The Christian proselytizer might 'really, really, really' believe what he's saying, and he might even be a nice guy and all, but being pushy with his religion (ie., speaking it more than once after being turned down) crosses the line. That was one of the biggest things I hated about going WOW.
Penn's example about 'believing that you were going to be hit by a truck unless he steps in and tackles you' doesn't fly, particularly if their ain't no truck to begin with. False dilemma, my friend, false dilemma.
As far as someone continues to 'pray for you' even if you decline it crosses no one's lines, _so long as the prayer doesn't keep sticking it in your face about it.
Best example for Christians to bring people into the fold (that is, those who decide to), is to live a moral/ethical life above the rest, and be that example that clearly demonstrates why Christianity is the 'saving grace' of us all. Simply 'preaching Jesus' ain't gonna cut it.
Nor will regarding infidels and other forms of unbelievers a 'bunch of sorry asses', that much is for sure. <_<
What is this prayer supposed to accomplish? Cause my free will to be overridden? Sweep away some supposed fog or veil that is preventing me from seeing the truth?
What would you think if a Witch told you that they were casting a spell to get you to reject Christianity and embrace the craft?
As someone that believes in neither Christianity nor Wicca, I don't have a problem with it. In fact, I view as nothing more than someone desiring the best for me, even if it is in a misguided way. Since I do not believe prayer has any magical abilities and is just wishful thinking, it poses no threat to me.
On the other hand, if someone witnesses to me, they get one strike with a warning, and the second strike comes with me trying to avoid them for now on. I can respect their religion if they respect my disinterest in it. I would say that it's more like if you have a friend really into a sport like polo, and you have no interest in it. If they keep bugging you to go watch a match or go play and that is all they talk about or do, you won't want to hang out with them anymore. Religion is a personal topic, and it should stay that way, in my opinion. Other than on forums like this, I never talk about my atheism unless someone asks. It's unimportant and not really anyone else's business. I wish adherents to religions could work the same way.
It is also "surprise" instead of surprize. . . . apologize instead of apologise. . . I revert sometimes...
I wasn't criticizing your spelling...just making a distinction...I am not without belief, I just don't believe what you do. It's not a common usage.
When I read the term "sorry soul" my initial gut reaction is that I have just been insulted.
I was pretty confident that the 'sorry soul" thing was meant in humor. Despite our fundamental and vociferous disagreements I actually get along with geisha pretty well.
Yeah...had YOU been the one with the response, that would've been one thing. But unless you and Garth are having the same login problems as Abi and Manofathousandscreennames (a/k/a sushi), then my response stands. (And since there are a couple of thousand miles separating you two, last time I checked:spy:, I doubt that you are both posting using the same computer)
The "Sorry, no sale dude." _was_ figurative, and frankly I think you know that, particularly if you read the rest of my post. Oak had it correct.
BUT, in case the meaning was somehow lost on you (what, bad morning w/o your cup o' coffee?) it basically means that I do not accept Penn's reasoning (from the 3:00 marker on) regarding those who push their beliefs upon others, especially the "push you away from being hit by a car" mentality as a reason on why they are 'good people'.
I've looked at the dictionary, and it seems to say it could go either way...
Do you have definitive proof it should be one way or the other???
Just curious, so I am certain to use the proper term myself!
It's just a personal preference, you're right, it could go either way. It was just part of my sparring with Geisha.
Yeah...had YOU been the one with the response, that would've been one thing. But unless you and Garth are having the same login problems as Abi and Manofathousandscreennames (a/k/a sushi), then my response stands. (And since there are a couple of thousand miles separating you two, last time I checked:spy:, I doubt that you are both posting using the same computer)
No, we're not posting on the same computer, but I was able to recognize that he was using "sale" figuratively without being part of a mind-meld, or being his wife. I think Garth's latest post bears out my observation.
The "Sorry, no sale dude." _was_ figurative, and frankly I think you know that, particularly if you read the rest of my post. Oak had it correct.
