I know he was an ordained minister originally from Canada.
2 - Did B.G. Leonard ever take PFAL?
Not that I've heard of. I've heard the PFAL class was very similar Leonards class from folks who took it. In fact all the character names such as Maggie Muggins were "borrowed" from Leonards class.
3 - Did B.G. Leonard know of the apparent
use of his work by VPW?
If so, why didn't he take appropriate
action to stop it?
He did know of it and I'm told was not happy, but I've heard that because Leonard didn't copyright it, it could be "borrowed" and thats why he couldn't do anything about it.
4 - Is/was the B.G. Leonard ministry part of
a church somewhere(Texas?).
How do they "move the Word"?.
Check out the website.
5 - Why was B.G. Leonard at VPW's funeral?
Who invited him?
I haven't heard of this.
I got some of my info on the above from folks like TheEvan who posts here at GS cafe and also from Dale Sides who did some taped sharings on this called "Missing Pieces" and also "Jesus Christ's Judgement on the Way minstry".
D. Sides not only took Leonards class but spent much time with him before he died. You can get these tapes from Sides website, here is a link;
I don't know enough to answer. i think i can safely say that he lacked formal education. Yet the sweep of his knowledge, in my experience, was great. Can we call hom sel-educated? Note that he made no claims, AFAIK, as to his education, unlike Wierwille.
2 - Did B.G. Leonard ever take PFAL?
3 - Did B.G. Leonard know of the apparent
use of his work by VPW?
If so, why didn't he take appropriate
action to stop it?
Yes he did. The extent of his action, AFAIK, was to preface his books with a warning about plagiarism.
4 - Is/was the B.G. Leonard ministry part of
a church somewhere(Texas?).
How do they "move the Word"?.
No, Leonard's ministry was always independent. Its focus was/is to equip Christians with the whole armor of God. It was geared to helping people walk in their own ministry. It was never set up so you could join and participate. You take what you learn and go back and put it to use whereever you are...
5 - Why was B.G. Leonard at VPW's funeral?
Who invited him?
He wasn't at Wierwille's funeral. But he & Mrs. Leonard were at the ScoreWeek that summer after VP died. I can't rememeber who invited them. I'm thinking it was Pam Craley, Way historian.
Oh, and Dale can speak for himself, but I am unaware of Dale ever having spent any time with Leonard other than taking his Gifts of the Spirit course. In fact, of this I'm quite sure. You proabably just got the wrong impression from something Dale said...
I don't recall Mr. Leonard being at Corps Week, but I know for sure he was at the Rock for the first few days that year. I remember seeing him just outside the main tent, as I was leaving back stage. He was just standing there kinda looking around. I knew who he was so I went up and introduced myself to him and asked if he needed anything. He asked me where he could get something to eat. I was surprised that no one was acting as a "hostess" or anything for him at the time, so I took him over to the main food tent and got him some lunch and something to drink. Mrs. Leonard wasn't with him then. We chatted as we ate, and the main thing I remember about our conversation was that he couldn't stand the music that was being played, the rock and roll type stuff. I do remember that, because my husband was playing in Way Productions at the time. I wish I could remember more about the incident, but it was after all, a long time ago.
I'm pretty certain it was Steve Sann who invited him too, unless my memory is alot worse that I thought.
I thought I heard Dale say something like he spent much time hanging with BG Leonard on one of his tapes, but I can't say how much time, so, maybe it was just time he spent taking his class. Sorry if I gave wrong info. I trust what Evan says is the truth.
[This message was edited by Outin88! on November 11, 2003 at 18:39.]
[This message was edited by Outin88! on November 11, 2003 at 18:40.]
I knew that of the magnificent 9, BG Leonard was still alive, even when VPW was still alive.
I also knew, living in Columbus, and close by, that VPW always invited different types of people to teach the Corps, and the corps was to rightly divide what they taught and throw out the error.
But I always wondered why VPW, who seemed to want his believer folks to walk in the power of God, never invited BG to teach on healing and the power of God. Even if some or a bunch of what he taught wasn't the Word, the corps could rightly divide it and gleam out the good stuff. I'm sure VPW knew that Leonard was performing miracles, even up to 1985.
My question is, Did Leonard have some knowledge of God's Word, that would have really helped us manifest God's Power more abundantly? Was VPW so out of fellowship with God (in a sin mode) that he could not see what Leonard saw in God's Word.
