Could be worse... They could be picturing you as Nigel Thornberry (Tim Curry does his voice)
I was also a big Rocky Horror fan back in my college days. Biograph, Chicago, waiting in line, (sigh), great fun. It took several viewings just to catch all the dialogue and lyrics between audience comments.
Dot, to me the fun of that movie was getting all the comeback lines right, and dancing in the aisles of the theater. It was an EVENT. The movie by itself is pretty stupid.
I bought a copy of the screenplay book and hand-wrote all the local audience lines in it, but made the mistake of giving it away years ago (you know... twi purge) and I greatly regret it.
Zixar, you are right: Monty Python's "Life of Brian" is hilarious!! I remember going with an overly-religious friend of mine who got very offended. Too bad... the joke's on them. "Always look on the bright side of death... Just before you take your terminal breath."
I thought Rocky Horror was the stupidiest movie I have ever seen... except, of course, for the TIME WARP. Best part of the whole movie! Then I get all these fans of Rocky Horror who start calling me Damit Janet.
Tommy didn't make any sense either but there was some good music I thought. Haven't seen it in so long that I might not agree with that any more either.
I couldn't agree more cept to say ROCKY WHORE PITURE SHOW was just an excuse to trash a theatre for the kids. Us ADULTS had to walk in there sticky mess they call fun I called vandalism!
Well, I guess I have to stay up to midnight, make some toast, find my old tap shoes and go to the theater.
Chinson: People used to write in and offer to ce bitten by Barnabus Collins!!! Remember Willie Lumis... I was always frightened for him. Carolyn was a ditz, but I liked Victoria Winters.
Abagail: I never saw Harold and Maude or Clockwork Orange. But remember the Beatles
"Yellow Submarine?"
Firebee: Thanks for the lyrics! I do LOVE the time warp.
Pirate: I think alot of men wanted to see Ann Margrett wet and rolling around.
Oak: Sorry I do not know of Swift Kick --and I am from Philly. Did they play the Time Warp? You must have thought them to be strange to hear the music and not have heard of the movie first.... I imagine....
Dammit Janet-- So that is how you got your name? I guess it is better than hearing them yell "Janet you s---t" That would have been a really bad nick name!
Yan: I love Tim Curry. But what else was he in after RockyHPS? My husband and I were trying to figure that out.
Zix: People call you Mr. French? Yeah, that would irritate me... But he was sophisticated!
HWY- I wish I sneaked out to the show while in the corps. That would have been so much fun compared to the stiff old Emporia laws.
MJ- you too? A fan? Damn it Janet! I wonder if Susan Sarandon has ever lived that down.
Datway: Did you go as a kid or an adult or both? Somewhere I heard they stopped allowing kids to throw things. Theaters sure must have gotten mad at all the goo they had to clean up! I would have been! OR charged alot of money to include the cost of clean up.
Tim Curry was in "Annie", that movie with Carol Burnett, he play(ed?s?) Mr. French in WB's updated "Family Affair", he was the doctor in Hunt for Red October, Charlie's Angels, ah heck, here's the link:
The other thing about Rocky Horror is that it was a place for gay and bisexual people to meet one another. That was a BIG draw.
About Tommy - I really relate to the scene toward the beginning of the movie which Ann Margaret is trying to find someone who can heal Tommy. Remember when she takes him to the church for a faith healing, out of desperation and because she'd tried everything else (this is the scene in which Eric Clapton is singing and they haul in a big statue of Marilyn Monroe to worship - very weird! Must be a virgin Mary sort of thing.) But the look on Ann Margaret's face is so hopeful for Tommy's sake. I totally relate to this scene because I know what it feels like to hope for divine help within the context of a sham organization.
DJanet - I do not recall that series, maybe it is on the site that was mentioned in one of the previous posts by Steve
Zix - Okay, now we all know you are way better looking then Mr. French! Afterall, you are a star! So, I get the conversation and it was not a reference to anything people ever said to you.... Sorry....
Dot... love your comments! Yeah, come to think of it, I wish I'd sneaked out of Emporia myself.
As for Tim Curry and Susan Sarandon (not to mention ol' Barry Bostwick)... they have all gone on to make fine careers for themselves. As you said, Tim has done tons of parts, Susan has been in several top-notch movies, and even Barry was great as the daffy politician in Spin City.
I commend them all. It had to be hard to overcome the backlash of doing those roles.
I did see a "behind the scenes" thing last year and the actors talked about how stinking cold it was and that they had something like a week to shoot the film. No wonder it looks so thrown together... it was.
I don't know if it still shown it in theaters. If it is in your area - go see it!
At one point in time, there was a theater in almost every city that showed the movie every Friday and Saturday night at midnight. People would come dressed up as the characters, bring props (toast, umbrellas, rice, etc.) and say the lines with the movie characters.