BUT, in case the meaning was somehow lost on you (what, bad morning w/o your cup o' coffee?) it basically means that I do not accept Penn's reasoning (from the 3:00 marker on) regarding those who push their beliefs upon others, especially the "push you away from being hit by a car" mentality as a reason on why they are 'good people'.
Clear as mud now?
Actually, it was perfectly clear in the beginning. And I was TRYING to be a little flippant, as you weren't even a participant in the thread prior to commenting on my response to Oakspear's original post.
I've looked at the dictionary, and it seems to say it could go either way...
Do you have definitive proof it should be one way or the other???
Just curious, so I am certain to use the proper term myself!
The word "disbelief" sounds more neutral, while "unbelief" sounds more like having belief is the default, and that unbelief is a rejection of something you already had. While they are similar terms, I agree with those that disbelief sounds better.
Upon reflection, I don't think it's so much that people pray for us disbelievers, but that they feel the neeed to tell us about it, which, to me, is close to "witnessing".
It isn't so much that I think that a prayer on my behalf is going to have any effect, but the notion that someone thinks that I need to be interceded for that irks me just a little.
But just a little. I don't sit up at night fuming over the Christians who are praying for my soul (or my foot :lol: ) - but I did think it was an interesting subject for a thread.
You know, Oak, I was thinking the same thing as I started reading the thread but it has taken me a bit to get through the thread and for the thread to get back to the point.
Usually, or should I say in my experience, the "well I'll pray for you" line coming from a Christian to an atheist/agnostic/unbeliever/other it is in response to their lack of belief in the Christian world view or belief system. "God not giving up" is, again, in my experience, referring to the fact that the Christian God never gives up on you to come around to His way of thinking... believing on Him. I don't think it is in the context of, say, God never giving up on you having good health. It is more about your soul and the saving of it. That is my experience, that is apparently Oak and Bramble's experiences and it is the experience of the many other people/ friends/ non-ex-cult members I have known and discussed similar topics with.
It is a little insulting or at least offensive, but nothing that I would loose any sleep over. So, yes, how do we bring the level of discourse up to a mo betta level. I would think perhaps following the words of Jesus might actually help here in this particular example. The one thing that comes to mind is how one should pray in secret, "in the closet" (funny choice of words there God ) instead of "out on the street corner" or the internets (expanded literal according to usage translation).
By all means, pray to your little heart's content, for my sorry soul, my sorry health, or my sorry foot... or don't, or cast some spell on me or don't. In my world that does nothing for or against me, but in your world view it apparently does something for you and you believe it does something good for me, so that is great. Just don't tell me about it if you know I'm an atheist/agnostic/unbeliever/other, because a) I don't care and b) you might be offensive to someone who is otherwise a first class individual. And who wants to be THAT person? Certainly not someone who tries to be loving to the best of their ability.
Geisha, what is it about Jesus that makes him the only way to God? Is it his name (Jesus)? If so, that seems quite limiting to those who might not speak English and pronounce it or spell it a different way. Is it his teachings? His lifestyle? His heart? Do you really think God has so boxed us and Himself in that it is as literal and black and white as that?
Is it possible that there is a conceptual thing within this Jesus, something bigger than the black and white that might be found within other religious groups (which are really just ways of labelling sets of beliefs)?
If I may, Abi, (since Geisha may be MIA for a while) say that this doesn't work for a person that has a orthodox belief which includes Jesus being God. If you discount Jesus, you discount God. If you want to get God you get to God by going to God minor, or God in A minor third. I think one would have to let a lot of the NT slide to get to the point that you are talking about. Not really Geisha's style, you know.
My sorry foot my sorry foot my sorry foot goddamn it my SORRY foot!
AHAHAHAHAHa it let goddamn it go but not A S S... and it put it in lower case!
Point received, Mark, but ya gotta admit. The way you posted what you did, coupled with Penn's non-funny way of putting his view, seemed put in a serious way to me.
Then again, you just might be getting really good with the dry humor there. Keep up the good work.
