SongRemains: Were you drinking last night? I don't get it.
Walker: I wondered was those ticks were. :D-->
I'll go see the doctor about it.......ROFLMAO!
Really my first post on this was right after coming in from seeing my car wheel locked up. Yeah, I cuss when I am livid. Maybe I need anger management. I have noticed in the last 2 years that I don't have much tolerance when I feel like I'm being screwed. I felt screwed by my apartment complex. (Sudo, I don't need any comments on them protecting me. That sounded like TWI to me.)
Lindy: In reading the responses and thinking some more yesterday, it is my waybrain that lent itself to thinking that I was even being attacked. I want to change that thinking that just because **** happens, it must be an attack.
Thanks for your funny story. That was quite a day for you and your wife. Take care.
To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.
SongRemains: Were you drinking last night? I don't get it.
Walker: I wondered was those ticks were. :D--> I'll go see the doctor about it.......ROFLMAO!
Really my first post on this was right after coming in from seeing my car wheel locked up. Yeah, I cuss when I am livid. Maybe I need anger management. I have noticed in the last 2 years that I don't have much tolerance when I feel like I'm being screwed. I felt screwed by my apartment complex. (Sudo, I don't need any comments on them protecting me. That sounded like TWI to me.)
Lindy: In reading the responses and thinking some more yesterday, it is my waybrain that lent itself to thinking that I was even being attacked. I want to change that thinking that just because .... happens, it must be an attack.
Thanks for your story. That was quite a day for you and your wife. Take care.
To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.
To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.
The complex where I lived that I mentioned above did not have cars booted or towed unless the person assigned the spot called the management to complain. We were not required to use the sticker.
When someone else parked in my spot, I parked in a visitor spot, which was open to anyone. If I had parked in another's assigned spot, the sticker would lead the maintenance guy to my spot, where they would see some other car, and deal with the owner of that car.
I lived there for 4 years. If the sticker had been mandatory, I would have put it on my window. (It wasn't a bumper sticker.)
In fact, they went to an unassigned policy my second year there, as they weren't willing to enforce the assigned policy.
Wayfer, Did you ever stop to think that this event was orchestrated not by the adversary to attach, but by your loving Heavenly Father to protect you from somehting. Sometimes in our senses brains we one way when just the opposite is true. Who knows what would have happened had you left on time. God is GOOD all the Time thats what I believe is the greater focus God would wan't us to have. We are not being punished for leaving the ministry, That was one of the scare tactics they used to keep you there. We are not veiwed by God by what ministry we belong to but by our alliegance and love for him according to our personal relationship with him. Relax and enjoy your walk with God the way you would wan't your children esteem you.
I too have had my problems with horned demons and devils of many varieties attacking me.
The other day I ran a stop sign in an elementary school zone, and cop possessed with a ?Picky Spirit? (the picky-spirit raises cane about small insignificant details of worldly life in an attempt to thwart God?s people in daily activity)
This hellish being was hiding in a human host called Officer Smith. The devil operating the levers and gears of this man?s mind,immediately pulled my truck over in front of all of those small children.
(no doubt this devil was trying to destroy my future witnessing at that school)
He then contacted what could only be termed spiritually: as a high ranking Daimon on the radio, and soon discovered that the "Seed-Men" running the world?s insurance companies had cancelled my automobile liability policy.
I explained to the cop that I refused to financially support the Systemized Error promulgated by the insurance industry of robbing God?s people of their hard earned cash.
Especially in lieu of the high unlikelihood that anything bad could ever happen to the elect anyway. I continued to explained to him that to get insurance means that you are believing for something bad to happen and you are paying for it in advance. It?s another trick of the devil that I refuse to play!!
After hearing these spiritual gems of light, he started writing me another ticket for no insurance to further financially attack me.
But I just stood my ground and started rebuking him with "the name above all names: ? boldly!!!
(I think my bold stand made quite the impression ?of a man of God defiantly challenging the devil? in front of all those small children and their eager young minds. But sadly they were quickly ushered away into the school by the possessed teachers as soon as I started rebuking the policeman.)
(Judging from the reaction of the adults to this highly charged spiritual event, these unprotected children must have been attending what could only be termed spiritually: as a ?K-6 Elementary School of Devil Spirit Activity".)
After this attack on my finances and life, I soon arrived home, and stepping from the truck. I immediately sunk my left foot into a deep, fresh pile of dog-doo.
