why is it, WD, that you feel you have to one-up rascal all the time? you didn't go through corps training, and her statement was correct. spouse corps didn't go through the grueling 3 years of slavery (my entire apprentice year was easier than the week I spent in residence), from what I could see being spouse corps was at the worst like being apprentice corps, where you live to do the leadership bidding day and night and constantly prove yourself good enough... yeah I can see that. BUT, you didn't get the in-residence experience by osmosis just because you got married.
You might wanna get informed......
I never one upped anyone , I responded to her double standard where she seems to think fist hand accounts related to me as opposed to those related to her are any different. They're not. She did not ,as well go through the training she is a spouse corps as well ,and no more qualified to speak on what happened there than others. Long before you or her saw the first twig I had logged in countless hours working and living at Emporia, The better part of a year living there. working eating sleeping side by side. I was there before the Corps were there working in about every inch of the place. From the kitchen to the print shop. I shoveled out the science lab from the rubble left there by the former college. out into the hall and down the steps into the dumpster. I cleaned out the back stage closets in Kenyon from the props and costumes there left behind, painted the mushroom psycadelic walls in Emporia hall and Kipp. Cleaned the kitchen walk ins, moved mattresses and beds, worked on grounds, worked in the kitchen and dinning room ,and a million other jobs. You know not which you speak of. And yes we sat in the teachings as long as they were because VP said we could. And for years after that we drove there to do the same on Wednesday Corps nights . I've done the same at Rome City although not as much. Don't presume to know what I have done You don't. I'd submit I have far more foot on the ground experience that Rascal has to speak of. Not to mention the hours of access to the tape library of Corps information there.
WD, I'd love to know if you ever lived on grounds at a root locale. that would give some basis for the authority you'd like us to think you have.
yeah whatever. rascal has shared a lot about her experiences, but you won't even answer a direct question about where you gathered all this wisdom you want everyone to think you have. you spend your time attacking, instead of building your own foundation for gaining respect. your experience wasn't the same, couldn't have been, unless you both spent the same amount of time with the same people in the same locations for the same period of time, even then it'd be different depending on who was in the doghouse for not being spiritual enough. enough with the high horse parade, why don't you just back up your own opinions based on your own experience instead of working so hard to tear other people down?
I'll say this real slow for you so that you can understand perhaps if you were not so busy writing that which you know nothing about you could read. Our experience as far as neither of us being in residence is the same as neither was. She has no more experience being there than I do in fact less as I do have hours of being there. Speaking of wisdom wanna match facts ? wanna point out where I have not been factual in my reporting of what went on? It won't happen. If her premise is one needs to be there to speak as she seems to want to hold me to, then she has no right to speak either she was not there ,nor was she for the rape crimes she wants to be authoritative on. One standard for all
you may have left twi, but it doesn't seem to have left you.
I never claimed to be authoratative on rape crimes! That is crazy....criminey...... please read carefully....what I AM is outraged over the accounts of rape written, of the accounts of coersion, and manipulation, and the consequences of not complying with sexual demands of vpw and lcm that have been related here, at messiah 7, kristin`s accounts in her book...accounts confirmed by more than one leader.
I am sickened, and disgusted, but I have NEVER claimed to be an authority.
That is impressive Dove, truly. It still isn`t in residence corpes participation. Which is what we are talking about on this thread.
No actually what we speaking of before the sidestep was your double standard of being present that you seem to require for my points to be valid . I have hours of such, you don't, you speak on internet stories that's your authority to your claims, Being there is being there, one does not observe different things because of a program nametag you observe because of your sight and experiance.
I never one upped anyone , I responded to her double standard where she seems to think fist hand accounts related to me as opposed to those related to her are any different. They're not. She did not ,as well go through the training she is a spouse corps as well ,and no more qualified to speak on what happened there than others. Long before you or her saw the first twig I had logged in countless hours working and living at Emporia, The better part of a year living there. working eating sleeping side by side. I was there before the Corps were there working in about every inch of the place. From the kitchen to the print shop. I shoveled out the science lab from the rubble left there by the former college. out into the hall and down the steps into the dumpster. I cleaned out the back stage closets in Kenyon from the props and costumes there left behind, painted the mushroom psycadelic walls in Emporia hall and Kipp. Cleaned the kitchen walk ins, moved mattresses and beds, worked on grounds, worked in the kitchen and dinning room ,and a million other jobs. You know not which you speak of. And yes we sat in the teachings as long as they were because VP said we could. And for years after that we drove there to do the same on Wednesday Corps nights . I've done the same at Rome City although not as much. Don't presume to know what I have done You don't. I'd submit I have far more foot on the ground experience that Rascal has to speak of. Not to mention the hours of access to the tape library of Corps information there.
well thanks for informing me. how could I presume to know what you experienced, when you've refused to answer any questions? now I know you spent time at Emporia. how long were you in, anyway?