I think well stated Abigail and valid questions as well. Thanks for the input.
Geisha, what is it about Jesus that makes him the only way to God? Is it his name (Jesus)? If so, that seems quite limiting to those who might not speak English and pronounce it or spell it a different way. Is it his teachings? His lifestyle? His heart? Do you really think God has so boxed us and Himself in that it is as literal and black and white as that?
Is it possible that there is a conceptual thing within this Jesus, something bigger than the black and white that might be found within other religious groups (which are really just ways of labelling sets of beliefs)?
Think on this, even within Christianity there is great diversity of thought regarding who and what Jesus is/was. So, you are convinced your brand is correct and all others are wrong?
I've beeen considering the verses where the Lord tells his disciples to not pray in the manner of the Pharisees and Saducees just to receive their reward from people. Instead He tells them to go into the closet and to not let their one hand know what the other is doing. He says that the end result of doing it this way is that God would reward them openly.
I've also seen the "I'll pray for you" line used as some kind of passive-aggressive attempt to hold onto the upper-hand or moral high ground in certain conversations.
I've read of a case (Foxe's Book of Martyrs) where the speaker was facing death for speaking, and infurated the judges by telling them he would pray for them because they were going to be held accountable by the Lord Jesus Christ for what they were doing to him. It seems to me that in that case the judges were probably most infuriated by speaker's lack of fear and honest concern, when they wanted the speaker to crumble and recant. In the case I'm recalling the speaker was put to death in a cruel fashion.
Let your words be salted and seek to edify the hearers of your sayings! Or perhaps this one, Don't let your goodness be ill-spoken of!
(edited for spelling, grammar, and a little added for clarity)
If you view others as far beneath you and TELL them so, that you are casting your pearls before their swiney selves (even though you really shouldn't be casting your pearls at them), then why would you be surprised when those swine are not humbly grateful for your prayers and interactions?
Reminds me of an incident that happened to a friend of mine about 5 years ago.
She is Jewish her husband is Christian. Wonderful, wonderful family. They and the three children are a very close knit family. She was at her son's soccer game. Just watching the game. Out of the blue, a preacher's wife comes over and stands in front of my friend. With one hand on her hip and a finger pointing from the other hand, says rather loudly, "You are going to hell if you don't change. What do you think about that?" My friend said, "I think you should move so I can watch the game."
Yummy, yum. Well, hey, who wouldn't want to be like preacher wife? All that love oozing and flowing surely won over many folks that day.
Ya'll know I am a follower of the Lord Christ Jesus. He didn't beat up folks like that. I despise the pharisees of today that shroud themselves with the term Christian. That self zealous, mean, nasty, hateful, I know it all-you do not, I have all the answers-you do not, if you don't follow my belief you are doomed to hell, holier than thou crap literally makes me sick. I am not talking about anybody on this forum and I am not saying all Christians are religious. I am just expressing my observations/encounters in every day life.
You guys have read my story about the man in our community who is now an atheist because he brought black children to play basketball at the church. The deacons showed up and told him he better make them leave.
And the comment that Karen made to me when they decided to start attending church. She said we were treated better by our biker friends in the bar.
Yes, I think Jesus would feel more at home (love, baby, love) in a biker bar than at a lot of churches. Heck, I know I do!!! I can't get into that short leather skirt anymore so I gotta stay home!! A hardy guffaw!
She is Jewish her husband is Christian. Wonderful, wonderful family. They and the three children are a very close knit family. She was at her son's soccer game. Just watching the game. Out of the blue, a preacher's wife comes over and stands in front of my friend. With one hand on her hip and a finger pointing from the other hand, says rather loudly, "You are going to hell if you don't change. What do you think about that?" My friend said, "I think you should move so I can watch the game."
My response would have been, "You are going to hell in about ten seconds if you don't get your fat, smelly @$$ out of my way and leave me alone."
This thread has been on my mind. I can't let it go. It has bothered me. Was it MOI? that said some months back about this is not real stuff, just computer stuff? RainbowsGirl refresh me here. You replied to me.