I only went one time and it was a blast! No one told me about all the stuff that was going to be thrown around, so I got pretty icky, but it was the most fun I ever had at the movies.
Shoot, Dot, I was in TWI for a long time too, and knew about Rocky Horror and Tommy! The album "Tommy" was around in the late 60's - so I heard about that, and knew almost every song, before I got involved in TWI. I think I found out about "Rocky Horror" after I graduated the Corps, it had been around for a few years already.
DamitJanet - and I thought you were a big fan of RH, simply because of your "handle"... give it another try!!!!
I remember Max Headroom. I liked that show too especially the premier episode. I also liked Alien Nation about the space craft that crashed on earth so the aliens were stranded here. I'm just a sci fi junkie. I watch more sci fi channel than anything else.
Swift Kick never got outside Long Island/Lower NY; and they did do the Time Warp and I loved it. They did a few others, but my memory is a little fuzzy about which ones.
Actually, I enjoyed the songs, which is why i went to see Rocky Horror the first time.
...goin' down to Rosedale, got my rider by my side...and I'm standin' at the crossroads...
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At least they don't think of you as the doctor from Hunt For Red October...or Mr. French from UPN's revival of Family Affair...
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Could be worse... They could be picturing you as Nigel Thornberry (Tim Curry does his voice)
I was also a big Rocky Horror fan back in my college days. Biograph, Chicago, waiting in line, (sigh), great fun. It took several viewings just to catch all the dialogue and lyrics between audience comments.
Dot, to me the fun of that movie was getting all the comeback lines right, and dancing in the aisles of the theater. It was an EVENT. The movie by itself is pretty stupid.
I bought a copy of the screenplay book and hand-wrote all the local audience lines in it, but made the mistake of giving it away years ago (you know... twi purge) and I greatly regret it.
Zixar, you are right: Monty Python's "Life of Brian" is hilarious!! I remember going with an overly-religious friend of mine who got very offended. Too bad... the joke's on them. "Always look on the bright side of death... Just before you take your terminal breath."
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"`Dam it Janet! I love you!"
I still say that .
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Dot Matrix
Well, I guess I have to stay up to midnight, make some toast, find my old tap shoes and go to the theater.
Chinson: People used to write in and offer to ce bitten by Barnabus Collins!!! Remember Willie Lumis... I was always frightened for him. Carolyn was a ditz, but I liked Victoria Winters.
Abagail: I never saw Harold and Maude or Clockwork Orange. But remember the Beatles
"Yellow Submarine?"
Firebee: Thanks for the lyrics! I do LOVE the time warp.
Pirate: I think alot of men wanted to see Ann Margrett wet and rolling around.
Oak: Sorry I do not know of Swift Kick --and I am from Philly. Did they play the Time Warp? You must have thought them to be strange to hear the music and not have heard of the movie first.... I imagine....
Dammit Janet-- So that is how you got your name? I guess it is better than hearing them yell "Janet you s---t" That would have been a really bad nick name!
Yan: I love Tim Curry. But what else was he in after RockyHPS? My husband and I were trying to figure that out.
Zix: People call you Mr. French? Yeah, that would irritate me... But he was sophisticated!
HWY- I wish I sneaked out to the show while in the corps. That would have been so much fun compared to the stiff old Emporia laws.
MJ- you too? A fan? Damn it Janet! I wonder if Susan Sarandon has ever lived that down.
Datway: Did you go as a kid or an adult or both? Somewhere I heard they stopped allowing kids to throw things. Theaters sure must have gotten mad at all the goo they had to clean up! I would have been! OR charged alot of money to include the cost of clean up.
Okay, I guess it doesn't make sense intentionally
Dot Matrix
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So THAT's Where the Damit Janet came from LOL!
Oh and Dot LOL on your comment!
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Dott -
Tim Curry was in "Annie", that movie with Carol Burnett, he play(ed?s?) Mr. French in WB's updated "Family Affair", he was the doctor in Hunt for Red October, Charlie's Angels, ah heck, here's the link:
Tim Curry on IMDB
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He also played the clown in Stephen King's IT.
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Dot Matrix
WOW Steve, a shorter list would be what wasn't he in! Thanks!
Rottie: He was the clown in IT? I did not know that! The clown was really scary.
Dot Matrix
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Dot: No, I was referring to Yanagisawa's lament over being mistaken for Tim Curry.
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Anyone remember that sci fi series? I enjoyed it & Tim Curry was a bad guy. It was nice t see him in regular clothes. LOL.
Yes, it is better to be called Damit Janet than Janet you s**t.
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The other thing about Rocky Horror is that it was a place for gay and bisexual people to meet one another. That was a BIG draw.