From what I'm hearing around here, when extwi believers take Leonards class, they seem to see the
"missing link" to walking in the power of God.
My take on the matter is that part of the absent Christ teaching and VPW's sinful life, we got tricked out of seeing how the pioneer and finisher of our faith healed people. We just got so tricked into hearing the same message, over and over again of what we have in Christ; but no real Word centered clear cut teaching on how the Master healer, Jesus, did it and how we can follow in his footsteps and example.
"In fact all the character names such as Maggie Muggins were 'borrowed' from Leonards class."
"'Maggie Muggins' was the creation of Fredericton-born teacher, writer and storyteller Mary Grannan. In the 1940s, Maggie's imaginary adventures were featured in the popular radio series 'Maggie Muggins.'"
(Copyright 2002 Canadian Broadcasting Co.)
I'm not saying or implying that this means BG Leonard plagiarized; nor am I claiming that VPW didn't plagiarize.
I'm just pointing out a little fact that shows how sorting out all this plagiarizing stuff isn't as simple as it appears at face value.
But I always wondered why VPW, who seemed to want his believer folks to walk in the power of God, never invited BG to teach on healing and the power of God. Even if some or a bunch of what he taught wasn't the Word, the corps could rightly divide it and gleam out the good stuff. I'm sure VPW knew that Leonard was performing miracles, even up to 1985."
{To me, the answer is self-evident. VP couldn't face BG after what he had done.}
"My question is, Did Leonard have some knowledge of God's Word, that would have really helped us manifest God's Power more abundantly? Was VPW so out of fellowship with God (in a sin mode) that he could not see what Leonard saw in God's Word."
From what I'm hearing around here, when extwi believers take Leonards class, they seem to see the
"missing link" to walking in the power of God.
"My take on the matter is that part of the absent Christ teaching and VPW's sinful life, we got tricked out of seeing how the pioneer and finisher of our faith healed people. We just got so tricked into hearing the same message, over and over again of what we have in Christ; but no real Word centered clear cut teaching on how the Master healer, Jesus, did it and how we can follow in his footsteps and example.
Any comments?
Very perceptive Lightside. In fact, there are other 'missing links' from VP's body of teaching, but I tend to characterize them as gaping holes.
I remember VPW telling some story at a SNS in 1978 about the guy who wrote "The Hymn of Cannes'. Seems like the guy had been in prison or something - I think it was BG Leonard.
A note about BG Leonard from my memory. It was Montana, circa 1985, and VPW had recently died. The Limb was contacted by somone at HQ (not LCM) and told that BG Leonard would be in the state doing some "classes." Maybe we would want to check it out, she said. The Way believers were all encouraged by the LC (Steve Sann) to take part in his teachings, to the extreme that some people quit jobs to attend his intense, full-time 2 week class. That summer, he came to HQ during the Rock and attended the VPW memorial, but was not "officially" invited by HQ leadership. In fact, LCM got very peeved at that Rock and yelled quite a bit later on via Corps tapes that Leonard was even there. LCM was proud that he "never shook his hand," and yelled about how VPW was not even cold in the grave and we were already seeking after signs, etc. Translation - LCM did not like BGL very much ... which maybe explains why he was wandering around not knowing where to get food.
The Montana Way believers were later chastised for being so excited about his teachings which, by the way, were nearly line-by-line verbatim teachings later done by VPW. Guess LCM knew about the plagerism and wanted to stem the tide or something. Personally, I didn't care. If it was truth, it was truth and nobody should have the copywrite on it. BGL had a great deal of enthusiasm that was already lacking in the Way by that time, as far as I can remember.
If you really want answers, one person to talk to is Steve Sann. I know Steve was in touch with Mr. Leonard when he (Steve) was Region Coordiantor in Montana in the mid 80's.
I also know John Schoenheit took Mr. Leonard's class on gifts of the spirit shortly after getting fired from TWI. He knows stuff too.
Geeze, Microbe, we were posting at the same time. Yeah, I personally was pretty embarrassed about the lack of hospitality Mr. Leonard experienced at the Rock. In fact, when I asked about him the day after eating lunch with him, I was told he had gone home. I thought it was pretty shoddy treatment....and when I investigated found out that the craigmonster was not happy...
Thanks JBarrax - I wasn't sure if it was BGL or not, but I saw 'The Hymn of Cannes' mentioned on his website.