But when I read the hurt expressed by some on this thread I realized it is real.
Yet, I wasn't wanting to hurt Geisha's feelings. You see, that is a very sensitive issue for me because I know her husband. I know Geisha a little bit from years ago. He and my ex were the best of friends. We lived life together for many years. Geisha's husband is the most loving sweetheart you would ever want to know. So, because I love him so much I didn't want to say anything against Geisha's post. I didn't want to say anything that he might take as hurtful. And because I know Geisha loves this one of a kind man I didn't want to say anything on account of that. I promise I am not starting a new soap opera.
I was reading the posts in this thread and understanding where Geisha is coming from when she says she is praying for someone. I was saying that folks are misunderstanding because they must not realize that Geisha means no harm (up to that point I still believe that) only good.....folks are taking Geisha the wrong way, etc., etc....conversation with myself.
Then as I read along, I kept waiting for Geisha to apologize. Geisha, I said to myself, just say you are sorry, honey, and you respect their requests and thoughts and drop it.
It was dropped alright, like a bomb... the pearls before swine verse. At that point I knew harm and hurt was intended. I bet I have read the couple of posts before that, that post and the couple of posts after that at least a dozen times to make sure I was reading it correctly.
Well, I am still at a loss for words. Heckaroonie, I expect to get beat up, picked on, humiliated, called names and subjected to torture in the Politics and Tacks forum because I am a conservative.
Bramble and others I owe you an apology. I should have come to your defense sooner. I should have backed you up. It is not ok with the Lord Jesus Christ to beat up people. I put it that way because biblical scripture was used to hurt you. It is not ok to be mean and beat on folks because they don't agree with you, biblically.
Can't really comment on geisha kimberly other than I don't agree with her doctrines.
However when it comes to politics and tacks - here is a simple formula for you. There are headstrong, militant, and grossly ignorant conservatives and there are just as headstrong, militant, and grossly ignorant liberals in those threads. Those that castigate each other for their opposing beliefs usually show their ignorance, stupidity and absolute lack of tolerance - whether liberal or conservative - the lack of tolerance is always evident in those types. Feel free to ignore them or perhaps toss a beer down and laugh at the mutual stupidity of the extremists of two opposing sides both of which believe they have the only political truth. Pols and tacks often reminds me of a Dr. Seuss story - "The Star Bellied Sneetches and the Plain Bellied Sneetches"
Well, I am still at a loss for words. Heckaroonie, I expect to get beat up, picked on, humiliated, called names and subjected to torture in the Politics and Tacks forum because I am a conservative.
This thread has been on my mind. I can't let it go. It has bothered me. Was it MOI? that said some months back about this is not real stuff, just computer stuff? RainbowsGirl refresh me here. You replied to me.
But when I read the hurt expressed by some on this thread I realized it is real.
Yet, I wasn't wanting to hurt Geisha's feelings. You see, that is a very sensitive issue for me because I know her husband. I know Geisha a little bit from years ago. He and my ex were the best of friends. We lived life together for many years. Geisha's husband is the most loving sweetheart you would ever want to know. So, because I love him so much I didn't want to say anything against Geisha's post. I didn't want to say anything that he might take as hurtful. And because I know Geisha loves this one of a kind man I didn't want to say anything on account of that. I promise I am not starting a new soap opera.
I was reading the posts in this thread and understanding where Geisha is coming from when she says she is praying for someone. I was saying that folks are misunderstanding because they must not realize that Geisha means no harm (up to that point I still believe that) only good.....folks are taking Geisha the wrong way, etc., etc....conversation with myself.
Then as I read along, I kept waiting for Geisha to apologize. Geisha, I said to myself, just say you are sorry, honey, and you respect their requests and thoughts and drop it.
It was dropped alright, like a bomb... the pearls before swine verse. At that point I knew harm and hurt was intended. I bet I have read the couple of posts before that, that post and the couple of posts after that at least a dozen times to make sure I was reading it correctly.