I'll say this real slow for you so that you can understand perhaps if you were not so busy writing that which you know nothing about you could read. Our experience as far as neither of us being in residence is the same as neither was. She has no more experience being there than I do in fact less as I do have hours of being there. Speaking of wisdom wanna match facts ? wanna point out where I have not been factual in my reporting of what went on? It won't happen. If her premise is one needs to be there to speak as she seems to want to hold me to, then she has no right to speak either she was not there ,nor was she for the rape crimes she wants to be authoritative on. One standard for all
I do read, WD. I've been reading for some time now and what I'm reading is you telling rascal she doesn't know anything compared to you. but you never have, in all my reading, actually revealed what you DO know, although you've been asked numerous times. if you want to be an authority, then you've got to give your creds. getting respect ain't gonna happen by ripping into a woman and telling her she's nothing compared to you because she didn't sleep at Emporia for a year.
Potato, thankyou for those comments about building our own foundations with our experiences.....Strangely enough Potato, Dove and I`s paths did bring us into contact with some of the same people.
Dove, with all compassion, I want to say....that I know how nice it was to be with John (since you brought him up) I was in that state too> I loved the Wiengarners that came after as well...I loved the work days at emporia, the work days at the limb....I loved serving as corpes spouse..opening our home to light bearers and visiting dignitaries...fellowshipping with the incredible believers....and HAD had that been my only experience in twi....I would probably be shoulder to shoulder with you right now in your defense.
However, there were other states, other programs, other leaders where cruelty and mistreatment occurred. I experienced some pretty awful things. I heard some very ungodly teachings, saw some things that weren`t right.
I saw a lot of the same side of twi that you did, I just saw other stuff that wasn`t as idealistic.
I don`t want to argue with you, I understand where you are coming from. I just don`t think that we can completely understand what the rest of these guys endured in residence, not having been there.
I disagree we have years of first hand accounts to verify what went on as well as personal verification, and by the way they were given in a neutral setting as matter of fact talk not in a site dedicated to anti way speech and complaints. I'd accept stories in a neutral setting far more than from people who daily rant about nothing but bad, it shows bias a important clue in determining facts. By the way I never said life was idealistic there, lots of s**t went on , that does not prove or disprove any accusations. Things that happened there happened, they did not stop just because one did not have a different nametag on. My wife worked on staff at International, she also did personal services for VP on the coach ,manicures and hair cuts so forth. she modeled before she went into residence so she was not unattractive. I have her experience first hand to draw from , our son spent summers at Rome City for years. and we as well going back and forth transporting him at times. I can draw from his experience as well. and believe me as you well know kids will tell you the straight up when they don't like something. Those are first hand accounts, not second ,as was my experience. I have lived in way homes most of my life, we started one of the first ones in Kansas working with Earl Burton, we coordinated the class work for the east side of the state, working with people from different parts of the country bet you did not know that KS had 10 Limb leaders in one year? We sponsored and housed countless Corps we were 45 minutes from Emporia ,not just once a year for a year, week after week after week ask Ex10 just while she was here how many came through here, and we had done that for years before. We housed the girl who was registered in the Corps under a false name who they moved consistently because her family was trying to kill her. They did not send her here because we were uninformed idiots. There is more but the point is that's lots of people intermingling experience , lots of first hand accounts I'd submit as much or more than one got in two years in residence. By accounts here it seems all one did was carry around a screwdriver and tighten bolts anyway I have experience at that as well.