EX10 - Not writing a book. BGL has been talked about a lot here at the cafe lately and I am just curious about his background. You see, I've been fooled before. ;)-->
In fact, LCM got very peeved ... and yelled ...LCM ... and yelled ... LCM did not like BGL very much ...
I think this is called a derail and I apologize, but did that guy ever do anything but yell? Is there anyone anywhere that he liked? Is there a pattern here?
Rev. B.G. Leonard was ordained a Nazarene field evangelist after some study at a Nazarene Bible school (college?) in Canada. I don't know what the requirements for ordination are/were. He worked for a period of time with the Nazarene church in Canada, until he left and continued to preach and teach without any affiliation (other than God's... as attested to by the hundreds, if not thousands, of bona fide miracles wrought under his hands). I'm not sure if it was at this time that he started to prefer to be called "Brother Leonard", as opposed to Reverend Leonard. I do know that when I met him he preferred Bro. Leonard. (He was not into titles or heirarchy, in fact he called everyone brother or sister as well).
He also worked and studied for a period of time in the mental health field, without completing a degree.
OUT in 88,
I think the missing piece you referrred to was, in fact, FAITH, ie., finally learning what it really is, and walking in it. It is most definitely not some - ridiculous renewed mind mumbo jumbo believing equals receiving mental gymnastics spew. That, coupled with allowing God to be God; as apposed to me being a god by my *believing* lol, has made a great deal of difference.
Actually, now that I've written this, I would say perhaps what was missing to a great extent was "The fear of the Lord." After all, it is the beginning of wisdom. Prov. 1:7
I get what you're saying. As I said, I wasn't using the little snippet above to imply BGL plagiarized or that VPW didn't. The latter has become obvious to me.
Nevertheless, I think it is a good idea to stick to the facts (like Raf is doing by comparing various passages of VPW's with those of other writers).
Geeze Linda, I wasn't talking about plagerizing. Here is what I wrote in context;
"2 - Did B.G. Leonard ever take PFAL?
Not that I've heard of. I've heard the PFAL class was very similar Leonards class from folks who took it. In fact all the character names such as Maggie Muggins were "borrowed" from Leonards class."
I said it was similar and that VPW borrowed character names. Word Wolf expounded on what I meant beautiflly. Thanks WW.
My point, which I admit I didn't communicate very well here, is that Leonards class was the original, Wierwilles was similar and that he borrowed character names. It was VPW that took Leonards class and used it as a model for PFAL.
Whether Leonard copied from someone else on the character names I don't know, and I really don't care, but I do know VPW copied those charater names from Leonard and thats a fact!
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Hello ItsStillTheWord
I can't answer all your questions but here is the website to B.G. Leonards ministry in Texas;
You asked;
1 - What was B.G. Leonard's background?
(academic, etc.)
I know he was an ordained minister originally from Canada.
2 - Did B.G. Leonard ever take PFAL?
Not that I've heard of. I've heard the PFAL class was very similar Leonards class from folks who took it. In fact all the character names such as Maggie Muggins were "borrowed" from Leonards class.
3 - Did B.G. Leonard know of the apparent
use of his work by VPW?
If so, why didn't he take appropriate
action to stop it?
He did know of it and I'm told was not happy, but I've heard that because Leonard didn't copyright it, it could be "borrowed" and thats why he couldn't do anything about it.
4 - Is/was the B.G. Leonard ministry part of
a church somewhere(Texas?).
How do they "move the Word"?.
Check out the website.
5 - Why was B.G. Leonard at VPW's funeral?
Who invited him?
I haven't heard of this.
I got some of my info on the above from folks like TheEvan who posts here at GS cafe and also from Dale Sides who did some taped sharings on this called "Missing Pieces" and also "Jesus Christ's Judgement on the Way minstry".
D. Sides not only took Leonards class but spent much time with him before he died. You can get these tapes from Sides website, here is a link;
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1 - What was B.G. Leonard's background?
(academic, etc.)
I don't know enough to answer. i think i can safely say that he lacked formal education. Yet the sweep of his knowledge, in my experience, was great. Can we call hom sel-educated? Note that he made no claims, AFAIK, as to his education, unlike Wierwille.
2 - Did B.G. Leonard ever take PFAL?
3 - Did B.G. Leonard know of the apparent
use of his work by VPW?
If so, why didn't he take appropriate
action to stop it?
Yes he did. The extent of his action, AFAIK, was to preface his books with a warning about plagiarism.
4 - Is/was the B.G. Leonard ministry part of
a church somewhere(Texas?).
