counsel for TWI or even from playing defense counsel for his version of "truth." This is a website, not a courtroom. It is a website, not some Christian religious school purporting to propound the truth and nothing but the truth.
Truth or facts are highly subjective. How one person perceives an experience and how another person perceives that experience can be very different. There will never be a 100% consensus on most of this stuff, nor does there need to be. The people who post here, or read here, are adults and they can come to their own conclusions without all the word smithing that goes on.
One person says Ms. W. said so and so. Someone else comes along and says I never heard that. Great, you never heard it. That doesn't mean she didn't say it. Maybe the person who didn't hear simply wasn't paying attention when it was said, or maybe it didn't seem important enouogh to remember. Maybe the person relaying the story remembered part of it wrong. So what??
No where in the rules does it say all stories must be supported by cold hard evidence that would hold up under the scrutiny of a court of law.
Ex....thank-you for your Post and Rascal for yours...
The one thing that I know for sure, are the things I've experienced. I shared what I shared on that thread, as personal as it was, when I read what Ex posted. I related to her sharing so much, I decided to post my experience.
It's our stories, our experiences, that people can relate to. It's the feelings we have felt that others have felt. That is what has brought healing to me. It makes me know that I am not alone and it validates me. I am very thankful for that.
My eyes have been opened so much by reading threads at GS...
I know people can criticize or question, not believe what people post. Those are not the people I post for...
I don't know anything about courts, and all that and Ex you are correct in what you wrote about the video etc....All I know is that I come here to relate and in relating, I can heal a little bit more.
The mission is pretty clear and the "rules" are pretty clear. Nothing needs to be "clarified" in my opinion.
No matter how many rules and how many clarifications you put out there, someone will always try to find a loophole, someone will always try to find a way around it. That doesn't mean that the administrator was a poor communicator, just that people will be people.
For any who think that the proponents of the pro-TWI point of view treated unfairly, consider that none of the pro-TWI sites allow dissent from their POV. You cannot go to TWI's site, or for that matter any of the offshoots and debate TWI theology. Even the privately owned sites that we have seen from time to time screen out those who are anti-TWI. On the other side anti-TWI sites like Juedes' don't allow you to post pro-TWI material.
So the pro-Wierwillites get ganged up on, aren't allowed to harrass posters with horrific TWI experiences, can't push their agendas...well, boo-f***ing-hoo.
While I personally believe that the presence of dissenting opinions sharpens one's articulation of one's own position, they shouldn't be allowed to derail the primary mission.
Oakspear..........you pointed out several things that I've been considering about this topic.
The term *pro-twi viewpoint* is NOT accurate, imo..........pro-wierwille is the REAL ISSUE that brings out escalated apologeia from these guys. Secondly, any and all things related to pfal bring out the "defenders" en mass [i.e. WhiteDove, Oldies, What The Hey]. And thirdly, the good ole days when wierwille walked among us.
But harrassing posters, especially those who come to GS to share personal stories of pain and abuse, and driving them away with verbal onslaughts.......THAT TIME HAS PASSED.
Ironic, isn't it?..........defenders who claim to be "pro-wierwille" OR "pro-good ole days of love and acceptance" have a message of contempt, or disdain, for those who carry heavy burdens of the heart? The individual does NOT matter, nothing matters.......but to sanitize wierwille's name and legacy.
Ironic, isn't it?..........defenders who claim to be "pro-wierwille" OR "pro-good ole days of love and acceptance" have a message of contempt, or disdain, for those who carry heavy burdens of the heart? The individual does NOT matter, nothing matters.......but to sanitize wierwille's name and legacy.
Not at all unlike cleaning out a septic tank with a soda straw...Don't know how those "defenders" can stand the taste of that cr@p any longer
I think a pro-vpw beliefs forum would be good. There are a lot of folks who probably don't post here who don't like what he did, but like the belief system still. Maybe they're intimidated to post here. It would be interesting to see what happens in another forum, disagreements among the evolving beliefs and such, if anything.
I have defended WhiteDove's "right" (although it really is a privilege, not a right) to post here on a number of occassions. However, even I am sick to death of the broken record he has become. Almost every thread he posts on gets derailed into a "prove it"/"make me" argument that goes on for pages and pages and pages, while the initial topic is lost altogether.