I disagree we have years of first hand accounts to verify what went on as well as personal verification, and by the way they were given in a neutral setting as matter of fact talk not in a site dedicated to anti way speech and complaints. I'd accept stories in a neutral setting far more than from people who daily rant about nothing but bad, it shows bias a important clue in determining facts. By the way I never said life was idealistic there, lots of s**t went on , that does not prove or disprove any accusations. Things that happened there happened, they did not stop just because one did not have a different nametag on. My wife worked on staff at International, she also did personal services for VP on the coach ,manicures and hair cuts so forth. she modeled before she went into residence so she was not unattractive. I have her experience first hand to draw from , our son spent summers at Rome City for years. and we as well going back and forth transporting him at times. I can draw from his experience as well. and believe me as you well know kids will tell you the straight up when they don't like something. Those are first hand accounts, not second ,as was my experience. I have lived in way homes most of my life, we started one of the first ones in Kansas working with Earl Burton, we coordinated the class work for the east side of the state, working with people from different parts of the country bet you did not know that KS had 10 Limb leaders in one year? We sponsored and housed countless Corps we were 45 minutes from Emporia ,not just once a year for a year, week after week after week ask Ex10 just while she was here how many came through here, and we had done that for years before. We housed the girl who was registered in the Corps under a false name who they moved consistently because her family was trying to kill her. They did not send her here because we were uninformed idiots. There is more but the point is that's lots of people intermingling experience , lots of first hand accounts I'd submit as much or more than one got in two years in residence. By accounts here it seems all one did was carry around a screwdriver and tighten bolts anyway I have experience at that as well.
just the two bolded points above, WD:
do you know that often people who've been in highly abusive situations have a hard time being "neutral", as you put it? the more deeply they've been hurt, the less neutral they are especially when they are in the process of coming to grips with having been abused. I know first-hand about how people treat you... like a liar, like you're insane, when nothing could be further from the truth.
the other is, I'm sure there are a LOT of women that vpw didn't try to take advantage of, for whatever reason. molesters and rapists choose their victims based on certain criteria. it'd be nice to know when she worked for him, how often, did she see any of the women at the time they were with vpw, or did she work for him under other circumstances? see, you can't just assume that since your wife didn't get molested, that no one else did. lots of people survive being murdered by serial killers because they just aren't the right victim.
well thanks for informing me. how could I presume to know what you experienced, when you've refused to answer any questions? now I know you spent time at Emporia. how long were you in, anyway?
I do read, WD. I've been reading for some time now and what I'm reading is you telling rascal she doesn't know anything compared to you. but you never have, in all my reading, actually revealed what you DO know, although you've been asked numerous times. if you want to be an authority, then you've got to give your creds. getting respect ain't gonna happen by ripping into a woman and telling her she's nothing compared to you because she didn't sleep at Emporia for a year.
No I have never said that ,what I said was first hand accounts are first hand accounts if one can use them as talking points then the other can as well. She seems bent on discrediting my posts for something she does as well, speak of things as factual from others accounts.reading here and claiming as fact is no different than hearing something first hand and claiming as fact. If being present is the qualifier to posting then speking of guilt in crimes requires one to be there as well. if not it is not personal experiance.
She seems bent on discrediting my posts for something she does as well, speak of things as factual from others accounts.reading here and claiming as fact is no different than hearing something first hand and claiming as fact.
we have no reason not to believe anyone is lying about their story unless it can be proven they are. for instance, I don't assume you're lying about being at Emporia, or that your wife worked for vpw at HQ, although I have no way to corroborate your testimony. I just don't have any facts on which to claim your statements are untrue. I also have no reason to believe that the women who've told their stories about being raped by vpw are lying, therefore, like rascal, I will accept them as factual unless I have good reason to believe they aren't.
do you know that often people who've been in highly abusive situations have a hard time being "neutral", as you put it? the more deeply they've been hurt, the less neutral they are especially when they are in the process of coming to grips with having been abused. I know first-hand about how people treat you... like a liar, like you're insane, when nothing could be further from the truth.
I think you misunderstood what I said was no one had a hard time being neutral, we heard the good and bad, the point is it was in a setting of just talking,not at a place where the order of the day is some new accusation of wrong.
the other is, I'm sure there are a LOT of women that vpw didn't try to take advantage of, for whatever reason. molesters and rapists choose their victims based on certain criteria. it'd be nice to know when she worked for him, how often, did she see any of the women at the time they were with vpw, or did she work for him under other circumstances? see, you can't just assume that since your wife didn't get molested, that no one else did. lots of people survive being murdered by serial killers because they just aren't the right victim.