How do they "move the Word"?.
No, Leonard's ministry was always independent. Its focus was/is to equip Christians with the whole armor of God. It was geared to helping people walk in their own ministry. It was never set up so you could join and participate. You take what you learn and go back and put it to use whereever you are...
5 - Why was B.G. Leonard at VPW's funeral?
Who invited him?
He wasn't at Wierwille's funeral. But he & Mrs. Leonard were at the ScoreWeek that summer after VP died. I can't rememeber who invited them. I'm thinking it was Pam Craley, Way historian.
Oh, and Dale can speak for himself, but I am unaware of Dale ever having spent any time with Leonard other than taking his Gifts of the Spirit course. In fact, of this I'm quite sure. You proabably just got the wrong impression from something Dale said...
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I don't recall Mr. Leonard being at Corps Week, but I know for sure he was at the Rock for the first few days that year. I remember seeing him just outside the main tent, as I was leaving back stage. He was just standing there kinda looking around. I knew who he was so I went up and introduced myself to him and asked if he needed anything. He asked me where he could get something to eat. I was surprised that no one was acting as a "hostess" or anything for him at the time, so I took him over to the main food tent and got him some lunch and something to drink. Mrs. Leonard wasn't with him then. We chatted as we ate, and the main thing I remember about our conversation was that he couldn't stand the music that was being played, the rock and roll type stuff. I do remember that, because my husband was playing in Way Productions at the time. I wish I could remember more about the incident, but it was after all, a long time ago.
I'm pretty certain it was Steve Sann who invited him too, unless my memory is alot worse that I thought.
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I thought I heard Dale say something like he spent much time hanging with BG Leonard on one of his tapes, but I can't say how much time, so, maybe it was just time he spent taking his class. Sorry if I gave wrong info. I trust what Evan says is the truth.
[This message was edited by Outin88! on November 11, 2003 at 18:39.]
[This message was edited by Outin88! on November 11, 2003 at 18:40.]
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PS Evan, check private topic.
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I knew that of the magnificent 9, BG Leonard was still alive, even when VPW was still alive.
I also knew, living in Columbus, and close by, that VPW always invited different types of people to teach the Corps, and the corps was to rightly divide what they taught and throw out the error.
But I always wondered why VPW, who seemed to want his believer folks to walk in the power of God, never invited BG to teach on healing and the power of God. Even if some or a bunch of what he taught wasn't the Word, the corps could rightly divide it and gleam out the good stuff. I'm sure VPW knew that Leonard was performing miracles, even up to 1985.
My question is, Did Leonard have some knowledge of God's Word, that would have really helped us manifest God's Power more abundantly? Was VPW so out of fellowship with God (in a sin mode) that he could not see what Leonard saw in God's Word.
From what I'm hearing around here, when extwi believers take Leonards class, they seem to see the
"missing link" to walking in the power of God.
My take on the matter is that part of the absent Christ teaching and VPW's sinful life, we got tricked out of seeing how the pioneer and finisher of our faith healed people. We just got so tricked into hearing the same message, over and over again of what we have in Christ; but no real Word centered clear cut teaching on how the Master healer, Jesus, did it and how we can follow in his footsteps and example.
Any comments?
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"Did B.G. Leonard ever take PFAL?"
I'm sorry, I just LOVE that question.
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Linda Z
"In fact all the character names such as Maggie Muggins were 'borrowed' from Leonards class."
"'Maggie Muggins' was the creation of Fredericton-born teacher, writer and storyteller Mary Grannan. In the 1940s, Maggie's imaginary adventures were featured in the popular radio series 'Maggie Muggins.'"
(Copyright 2002 Canadian Broadcasting Co.)
I'm not saying or implying that this means BG Leonard plagiarized; nor am I claiming that VPW didn't plagiarize.
I'm just pointing out a little fact that shows how sorting out all this plagiarizing stuff isn't as simple as it appears at face value.
Linda Z
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Very perceptive Lightside. In fact, there are other 'missing links' from VP's body of teaching, but I tend to characterize them as gaping holes.
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Its a valid question. Is my wording incorrect?
How about "Was B.G. Leonard a graduate of the PFAL class?"
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Evan & Out,
Thanks for your responses.
I remember VPW telling some story at a SNS in 1978 about the guy who wrote "The Hymn of Cannes'. Seems like the guy had been in prison or something - I think it was BG Leonard.