Well, I am still at a loss for words. Heckaroonie, I expect to get beat up, picked on, humiliated, called names and subjected to torture in the Politics and Tacks forum because I am a conservative.
Bramble and others I owe you an apology. I should have come to your defense sooner. I should have backed you up. It is not ok with the Lord Jesus Christ to beat up people. I put it that way because biblical scripture was used to hurt you. It is not ok to be mean and beat on folks because they don't agree with you, biblically.
Kimberly you certainly don't owe me an apology! You did and said nothing wrong. But thank you, anyway.
And as faar as Pollytics and tack--remember the IGNORE function!
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"No sale"
Who's trying to sell you something?
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Mister P-Mosh
As someone that believes in neither Christianity nor Wicca, I don't have a problem with it. In fact, I view as nothing more than someone desiring the best for me, even if it is in a misguided way. Since I do not believe prayer has any magical abilities and is just wishful thinking, it poses no threat to me.
On the other hand, if someone witnesses to me, they get one strike with a warning, and the second strike comes with me trying to avoid them for now on. I can respect their religion if they respect my disinterest in it. I would say that it's more like if you have a friend really into a sport like polo, and you have no interest in it. If they keep bugging you to go watch a match or go play and that is all they talk about or do, you won't want to hang out with them anymore. Religion is a personal topic, and it should stay that way, in my opinion. Other than on forums like this, I never talk about my atheism unless someone asks. It's unimportant and not really anyone else's business. I wish adherents to religions could work the same way.
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I've looked at the dictionary, and it seems to say it could go either way...
Do you have definitive proof it should be one way or the other???
Just curious, so I am certain to use the proper term myself!
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Yeah...had YOU been the one with the response, that would've been one thing. But unless you and Garth are having the same login problems as Abi and Manofathousandscreennames (a/k/a sushi), then my response stands. (And since there are a couple of thousand miles separating you two, last time I checked:spy:
, I doubt that you are both posting using the same computer)
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The "Sorry, no sale dude." _was_ figurative, and frankly I think you know that, particularly if you read the rest of my post. Oak had it correct.
BUT, in case the meaning was somehow lost on you (what, bad morning w/o your cup o' coffee?) it basically means that I do not accept Penn's reasoning (from the 3:00 marker on) regarding those who push their beliefs upon others, especially the "push you away from being hit by a car" mentality as a reason on why they are 'good people'.
Clear as mud now?
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Actually, it was perfectly clear in the beginning. And I was TRYING to be a little flippant, as you weren't even a participant in the thread prior to commenting on my response to Oakspear's original post.
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Mister P-Mosh
The word "disbelief" sounds more neutral, while "unbelief" sounds more like having belief is the default, and that unbelief is a rejection of something you already had. While they are similar terms, I agree with those that disbelief sounds better.
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Upon reflection, I don't think it's so much that people pray for us disbelievers, but that they feel the neeed to tell us about it, which, to me, is close to "witnessing".
It isn't so much that I think that a prayer on my behalf is going to have any effect, but the notion that someone thinks that I need to be interceded for that irks me just a little.
But just a little. I don't sit up at night fuming over the Christians who are praying for my soul (or my foot :lol: ) - but I did think it was an interesting subject for a thread.
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You know, Oak, I was thinking the same thing as I started reading the thread but it has taken me a bit to get through the thread and for the thread to get back to the point.
Usually, or should I say in my experience, the "well I'll pray for you" line coming from a Christian to an atheist/agnostic/unbeliever/other it is in response to their lack of belief in the Christian world view or belief system. "God not giving up" is, again, in my experience, referring to the fact that the Christian God never gives up on you to come around to His way of thinking... believing on Him. I don't think it is in the context of, say, God never giving up on you having good health. It is more about your soul and the saving of it. That is my experience, that is apparently Oak and Bramble's experiences and it is the experience of the many other people/ friends/ non-ex-cult members I have known and discussed similar topics with.