About Tommy - I really relate to the scene toward the beginning of the movie which Ann Margaret is trying to find someone who can heal Tommy. Remember when she takes him to the church for a faith healing, out of desperation and because she'd tried everything else (this is the scene in which Eric Clapton is singing and they haul in a big statue of Marilyn Monroe to worship - very weird! Must be a virgin Mary sort of thing.) But the look on Ann Margaret's face is so hopeful for Tommy's sake. I totally relate to this scene because I know what it feels like to hope for divine help within the context of a sham organization.
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Dot Matrix
AF- Good observation
DJanet - I do not recall that series, maybe it is on the site that was mentioned in one of the previous posts by Steve
Zix - Okay, now we all know you are way better looking then Mr. French! Afterall, you are a star! So, I get the conversation and it was not a reference to anything people ever said to you.... Sorry....
Dot Matrix
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Dot... love your comments! Yeah, come to think of it, I wish I'd sneaked out of Emporia myself.
As for Tim Curry and Susan Sarandon (not to mention ol' Barry Bostwick)... they have all gone on to make fine careers for themselves. As you said, Tim has done tons of parts, Susan has been in several top-notch movies, and even Barry was great as the daffy politician in Spin City.
I commend them all. It had to be hard to overcome the backlash of doing those roles.
I did see a "behind the scenes" thing last year and the actors talked about how stinking cold it was and that they had something like a week to shoot the film. No wonder it looks so thrown together... it was.
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I had no idea Tim Curry had done so many cartoon voices.
That new "Family Affair" show he was in really stunk.
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Deleted the earlier post cause of problems.
I put up the Time warp song on another thread. however the site host may need to refresh from time to time. please be patient...
it's worth the wait
[This message was edited by firebee on January 15, 2003 at 16:01.]
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I remember "Earth 2". I loved that show and was very disappointed when they took it off the air.
While we are on sci-fi, anyone remember "Max Headroom, 20 Minutes Into the Future"? Another one I really enjoyed that was removed.
Then there was one about Alien's living here on Earth, integrated with society.
Hmmmm...........this is why I don't watch tv anymore. The shows I like rarely make it past the first season or two.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
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Hope R.
I LOVE "Rocky Horror"!
Thanks Firebee - you beat me to it!
I don't know if it still shown it in theaters. If it is in your area - go see it!
At one point in time, there was a theater in almost every city that showed the movie every Friday and Saturday night at midnight. People would come dressed up as the characters, bring props (toast, umbrellas, rice, etc.) and say the lines with the movie characters.
I only went one time and it was a blast! No one told me about all the stuff that was going to be thrown around, so I got pretty icky, but it was the most fun I ever had at the movies.
Shoot, Dot, I was in TWI for a long time too, and knew about Rocky Horror and Tommy! The album "Tommy" was around in the late 60's - so I heard about that, and knew almost every song, before I got involved in TWI. I think I found out about "Rocky Horror" after I graduated the Corps, it had been around for a few years already.
DamitJanet - and I thought you were a big fan of RH, simply because of your "handle"... give it another try!!!!
Hope R. color>size>face>
Let's do the "Time Warp" again - Riff Raff
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Confession time...........My girlfriend made me go as Frank-n-Furter one time
It was embarrasing at first, but then it became a lot of fun. That show is an experience, not simply a film.
Try'll like it
ps. Hope did you get to hear the song before I pulled the plug? I have it on MP3 if anyone wants me to send it their way.
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I remember Max Headroom. I liked that show too especially the premier episode. I also liked Alien Nation about the space craft that crashed on earth so the aliens were stranded here. I'm just a sci fi junkie. I watch more sci fi channel than anything else.
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Swift Kick never got outside Long Island/Lower NY; and they did do the Time Warp and I loved it. They did a few others, but my memory is a little fuzzy about which ones.
Actually, I enjoyed the songs, which is why i went to see Rocky Horror the first time.
...goin' down to Rosedale, got my rider by my side...and I'm standin' at the crossroads...
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....does anyone know how to MADISON?"
The Time Warp also occasionally shows up at
dance events. Ever see 75 people on a dance
floor all spiral to the floor as a song drains
Those who love Yellow Submarine should make
sure they see the blue edition. It has a few
added lines, an entire missing scene (when the
"goldfish bowl" is opened & we meet Sgt Pepper's
Lonely Hearts Club Band), and an entire musical
sequence ("Hey Bulldog" aka "You Can Talk To Me")
which I liked better than most of the other
Man, Max Headroom was ahead of its time there on
net-net-network 23.
If you all will excuse me, I'm getting in line
now for tickets to "Underworld", due out later
this year "sometime". I don't care HOW much
it's going to suck-I'm gonna see it.
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Any of you Rocky fans go see "Shock Treatment", the sequel?
It absolutely sucked, but I did manage to sit through the entire thing once.
To every man his own truth and his own God within.
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