kids ??...........yeah, like their college grad 'kids' really care. Maybe the Moneyhands' kid (corps grad).....if he reads this stuff, but any others, I seriously doubt it.
As life marches on quickly.........the spies are nearing 60, or in their 60's. R3ynolds is like 65, and maybe he no longer is assigned to give GS reports.. ??
Heck, even wierwille retired at 65............but then, his "retirement fund" was set for life.
I wonder what the impression the "kids" have in all of this.. "parents" (as one can call them that) off playing secret squirrel, gathering bits of information about people who "threaten" their regime, or so they think..
if I was one of the kids, I'd tend to think this behavior was due to advancing age in the brain..
now moneyhand's kid.. what's the deal here.. just hanging around, waiting for rosie to croak her final croak? Then receive the "presidency" by some kind of acclimation of the said "members" advancing greatly in age in the brain?
now moneyhand's kid.. what's the deal here.. just hanging around, waiting for rosie to croak her final croak? Then receive the "presidency" by some kind of acclimation of the said "members" advancing greatly in age in the brain?
Wasn't this a rumor here at one point? I know a lot of the younger crowd like him.
Here's a couple thoughts. If you've ever had a security job you know that many times at least trying to stay awake is the most difficult part of the job. What do you think some of the security people are doing to fill up their time? Solitaire gets old after a while.
that's interesting. I wonder how many people had to read it on the internet to believe it. Something about having it on the computer screen suddenly makes it true. wonder why that is.
Considering Rosalie made Reynolds step down for exposing her, so to speak, Â
Really? Tell me more. Is there a thread here at the Cafe for this topic? I was an innie at the time, and all I knew is that he was being confronted by her for something, and then BAM, he's a purchasing agent but still gets to sit at a big round table at lunch, separate from the common folk with the lovely white buckets under the chairs.
Considering Rosalie made Reynolds step down for exposing her, so to speak, is that something she came up with on her own, or had she seen vpee do the same thing to other high ranking leaders before? Â
Can anyone recall vpee ever demoting someone of high rank in a major way because he made vpee look bad?Â
Yes. I don't know if you're still lurking, but yes, I remember Wierwille busting somebody for making him look bad. Excie, if she's lurking, should remember this as well.
It was Rev L0nn3ll Johnson, who was coordinating the Corps at HQ. They were having a picnic and Wierwille was late in showing. Rev. Johnson (I still highly regard this man) started the picnic without him. Wierwille was furious! He compared it to when Saul started the sacrifices before Samuel arrived. Then he said that L0nn3l's life will never reach the heights it once could have. All because he started a picnic without Wierwille's presence! Johnson was fired from his position of course. I don't know if he was reassigned, or if he was given the boot.
Rev. Johnson is doing great, by the way. He is a college professor teaching African American studies and has been doing so for a number of years. I only know this because I happen to bump in to others who know him. I don't think he would know me from Adam.
It was Rev L0nn3ll Johnson, who was coordinating the Corps at HQ. They were having a picnic and Wierwille was late in showing. Rev. Johnson (I still highly regard this man) started the picnic without him. Wierwille was furious! He compared it to when Saul started the sacrifices before Samuel arrived. Then he said that L0nn3l's life will never reach the heights it once could have. All because he started a picnic without Wierwille's presence!
lmao...veepee was really full of himself, wasn't he! That must have made him feel really second-class to show up and find that something was going on that didn't completely revolve around him, like the rest of his little perverted world did.
lmao...veepee was really full of himself, wasn't he! That must have made him feel really second-class to show up and find that something was going on that didn't completely revolve around him, like the rest of his little perverted world did.
And how the current board of dummies follow in his goofy little footsteps. Every time you turn around it's mandatory to thank them for something or another that they "made available." And you better not ever start anything without them, ever. They are legends in their own minds.
1) Twi continues to take an active interest in GreaseSpot communication.
2) Twi believes that there is credible, and detrimental, information on this site.
3) Twi authorizes certain individuals (waygb) to 'keep watch'......your abs at work. lol
4) Twi believes that mark/avoid individuals continue to "unearth the dead bodies" of its corruption.
5) Twi has plenty of deception/corruption to hide.
6) Twi is still hemoragging.
7) Twi is a cult.
I can verify that as of 2008, Linder was actively reading up on things around here, daily. I have been there when he printed out pages of GSC to take to the computer illiterate Rozilla, who refuses to keep a computer in her office, although she does take a laptop to the director's annual meeting. Why would we think anything has changed? Oh perhaps Linder will wander off into demotion land sometime soon but someone will take his place.
