VPW and the Snowstorm - What do you believe?
VPW and the Snowstorm - What do you believe?
52 members have voted
1. VPW and the Snowstorm - What do you believe?
God miracled a snowstorm for VPW1
God miracled a snowstorm in VPW's head1
VPW hallucinated a snowstorm3
VPW saw a freak hailstorm and interpreted it as a miracle2
VPW made the whole thing up37
None of the above8
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4 or 5 what? shots of whiskey, hits off the pipe, what?
wow, I would have guessed more.
it's reruns of seaspray, circa 2003.
im not quoting anything vpw or anyone read or said...
though i remember what i remember
and it seems it becomes increasingly obvious to a plumber ...perhaps even to a good student plumber
...what tools and skills and methods a non-plumber doesnt bring to a leak or a clog
especially after they're gone
i other words...regardless of what he has or has not read
its easy to tell what is not included
which can be A LOT
and i simply dont recall him ever mentioning them
let alone doing or experiencing anything close to what the desert fathers were about
let alone any other "true hero" of the bible or history...or pre-history
this is partial...but how i currently see it...
i sense that during some period or periods of his life...he could and would peek at just about anything he wanted to
and i can even imagine how the oceans of alien imagery and words and clothes of all the world's sacred texts and religions
may have filled him with the usual cocktail of terror, frustration, rage, envy, fear, worry...whatnot
...and im guessing we can all understand that
and as he cant help but see some true aspect in it ...sadly he sees them as having been "stolen by the agents of his mythological enemy...the devil"...
and then kinda like his devil...steals it and integrates it into his own set of maps and languages as fulfillment of his snowy promise experience
in service to an ordinary magical talking ego ...which he mistook for the voice of God
he desperately needed to interpret the radical peaks and valleys of his own life experience
...and typical to form...our severely wounded healer races off to save the world from his very own nest of demons
and somehow trump their fantasized concepts and language of God with my fantasized concepts and languages of God
yep...another ordinarily exaggerated life
thank God hubris is one of the angels in our choir...i guess
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LOL - sounds like it would make a good anime cartoon guessalot...
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What The Hey
My oh my. All this discussion and you are only lead to this conclusion:
Some people believe: God forbid anything VPW ever said or taught from the bible = "Thus saith the Lord."
But if the Lord himself would have said or taught it instead ... to them it still wouldn't prove to be anything.
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Speak for yourself. Some of us are led to other conclusions. Such as: VPW could have left a signed confession with a videotaped addendum, and some people would still refuse to acknowledge that he was a predator who abused God's Word and His people to satisfy his lust for money, sex and power.
You only need to eat one person to be a cannibal, no matter how many people you met and did not eat.
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for me a lot of PFAL is something that I hold on to.
I really like a lot of what E.W. Bullinger taught too, but IMO the dispensationalism that Wierwille took from him and others only served to help Wierwille hide behind the doctrines that he taught. After all, what Wierwille snookered folks into thinking was ministering to young women was openly condemned by the Lord in the gospels. So Wierwille used dispensationalism to hide his own perversions and managed to hash the Word to pieces while convincing folks that he had put together the Word as it had not been known since the first century.
Of course I also remember the impression that Wierwille seemed to get kind of a twisted pleasure out of thinking that he did what Bullinger did, but did it better. There seemed to be some kind of strife in his heart when it came to the ones that he learned from.
Yeah, I hold to PFAL, but have continued to prove the doctrine like PFAL taught me to do. I have found that much of it was wrong.
For me, my journey in the scriptures began in PFAL and that is what compells me to consider Wierwille a viscious predator.
(edited for spelling, a little added too)
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Actually I have been a consistant supporter of such hard evidence, and by the way I'm still waiting to see some.
I'm sorry I don't believe I ever said or implied any such thing. You are misrepresenting me which by the way according to Mod Cow is against the rules here. That is of course assuming the rules apply to everyone across the board.
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Really?...I have seen plenty of hard evidence here...are you not looking at the same things I am or are you, perhaps, in some kind of denial?
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Really perhaps you would like to refresh my memory. I don't recall any hard evidence as Raf discussed. I have seen personal testimony ,opinion. Words...... could be true ,could be not. People's words are what they are nothing more ,nothing less without hard evidence they are not documentable. That makes them neither true or false it just makes them someones words.
To my knowledge there is none so I suppose if one is in the business of just accepting peoples words, then they would also accept his as well without the same hard evidence. I say so works equally for all.