No where in the rules does it say all stories must be supported by cold hard evidence that would hold up under the scrutiny of a court of law.
I think that sums it up nicely...It would appear to some that Whitedove deliberately hijacks threads and leads them into his cul de sac of illogic. It's the same argument over and over...I think this kind of disruption should be unwelcome here.
I have defended WhiteDove's "right" (although it really is a privilege, not a right) to post here on a number of occassions. However, even I am sick to death of the broken record he has become. Almost every thread he posts on gets derailed into a "prove it"/"make me" argument that goes on for pages and pages and pages, while the initial topic is lost altogether. I've gotten to a point where if I see his name in a thread, I stop reading the thread because I already know where it is going to end up. And it carries from thread to thread to thread to thread with no end in sight....
So, I don't think it is asking too much, to ask WhiteDove to cease and desist from playing defense counsel for TWI or even from playing defense counsel for his version of "truth." This is a website, not a courtroom. It is a website, not some Christian religious school purporting to propound the truth and nothing but the truth.
Personally.. I think if someone is that "passionate" about legaleaze and all.. maybe one ought to go to law school..
if a fifty some year old squirrel can get a degree in math and chemistry.. I mean, cmon.. how hard can it be?
you take your midlife crisis.. and just don't throw it away.. for gawd's sakes, DO SOMETHING with it..
I just didn't want to PRETEND to be a mathematician for the rest of my days or something like that..
oh, the nice university thirty miles the other way accepted me into their grad program.. now if they'll give me a teaching assistantship.. I'll be REALLY happy..
I mean.. really.. you're "passionate" about scumbags getting a fair shake and all..
I got into this math and science thing thinking I'd make some kind of difference.. believe me, it's not for the money.. I can think of a few ways to (positively) motivate students to learn math.. I just happen to like the subject..
what's the difference here, wd? Wanna make a real, substantial, difference? Think you are "right"? fine.. PROVE IT..
"duhh.. but I'm so old.."
personally.. I don't think one is "too old" until they are dead..
There is also the Blog feature here. One could carry out their court hearing there. Witnesses of course might not answer the subpeona however.
I do not know a single moderator who would ban a poster for writing in favor of TWI, PFAL, Wierwille, Rosie or LCM. That has never been suggested by any of us to my knowledge.
That said, the safety and healing of victims of TWI abuse in whatever form will always be a first priority. Demanding proof from a victim will be watched very closely, and we will not allow them to be harassed or intimidated away from telling their story whether they provide proof or not.
hehe, I'm actually thinking of going to law school, Ham. I've been studying law for several years now. I wrote a research paper on statutory interpretation that's under review by a state agency, and a lawyer has already consulted with me because of my expertise in that particular area of law in my state. a good friend has been encouraging me to go for it. imagine a potato of my age going to law school... but you only live once, right?
Sounds like you have an advantage at the starting gate, like I did.. I studied and understood Calculus I, II and III before I set foot in a classroom.. learned it on my own.. but it's a big world, there's lots more..
when the kids in Numerical Analysis were crying about having to do some series, or integration by parts.. or Newton's method.. I knew it like the back of my hand..
I can say "kids".. heheh. That was what these classes were like.. a fifty year old hippy, and twenty some young kids..
My class in Real Analysis was fun.. the professor was absolutely brilliant.. some of the students were rather disappointed though.. he gave little feedback. It came, but not in what they thought was a timely manner..
but it was a 400 level class. What does one expect? I figure a lot of grad level classes will be like that..
I hear some give you something to work on.. like projects and stuff.. and sometimes, if you don't figure it out, you'll NEVER know the answer..
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Honestly, why do any of you give them any level of power over your life? What difference does it make what they say or think? Really? Do you not get that it's this caring about what others think that
I believe you are one that needn't put them on ignore, because you can hold your own and can beat them at their own game. I won't ignore them for the same reason you do. They remind me of where I was
I agree with Garth. WD has his mission, he can set up his own forum for it. it's not hard to set up a forum... but then he wouldn't have a somewhat captive audience for his posturing and abuse. some of us come here because we NEED a place that tells the other side of the story. this place has been an essential component of my recovery.
