well.. you got me to look Excie.. apparently the "latest" on 12/9 on the internet says she admits to "tipping the scales" at 200 pounds.. hey, that's more than me, and I'm six foot zero inch when I get out of bed in the morning.. about 5"11 and a half at the end of the day..
Ophra rise to fame is from the poor minority with family issues and sexual abuse to multi-millionare influencial woman in the nation.
Reality is she lives in high society and loves every minute of it along with all the other famous "stars" we love to talk about.
but she has never been comfortable in "her skin" her mind and what she knows is so far removed from what she "knows" as life and love conflict is going to be determined in her utter soul .
how can one be our true friend and neighbor when the lifestyle and desires and ambitions are so far removed from the common man or woman?
yet she struggles on and wants to maintain that down home girl effect.
she says and i quote from the magazine article in her magazine, she talks the talk but doesnt walk the walk".
I say to her
Dear Ophra
Aint noBODY who has the amount of influence money power and say so in the media and society and political areana trying to deny it all as important to them .
your a star like everyone eles you hang around with, and you also get to keep the trappings of that fame.
cant have both girlfriend. it do not work that a way anymore .
and im personaly insulted you think those who watch and listen to you are still so very ignorant as to recognize your HUGE NEED to inspire the world to be a better place while using the victim of life mentality as a stepping stone.
your have left the building ophra.
we know who lives here with the chubby life style and all its issues and baby it AINT YOU.
your problem is your constant need for approval from the masses that your still normal.
your not your a rare freak that has taken the road to fame and powe and just cant (if ever) believe what it has cost your soul.
one and only ophra who we all love or better to say who you need all to love.
IM sorry you gained the weight can i have the extra food the prepared for you you cant deny and want us to feel bad for you please?
Ironic she wants me to understand it is difficult for her even with the private cooks personal trainer etc... and all it does for me is give up and say well crap if SHE cant do it with all that help I give up being able to afford pasta and red meat.
God bless the famous and their desperate need to be loved .
One thing I can say re: Oprah Winfrey that just can't be said about a lot of other celebrities: At least she puts her MUCHO dollars (the lack of which that usually winds up being at the _real_ base of a lot of complaints like Ponds, ... if they really care to get honest about it <_< ) to good use helping many people in this country, and throughout the world, as much as she can.
So she complains about her weight and admits that she hasn't been as successful in that area as she might want. So BOO HOO! How many rich and not-so-rich people lie to themselves when it comes to this, hhmmm?
I say go Oprah, and continue doing what you're doing, and just keep trying as to the weight issue, yet cut yourself some slack, girl.
Im confused in your statement about me being honest. Are you saying Im jealous of Ophrah money?
Ophra is in the richest woman in the world group , Im not even in the ball park to compete as MOST others.
and that is my point, she can not play like the common folk when she is far far removed from common in society in many respects including money.
has nothing to do with lack of very very few is in her "bracket" as far as income. I have money for my own life style Garth.
Ophrah is a Star that includes much more than money it includes influence which is why it is national news that she gained a few which SHE printed in her magazine about . she herself generates this line of thinking for and about her.
As far as giving money, one NEEDS to give money as a tax shelter in america it isnt all about her generous heart it is about saving more money garth, and they all do most muti-millioners have causes and most with much less money than she owns. the only way not to get taxed is to have shelters of non-profit , and give generously and while your doing it make darn sure the public KNOWS about evey dime to raise those kudos in the masses.... false kudos reallyto those who do not have such income, you may have no clue on why the appear to give when in reality it is for their own profit means.
people think she is giving she isnt she is KEEPING her money buy donating it to whom she chooses generating more influence and power.
see when I donate my money to fica every week I work I have very little say on how it is spent .. she on the other hand has complete power and say so to where her money goes and on what and take full power and play in the doing of it.
am I jeaslous is that your implication?
no not at all I have no need for the people I know to "understand " or approve of my weight, nor to I want to be a role models who has failed once again but pleads for forgivness and understanding from the "people" .
the people are far removed from her community or lifestyle or inspiration but sadly media has the stronghold it does on some so she plays a role of inspirational but as she herself states doesnt live it and more than just the diet I think .
When I hear a lot of people talk about others who are either rich/famous/celebrities, part (_part_ mind you) of where they are coming from is jealousy. Also a lot is mentioned about how greedy/condescending the rich/celebrities often behave towards other people (which is a genuine point of complaint to a sizable degree, and I see that sort of illustrated in your posts re: Oprah. That she's not in the same league with the rest of us common 'po folks'). And yes, a lot of them do contribute to charities/causes/whatever to relieve their tax burden, and Oprah does this as well.
