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End time prophecies


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As these events unfold, the world will increasingly become aware of the authenticity of the words in this book and realize that Ronald Weinland has been sent by God as His end-time prophet.


Just what we need, another "authority" who's been "sent by God" as a "prophet".


Edited by waysider
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Rejoice, honey, I am with Waysider.

If he was sent by God I would think he is showing up a little bit late since it is already 2008. Kind of like closing the barn door after the cows are out.

..."become aware of the authenticity of the words of this book..." That shows me right there what he is promoting. He is concerned with validating the authenticity of whose book? His website is all about him and his greatness.

Don't buy into his fear tactics, sweetheart.

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It does not have to be the "end time" to have a prophet. :)

Many prophets may arise before the end times begin.

This generation has seen many prophets.

There may be great times of peace before the days of wrath come.

The dead in Christ have been raised on Wikipedia... and we who are alive and remain have met the lord in the air over the internet through satellites.

We may all be getting a text message from God soon in the twinkling of an eye and see Jesus face to face on webcam...


Edited by DrWearWord
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  DrWearWord said:
We may all be getting a text message from God soon in the twinkling of an eye and see Jesus face to face on webcam...:)

...well, I just hope someone teaches me how to read those stupid things before he comes back....

  DrWearWord said:
We may all be getting a text message from God soon in the twinkling of an eye and see Jesus face to face on webcam...:)

...well, I just hope someone teaches me how to read those stupid things before he comes back....

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With the exception of Nostradamus, the present discussion is focusing on December 21, 2012(Mayan prophecy). Nostradamus thought it was 1 Million AD(Common Era).

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I love the way God never forces himself on us. . . . all through the gospels Jesus tells us to consider this. . . consider that. . . many Christians live their lives like they will never stand before him. . . . so, those who don't think He is coming back are really not alone.

I have that hope in my heart. I. . . like Bride. . . . believe he is coming back.

No big shocker there I guess.

Edited by geisha779
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  cman said:
Where is he coming from?

Is he not here now?

Here is Christ

There is Christ

Is what he taught about it being within true?

I assume you're referring to when he said, "The Kingdom of God is within you," which is often quoted but usually misunderstood. A better translation (which is in many other English versions) is "the Kingdom of God is AMONG you." He was talking to the Pharisees, so if he meant "within you" he wouldn't have said it to them. Signs of the Kingdom were there for all to see, but he wasn't redefining the Kingdom as a spiritual kingdom in the heart, as many interpret that passage. He goes on in that context (Luke 17) to speak of the Son coming visibly in judgment. He is here now through the holy spirit in believers, but he is not physically present on earth. He is going to be though, when he returns from heaven.

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My thinking is that when and if Jesus does return to earth, between the combination of Jesus setting such a good and honest example of a righteous lifestyle while on earth. And the low and desperate state that the world may be in, in the future when he does return. That Jesus will be greatly admired and esteemed in his return by just about everyone alive regardless of whether they believed in Jesus being the son of God and Lord or not before his return.

Jesus will return a conquering hero and be loved and esteemed by mankind. Quite a contrast to his death.

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  cman said:

wasn't it the pharisees that claimed salvation

and not for others

the pharisees will be saved as well

if you think your brand of believing is all that will

then that is a pharisee

By that logic, then everyone who is committed to their belief is a Pharisee. Practically every religion says their way is the right way and others are wrong. This attitude was not unique to the Pharisees.

As for what I believe, I don't consider it "my brand of believing" - I just believe what Jesus said.

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  Mark Clarke said:
By that logic, then everyone who is committed to their belief is a Pharisee. Practically every religion says their way is the right way and others are wrong. This attitude was not unique to the Pharisees.

As for what I believe, I don't consider it "my brand of believing" - I just believe what Jesus said.

Wrong, sorry, not everyone believes that only their religion will be saved. Even the most committed ones in them. In fact there are many religions that teach all will be saved.

Being committed to a belief does not equal excluding other beliefs. On the contrary, many religions are committed to including all religions and people with no religion at all.

Practically every religion says their way is the right way and others are wrong.

Those that do are not well informed. Or just refuse good sense.

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  cman said:
Wrong, sorry, not everyone believes that only their religion will be saved. Even the most committed ones in them. In fact there are many religions that teach all will be saved.

Being committed to a belief does not equal excluding other beliefs. On the contrary, many religions are committed to including all religions and people with no religion at all.

Those that do are not well informed. Or just refuse good sense.

OK, so MOST religions believe they are right and others wrong. Or you could even narrow it down to MANY. My point was that it was not limited to the Pharisees, so having that attitude does not make you a Pharisee.

Besides, the only reason I even mentioned the Pharisees in the first place was to point out that if Jesus had meant to say that the Kingdom of God is "within you" he would not be saying it to the Pharisees whom he called "of your father the devil." The better translation is "the Kingdom of God is among you" and he went on to describe how the Kingdom would eventually come to earth visibly.

Edited by Mark Clarke
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