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I thought the guy who had been in prison was Starr Daily, whom VP described in PFAL as the man who loved his way out of Sing Sing.
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A note about BG Leonard from my memory. It was Montana, circa 1985, and VPW had recently died. The Limb was contacted by somone at HQ (not LCM) and told that BG Leonard would be in the state doing some "classes." Maybe we would want to check it out, she said. The Way believers were all encouraged by the LC (Steve Sann) to take part in his teachings, to the extreme that some people quit jobs to attend his intense, full-time 2 week class. That summer, he came to HQ during the Rock and attended the VPW memorial, but was not "officially" invited by HQ leadership. In fact, LCM got very peeved at that Rock and yelled quite a bit later on via Corps tapes that Leonard was even there. LCM was proud that he "never shook his hand," and yelled about how VPW was not even cold in the grave and we were already seeking after signs, etc. Translation - LCM did not like BGL very much ... which maybe explains why he was wandering around not knowing where to get food.
The Montana Way believers were later chastised for being so excited about his teachings which, by the way, were nearly line-by-line verbatim teachings later done by VPW. Guess LCM knew about the plagerism and wanted to stem the tide or something. Personally, I didn't care. If it was truth, it was truth and nobody should have the copywrite on it. BGL had a great deal of enthusiasm that was already lacking in the Way by that time, as far as I can remember.
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Still the Word,
If you really want answers, one person to talk to is Steve Sann. I know Steve was in touch with Mr. Leonard when he (Steve) was Region Coordiantor in Montana in the mid 80's.
I also know John Schoenheit took Mr. Leonard's class on gifts of the spirit shortly after getting fired from TWI. He knows stuff too.
Are you writing a book or something?
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Geeze, Microbe, we were posting at the same time. Yeah, I personally was pretty embarrassed about the lack of hospitality Mr. Leonard experienced at the Rock. In fact, when I asked about him the day after eating lunch with him, I was told he had gone home. I thought it was pretty shoddy treatment....and when I investigated found out that the craigmonster was not happy...
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Thanks JBarrax - I wasn't sure if it was BGL or not, but I saw 'The Hymn of Cannes' mentioned on his website.
EX10 - Not writing a book. BGL has been talked about a lot here at the cafe lately and I am just curious about his background. You see, I've been fooled before.
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I think this is called a derail and I apologize, but did that guy ever do anything but yell? Is there anyone anywhere that he liked? Is there a pattern here?
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Microbe, Ex
I talk to Steve on occasion next time I do I'll ask him if he remembers about this.
Without Coffee
I Would Have No Personality At All
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White Dove
Trust me, Steve will remember.
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Yes, Starr Daily was the preacher who had been in prison before being saved.
Linda Z,
it's not that BG Leonard invented Maggie Muggins, Johnny Jumpup or Henry Bolloco.
Maggie Muggins was a name you might know if you watched children's television
in Canada back when. BG Leonard was a Canadian, and almost certain watched
television at some point back then. Johnny Jumpup is a flower. I've never
heard of Henry or Herman Bolloco outside of the classes.
The thing is that BG Leonard used these names as hypothetical names of students
in his class. vpw took Leonard's class, then photocopied the bulk of it and
marketed it as his own, EVEN USING THE SAME HYPOTHETICAL NAMES. If you knew of
both classes, that's almost begging you to spot the connection between them.
I don't know how much you've read here. Your sentence was perfectly grammatical.
Let me give a little background, so you can see why I thought your question was
an original one.
BG Leonard was a man of God who taught many things concerning God. VP Wierwille
was a student of BG Leonard's class. He also studied under J.E. Stiles, and
read Stiles' book "Gifts of the Spirit". He also read several of EW Kenyon's
books, and EW Bullinger's books.
Not long after vpw was exposed to Leonard's class, he went off by himself.
According to all of his own accounts (from "the Way-Living in Love and everything
he wrote in the fronts of his books), vpw went off by himself with his Bible,
God, perhaps a pot of coffee or tea, perhaps some cookies, and that's it.
The pfal book, the RTHST book, and the Studies in Abundant Living were
supposedly the work of vpw and God, with virtually no other references.
It's a matter of public record, here and elsewhere, that nearly all the contents
of the orange book, the RTHST book, and many of the Studies in Abundant Living
were simply taken directly from books and classes written or done by all the
above men. Some of them were retypings of the other mens' works in early
editions, which were slowly re-phrased as the editions went on.