What are they looking for? Well, they believe this place to be filled with rowdy devil spirits, a fiery dart mill if you please. They are primarily looking for death and/or other threats against Rosalie, since the devil is obviously out to get her for her stand on da werd and for leading God's ministry.
For this same reason she keeps a guard dog named Sam. He is an attack trained, Chocolate Lab. He stays at home with her and travels with her to work to be dropped off at the kennel behind the Wierwille home. They chose a Chocolate Lab because they look friendly and there is no stereotype associated with them as opposed to a German Shepherd. Chocolate Labs protect. So if he is around and feels his territory to be invaded he will attack. Make a move towards Rozilla when he is around and he will attack.
Otherwise, I am not real sure what the fascination is. Perhaps they are fishing for something to fire up a lawsuit with? Something to endeavor to shutdown the bane of their existence? It would be funny for them to start a lawsuit though....since they would no doubt have to endure cross examination, maybe have their hidden secrets subpoenaed to the light of day? Can't really sue when you have that many skeletons in your closet.
But just to confirm. Linder surfs here, on the clock (he's exempt - but it's part of his job) and is paid to do so. He does this at Rosalie's behest and he reports to her on content. I am not sure which posts get that dubious distinction, only that she gets reports.
She is PARANOID, like Craig before her and Wierwille before him.
For this same reason she keeps a guard dog named Sam. He is an attack trained, Chocolate Lab. He stays at home with her and travels with her to work to be dropped off at the kennel behind the Wierwille home. They chose a Chocolate Lab because they look friendly and there is no stereotype associated with them as opposed to a German Shepherd. Chocolate Labs protect. So if he is around and feels his territory to be invaded he will attack. Make a move towards Rozilla when he is around and he will attack.
. . .
Doesn't seem to care for leaf blowers. Runs like a puppy.
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Hey, WayGB............tell Rosalie that her 'prez skills' are not working. Two long-standing couples have recently left twi claiming that it's spiritually dead.....and were SO TIRED OF TWI CENSORSHIP
now I see
The revelvancy that "they're watching" is as important to me as knowing how many times my neighbor's cat used his litterbox today... Innies who are looking outside the hallowed gates of twi, reading
Twinky, that definitely would be the normal course for a genuine Christian, a person filled with the spirit of God....It would take honest Godly repentance and be moved with compassion...
I wonder what the impression the "kids" have in all of this.. "parents" (as one can call them that) off playing secret squirrel, gathering bits of information about people who "threaten" their regime, or so they think..
if I was one of the kids, I'd tend to think this behavior was due to advancing age in the brain..
now moneyhand's kid.. what's the deal here.. just hanging around, waiting for rosie to croak her final croak? Then receive the "presidency" by some kind of acclimation of the said "members" advancing greatly in age in the brain?

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Wasn't this a rumor here at one point? I know a lot of the younger crowd like him.
I have my own opinions.
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Hi WayGB!!
Are you on Facebook?
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Do the WayGB still actively monitor this site?
Here's a couple thoughts. If you've ever had a security job you know that many times at least trying to stay awake is the most difficult part of the job. What do you think some of the security people are doing to fill up their time? Solitaire gets old after a while.
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I had one when I was about 17 for about 3 days----somehow I cant see how someone fulfills all their spiritual hopes and dreams by deciding to become:

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kill the late Schrelleky's cats . . .
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
ps, sticks and stones may break me bones but your obnoxious attitudes can never hurt me.
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I was going to say something rather "personal" to da waygb staff..
friggin moron.. you know who I am. pm me and I'll try to give you a clue..
if you can't "figure it out".. pm means "private message".. as in, go to my profile, hit the little "send a message" button..
I know something you don't.. if you grow a stinking backbone.. well, your outcome might be far different..
and if you do, I won't reveal a damn thing.. whether you replied or not..
I'm good about that kind of thing..
It's really.. your last damn chance here..
If you need any further confirmation..
your'e the sad bastard who signed for the flowers..
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There is somebody who still prays in the night that you'll friggin wake up..
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sheesh.. *dude*.. isn't this a fate worse than death?
you tell me..
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Hammy??? DO they really still monitor the site?
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for the life of me, I can't figure why..
it's not like *we* are the *problem*..
a sad, poor, (as far as organizations in the who's who are concerned) second-rate organization..
yes. They somehow deem it necessary to monitor the "devil's" activities..