However, one thing that has Oprah stand out (as far as I'm concerned), is that she (and a few other celebrities as well) uses her *star power* to bring attention to causes/issues that need focusing upon. Domestic violence/child molestation was one of her earlier ones. And that goes beyond whatever tax dollars that she can avoid to pay. Usually you don't see mega-dollar corporate heads doing that. Usually they give a lot to their favorite charities, maybe pose for a picture or two, and that's the last you hear of them, while they take off several million off their taxes in the meantime.
While Oprah does take off for her taxes, she has (again from what I've observed) focused on her favorite causes to spread abroad for others to help out on, to encourage others to contribute as well. ... Frankly, there has to be something positive to be said about that.
if i gave 10 % of 100 dollars it is the same as the person who gives 10% of a few billion dollars, same amount of giving less amount of actual dollars, the bible (sorry) speaks of the widow mite being more worthy. the richest woman in the nation will probably not miss what that 10% is to her lifestyle.
bill Gates
the list is really long garth on what they do as far as "giving back" , and i tend to disagree it is alll about being nice it is indeed of having so much they need to shelter and show others they are deserving of such extreme wealth.
I think we in part want to know them and their weight because they have that amount of money , when an excellent scientist finds the link that may lead for a cure for cancer no one cares if he weighs 200 pounds or not why do you suppose that is?
ophrah is the one who rides the wave of fame with her weight and fat issues always has and america for the life of me does seem to care.
Oprah won my heart with her Angel network, her bookclub, her open discussions of awareness and prevention of child abuse, her frank discussions about how to keep children safe from home accidents, her love of stain removal, and most particularly the residential school for girls that she opened, and supports every dime of, in Africa. I like it when good things happen to nice people. She understands abused and molested children because she was one herself. She understands working hard and being successful even if one doesn't come from a background of privilege, because that's her own story. She was the little poor fat girl, molested by her own extended family, and it's no wonder that she still carries some of that kid around inside her. Don't we all carry our past fears, successes, failures, and other experiences that have made us who we are? Things that would have crippled others did not cripple her, and she validates her life every day that she stands up and helps others not to be "that kid" either.
Lots of little kids get abused. Not all of them grow up to found schools, or inspire millions of American girls and women to believe in themselves.
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well.. you got me to look Excie.. apparently the "latest" on 12/9 on the internet says she admits to "tipping the scales" at 200 pounds.. hey, that's more than me, and I'm six foot zero inch when I get out of bed in the morning.. about 5"11 and a half at the end of the day..
maybe she can afford to eat more than I..
or maybe she just has more time on her hands..
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haha you got my attentio
n but I think she will be okay. 
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I think so too...
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typical oprah
what is she weighting for?
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and who cares?????
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Ophra rise to fame is from the poor minority with family issues and sexual abuse to multi-millionare influencial woman in the nation.
Reality is she lives in high society and loves every minute of it along with all the other famous "stars" we love to talk about.
but she has never been comfortable in "her skin" her mind and what she knows is so far removed from what she "knows" as life and love conflict is going to be determined in her utter soul .
how can one be our true friend and neighbor when the lifestyle and desires and ambitions are so far removed from the common man or woman?
yet she struggles on and wants to maintain that down home girl effect.
she says and i quote from the magazine article in her magazine, she talks the talk but doesnt walk the walk".
I say to her
Dear Ophra
Aint noBODY who has the amount of influence money power and say so in the media and society and political areana trying to deny it all as important to them .
your a star like everyone eles you hang around with, and you also get to keep the trappings of that fame.
cant have both girlfriend. it do not work that a way anymore .
and im personaly insulted you think those who watch and listen to you are still so very ignorant as to recognize your HUGE NEED to inspire the world to be a better place while using the victim of life mentality as a stepping stone.
your have left the building ophra.
we know who lives here with the chubby life style and all its issues and baby it AINT YOU.
your problem is your constant need for approval from the masses that your still normal.
your not your a rare freak that has taken the road to fame and powe and just cant (if ever) believe what it has cost your soul.
one and only ophra who we all love or better to say who you need all to love.
IM sorry you gained the weight can i have the extra food the prepared for you you cant deny and want us to feel bad for you please?
Ironic she wants me to understand it is difficult for her even with the private cooks personal trainer etc... and all it does for me is give up and say well crap if SHE cant do it with all that help I give up being able to afford pasta and red meat.
God bless the famous and their desperate need to be loved .
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One thing I can say re: Oprah Winfrey that just can't be said about a lot of other celebrities: At least she puts her MUCHO dollars (the lack of which that usually winds up being at the _real_ base of a lot of complaints like Ponds, ... if they really care to get honest about it <_< ) to good use helping many people in this country, and throughout the world, as much as she can.
So she complains about her weight and admits that she hasn't been as successful in that area as she might want. So BOO HOO! How many rich and not-so-rich people lie to themselves when it comes to this, hhmmm?