It is a little insulting or at least offensive, but nothing that I would loose any sleep over. So, yes, how do we bring the level of discourse up to a mo betta level.
I would think perhaps following the words of Jesus might actually help here in this particular example. The one thing that comes to mind is how one should pray in secret, "in the closet" (funny choice of words there God
) instead of "out on the street corner" or the internets (expanded literal according to usage translation).
By all means, pray to your little heart's content, for my sorry soul, my sorry health, or my sorry foot... or don't, or cast some spell on me or don't. In my world that does nothing for or against me, but in your world view it apparently does something for you and you believe it does something good for me, so that is great. Just don't tell me about it if you know I'm an atheist/agnostic/unbeliever/other, because a) I don't care and b) you might be offensive to someone who is otherwise a first class individual. And who wants to be THAT person? Certainly not someone who tries to be loving to the best of their ability.
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If I may, Abi, (since Geisha may be MIA for a while) say that this doesn't work for a person that has a orthodox belief which includes Jesus being God. If you discount Jesus, you discount God. If you want to get God you get to God by going to God minor, or God in A minor third. I think one would have to let a lot of the NT slide to get to the point that you are talking about. Not really Geisha's style, you know.
My sorry foot my sorry foot my sorry foot goddamn it my SORRY foot!
AHAHAHAHAHa it let goddamn it go but not A S S... and it put it in lower case!

Edited by lindyhopperLink to comment
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Point received, Mark, but ya gotta admit. The way you posted what you did, coupled with Penn's non-funny way of putting his view, seemed put in a serious way to me.
Then again, you just might be getting really good with the dry humor there. Keep up the good work.
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I really don't know what it is to pray for anyone.
Or what some may mean by praying.
I can do a few positive things,
like, think the best for them,
love them, help in anyway I can.
Or whatever is brought to my attention.
Want good things to come their way.
Shoot, these are some things I try to do with myself.
Maybe that's love your neighbor as yourself, I don't know.
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Durn heathens, I don't pray (prey) for or on nun uv um!!!!
I dooz luvz everybodies, tho.
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I think well stated Abigail and valid questions as well. Thanks for the input.
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I've beeen considering the verses where the Lord tells his disciples to not pray in the manner of the Pharisees and Saducees just to receive their reward from people. Instead He tells them to go into the closet and to not let their one hand know what the other is doing. He says that the end result of doing it this way is that God would reward them openly.
I've also seen the "I'll pray for you" line used as some kind of passive-aggressive attempt to hold onto the upper-hand or moral high ground in certain conversations.
I've read of a case (Foxe's Book of Martyrs) where the speaker was facing death for speaking, and infurated the judges by telling them he would pray for them because they were going to be held accountable by the Lord Jesus Christ for what they were doing to him. It seems to me that in that case the judges were probably most infuriated by speaker's lack of fear and honest concern, when they wanted the speaker to crumble and recant. In the case I'm recalling the speaker was put to death in a cruel fashion.
Let your words be salted and seek to edify the hearers of your sayings! Or perhaps this one, Don't let your goodness be ill-spoken of!
(edited for spelling, grammar, and a little added for clarity)
Edited by JeffSjoLink to comment
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If you view others as far beneath you and TELL them so, that you are casting your pearls before their swiney selves (even though you really shouldn't be casting your pearls at them), then why would you be surprised when those swine are not humbly grateful for your prayers and interactions?
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Bramble's post #3, last paragraph.
Reminds me of an incident that happened to a friend of mine about 5 years ago.
She is Jewish her husband is Christian. Wonderful, wonderful family. They and the three children are a very close knit family. She was at her son's soccer game. Just watching the game. Out of the blue, a preacher's wife comes over and stands in front of my friend. With one hand on her hip and a finger pointing from the other hand, says rather loudly, "You are going to hell if you don't change. What do you think about that?" My friend said, "I think you should move so I can watch the game."
