long to pour forth my bowels upon you once again, that our innards might rejoice in the unity, mercy and righteousness of our Creator and his Firstborn Offspring, who is before all.
Maybe this is where they will put some of those threads where everyone is fighting. This could be the place where threads go that are even too awful for the soap opera thread.
long to pour forth my bowels upon you once again, that our innards might rejoice in the unity, mercy and righteousness of our Creator and his Firstborn Offspring, who is before all.
. . .
Have ye not heard-
"In the beginning was the Turd, and the Turd [was] with him, and then [it] wasn't."
It seems certain to me that I never have seen the worst of the posts here at the Greasespot.
But I can't help but wonder what kind of post or thread that is innapropriate in one place would be o.k. in another.
When I first noticed the section I considered in my heart how I would not like the threat of a greasespot swirly held over my head. I didn't like bullies in highschool where putting the nerd's head in the toilet and giving him a "swirly" was considered funny. My opinion of this type of behavior hasn't changed that much except to say that I feel stronger about it now than when I did not like bullies in high school.
When my former splinter group leader did not like someone he would sometimes lift up one leg a little bit and let a little fart out. I still remember the smug look on the face of this insane bastard as he shared the inside joke with his thugs in training.
I'm not convinced of the need for this section, but I suppose I have not seen the very worst threads either.
But I am certain that I do not like that it is there. It brings stuff back.
(edited for spelling)
TWI sometimes just put down people who needed help too!
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That's where the sewer trout go to spawn?
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Where I can:
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Where the Golgatha (poop demon) can be summoned?
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Mister P-Mosh
I don't know Bolshevik, something stinks in Sh!tsville, and you're the mayor.
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Oh, Mister-P-Mosh,
Was that an "inappropriate" comment?
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LOL And there I was trying to figure out what was going to show up in here.
I didn't even have to wait long
This is where all the Poop gets flushed out
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Mister P-Mosh
I don't know, but it's one of my semi-favorite sayings.
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My mom once called my uncle the "Great Sage of the Manure Shed."
The name Belzebub means "Lord of the Flies" or "Lord of the Dunghill", since flies and dung kind of go together.
Shine Ola was some kind of shoe polish.
Jim F. and I once had a dry dog turd fight in his backyard. It was a great stress reliever.
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Let's not forget that all important moment when the dang hits the Fan!
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I wonder if anyone's ever tried it. Feel free to insert YouTube below.
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Brown 25
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AS the turd whirls?...or could it be stated...as the sh *t flies?...I've yet to see a thread consigned to this new forum...
...perhaps this forum is set aside for those who have brown eyes?
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Maybe this is where they will put some of those threads where everyone is fighting. This could be the place where threads go that are even too awful for the soap opera thread.
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Hmmmm. The link wouldn't show up here.
Edited by dmillerLink to comment
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The forum is below "Tics & Tacs".
There is nothing in it yet.
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Naw -- I had a pic I wanted to post, and for some reason the link didn't work. Looking back at it, it was no great loss! ;)
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Have ye not heard-
"In the beginning was the Turd, and the Turd [was] with him, and then [it] wasn't."
-St. John Thomas the Crapper, 1:1
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It seems certain to me that I never have seen the worst of the posts here at the Greasespot.
But I can't help but wonder what kind of post or thread that is innapropriate in one place would be o.k. in another.
When I first noticed the section I considered in my heart how I would not like the threat of a greasespot swirly held over my head. I didn't like bullies in highschool where putting the nerd's head in the toilet and giving him a "swirly" was considered funny. My opinion of this type of behavior hasn't changed that much except to say that I feel stronger about it now than when I did not like bullies in high school.
When my former splinter group leader did not like someone he would sometimes lift up one leg a little bit and let a little fart out. I still remember the smug look on the face of this insane bastard as he shared the inside joke with his thugs in training.
I'm not convinced of the need for this section, but I suppose I have not seen the very worst threads either.
But I am certain that I do not like that it is there. It brings stuff back.
(edited for spelling)
TWI sometimes just put down people who needed help too!
Edited by JeffSjoLink to comment
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I wouldn't take it too much to heart Jeff .
So far the only thing in here is our joke thread.
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Thank you leafy dear,
It's just that I really, really do not like that section.
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I think you have nothing to fear in regards to having a thread end up in here unless you specifically but it here.
Okay say we weren't using it to be relegated to the dungeon... what topics would get put into this category.
All the Sheet the IS Sheet.
This could be a really fun thread haven.
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This is the funniest thing I've heard all week, maybe longer. I shall look for
opportunities to repeat this line and I bet it won't take long, the way things
have been going lately. Thanks for the giggle - this entire thread hit me
right in the funny bone :)
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this one's a floata. . .
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