WD is a predator who takes advantage of that.
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The trouble is that when someone has been abused it often becomes he said she said,,, and there is very little evidence left except word of mouth... the other problem is that when people have had a good experience or no experience with the abuser, or the abuser is in a position of trust (someone who should be above this kind of abuse) it is difficult for people who hear of the abuse to believe or give credability to the person who claims they were abused... and do not for a second think that it is due to not knowing the claimant... It happens in families all the time. I know from my own first hand experience. When people don't want to hear it they assume you are a liar, even when there is actual hard evidence.
What angers people on this forum is that some posters immediately want everyone to pull out legal documents to prove what they say.
For one thing this is not a court of law it is a forum... and yes it is set up to discuss what happened in TWI not just the good but the bad and not just the bad but the good... but when you constantly attack some one for trying to tell you what happened to them ... you effectively silence them... And people on here are grown up enouogh (one would hope) to take what they read and sift it through a bit. and allow for some error.
As far as banning someone... it happens on most forums from time to time. just remember you wouldn't want to be trying to tell what happened to you and have some one calling you a liar to your face... especially as most people tell this kind of stuff because they genuinely want to warn others.
For myself my time in TWI, as I have said before was quite pleasant I was very lucky but I saw stuff and heard stuff that made me wonder... being young I didn't pay enough attention to it... I find it difficult to read some off this stuff.. it is hard to come to grips with what the real ministry was... but it lines up with some of the stuff I heard and saw...
I will say this though... we all do need to be more careful that what we share is as close to accurate as possible... We all are human... mistakes are made, but pulling out the snide little chapter and verse line is rude and self defeating... how about... oh I never saw that... was it ina teaching tape maybe or a teaching you heard or something you saw.. I had that happen when I brought up something I had believed was taught in the class and was shown that I was wrong, that some memories had become muddled....
But when some one is recounting what actually happened to them it is beyond rude to tell them they are a liar if they don't have court documents to prove what they say.
There you go my two cents with an extra $1.50 thrown in for good measure.
edited to add whoops I spent so long composing and being interupted a lot more was said between when I started and when I posted
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The mission is pretty clear and the "rules" are pretty clear. Nothing needs to be "clarified" in my opinion.
No matter how many rules and how many clarifications you put out there, someone will always try to find a loophole, someone will always try to find a way around it. That doesn't mean that the administrator was a poor communicator, just that people will be people.
For any who think that the proponents of the pro-TWI point of view treated unfairly, consider that none of the pro-TWI sites allow dissent from their POV. You cannot go to TWI's site, or for that matter any of the offshoots and debate TWI theology. Even the privately owned sites that we have seen from time to time screen out those who are anti-TWI. On the other side anti-TWI sites like Juedes' don't allow you to post pro-TWI material.
So the pro-Wierwillites get ganged up on, aren't allowed to harrass posters with horrific TWI experiences, can't push their agendas...well, boo-f***ing-hoo.
While I personally believe that the presence of dissenting opinions sharpens one's articulation of one's own position, they shouldn't be allowed to derail the primary mission.
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Some of the uh, dissenters, are from old twi, as far as I can tell. They'd probably be rejected by today's and tomorrow's twi too. I'm sure that's gotta sting.
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I better add that just becasue my time in TWI was okay in no way negates all the bad stuff that happened in fact it is even more appauling to me as I wish I could scoop up all the people who were hurt and make them feel better. and undue my time with TWI...
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Honestly, why do any of you give them any level of power over your life? What difference does it make what they say or think? Really? Do you not get that it's this caring about what others think that caused more than a few of you to do things that you aren't particularly proud of?
If you really don't like it, put them on your ignore list.
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I won't put them on my ignore list, because I hate bullies and I don't feel like sitting around being quiet while they bully other people who might be new and unfamiliar with the bully's tactics.
my life was run by people like him in twi. so legalistic! there's really no reason to put him on ignore because his opinions don't influence me, but I do consider him good practice for my philosophy studies because he thinks the way I used to about a lot of things and being reminded of that motivates me to keep working on myself.
