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After last year with a very sad miscarriage, we put off posting our good news until the first and most of the second trimester were over.

But now we can announce our good news.....Jessica is pregnant!!!!!!!!

She and J are doing well...she is 18 and they will be married shortly....

now for the fun news!!!!....

Baby Jaden Marie is on her way!!!!!!!!!!

She is due June 6th

Mom, baby, and daddy are doing very well....and Aunt Kat, Uncle Josh and Uncle Zach are waiting with excited anticipation!!!!!

But more than that......

Steve! and I are going to be GRANDPARENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

um... was that a CRICK I heard when I jumped up????

naw....couldn't have been....could it????


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Thanks guys, we are VERY excited!!!!

It's been a LOOOONNNGGGG time since there has been a baby in my house!!!

Steve and I are buying the baby things each week when we go shopping....and we took the mom-to-be out to buy maternity clothes last weekend.

It's just SO fun!!!!!!

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My heart rejoices with yours. How surreal it must be to know that your baby is going to have a baby!

I know where you are coming from, sistuh, when you say it has been a long time since there has been a baby in the house. Our Justin and Ashley will be married one year March 1. They are the closest prospect for a grandbaby. But with just buying their first home and their careers they are going to wait a couple of more years. My grandmother biological clock is ticking here!! I have a couple of knees made for rocking and arms for holding, here now!!!

You go, grandma and grandpa.

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