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read GSC and they know what changes to make to their uh, "doctrines" and uh, "teachings"
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TheHighWay GSC to find out what "uprisings" must be put down among the followers....
If we are talking about it, innie lurkers are reading about it !! (and THINKING about it)
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that's interesting. I wonder how many people had to read it on the internet to believe it. Something about having it on the computer screen suddenly makes it true. wonder why that is.
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Only a 'Paul Blart' can see THE MISSION for what it really accomplishes....
For waygbers, it is NOT.....Monotonous and mundane monitoring of twi property and ex-twi internet sites.
For them, it IS..................MOG-security, marksmanship and manipulative skills at twi's spiritual epicenter.
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I wonder what "uprisings" were reported here when I was in? I doubt anything they didn't know about already.
They only really need to wait out the storm. Kind of an endurance test perhaps.
Shoot, they've got mostly those "innies" now that will take anything, and sacrifice anything.
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What About It
Really? Tell me more. Is there a thread here at the Cafe for this topic? I was an innie at the time, and all I knew is that he was being confronted by her for something, and then BAM, he's a purchasing agent but still gets to sit at a big round table at lunch, separate from the common folk with the lovely white buckets under the chairs.
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Broken Arrow
Yes. I don't know if you're still lurking, but yes, I remember Wierwille busting somebody for making him look bad. Excie, if she's lurking, should remember this as well.
It was Rev L0nn3ll Johnson, who was coordinating the Corps at HQ. They were having a picnic and Wierwille was late in showing. Rev. Johnson (I still highly regard this man) started the picnic without him. Wierwille was furious! He compared it to when Saul started the sacrifices before Samuel arrived. Then he said that L0nn3l's life will never reach the heights it once could have. All because he started a picnic without Wierwille's presence! Johnson was fired from his position of course. I don't know if he was reassigned, or if he was given the boot.
Rev. Johnson is doing great, by the way. He is a college professor teaching African American studies and has been doing so for a number of years. I only know this because I happen to bump in to others who know him. I don't think he would know me from Adam.
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What About It
lmao...veepee was really full of himself, wasn't he! That must have made him feel really second-class to show up and find that something was going on that didn't completely revolve around him, like the rest of his little perverted world did.
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And how the current board of dummies follow in his goofy little footsteps. Every time you turn around it's mandatory to thank them for something or another that they "made available." And you better not ever start anything without them, ever. They are legends in their own minds.
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I can verify that as of 2008, Linder was actively reading up on things around here, daily. I have been there when he printed out pages of GSC to take to the computer illiterate Rozilla, who refuses to keep a computer in her office, although she does take a laptop to the director's annual meeting. Why would we think anything has changed? Oh perhaps Linder will wander off into demotion land sometime soon but someone will take his place.
What are they looking for? Well, they believe this place to be filled with rowdy devil spirits, a fiery dart mill if you please. They are primarily looking for death and/or other threats against Rosalie, since the devil is obviously out to get her for her stand on da werd and for leading God's ministry.
For this same reason she keeps a guard dog named Sam. He is an attack trained, Chocolate Lab. He stays at home with her and travels with her to work to be dropped off at the kennel behind the Wierwille home. They chose a Chocolate Lab because they look friendly and there is no stereotype associated with them as opposed to a German Shepherd. Chocolate Labs protect. So if he is around and feels his territory to be invaded he will attack. Make a move towards Rozilla when he is around and he will attack.
Otherwise, I am not real sure what the fascination is. Perhaps they are fishing for something to fire up a lawsuit with? Something to endeavor to shutdown the bane of their existence? It would be funny for them to start a lawsuit though....since they would no doubt have to endure cross examination, maybe have their hidden secrets subpoenaed to the light of day? Can't really sue when you have that many skeletons in your closet.
But just to confirm. Linder surfs here, on the clock (he's exempt - but it's part of his job) and is paid to do so. He does this at Rosalie's behest and he reports to her on content. I am not sure which posts get that dubious distinction, only that she gets reports.
She is PARANOID, like Craig before her and Wierwille before him.
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Doesn't seem to care for leaf blowers. Runs like a puppy.
That's it! . . . a backpack potato cannon.
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Careful, don't want them to think you are threatening Frau Q-Tip....ROFL!
As soon as they read this they will send an alert out to the safety guys to be on the look out for strangers carrying backpack leaf blowers...
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