I have never assumed that,nor have I assumed that none were. What I said was none were documented of a crime. Period, and that is a fact. Until such time one has no basis to state one as guilty of something they have been found no guilt of based on what you read on the internet. Lots of things went on including the wife swaping . One event does not prove the other.
we have no reason not to believe anyone is lying about their story unless it can be proven they are. for instance, I don't assume you're lying about being at Emporia, or that your wife worked for vpw at HQ, although I have no way to corroborate your testimony. I just don't have any facts on which to claim your statements are untrue. I also have no reason to believe that the women who've told their stories about being raped by vpw are lying, therefore, like rascal, I will accept them as factual unless I have good reason to believe they aren't.
Your choice, and in general as I have stated many times I believe that routine things generally people are truthful in ,but matters of crimes I require more,while you may not,your choice. People here want to see bad they thrive on it, lots of reasons to give them what they want, to be the poster that shared some new juicy tidbit, other motives as well. one just never knows. I've seen things embraced as truth only a few pages later to be fished out as bull. Sorry I wont lay blame of criminal guilt with that kind of record.
I never one upped anyone , I responded to her double standard where she seems to think fist hand accounts related to me as opposed to those related to her are any different. They're not. She did not ,as well go through the training she is a spouse corps as well ,and no more qualified to speak on what happened there than others. Long before you or her saw the first twig I had logged in countless hours working and living at Emporia, The better part of a year living there. working eating sleeping side by side. I was there before the Corps were there working in about every inch of the place. From the kitchen to the print shop. I shoveled out the science lab from the rubble left there by the former college. out into the hall and down the steps into the dumpster. I cleaned out the back stage closets in Kenyon from the props and costumes there left behind, painted the mushroom psycadelic walls in Emporia hall and Kipp. Cleaned the kitchen walk ins, moved mattresses and beds, worked on grounds, worked in the kitchen and dinning room ,and a million other jobs. You know not which you speak of. And yes we sat in the teachings as long as they were because VP said we could. And for years after that we drove there to do the same on Wednesday Corps nights . I've done the same at Rome City although not as much. Don't presume to know what I have done You don't. I'd submit I have far more foot on the ground experience that Rascal has to speak of. Not to mention the hours of access to the tape library of Corps information there.
Okay........you did some twi work days..........so?
YOU are the one who pounds the gavel for accuracy.
YOU are the one who pounds the desk to cite authority.
YOU were spouse corps..........YOUR nametag designated it.
YOU were spouse corps. Are you ashamed of that?
And.....if you don't like that designation, how about Post-Program Participant.
Sorry, WhiteDove.....you can't have it BOTH ways.
You can't state inaccuracies.........and be accurate.
Your choice, and in general as I have stated many times I believe that routine things generally people are truthful in ,but matters of crimes I require more,while you may not,your choice. People here want to see bad they thrive on it, lots of reasons to give them what they want, to be the poster that shared some new juicy tidbit, other motives as well. one just never knows. I've seen things embraced as truth only a few pages later to be fished out as bull. Sorry I wont lay blame of criminal guilt with that kind of record.
This thread is about comparing the waycorps experience to the flying monkey's of the wizard of oz...not about "criminal guilt"...it seems that you have strayed
...and if you never went through the in residence corps program at any of the root locales, it is no wonder that you fail to understand the analogy or to see the connection...
So Skyrider. . . curious about something. What the heck WERE those 2:30 AM fire drills all about. Because I have to tell you. . . they pulled that garbage on my dorm during my advanced class at Emporia.
Here we are, standing out front under the lights in less than footed pajama's. . . exposed for the world to see. Crowds around. . . I was trying to hide behind those with more clothing. . . I was not alone.
Then the next day.. . . . we were screamed at by JAL about how it took us over 5 minutes to exit and we would all be dead right now if there had really been a fire. It didn't take us too long, but someone was timing us. . .
What a mind game. I remember looking at him up there "Spewing" and thinking to myself. . . I shouldn't be here.
Not to mention having to physically hit a Corps guy who would not stop touching me. He was trying to "Bless Me" and I needed to lighten up. I was half-dressed. . . chilly. . . and just woken from a sound sleep.
I wonder how many times people had to endure that?
We used to have 3am fire drills when i lived in the college dorms. It was strictly precautionary to ensure that we could act appropriately during an emergency.