Now to the ?Natural Man observer?, a defecating canine will not strategically plant a pile of dog doo in another person?s front yard. It?s just called "bad luck" by your average ?hell bound? unbeliever.
But thankfully since ?luck? is not a part of this SOGWAP?s vocabulary, and being ?spiritually perceptive and aware" at all times?, and judging by the ankle high poo-poo that was now seeping into the sides of my loafers:
I quickly ascertained that the neighbor?s St Bernard, ?Judy?, was indeed possessed with a detestable "Dog-Doo spirit". (the "dog-doo spirit" forces a dog to crap in the pathways of God?s people in order to thwart their mobility, ministry, and subsequent foot hygiene and usually attacks a believer while door to door witnessing.)
Taking care my spiritual business within the "minimum 1 hour framework", I immediately analyzed just how the adversary compromised this noble breed into to being contaminated by a filthy ?dog-doo spirit?.
Number ONE, the neighbors were die hard Trinitarians,(Methodists by denomination), but just a slick front for what could only by typified as very very heavy antichrist activity. They were always active in supporting the community, they worked at dead beat soup kitchens, and even did prison outreach!!!
Yuck? No matter how low one could go in pushing that devilish doctrine: they were willing participants to do it? (they weren?t seed though, well at least God hadn?t revealed that to me yet.)
But looking down at the steaming pile immersing my entire foot, and at the open gate to their fence, I suddenly recieved the spiritual understanding that their three old child, Samantha, no doubt influenced by cartoons and a game shows (and the heavy antichrist activity of the parents) that this small child must have been under the direct influence of the Prince Power of the Air as he exercised spiritual darkness and confusion upon the entire planet.
The young child?s mind was first compromised by the adversary to open the gate, and then the possessed St. Bernard lumbered over into ?my? yard to actually carry out this attack: by pinching out a 9 cans intestinalized Alpo, right in my path and on my own property.
Armed with this additional information, I extracted my foot from the mountainous brown pile, and started to shake off it's thick residue.
But in doing so, I inadvertently launched the ?doo-doo shoe? straight off my foot and through a double paned window into the front bedroom of the house.
I watched as the "dog doo shoe" first adhered to and then slid down the heavy drapes in the room, only to drop onto a small table that I was preparing my taxes on.
I decided that the best thing to do at this point was to ?renew my mind? by singing the song ?Tempted and Tried? out loud, and utilize my other foot by hopping towards the house.
As I approached the front door singing, it was then that I noticed the neighbors, Bill and Patsy, "the antichrist duet", planting flowers together in a planter.
They were absolutely paralyzed with what "I only" could perceive as "intense spiritual intimidation".
(No doubt caused by the "prevailing impact" of my singing in the face of such a hellish attack by el diabolos.)
As I hopped through the front door, I thought about Paul and Silas who were chained in the dungeon in the book of Acts "and were singing" and I felt a spiritual kinship that only a true believer could understand?
[This message was edited by jediknight777 on January 18, 2003 at 12:21.]
[This message was edited by jediknight777 on January 18, 2003 at 12:35.]
[This message was edited by jediknight777 on January 18, 2003 at 12:57.]
[This message was edited by jediknight777 on January 18, 2003 at 13:06.]
I'm laughing so hard I can't think of anything to say! You definitely have a way with words and describing the events in your life. I tend to think in pictures and I think you may be a master painter! :D-->
While walking my dog in the woods early this morning (I speak the truth here, I lie not) I stepped in a big fresh pile of doggie doo that was partially hidden by some leaves! I knew it was fresh because of the sinkable texture and not even partially frozen yet. I thought to myself could this be an attack to ruin my whole day, seeing as how the event occurred shortly after waking, or is this a sign I should pray for Jediknight? I chose the latter. :)-->
This reply is to my boyfriend since he's reading my posts and doesn't understand my reasoning on this subject:
Dear B:
quote:I am condmening myself in my stupd head that I am being attacked becasue I left the ministry. But then if I were in the ministry, the same thing would have happened and I would say I was being attacked because I'm doing the Word.