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WD wants proof. Do you have any rock solid proof. Not testimony from abused Christian after abused Christian, many of whom are turned off Christ forever as a result. No, testimony is not proof. He wants stains on dresses. He wants videotape. He wants to do a drug test that can pick up traces of laced drinks imbibed 35 years ago. Nothing short of that will consitute proof!
Pay no attention to the moonwalking bear!
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Wierwille taught in "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" as edited by Geer that he thought that if Bathshebah had pled for her and Solomon's life by reminding David of the rape that David would have said,"Get out of here woman."
My heart hurts for how the abused in TWI felt when they read that.
Wierwille wrote that in the chapter entitled, "THE FINAL CHAPTER."
I'm saying this to you right now WD. Wierwille's crushing dogma will not be the final chapter.
I'm speaking my thoughts today.
The Lord will have his say concerning those like Wierwille who've turned the Grace of God into unrestrained lust..... IT IS WRITTEN.
For those here who do not believe the scriptures, I am most happy to add my voice to their's when it comes to condemning Wierwille's actions.
(added in editing)
Moonwaling bear? Feel free to explain that one to me, please. P.m. or e-mail would be fine.
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80 Proof
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In terms of Wierwille's words that reminds me Waysider.....
It was common knowledge in TWI in the early eighties that Wierwille liked drambuie.
Then I heard him say in a taped sharing from Great Britain that he was allergic to alcohol. The recording was made just before his passing. W. T. F.
People that have alcohol allergies should not have a favorite liquer. Unless they are an alcoholic making a predictable excuse. I'm certain that anyone who has been exposed to A.A. will see his supposed "allergy" for what it really was.
To tell you the truth, it is a lot easier to reject everything Wierwille said once I started putting these things together.
In spite of that, I still hold to the scriptures, even if Wierwille happened to get it right.
(edited for clarity)
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Actually Raf you are the one who brought the subject up I did not ask for anything. I merely responded to your assumption that Quote:
VPW could have left a signed confession with a videotaped addendum, and some people would still refuse to acknowledge that he was a predator who abused God's Word and His people to satisfy his lust for money, sex and power.
I reaffirmed that that would indeed by documentable evidence, only it seems to be missing in action. As such we are left with words. Pretty much the same as VP's snow story one can make up their own mind if they want to accept such words as truth without hard evidence. I don't I'll leave it where it belongs undocumentable either way.
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hi greasespotters!!
much has been posted on numerous threads here through the years, about the tremendous "scriptural truth", or "accuracy of god's word, rightly divivded, as it has not been known since the first century", supposedly contained in the so-called "written works" of der victoid. as most greasespotters and lurkers here know, our fellow greasespotter, Mike, even proposes that vic's "written works" are actually "god-breathed", or, as stated differently, that the "written works" of vic were given to him, (and, according to Mike, also given to members of the "research team", vic's "team" of editors, and to folks like j.e.stles, b.g. leonard, e.w.bullinger, e.w. kenyon, and other authors whom vic freely plagiarized where his theology, "by revelation", lined up with their's!), by direct revelation from the god and father of jesus christ. thus, according to some who have posted here for a long time, these so-called "written works" vic produced are in fact, or, at least contain, pure, unadulterated, supposedly unfiltered, "rightly divided truth" from the "one true god".
personally, i share absolutely no similar belief in the purported "greatness" of vic's "written works", or any of his other "works" for that matter. perhaps it is my personal, firsthand, experience working with the research team on several of vic's "books" that compels me to disagree so strongly with the hypotheses put forth by some regarding the source(s) of all the "revelation" vic got and had "written down" in his books, as well as the methodology of his supposed "biblical research".
when i first started posting again here at the greasespotcafe back in september, 2007, i received a few PM's from another poster here at the spot, who asked me specifically how vic wrote his books. i responded in two PM's, which our fellow greasespotter, Raf has allowed me to post here in the forums, and which i think are directly pertinent to this discussion. following are those excerpts. i post them to provide a firsthand, experiential, perspective of the actual process employed by vic in writing every book that bore his name. there are other posters here at the greasespot with similar, firsthand, participatory accounts of their own experiences as members of the "research team" in later years at twi, and who also were in soime of the very same research and writing sessions which i describe in these excerpts of my PM's to Raf. i'm hoping they will add their personal perspectives, experiences, and insights into the FACTS behind vic's writing prowess, and that a lively, objective discussion will ensue.
