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The title "Power for Abundant Living"


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When you first heard "Power for Abundant Living", what were your intial thoughts/emotions/feelings/response?

Looking over the green card, what thoughts went through your mind (if you can remember)?

How did your thoughts/perceptions of PFAL change over time? Not necessarily in hindsight, but during those years following your first class, when you still believed the "teachings" of twi?

What was your perception of PFAL, before and not long after taking the class?

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I thought - sounds interesting, what's the catch? Then when I was presented with the green card I felt pressure. While being told I had "up to a year" I was also told that the cost of the class was doubling. Then I felt pressure and trepidation. Then I was being told I had made a commitment to God that I needed to honor and I felt pressure.

I stated that if God wanted me to take the class, he would find the means (funding) for that to happen. It happened, so I thought it was God's will.

I found the class boring. It was all I could do to stay awake, so my thoughts were that I would read the materials afterward - which I did.

I immediately had problems with the tithe. I was intrigued by TWI's concept of grace. I never tithed and always wondered about TWI's concept of grace.

This was not a class that I could wholeheartedly recommend to anyone, so I didn't. I used to say that PFAL was not for everyone and I definitely saw where some people took it way too seriously. At one time I thought perhaps I was being a bit too hard on the PFAL class, so I signed up to be on a team. I never did that again.

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Well...at the tender age of 17 wide eyed and ready to walk on water! I didn't care what it was called I just wanted

"truth" about the bible and what God (or if I had a purpose)

The people were fantastic and I needed new friends ,having just moved to a new state and new college..i don't regret

the friends but I do think we were all ripped off by the circus clown lil vpw

The green card kind freaked me out some but the desire to find Meaning in life overruled the rest of the scam of things.

While taking the class it was that weird voice of vpw I had to shake off ,but the humor in it covered that kinda voice box


By that I mean the maggie muggins,..jonney jump up(who would of thought in the end we would be the puppetts and

vpw the puppetter!

But during it I was sold out .more gun ho than a Marine after Basic Training.

Edited by cheranne
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The promises of happy lives and relationships with family and friends; physical and mental healing; everyone wealthy; peace of mind, etc. The Garden of Eden and Satan is destroyed(no more evil). VPW and the Bible replaced God and Jesus Christ. VPW was Elmer Gantry in person and CG and LCM his devilish spawn/clones.

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Much too long ago to really remember how I felt.

I do remember, though, that my early impression of Wierwille was that he was a shyster.

The twig leader told me it was "unrenewed mind".

(I hadn't had the class yet so I didn't even know what that meant.)

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PFAL was presented as the answer to ANY problem that the person being witnessed to needed addressing.

Whatever it was....abusive spouse, bratty kids, no job, sickness, loneliness, whatever it was that you were lacking in your life....PFAL would provide the answers and make you more than a conquerer in any situation.

I too thought it was incredibly boring...I got excited about their explanation of dinosaurs...but that was about it.

I assumed that my lack of enthusiasm and appreciation was do to my own shortcomings spiritually, but was convinced if I sat through it enough times and followed instructions of my spiritual betters...enrolled in enough programs and other classes...I would one day see and understand the greatness.

Edited by rascal
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At the time, I thought that there must be something really valuable in the class, if everyone involved with the way was so excited about it. Very naive.

When I first sat through it, I found it tedious and disappointing for the most part-though there were enough mpments and sections that interested me enough to at least keep me alert.

I thought speaking in tongues was a fantasy-and I still thought that through all my years as a twig, leader, advanced class grad-I had no business being that involved since I mentally rejected their most basic beliefs.

And I sure never realized I'd be sitting through that class well over 40 times ! Now we're talking boredom !

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:offtopic: We in Jersey tend to speak very fast. Our son, before he could read or understand what printed words were used to call it "Powerful Abundant Living". Too bad it wasn't really like that!
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  coolchef said:
i thought i would get a nice raise at work and my then wife would be a little more generous with her favors in bed

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Actually, I thought VPW was a bit cornball, but sincere. I can read Greek, and so I could see points where VP was a little off, but mostly what he taught fit with what I read. Being Roman Catholic at the time, I hadn't had much real exposure to the Bible, so I thought it was great.

Incidentally, Rhino -- if he hasn't been cast from this site -- ran my first class, something for which he continues to apologize. :)


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  krys said:
:offtopic: We in Jersey tend to speak very fast. Our son, before he could read or understand what printed words were used to call it "Powerful Abundant Living". Too bad it wasn't really like that!
I used to know a guy who called it Power for The 'Bundant Living
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Even this Wierwille "borrowed" the title from E. Stanley Jones called The Abundant Life as refering to the Ashram program in India, and Ruben Archer Torrey(Dwight Moody Bible Institute) wrote "Power Filled Living", now reprinted by Whitaker House, a charismatic publishing firm.

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  GeorgeStGeorge said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Actually, I thought VPW was a bit cornball, but sincere. I can read Greek, and so I could see points where VP was a little off, but mostly what he taught fit with what I read. Being Roman Catholic at the time, I hadn't had much real exposure to the Bible, so I thought it was great.

Incidentally, Rhino -- if he hasn't been cast from this site -- ran my first class, something for which he continues to apologize. :)


LOL I have wished fervently to be able to apologize to those I introduced to TWI

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  • 2 weeks later...

<Ducking behind desk to avoid shoes thrown in my direction>

I was absolutely excited. It seemed like an opportunity to finally find someone who could answer my questions about the Bible. Whatever their sins (and seems like they are legion), it DID convince me I could actually understand what I read. The management/leadership/whatever of TWI caused unbelievable harm to me and my family. Ironically, TWI equipped me with enough knowledge to later see through them.

However, others gave me uncountable blessings including during that class and others. Same with folks at my first Advanced Class. Because of all of them, my life is so much better. At a minimum, I learned to love God again.

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