Linda, I am so happy for you :^) I have no doubt you will have a very Merry Christmas!
Just wanted to pop out of retirement and say hi. Paw got me my old user name back. JesseJoe was who I was for a very long time. My healing started as JesseJoe.
Did I ever tell you that you were a large part of that healing. I don’t think I ever did. I remember your encouragement and your kindness. You never judged. Even when you spoke out it wasn’t in a harsh condemning way. You helped me see how I wanted to be in my life simply by living yours. You helped me heal.
JJ, it so great to see your screen name here!! I've missed you. Gosh, I had no idea, but thank you so much for your kind words. I hope you'll stick around here, as long as there's a here to stick around. Merry Christmas!
RG, thanks for your reply, too, and for the lovely wreath.
And Waysider, what can I say? Cool shirt, but it does sorta pale by comparison to the gift I received.
I hope everyone's Christmas was wonderful. My family's surely was.
My best gift comes tomorrow, when I get to see my most precious #1 minisprout grandson, who is never permitted to spend Christmas with us, and supposedly not to ever see us again, according to his demented maternal parent. Sprout is getting him and we are going to do breakfast and open presents.
WG, enjoy every precious minute with your little one and your bigger ones!!
Someday, when all the smoke his mom blows clears away and he's a little older and understands better, he'll not forget how you've loved him and fought for him. You're storing up treasures in his heart.
Linda Z, I am with you honey girl. There is no material stuff in the world that can compare to having our children with us....and they make it home safe and sound. How many hugs did you give him?
So happy for you that your Christmas Eve was full of laughs.
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Linda, I am so happy for you :^) I have no doubt you will have a very Merry Christmas!
Just wanted to pop out of retirement and say hi. Paw got me my old user name back. JesseJoe was who I was for a very long time. My healing started as JesseJoe.
Did I ever tell you that you were a large part of that healing. I don’t think I ever did. I remember your encouragement and your kindness. You never judged. Even when you spoke out it wasn’t in a harsh condemning way. You helped me see how I wanted to be in my life simply by living yours. You helped me heal.
Merry Christmas, Linda Z.
All the best to you and yours,
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Thank You for sharing both the magnitude and simplicity of the GIfts only GOD can give us!!!
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Geeze---And here I was, thinking my Charlie Harper shirt was pretty cool.

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Linda Z
JJ, it so great to see your screen name here!! I've missed you. Gosh, I had no idea, but thank you so much for your kind words. I hope you'll stick around here, as long as there's a here to stick around. Merry Christmas!
RG, thanks for your reply, too, and for the lovely wreath.
And Waysider, what can I say? Cool shirt, but it does sorta pale by comparison to the gift I received.
I hope everyone's Christmas was wonderful. My family's surely was.
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Watered Garden
My best gift comes tomorrow, when I get to see my most precious #1 minisprout grandson, who is never permitted to spend Christmas with us, and supposedly not to ever see us again, according to his demented maternal parent. Sprout is getting him and we are going to do breakfast and open presents.
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Linda Z
WG, enjoy every precious minute with your little one and your bigger ones!!
Someday, when all the smoke his mom blows clears away and he's a little older and understands better, he'll not forget how you've loved him and fought for him. You're storing up treasures in his heart.
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Linda Z, I am with you honey girl. There is no material stuff in the world that can compare to having our children with us....and they make it home safe and sound. How many hugs did you give him?
So happy for you that your Christmas Eve was full of laughs.
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Merry Christmas, Linda. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season with him.
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