I say go Oprah, and continue doing what you're doing, and just keep trying as to the weight issue, yet cut yourself some slack, girl.
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Im confused in your statement about me being honest. Are you saying Im jealous of Ophrah money?
Ophra is in the richest woman in the world group , Im not even in the ball park to compete as MOST others.
and that is my point, she can not play like the common folk when she is far far removed from common in society in many respects including money.
has nothing to do with lack of very very few is in her "bracket" as far as income. I have money for my own life style Garth.
Ophrah is a Star that includes much more than money it includes influence which is why it is national news that she gained a few which SHE printed in her magazine about . she herself generates this line of thinking for and about her.
As far as giving money, one NEEDS to give money as a tax shelter in america it isnt all about her generous heart it is about saving more money garth, and they all do most muti-millioners have causes and most with much less money than she owns. the only way not to get taxed is to have shelters of non-profit , and give generously and while your doing it make darn sure the public KNOWS about evey dime to raise those kudos in the masses.... false kudos reallyto those who do not have such income, you may have no clue on why the appear to give when in reality it is for their own profit means.
people think she is giving she isnt she is KEEPING her money buy donating it to whom she chooses generating more influence and power.
see when I donate my money to fica every week I work I have very little say on how it is spent .. she on the other hand has complete power and say so to where her money goes and on what and take full power and play in the doing of it.
am I jeaslous is that your implication?
no not at all I have no need for the people I know to "understand " or approve of my weight, nor to I want to be a role models who has failed once again but pleads for forgivness and understanding from the "people" .
the people are far removed from her community or lifestyle or inspiration but sadly media has the stronghold it does on some so she plays a role of inspirational but as she herself states doesnt live it and more than just the diet I think .
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When I hear a lot of people talk about others who are either rich/famous/celebrities, part (_part_ mind you) of where they are coming from is jealousy. Also a lot is mentioned about how greedy/condescending the rich/celebrities often behave towards other people (which is a genuine point of complaint to a sizable degree, and I see that sort of illustrated in your posts re: Oprah. That she's not in the same league with the rest of us common 'po folks'). And yes, a lot of them do contribute to charities/causes/whatever to relieve their tax burden, and Oprah does this as well.
However, one thing that has Oprah stand out (as far as I'm concerned), is that she (and a few other celebrities as well) uses her *star power* to bring attention to causes/issues that need focusing upon. Domestic violence/child molestation was one of her earlier ones. And that goes beyond whatever tax dollars that she can avoid to pay. Usually you don't see mega-dollar corporate heads doing that. Usually they give a lot to their favorite charities, maybe pose for a picture or two, and that's the last you hear of them, while they take off several million off their taxes in the meantime.
While Oprah does take off for her taxes, she has (again from what I've observed) focused on her favorite causes to spread abroad for others to help out on, to encourage others to contribute as well. ... Frankly, there has to be something positive to be said about that.
Regardless of her weight.
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I look at it this way
if i gave 10 % of 100 dollars it is the same as the person who gives 10% of a few billion dollars, same amount of giving less amount of actual dollars, the bible (sorry) speaks of the widow mite being more worthy. the richest woman in the nation will probably not miss what that 10% is to her lifestyle.
bill Gates
the list is really long garth on what they do as far as "giving back" , and i tend to disagree it is alll about being nice it is indeed of having so much they need to shelter and show others they are deserving of such extreme wealth.
I think we in part want to know them and their weight because they have that amount of money , when an excellent scientist finds the link that may lead for a cure for cancer no one cares if he weighs 200 pounds or not why do you suppose that is?
ophrah is the one who rides the wave of fame with her weight and fat issues always has and america for the life of me does seem to care.
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Good question.
So why do _you_ seem to care, hhmmm? You apparently care enough to post about it.
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Oprah won my heart with her Angel network, her bookclub, her open discussions of awareness and prevention of child abuse, her frank discussions about how to keep children safe from home accidents, her love of stain removal, and most particularly the residential school for girls that she opened, and supports every dime of, in Africa. I like it when good things happen to nice people. She understands abused and molested children because she was one herself. She understands working hard and being successful even if one doesn't come from a background of privilege, because that's her own story. She was the little poor fat girl, molested by her own extended family, and it's no wonder that she still carries some of that kid around inside her. Don't we all carry our past fears, successes, failures, and other experiences that have made us who we are? Things that would have crippled others did not cripple her, and she validates her life every day that she stands up and helps others not to be "that kid" either.
Lots of little kids get abused. Not all of them grow up to found schools, or inspire millions of American girls and women to believe in themselves.
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i love you nikie and pond and cool c. and rocky and garth
did i leave anyone out?
and cman and ham
and cher
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