"hello there rafael!.....love that name!.........publicly, vic never would have agreed that he was not the author of his works or that they were really "godbreathed".......just like he would never have accepted being called an apostle........but that's only ''publicly".........back in '70-72, when cummins was his assistant and the defacto head of the research dept.,......the "behind the scenes" mechanics of vic's research was very heavily influenced by bullinger's methodology and style.......that is to say, vic would have cummins and bernita jess (aramaic expert) and donna randall (his personal and research secretary at the time) as his "research team", and he would have them there with various critical greek texts, the novum testamentum graece (a one volume collection of numerous greek manuscript variant readings compared with several critical greek texts, using the stevens' critical greek text as the main body of text for comparison) aramaic manuscripts (primarily Lamsa"s so-called pedangta text), bullinger's lexicon and concordance to the greek NT,, young's and strongs concordances,.pillai's works on orientalisms, bullinger's figures of speech used in the bible, number in scripture, and witness of the stars, and several other "research tools" all immediately available to him at a head table in the front of the brc......and then we would "work the word" on whatever verses or topic he was "working" at the time....."
"various in-residence corps kids were "understudies" to the big three and would also be there and sometimes other invited guests or the entire in-res corps.......then, he would begin and all would be looking up "in their particular field of expertise" whatever text or manuscript evidence there was on whatever verse or word he was pursuing.....all the aforementioned sources would be checked and discussions would ensue.......however, the final results were always determined by what vic decided it "just had to be in the "original'"..(sic!).......catch being as he states in pfal."we have no originals"!!......so basically, "the original text" was totally fabricated by whatever vic said he knew it "just had to be in the original text"........many times the final outcome would be vic saying that he knew this was the way to go on a verse or topic and "we'll just have to keep looking until we find a text or manuscript", or whatever spurious source there may be that will corroborate what he wanted to say........regardless of what the actual, textual or manuscript evidence may or may not have been, what vic decided it just had to say in the original was the final answer!......"
"i was there (as cummins' "understudy" while in-res) for many of the lengthy sessions that culminated in the first published edition of jcing and that's exactly how the final research was decided upon.......so, in effect, vic was deciding what the "original" was since we had no "originals" to challenge him with.....in other words, vic was making up the "original, godbreathed word" and it was the research dept's mission to come up with something he could quote or use as evidence to support his "knowing the mind of god"!.......that was one of cummins' main jobs when he spent that year in germany at that Institute for New Testament Research......to find texts or manuscripts that would document what vic said it had to be!!!........this was the basis and pattern of what would later be taught to the corps on corps nights as "the literal translation according to biblical useage" crap.......this was also the mold from which all the later publications (jcop, jcops, etc.).....were to be pressed."
"so, even though vic would never allow publicly his writings to be called "godbreathed".....you can see from the actual process, how in fact.......whatever vic thought it should say was indeed what it said "in the original" text...........i hope this answers your question raf.....if not lemme know!........peace.......dwbh."
from the second PM, the following excerpts..............
"your question is unique and has an interesting "slant" to it........you see, wierwille had very poor writing skills.........all of his "written works" were never written down by him!........rather, they all started out as transcripts from presentations or teachings he did, or from transcripts made from the recordings of the research team meetings described earlier..........this mental "laziness" dates back all the way to the chimes hour youth caravan radio broadcasts.
"rhoda wierwille during the van wert days, and then donna randall and karen wierwille martin were the "ghost writer" for all vic's books up until jcop........vic could never muster up the mental discipline required for any serious writing,......she (donna randall) would transcribe whatever teachings, taped meetings or research team discussions vic wanted to "write" a book from, and then she would actually edit them and put them in a written form for him......then, he would review what he had "written", get the research team together as i described to you.....and then have donna put together the final product......remember, she was his "research" secretary as well as his personal secretary........she taught us early corps english every week during our first year in rez!.....everything from basic english grammar and syntax to business writing and even had a "class" with cummins called "research writing and design" that was to form the basis and format for each individual corps member's "research project" which was supposed to be a rquirement for graduation........even vic's account of how he locked himself in a hotel room for a week in order to "put together" the holy spirit book is a lie!!........all he did was lay out j.e.stiles' book and had rhoda (his church secretary at the time), type it up with some minor changes which he DICTATED to her and then put it in the old printing press........that's why there were so many subsequent editions of that book......because when he had donna's expertise available to him, he quickly dumped rhoda for the new and vastly improved model."