I never thought it was such a big deal, but then again, it wasn't at the hands of TWI either!
We used to have 3am fire drills when i lived in the college dorms. It was strictly precautionary to ensure that we could act appropriately during an emergency.
I never thought it was such a big deal, but then again, it wasn't at the hands of TWI either!
No a fire drill is no big deal and can be required by law. . . the whole hands dodge em aspect was what got me. . . making us stand under the lights. . . and then the spewing the next day about how inept and unspiritual we all were.
It bordered on the inane. Didn't take us long to exit. . . we all used the right way to go out. . . it was such a joke.
Long before you or her saw the first twig I had logged in countless hours working and living at Emporia, The better part of a year living there. working eating sleeping side by side. I was there before the Corps were there working in about every inch of the place. From the kitchen to the print shop. I shoveled out the science lab from the rubble left there by the former college. out into the hall and down the steps into the dumpster. I cleaned out the back stage closets in Kenyon from the props and costumes there left behind, painted the mushroom psycadelic walls in Emporia hall and Kipp. Cleaned the kitchen walk ins, moved mattresses and beds, worked on grounds, worked in the kitchen and dinning room ,and a million other jobs.
what I'd like to know..
how do you feel about a significant portion of sale of this (allegedly) UNPAID labor was used to pay off the settlement of the lawsuit instigated by the documented indiscretions of the loyster?
I just wonder.. how it feels to know while one labored away.. some aggressive bumpkin from kansas was busy "diddling" every man's wife he could con or coerce into it..
So Skyrider. . . curious about something. What the heck WERE those 2:30 AM fire drills all about. Because I have to tell you. . . they pulled that garbage on my dorm during my advanced class at Emporia.
Here we are, standing out front under the lights in less than footed pajama's. . . exposed for the world to see. Crowds around. . . I was trying to hide behind those with more clothing. . . I was not alone.
Then the next day.. . . . we were screamed at by JAL about how it took us over 5 minutes to exit and we would all be dead right now if there had really been a fire. It didn't take us too long, but someone was timing us. . .
What a mind game. I remember looking at him up there "Spewing" and thinking to myself. . . I shouldn't be here.
Not to mention having to physically hit a Corps guy who would not stop touching me. He was trying to "Bless Me" and I needed to lighten up. I was half-dressed. . . chilly. . . and just woken from a sound sleep.
I wonder how many times people had to endure that?
Once, was enough for me.
To be fair.......twi probably needed to give a few fire alarms to adjust procedures and measure response times in the event of an emergency.
What wasn't fair........to castigate THE WHOLE DAM* CORPS in light of a couple sleepy-heads. Yell, yell, yell......bitch, bitch, bitch on it at breakfast AND at lunch.
When there are some 480 corps on campus......EVERYDAY THERE WAS SOMETHING TO YELL ABOUT. The constant barrage of confrontations got so old. And, it was like being tag-teamed ALL WEEK LONG.......if it wasn't the corps coordinator, it was the wife.....or the area coordinator........or the work coordinator.......or the branch coordinator......
The corps became an image of what they saw daily...........CONFRONTING EVERYTHING.
I have been very accurate you just can't seem to grasp it. Speaking of Johnny he once told me don't let anyone tell you your less than they are ,everyone gets into the Corps by God's grace. People live the program by their person committment not hours in a building sitting. A person can go as far in the program as one wishes not all training exists in a root local.
WD.......ironic isn't it?
Where one values the corps nametag......or the approval of J0hnny T........above ALL those scriptures on sons of God, beloved and righteous in His sight, more than conquerors, sanctified ones, etc.
It's sad, really. And, with all sincerity.....I pray that you find your way back to the treasures of His love and holiness.
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Only to you friend. Your nameless faceless informants inflections and mannerisms of 2nd hand information have what kind of credibility when countering the first hand accounts of the people here, accou
why is it, WD, that you feel you have to one-up rascal all the time? you didn't go through corps training, and her statement was correct. spouse corps didn't go through the grueling 3 years of slavery
WD, I'd love to know if you ever lived on grounds at a root locale. that would give some basis for the authority you'd like us to think you have. yeah whatever. rascal has shared a lot about her exp
You might wanna get informed......