The point I was trying to make in the quoted lines above show you how ridiculous the logic of twi is. I was ticked off for reverting back to my almost 20 years of bull.... thinking while I was in. I don't believe I was being attacked because of leaving, and I don't believe I was being attacked because I was doing the Word. I wasn't attacked; the way would just like me to think that. I refuse to overspiritualize events that happen. When you got all those parking tickets, were they attacks on you? No, you just didn't know the law or slacked in area just like I slacked in putting the stupid sticker on my car. No spiritual explanation needed. Overspiritualizing is a thing that started with lcm, and you know how I feel about his sorry a$$. Why would you still believe his BS? If his logic were true, he should be in sorry shape with what he did.
I'm sorry how things transpired with us, but I am not sorry I left twi. My itentions are not to appear to be throwing darts at you, I just want you to understand where I am coming from. I still love you even though we cannot work out our differences.
PS: I got $100 in the mail today. I almost covers the $105 I had to pay the towing company.
To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.
Awww, Wayfer, TWI people HAVE to have an answer for everything. I think it was Hope who started a thread on the double standards and inconsistencies in TWI thinking. I'll see if I can find it.
If you are outside the "household" and something happens bad to you it's because you aren't in THE ONE AND ONLY HOUSEHOLD OF GOD.
If you are inside the "household" and something bad happens to you and your leadership doesn't like you - it's because you "missed it" somewhere and because you are not living where God answers prayer.
If you are inside the "household" and something bad happens to you and your leadership LIKES you - it's because you are "standing for God" and the adversary doesn't like anyone in the "household" so he's always on the lookout to attack.
If you are inside the "household" and you ARE leadership but you don't like your peons - bad stuff happens to you because your peons aren't praying for you or they aren't "OBEY"ing your God-given orders.
If you are inside the "household" and you are leadership and you like your peons - bad stuff happens because you are "standing in the gap" for these poor, ignorant souls who just can't seem to get it right.
SH** doesn't just happen in the "household" -- there's always the "Achan in the camp" excuse to fall back on, too.
This is just one of the "rules" TWI adheres to. Your friend is merely following the "rules"....rules set by the BOD, past and current.
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SongRemains: Were you drinking last night? I don't get it.
Walker: I wondered was those ticks were.
I'll go see the doctor about it.......ROFLMAO!
Really my first post on this was right after coming in from seeing my car wheel locked up. Yeah, I cuss when I am livid. Maybe I need anger management. I have noticed in the last 2 years that I don't have much tolerance when I feel like I'm being screwed. I felt screwed by my apartment complex. (Sudo, I don't need any comments on them protecting me. That sounded like TWI to me.)
Lindy: In reading the responses and thinking some more yesterday, it is my waybrain that lent itself to thinking that I was even being attacked. I want to change that thinking that just because **** happens, it must be an attack.
Thanks for your funny story. That was quite a day for you and your wife. Take care.
To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.
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To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.
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I should clarify my earlier post.
The complex where I lived that I mentioned above did not have cars booted or towed unless the person assigned the spot called the management to complain. We were not required to use the sticker.
When someone else parked in my spot, I parked in a visitor spot, which was open to anyone. If I had parked in another's assigned spot, the sticker would lead the maintenance guy to my spot, where they would see some other car, and deal with the owner of that car.
I lived there for 4 years. If the sticker had been mandatory, I would have put it on my window. (It wasn't a bumper sticker.)
In fact, they went to an unassigned policy my second year there, as they weren't willing to enforce the assigned policy.
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Thanks for laughing QQ,Ex,and Wayf,
love all you guys, and I really mean it, love ya madly! EH
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Wayfer, Did you ever stop to think that this event was orchestrated not by the adversary to attach, but by your loving Heavenly Father to protect you from somehting. Sometimes in our senses brains we one way when just the opposite is true. Who knows what would have happened had you left on time. God is GOOD all the Time thats what I believe is the greater focus God would wan't us to have. We are not being punished for leaving the ministry, That was one of the scare tactics they used to keep you there. We are not veiwed by God by what ministry we belong to but by our alliegance and love for him according to our personal relationship with him. Relax and enjoy your walk with God the way you would wan't your children esteem you.
Peace and Blessings
In an insane society the sane must appear insane
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It gets better with time.
I too have had my problems with horned demons and devils of many varieties attacking me.
The other day I ran a stop sign in an elementary school zone, and cop possessed with a ?Picky Spirit? (the picky-spirit raises cane about small insignificant details of worldly life in an attempt to thwart God?s people in daily activity)
This hellish being was hiding in a human host called Officer Smith. The devil operating the levers and gears of this man?s mind,immediately pulled my truck over in front of all of those small children.