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I believe you are one that needn't put them on ignore, because you can hold your own and can beat them at their own game. I won't ignore them for the same reason you do. They remind me of where I was and where I need to be. People who find themselves whipped into a frenzy over the comments might consider ignoring.
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You need to take the view that those types are here strictly for their entertainment value.
While I find there words and belief systems deplorable perhaps even despicable - especially toward those genuine victims who they continue to endeavor to discredit...ya just gotta look at them as if in a prison solitary...it's good to poke them with a sharp stick every now and then and sit back and watch the snarling.
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I have been here since this place opened, and there have always been dissenting opinions. But there is a difference, in how those opinions are expressed. For example, you Oldies, will ask pointed questions, share that your own experience was different, etc. But you are generally respectful and you aren't a broken record.
I have defended WhiteDove's "right" (although it really is a privilege, not a right) to post here on a number of occassions. However, even I am sick to death of the broken record he has become. Almost every thread he posts on gets derailed into a "prove it"/"make me" argument that goes on for pages and pages and pages, while the initial topic is lost altogether. I've gotten to a point where if I see his name in a thread, I stop reading the thread because I already know where it is going to end up. And it carries from thread to thread to thread to thread with no end in sight.
Now, that isn't ALL White Dove's fault. If people would simply ignore his demand for evidence, he would probably get bored and move on to something else. Perhaps equally irritating, but at least it would be DIFFERENT. However, his demands push people's buttons. People share highly emotional stuff in this forum and it brings up things that are highly emotional for some of the readers. Given the emotionally charged nature of many of the conversations, it is a given that there will always be at least a small handful of people who will take the bait when WhiteDove tosses it out there, and I would be that WhiteDove knows this.
So, I don't think it is asking too much, to ask WhiteDove to cease and desist from playing defense counsel for TWI or even from playing defense counsel for his version of "truth." This is a website, not a courtroom. It is a website, not some Christian religious school purporting to propound the truth and nothing but the truth.
Truth or facts are highly subjective. How one person perceives an experience and how another person perceives that experience can be very different. There will never be a 100% consensus on most of this stuff, nor does there need to be. The people who post here, or read here, are adults and they can come to their own conclusions without all the word smithing that goes on.
One person says Ms. W. said so and so. Someone else comes along and says I never heard that. Great, you never heard it. That doesn't mean she didn't say it. Maybe the person who didn't hear simply wasn't paying attention when it was said, or maybe it didn't seem important enouogh to remember. Maybe the person relaying the story remembered part of it wrong. So what??
No where in the rules does it say all stories must be supported by cold hard evidence that would hold up under the scrutiny of a court of law.
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Hi All,
Ex....thank-you for your Post and Rascal for yours...
The one thing that I know for sure, are the things I've experienced. I shared what I shared on that thread, as personal as it was, when I read what Ex posted. I related to her sharing so much, I decided to post my experience.
It's our stories, our experiences, that people can relate to. It's the feelings we have felt that others have felt. That is what has brought healing to me. It makes me know that I am not alone and it validates me. I am very thankful for that.
My eyes have been opened so much by reading threads at GS...
I know people can criticize or question, not believe what people post. Those are not the people I post for...
I don't know anything about courts, and all that and Ex you are correct in what you wrote about the video etc....All I know is that I come here to relate and in relating, I can heal a little bit more.
For me that is what GS is all about.
Thanks for your lives....
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Oakspear..........you pointed out several things that I've been considering about this topic.
The term *pro-twi viewpoint* is NOT accurate, imo..........pro-wierwille is the REAL ISSUE that brings out escalated apologeia from these guys. Secondly, any and all things related to pfal bring out the "defenders" en mass [i.e. WhiteDove, Oldies, What The Hey]. And thirdly, the good ole days when wierwille walked among us.
But harrassing posters, especially those who come to GS to share personal stories of pain and abuse, and driving them away with verbal onslaughts.......THAT TIME HAS PASSED.
Ironic, isn't it?..........defenders who claim to be "pro-wierwille" OR "pro-good ole days of love and acceptance" have a message of contempt, or disdain, for those who carry heavy burdens of the heart? The individual does NOT matter, nothing matters.......but to sanitize wierwille's name and legacy.