"once the "writing" process was complete.......those "research" sessions would become the actual "writing" process for all the books that bore his name......it's in that process where the answer to your question lies.........vic probably would not allow anyone to publicly say that his "written works" were "godbreathed"......in that sense you're right.......but remember......he did'nt write any of his books!!......he basically "dictated" them as i described previously........so many, many times, we'd ask a question during those sessions about what the word was "saying" to us in a particular passage or regarding a particular topic and typically the answer would be something along the lines of...."well kids.....it's just got to be this way......i just know it!!"!......and that would settle it!!!....we all just presumed he was speaking by word of knowledge or word of wisdom, because that's the only way he could know it!!!!!......for instance......i remember vividly,......one night we were hangin' at his house and i asked him..."dr.........have you ever been "caught away" to the third heaven and earth?".....(received the revelation in the book of revelation like the apostles john and paul had).........his answer........."well son, you see, there are just some things i'm not at liberty to discuss with you."......now of course, me being the faithful "corps kid" that i was......i knew this meant the answer was "yes", but that god was not allowing vp to tell me outright for whatever super secret spiritual reason...........do you see how that worked????.......he was basically telling me that, yes, god has shown me the revelation but has not allowed me to share it with you yet!!!!!!.........that was the core of vp's "research" process........getting us to assume that he knew what he knew by revelation.....and that if we were indeed "spiritually savvy" enough we'd understand and accept that!"
so, while never stating outrightly that what he was teaching or "writing" was indeed "godbreathed".......that was in fact, by default, what he expected us to believe.......else we were just "arguing with god".........phew!........what a flashback your question has brought back to me!!!!......"
so...........that's the way it was.............vic's biblical research by revelation...........i wish you could have seen it in the original!..........it just sits there..............like a duck!..........i apologize for the length of this post..........thanks to those who read the whole thing............i hope an interesting and civil discussion will continue...........................peace.
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Jeff I can do that for you, that would be called veiled name calling
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And that would be a false accusation, WD.
I replied to Jeff in a PM, as he requested.
But the answer to the question is in this thread.
The "Moonwalking Bear" is that which is plain for anyone to see, as long as you are not distracted by irrelevancies that call your attention away from it.
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Mark Clarke
The question that kicked off the thread was what do we believe about VPW and the snowstorm. A secondary, but related topic has been the nature of VPW's writings. I concur with Don't Worry Be Happy's sentiment:
"i'm hoping they will add their personal perspectives, experiences, and insights into the FACTS behind vic's writing prowess, and that a lively, objective discussion will ensue."
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Amen, Mark. That's my point, exactly.
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Mark Clarke
Don't Worry Be Happy,
Thanks so much for your input! I have a couple of questions.
First, you mentioned Lamsa's "so-called" peshi tta text. I don't know much about what went into that. Why do you call it "so-called"?
And secondly, in your opinion, do you think VPW knew he was being dishonest if not fraudulent, or do you think he was so deluded that he actually believed his own BS?
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hehe...funny thought...
i hereby grant my conditional permission for whomever to give it a shot...
maybe just pm me first ...i might be able to help

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Gee if that was your point then why did you bring it up It was you who introduced it out of nowhere Raf. No one else was discussing it. It was you who said
Speaking for myself as "some people" I pointed out that the opposite was true I very much support such documentable evidence as it collaborates verbal words.
Pay no attention to the moonwalking bear!
You then decided I wanted something that I did not ask for, a misrepresentation of what I said. I did not ask for it I only said if it were there as YOU suggested, it would solidify the verbal claims made.
I made no request for anyone to prove their story.
What's plain to see is that you brought up the subject, What's plain to see is that you claimed I wanted something that I did not ask for, What's plain to see is that you assume you know what people think or will or will not believe . You Don't! What's plain to see is that without collaborating evidence words are believed based on things like emotion, gut feelings, guesses, likeability all of which can be wrong.
That is that which is plain for anyone to see, as long as you are not distracted by irrelevancies that call your attention away from it
Yeah Pay no attention to the Moonwalking bear ...Only the mission
I'll be perfectly happy to leave it out of the discussion as long as you are not bringing it up and theorizing what people may or may not believe.
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Hi Don'tWorryBeHappy,
Gosh! I’m finally back to work after a 9 day chest cold. In addition to frantically playing “catch up” in my business, I see the thread here is far from over. Twice I thought it was in its last gasps and I said everything I could. Now, I see it’s far from over. I’m logging some of the most begging-to-be-responded-to posts to try and catch up when I get a little more time, but it looks bleak as to when that will happen.
In the meantime I can’t resist (just like all my posts here) looking at your re-entry post and doing some preliminary responding.
I've added my responses in red.
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George Aar
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