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Quiz Time


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History, the history of the United States, is fascinating to me. Back in High School, I was fortunate enough, I feel, to have been exposed to far less censorship and "political correctness filtering" than what I perceive our youth receives today in the class room.

After watching hour after hour, day after day of the OJ Simpson trial, I found that I had a reasonable tolerance for law and felt I could handle the details of law. So, some years later, I got my self into Loyola for a year for Paralegal Studies. Being the madman that I feel I am, a whole lot of my time was spent reading Supreme Court decisions. I did not go totally quazy in this regard, there are no Thurgood Marshall (I hope I spelled that right) action figures in my basement, but I did read a sizable portion of some of the most influencial decisions or matters brought to the Supreme Court over the history of the United States. So, that is the intro.

My quiz still needs a few more details. I would prefer not to be perceived as putting forth an agenda, so please don't read into the why of why I am asking for comments or opinions, its just a quiz..just a quiz, nothing more...

Name, in your opinion, the two individuals who have gotten into the Supreme Court "arena" that helped define or refine the United States's concept of obscenity more than anybody/anyone else?

No prizes awarded. I may not even get one response. Merely opening up the floor for discussion.

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WOW, your answer is better than my quiz question. I think the way I phrased the question was not as thought through as I thought. My bad.. I meant to be narrower. Maybe a hint is needed. The cases I was thinking of are more along the line of "promoters", thats not the best descriptor, in one of the cases a Media Mogul was involved, in the other case, an entertainer, who worked in New York as a comedian was involved....I do like the one you mentioned, it went above and beyond how I phrased the question, applauds on that..

Another way I would hint at it is that these two cases, enabled or insured more "freedom of speech" in opposition to the norm, moralism in the United States, that was and to some extent still in present in the United States...

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Yep, we have two winners, GeorgeStGeorge and Waysider, the check is in the mail. Ol Larry and Lenny, I will have to check out Waysider's reference on Carlin, I can't remember hearing that one, but it doesn't surprise me...maybe HBO will do a movie on that like they did some years ago on Lenny Bruce.

A bit off topic, but after being laid off from a high tech position on Los Angeles, I really, really tried to convince my ex-wife to let me apply at Hustler, I mean who knows, they have computers, maybe the pay wouldn't be all that great, but maybe the "benefits" package would make it worthwhile...ya, sad, and bad..

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