I never one upped anyone , I responded to her double standard where she seems to think fist hand accounts related to me as opposed to those related to her are any different. They're not. She did not ,as well go through the training she is a spouse corps as well ,and no more qualified to speak on what happened there than others. Long before you or her saw the first twig I had logged in countless hours working and living at Emporia, The better part of a year living there. working eating sleeping side by side. I was there before the Corps were there working in about every inch of the place. From the kitchen to the print shop. I shoveled out the science lab from the rubble left there by the former college. out into the hall and down the steps into the dumpster. I cleaned out the back stage closets in Kenyon from the props and costumes there left behind, painted the mushroom psycadelic walls in Emporia hall and Kipp. Cleaned the kitchen walk ins, moved mattresses and beds, worked on grounds, worked in the kitchen and dinning room ,and a million other jobs. You know not which you speak of. And yes we sat in the teachings as long as they were because VP said we could. And for years after that we drove there to do the same on Wednesday Corps nights . I've done the same at Rome City although not as much. Don't presume to know what I have done You don't. I'd submit I have far more foot on the ground experience that Rascal has to speak of. Not to mention the hours of access to the tape library of Corps information there.
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That is impressive Dove, truly. It still isn`t in residence corpes participation. Which is what we are talking about on this thread.
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I never claimed to be authoratative on rape crimes! That is crazy....criminey...... please read carefully....what I AM is outraged over the accounts of rape written, of the accounts of coersion, and manipulation, and the consequences of not complying with sexual demands of vpw and lcm that have been related here, at messiah 7, kristin`s accounts in her book...accounts confirmed by more than one leader.
I am sickened, and disgusted, but I have NEVER claimed to be an authority.
Please stop saying things like that.
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No actually what we speaking of before the sidestep was your double standard of being present that you seem to require for my points to be valid . I have hours of such, you don't, you speak on internet stories that's your authority to your claims, Being there is being there, one does not observe different things because of a program nametag you observe because of your sight and experiance.
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well thanks for informing me. how could I presume to know what you experienced, when you've refused to answer any questions? now I know you spent time at Emporia. how long were you in, anyway?
I do read, WD. I've been reading for some time now and what I'm reading is you telling rascal she doesn't know anything compared to you. but you never have, in all my reading, actually revealed what you DO know, although you've been asked numerous times. if you want to be an authority, then you've got to give your creds. getting respect ain't gonna happen by ripping into a woman and telling her she's nothing compared to you because she didn't sleep at Emporia for a year.
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just the two bolded points above, WD:
do you know that often people who've been in highly abusive situations have a hard time being "neutral", as you put it? the more deeply they've been hurt, the less neutral they are especially when they are in the process of coming to grips with having been abused. I know first-hand about how people treat you... like a liar, like you're insane, when nothing could be further from the truth.
the other is, I'm sure there are a LOT of women that vpw didn't try to take advantage of, for whatever reason. molesters and rapists choose their victims based on certain criteria. it'd be nice to know when she worked for him, how often, did she see any of the women at the time they were with vpw, or did she work for him under other circumstances? see, you can't just assume that since your wife didn't get molested, that no one else did. lots of people survive being murdered by serial killers because they just aren't the right victim.
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No I have never said that ,what I said was first hand accounts are first hand accounts if one can use them as talking points then the other can as well. She seems bent on discrediting my posts for something she does as well, speak of things as factual from others accounts.reading here and claiming as fact is no different than hearing something first hand and claiming as fact. If being present is the qualifier to posting then speking of guilt in crimes requires one to be there as well. if not it is not personal experiance.
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we have no reason not to believe anyone is lying about their story unless it can be proven they are. for instance, I don't assume you're lying about being at Emporia, or that your wife worked for vpw at HQ, although I have no way to corroborate your testimony. I just don't have any facts on which to claim your statements are untrue. I also have no reason to believe that the women who've told their stories about being raped by vpw are lying, therefore, like rascal, I will accept them as factual unless I have good reason to believe they aren't.
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Your choice, and in general as I have stated many times I believe that routine things generally people are truthful in ,but matters of crimes I require more,while you may not,your choice. People here want to see bad they thrive on it, lots of reasons to give them what they want, to be the poster that shared some new juicy tidbit, other motives as well. one just never knows. I've seen things embraced as truth only a few pages later to be fished out as bull. Sorry I wont lay blame of criminal guilt with that kind of record.
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You've piqued my interest.
Can you cite some specifics?