Yummy, yum. Well, hey, who wouldn't want to be like preacher wife? All that love oozing and flowing surely won over many folks that day.
Ya'll know I am a follower of the Lord Christ Jesus. He didn't beat up folks like that. I despise the pharisees of today that shroud themselves with the term Christian. That self zealous, mean, nasty, hateful, I know it all-you do not, I have all the answers-you do not, if you don't follow my belief you are doomed to hell, holier than thou crap literally makes me sick. I am not talking about anybody on this forum and I am not saying all Christians are religious. I am just expressing my observations/encounters in every day life.
You guys have read my story about the man in our community who is now an atheist because he brought black children to play basketball at the church. The deacons showed up and told him he better make them leave.
And the comment that Karen made to me when they decided to start attending church. She said we were treated better by our biker friends in the bar.
Yes, I think Jesus would feel more at home (love, baby, love) in a biker bar than at a lot of churches. Heck, I know I do!!! I can't get into that short leather skirt anymore so I gotta stay home!! A hardy guffaw!
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Mister P-Mosh
My response would have been, "You are going to hell in about ten seconds if you don't get your fat, smelly @$$ out of my way and leave me alone."
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Dear Kimberly,
I'm really glad that your friend had it in her heart to handle the situation with so much class.
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I may be blasted for this one but here goes.
This thread has been on my mind. I can't let it go. It has bothered me. Was it MOI? that said some months back about this is not real stuff, just computer stuff? RainbowsGirl refresh me here. You replied to me.
But when I read the hurt expressed by some on this thread I realized it is real.
Yet, I wasn't wanting to hurt Geisha's feelings. You see, that is a very sensitive issue for me because I know her husband. I know Geisha a little bit from years ago. He and my ex were the best of friends. We lived life together for many years. Geisha's husband is the most loving sweetheart you would ever want to know. So, because I love him so much I didn't want to say anything against Geisha's post. I didn't want to say anything that he might take as hurtful. And because I know Geisha loves this one of a kind man I didn't want to say anything on account of that. I promise I am not starting a new soap opera.
I was reading the posts in this thread and understanding where Geisha is coming from when she says she is praying for someone. I was saying that folks are misunderstanding because they must not realize that Geisha means no harm (up to that point I still believe that) only good.....folks are taking Geisha the wrong way, etc., etc....conversation with myself.
Then as I read along, I kept waiting for Geisha to apologize. Geisha, I said to myself, just say you are sorry, honey, and you respect their requests and thoughts and drop it.
It was dropped alright, like a bomb... the pearls before swine verse. At that point I knew harm and hurt was intended. I bet I have read the couple of posts before that, that post and the couple of posts after that at least a dozen times to make sure I was reading it correctly.
Well, I am still at a loss for words. Heckaroonie, I expect to get beat up, picked on, humiliated, called names and subjected to torture in the Politics and Tacks forum because I am a conservative.
Bramble and others I owe you an apology. I should have come to your defense sooner. I should have backed you up. It is not ok with the Lord Jesus Christ to beat up people. I put it that way because biblical scripture was used to hurt you. It is not ok to be mean and beat on folks because they don't agree with you, biblically.
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Can't really comment on geisha kimberly other than I don't agree with her doctrines.
However when it comes to politics and tacks - here is a simple formula for you. There are headstrong, militant, and grossly ignorant conservatives and there are just as headstrong, militant, and grossly ignorant liberals in those threads. Those that castigate each other for their opposing beliefs usually show their ignorance, stupidity and absolute lack of tolerance - whether liberal or conservative - the lack of tolerance is always evident in those types. Feel free to ignore them or perhaps toss a beer down and laugh at the mutual stupidity of the extremists of two opposing sides both of which believe they have the only political truth. Pols and tacks often reminds me of a Dr. Seuss story - "The Star Bellied Sneetches and the Plain Bellied Sneetches"
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Kimberly you certainly don't owe me an apology! You did and said nothing wrong. But thank you, anyway.
And as faar as Pollytics and tack--remember the IGNORE function!
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