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adding what another says to my post


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  kimberly said:
How do I highlight what someone posts and put it in my post?

First, you have to be logged in.

Second, look at the bottom of their post.

The post ITSELF will have a "reply" button, just like the thread does.

Click on the POST's "reply" button,

and your new post will automatically have their entire post

quoted and ready for you to type after that.

If you don't want to use the entire post, you can delete part.

When you do that, it's strongly recommended you indicate you

cut part of the post by putting something like (snip)

where the text was.

This lets people know there's more text in the original,

and they can follow the back arrow on the quote to read it.

As for "highlighting" something, you can put it in boldface, or in italics,

or underline it. Do do any of those, add brackets before and after

what you want changed, and put the letter for it in each side.

At the beginning, put [x] and at the end, put [/x], with "x"

being whichever letter you want.

With 'b' in the brackets, this sentence is boldfaced.

With 'i' in the brackets, this sentence is in italics.

With 'w' in the brackets, this sentence is underlined.

of course, you can use any combination, or all three.

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  WordWolf said:

First, you have to be logged in.

Second, look at the bottom of their post.

The post ITSELF will have a "reply" button, just like the thread does.

Click on the POST's "reply" button,

and your new post will automatically have their entire post

quoted and ready for you to type after that.

and they can follow the back arrow on the quote to read it.

So did I do this correctly? Kimberly

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  kimberly said:
  WordWolf said:

First, you have to be logged in.

Second, look at the bottom of their post.

The post ITSELF will have a "reply" button, just like the thread does.

Click on the POST's "reply" button,

and your new post will automatically have their entire post

quoted and ready for you to type after that.

and they can follow the back arrow on the quote to read it.

So did I do this correctly? Kimberly

try the quote button if this is what you want.

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  kimberly said:
  WordWolf said:

First, you have to be logged in.

Second, look at the bottom of their post.

The post ITSELF will have a "reply" button, just like the thread does.

Click on the POST's "reply" button,

and your new post will automatically have their entire post

quoted and ready for you to type after that.

and they can follow the back arrow on the quote to read it.

So did I do this correctly? Kimberly

You did-except you dropped the "" at the end.

Each change of the text needs a "[type of change]" at the beginning

and a "[/type of change]" at the end.

(Without quotation marks, of course.)

So, I can manually add quotes by using the brackets and "quote".

"Give us the gate key."

"I have no gate key."

"Fezzik, tear his arms off."

"Oh, you mean THIS gate key."

Please note that if I make the slightest error with the markers,

the quotes, the boldface, whatever, won't format.

This is the wrong way to format to get a quote.]/quote]

See? I made ONE typo-beginning the second "quote" with a bracket facing the

wrong way.

This is the right way to format to get a quote.

If it's not closed perfectly, or not opened perfectly,

the effect doesn't appear at all.

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