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Not at all unlike cleaning out a septic tank with a soda straw...Don't know how those "defenders" can stand the taste of that cr@p any longer
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I think a pro-vpw beliefs forum would be good. There are a lot of folks who probably don't post here who don't like what he did, but like the belief system still. Maybe they're intimidated to post here. It would be interesting to see what happens in another forum, disagreements among the evolving beliefs and such, if anything.
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I think that sums it up nicely...It would appear to some that Whitedove deliberately hijacks threads and leads them into his cul de sac of illogic. It's the same argument over and over...I think this kind of disruption should be unwelcome here.
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now I see
Right on Abigail!
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Personally.. I think if someone is that "passionate" about legaleaze and all.. maybe one ought to go to law school..
if a fifty some year old squirrel can get a degree in math and chemistry.. I mean, cmon.. how hard can it be?
you take your midlife crisis.. and just don't throw it away.. for gawd's sakes, DO SOMETHING with it..
I just didn't want to PRETEND to be a mathematician for the rest of my days or something like that..
oh, the nice university thirty miles the other way accepted me into their grad program.. now if they'll give me a teaching assistantship.. I'll be REALLY happy..
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I mean.. really.. you're "passionate" about scumbags getting a fair shake and all..
I got into this math and science thing thinking I'd make some kind of difference.. believe me, it's not for the money.. I can think of a few ways to (positively) motivate students to learn math.. I just happen to like the subject..
what's the difference here, wd? Wanna make a real, substantial, difference? Think you are "right"? fine.. PROVE IT..
"duhh.. but I'm so old.."
personally.. I don't think one is "too old" until they are dead..
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*boo hoo.. it's just another set of hoops to jump through..*
and I'll add.. INFINITELY more difficult, that sitting through the latest "miracle" class..
what kind of "hoops"..
Learn how to read, understand, analyze, and logically comment on literature..
Learn how to actually research, properly document, and write in a way people can actually understand you..
Learn enough math to actually have no excuse for being short-changed at the lunch counter, or supermarket..
or be forced to pay someone to crunch the numbers, STILL not knowing if the numbers are "honest"..
learn at least one foreign language. At least enough, that if one is lost, to ask the locals "donde es la servesa" or something..
learn enough about world conditions, that one is well aware of the names of those who their newfangled high tech gadget will disenfranchise..
honestly.. as far as "education" is concerned.. twi left us far worse off than "short changed"..
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Cripe.. ya wanna be a lawyer.. BE A FRIGGIN LAWYER..
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There is also the Blog feature here. One could carry out their court hearing there. Witnesses of course might not answer the subpeona however.
I do not know a single moderator who would ban a poster for writing in favor of TWI, PFAL, Wierwille, Rosie or LCM. That has never been suggested by any of us to my knowledge.
That said, the safety and healing of victims of TWI abuse in whatever form will always be a first priority. Demanding proof from a victim will be watched very closely, and we will not allow them to be harassed or intimidated away from telling their story whether they provide proof or not.
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hehe, I'm actually thinking of going to law school, Ham. I've been studying law for several years now. I wrote a research paper on statutory interpretation that's under review by a state agency, and a lawyer has already consulted with me because of my expertise in that particular area of law in my state. a good friend has been encouraging me to go for it. imagine a potato of my age going to law school... but you only live once, right?
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Hey.. if you have a passion for it, why not?
Sounds like you have an advantage at the starting gate, like I did.. I studied and understood Calculus I, II and III before I set foot in a classroom.. learned it on my own.. but it's a big world, there's lots more..
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when the kids in Numerical Analysis were crying about having to do some series, or integration by parts.. or Newton's method.. I knew it like the back of my hand..
I can say "kids".. heheh. That was what these classes were like.. a fifty year old hippy, and twenty some young kids..
My class in Real Analysis was fun.. the professor was absolutely brilliant.. some of the students were rather disappointed though.. he gave little feedback. It came, but not in what they thought was a timely manner..
but it was a 400 level class. What does one expect? I figure a lot of grad level classes will be like that..
I hear some give you something to work on.. like projects and stuff.. and sometimes, if you don't figure it out, you'll NEVER know the answer..
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