If there was no BG Leonard, there would BE no pfal class. His work was crucial
to the material, as was the format. pfal was a cheap, watered-down knockoff of
Leonard's work, IMHO. vpw NEVER admitted to any of this, BTW, and several people
here still seem to refuse to accept vpw's plagiarism, even when exact sentences
have been displayed side-by-side, and a reconstruction of the entire process
displayed. (A separate question has been raised as to whether it was appropriate
for vpw to break the law like this, since someone has suggested God told him to,
or dictated identical sentences to ones vpw had already read from the books of
the others. At the very least, since vpw intentionally violated the copyright
holdings of the other writers, then made sure all of his OWN books were under
copyright, he was guily of hypocrisy as well as plagiarism.)
So, I just picture your question funny, is all.
vpw essentially stole pfal from Leonard's work, which Leonard taught for years
before vpw heard of him.
Is there a need for Leonard to sit thru a cheap knockoff of his own classes that
he taught and ran live? What would he possibly need to learn from hearing his
own stuff taught back to him?
Or is it "unless Leonard sat thru vpw's pfal, I don't acknowledge him as knowing
his stuff"?
For some reason, I'm reminded of the Apollo 13 movie. Jimmy (played by Tom
Hanks) is in space, trying to bring Apollo 13 back to earth in one piece. It's
unsure if they'll get back alive. So, the families of the crew are getting
together for mutual support as they await news. Jimmy's mother is elderly, and
perhaps has a little difficulty with some of the nuances, but she understands the
basics of what's going on. "I know that if they could make a BATHTUB fly,
my Jimmy could land it safely!"
While the families await news, she's introduced to 2 men.
"This is Buzz Aldrin, and this is Neil Armstrong."
"Hello. Are you boys in the space program with Jimmy?"
Somehow, I think that line really happened.
:)--> It's just such a perfect
expression of her thinking-her son IS the space program, period.
I don't know if that's the case with what you were thinking, but it just struck
me the same way. You know, sort of
"Who is this BG Leonard, and when did he take the class?"
THAT'S why it struck me as funny.
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Rev. B.G. Leonard was ordained a Nazarene field evangelist after some study at a Nazarene Bible school (college?) in Canada. I don't know what the requirements for ordination are/were. He worked for a period of time with the Nazarene church in Canada, until he left and continued to preach and teach without any affiliation (other than God's... as attested to by the hundreds, if not thousands, of bona fide miracles wrought under his hands). I'm not sure if it was at this time that he started to prefer to be called "Brother Leonard", as opposed to Reverend Leonard. I do know that when I met him he preferred Bro. Leonard. (He was not into titles or heirarchy, in fact he called everyone brother or sister as well).
He also worked and studied for a period of time in the mental health field, without completing a degree.
OUT in 88,
I think the missing piece you referrred to was, in fact, FAITH, ie., finally learning what it really is, and walking in it. It is most definitely not some - ridiculous renewed mind mumbo jumbo believing equals receiving mental gymnastics spew. That, coupled with allowing God to be God; as apposed to me being a god by my *believing* lol, has made a great deal of difference.
Actually, now that I've written this, I would say perhaps what was missing to a great extent was "The fear of the Lord." After all, it is the beginning of wisdom. Prov. 1:7
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Linda Z
I get what you're saying. As I said, I wasn't using the little snippet above to imply BGL plagiarized or that VPW didn't. The latter has become obvious to me.
Nevertheless, I think it is a good idea to stick to the facts (like Raf is doing by comparing various passages of VPW's with those of other writers).
Linda Z
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I knew what you meant.
There are many things concerning TWI/VPW et al that strike me as funny these days.
I'm trying to get an understanding of what was the relationship between VPW and BGL.
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Geeze Linda, I wasn't talking about plagerizing. Here is what I wrote in context;
"2 - Did B.G. Leonard ever take PFAL?
Not that I've heard of. I've heard the PFAL class was very similar Leonards class from folks who took it. In fact all the character names such as Maggie Muggins were "borrowed" from Leonards class."
I said it was similar and that VPW borrowed character names. Word Wolf expounded on what I meant beautiflly. Thanks WW.
My point, which I admit I didn't communicate very well here, is that Leonards class was the original, Wierwilles was similar and that he borrowed character names. It was VPW that took Leonards class and used it as a model for PFAL.
Whether Leonard copied from someone else on the character names I don't know, and I really don't care, but I do know VPW copied those charater names from Leonard and thats a fact!
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