(no doubt this devil was trying to destroy my future witnessing at that school)
He then contacted what could only be termed spiritually: as a high ranking Daimon on the radio, and soon discovered that the "Seed-Men" running the world?s insurance companies had cancelled my automobile liability policy.
I explained to the cop that I refused to financially support the Systemized Error promulgated by the insurance industry of robbing God?s people of their hard earned cash.
Especially in lieu of the high unlikelihood that anything bad could ever happen to the elect anyway. I continued to explained to him that to get insurance means that you are believing for something bad to happen and you are paying for it in advance. It?s another trick of the devil that I refuse to play!!
After hearing these spiritual gems of light, he started writing me another ticket for no insurance to further financially attack me.
But I just stood my ground and started rebuking him with "the name above all names: ? boldly!!!
(I think my bold stand made quite the impression ?of a man of God defiantly challenging the devil? in front of all those small children and their eager young minds. But sadly they were quickly ushered away into the school by the possessed teachers as soon as I started rebuking the policeman.)
(Judging from the reaction of the adults to this highly charged spiritual event, these unprotected children must have been attending what could only be termed spiritually: as a ?K-6 Elementary School of Devil Spirit Activity".)
After this attack on my finances and life, I soon arrived home, and stepping from the truck. I immediately sunk my left foot into a deep, fresh pile of dog-doo.
Now to the ?Natural Man observer?, a defecating canine will not strategically plant a pile of dog doo in another person?s front yard. It?s just called "bad luck" by your average ?hell bound? unbeliever.
But thankfully since ?luck? is not a part of this SOGWAP?s vocabulary, and being ?spiritually perceptive and aware" at all times?, and judging by the ankle high poo-poo that was now seeping into the sides of my loafers:
I quickly ascertained that the neighbor?s St Bernard, ?Judy?, was indeed possessed with a detestable "Dog-Doo spirit". (the "dog-doo spirit" forces a dog to crap in the pathways of God?s people in order to thwart their mobility, ministry, and subsequent foot hygiene and usually attacks a believer while door to door witnessing.)
Taking care my spiritual business within the "minimum 1 hour framework", I immediately analyzed just how the adversary compromised this noble breed into to being contaminated by a filthy ?dog-doo spirit?.
Number ONE, the neighbors were die hard Trinitarians,(Methodists by denomination), but just a slick front for what could only by typified as very very heavy antichrist activity. They were always active in supporting the community, they worked at dead beat soup kitchens, and even did prison outreach!!!
Yuck? No matter how low one could go in pushing that devilish doctrine: they were willing participants to do it? (they weren?t seed though, well at least God hadn?t revealed that to me yet.)
But looking down at the steaming pile immersing my entire foot, and at the open gate to their fence, I suddenly recieved the spiritual understanding that their three old child, Samantha, no doubt influenced by cartoons and a game shows (and the heavy antichrist activity of the parents) that this small child must have been under the direct influence of the Prince Power of the Air as he exercised spiritual darkness and confusion upon the entire planet.
The young child?s mind was first compromised by the adversary to open the gate, and then the possessed St. Bernard lumbered over into ?my? yard to actually carry out this attack: by pinching out a 9 cans intestinalized Alpo, right in my path and on my own property.
Armed with this additional information, I extracted my foot from the mountainous brown pile, and started to shake off it's thick residue.
But in doing so, I inadvertently launched the ?doo-doo shoe? straight off my foot and through a double paned window into the front bedroom of the house.
I watched as the "dog doo shoe" first adhered to and then slid down the heavy drapes in the room, only to drop onto a small table that I was preparing my taxes on.
I decided that the best thing to do at this point was to ?renew my mind? by singing the song ?Tempted and Tried? out loud, and utilize my other foot by hopping towards the house.
As I approached the front door singing, it was then that I noticed the neighbors, Bill and Patsy, "the antichrist duet", planting flowers together in a planter.
They were absolutely paralyzed with what "I only" could perceive as "intense spiritual intimidation".
(No doubt caused by the "prevailing impact" of my singing in the face of such a hellish attack by el diabolos.)
As I hopped through the front door, I thought about Paul and Silas who were chained in the dungeon in the book of Acts "and were singing" and I felt a spiritual kinship that only a true believer could understand?