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Okay........you did some twi work days..........so?
YOU are the one who pounds the gavel for accuracy.
YOU are the one who pounds the desk to cite authority.
YOU were spouse corps..........YOUR nametag designated it.
YOU were spouse corps. Are you ashamed of that?
And.....if you don't like that designation, how about Post-Program Participant.
Sorry, WhiteDove.....you can't have it BOTH ways.
You can't state inaccuracies.........and be accurate.
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This thread is about comparing the waycorps experience to the flying monkey's of the wizard of oz...not about "criminal guilt"...it seems that you have strayed
...and if you never went through the in residence corps program at any of the root locales, it is no wonder that you fail to understand the analogy or to see the connection...
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So Skyrider. . . curious about something. What the heck WERE those 2:30 AM fire drills all about. Because I have to tell you. . . they pulled that garbage on my dorm during my advanced class at Emporia.
Here we are, standing out front under the lights in less than footed pajama's. . . exposed for the world to see. Crowds around. . . I was trying to hide behind those with more clothing. . . I was not alone.
Then the next day.. . . . we were screamed at by JAL about how it took us over 5 minutes to exit and we would all be dead right now if there had really been a fire. It didn't take us too long, but someone was timing us. . .
What a mind game. I remember looking at him up there "Spewing" and thinking to myself. . . I shouldn't be here.
Not to mention having to physically hit a Corps guy who would not stop touching me. He was trying to "Bless Me" and I needed to lighten up. I was half-dressed. . . chilly. . . and just woken from a sound sleep.
I wonder how many times people had to endure that?
Once, was enough for me.
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We used to have 3am fire drills when i lived in the college dorms. It was strictly precautionary to ensure that we could act appropriately during an emergency.
I never thought it was such a big deal, but then again, it wasn't at the hands of TWI either!
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No a fire drill is no big deal and can be required by law. . . the whole hands dodge em aspect was what got me. . . making us stand under the lights. . . and then the spewing the next day about how inept and unspiritual we all were.
It bordered on the inane. Didn't take us long to exit. . . we all used the right way to go out. . . it was such a joke.
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We used to have unannounced, middle of the night room inspections in Fellow Laborers.
They even inspected underwear drawers to insure that everything was folded and stored properly.
(Of course, it never was. <_< )
And yes, male leaders rifled through the females unmentionables.
How nuts was all that?
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Long before you or her saw the first twig I had logged in countless hours working and living at Emporia, The better part of a year living there. working eating sleeping side by side. I was there before the Corps were there working in about every inch of the place. From the kitchen to the print shop. I shoveled out the science lab from the rubble left there by the former college. out into the hall and down the steps into the dumpster. I cleaned out the back stage closets in Kenyon from the props and costumes there left behind, painted the mushroom psycadelic walls in Emporia hall and Kipp. Cleaned the kitchen walk ins, moved mattresses and beds, worked on grounds, worked in the kitchen and dinning room ,and a million other jobs.
what I'd like to know..
how do you feel about a significant portion of sale of this (allegedly) UNPAID labor was used to pay off the settlement of the lawsuit instigated by the documented indiscretions of the loyster?
I just wonder.. how it feels to know while one labored away.. some aggressive bumpkin from kansas was busy "diddling" every man's wife he could con or coerce into it..
your labor paid for the settlement..
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To be fair.......twi probably needed to give a few fire alarms to adjust procedures and measure response times in the event of an emergency.
What wasn't fair........to castigate THE WHOLE DAM* CORPS in light of a couple sleepy-heads. Yell, yell, yell......bitch, bitch, bitch on it at breakfast AND at lunch.
When there are some 480 corps on campus......EVERYDAY THERE WAS SOMETHING TO YELL ABOUT. The constant barrage of confrontations got so old. And, it was like being tag-teamed ALL WEEK LONG.......if it wasn't the corps coordinator, it was the wife.....or the area coordinator........or the work coordinator.......or the branch coordinator......
The corps became an image of what they saw daily...........CONFRONTING EVERYTHING.
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WD.......ironic isn't it?
Where one values the corps nametag......or the approval of J0hnny T........above ALL those scriptures on sons of God, beloved and righteous in His sight, more than conquerors, sanctified ones, etc.
It's sad, really. And, with all sincerity.....I pray that you find your way back to the treasures of His love and holiness.
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