[This message was edited by jediknight777 on January 18, 2003 at 12:21.]
[This message was edited by jediknight777 on January 18, 2003 at 12:35.]
[This message was edited by jediknight777 on January 18, 2003 at 12:57.]
[This message was edited by jediknight777 on January 18, 2003 at 13:06.]
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I'm laughing so hard I can't think of anything to say! You definitely have a way with words and describing the events in your life. I tend to think in pictures and I think you may be a master painter!
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dear double 7 7
i have printed your post and am doing a word study on it
thank you for your walk in this our day and time
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oh and ex,
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As the saying goes:
No offense intended
[This message was edited by firebee on January 18, 2003 at 20:27.]
[This message was edited by firebee on January 18, 2003 at 20:29.]
[This message was edited by firebee on January 18, 2003 at 20:30.]
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Vertical Limit
yeah, that's that whole "battle of the senses" thing taken to extremes. Natural man verses revelation faith.
Is it a sin to misunderstand the bible? No!
Is it a sin misunderstand or miss what God is trying to tell you in any given situation? No!
Are mistakes and sh!t happening an indicator of your relationship with God? No!
Has God quit helping me because I made a mistake or something bad happened to me? No!
If God is going to shut me off from himself every time I make a mistake-like OCD said on another thread-time to upgrade.
My opinion
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While walking my dog in the woods early this morning (I speak the truth here, I lie not) I stepped in a big fresh pile of doggie doo that was partially hidden by some leaves! I knew it was fresh because of the sinkable texture and not even partially frozen yet. I thought to myself could this be an attack to ruin my whole day, seeing as how the event occurred shortly after waking, or is this a sign I should pray for Jediknight? I chose the latter.
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This reply is to my boyfriend since he's reading my posts and doesn't understand my reasoning on this subject:
Dear B:
The point I was trying to make in the quoted lines above show you how ridiculous the logic of twi is. I was ticked off for reverting back to my almost 20 years of bull.... thinking while I was in. I don't believe I was being attacked because of leaving, and I don't believe I was being attacked because I was doing the Word. I wasn't attacked; the way would just like me to think that. I refuse to overspiritualize events that happen. When you got all those parking tickets, were they attacks on you? No, you just didn't know the law or slacked in area just like I slacked in putting the stupid sticker on my car. No spiritual explanation needed. Overspiritualizing is a thing that started with lcm, and you know how I feel about his sorry a$$.
Why would you still believe his BS? If his logic were true, he should be in sorry shape with what he did.
I'm sorry how things transpired with us, but I am not sorry I left twi. My itentions are not to appear to be throwing darts at you, I just want you to understand where I am coming from. I still love you even though we cannot work out our differences.
PS: I got $100 in the mail today. I almost covers the $105 I had to pay the towing company.
To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.
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Ya gotta watch out for number 1, or else ya might step in number 2.
We get attacked because we are in The Househole Fellow$hit, or out of The Househole Fellow$hit, or $hit just happens.
There is no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus.
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Awww, Wayfer, TWI people HAVE to have an answer for everything. I think it was Hope who started a thread on the double standards and inconsistencies in TWI thinking. I'll see if I can find it.
If you are outside the "household" and something happens bad to you it's because you aren't in THE ONE AND ONLY HOUSEHOLD OF GOD.
If you are inside the "household" and something bad happens to you and your leadership doesn't like you - it's because you "missed it" somewhere and because you are not living where God answers prayer.
If you are inside the "household" and something bad happens to you and your leadership LIKES you - it's because you are "standing for God" and the adversary doesn't like anyone in the "household" so he's always on the lookout to attack.
If you are inside the "household" and you ARE leadership but you don't like your peons - bad stuff happens to you because your peons aren't praying for you or they aren't "OBEY"ing your God-given orders.
If you are inside the "household" and you are leadership and you like your peons - bad stuff happens because you are "standing in the gap" for these poor, ignorant souls who just can't seem to get it right.
SH** doesn't just happen in the "household" -- there's always the "Achan in the camp" excuse to fall back on, too.
This is just one of the "rules" TWI adheres to. Your friend is merely following the "rules"....rules set by the BOD, past and current.
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Well said! You are exactly right. This is how they kept us in for so long: fear (sand in the machinery of life......blah blah blah BS!!!)
To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.
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