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How Many Members in TWI ?


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We may have hit upon something by looking at the financial statements of the Way Credit Union.

The June 1990 Financial Statement says there are 8,000 "potential members" of the Credit Union

The June 1995 statement indicates 4000 "potential members"

The June 2000 statement inidcates 1500 "potential members"

The June 2005 statement inidcates 1020 "potential members"

The June 2008 statement indicates 1012 "potential members"

Is this reflective of the number of people or families that donate to TWI ? It certainly tells a story of the decline of "members" in TWI ......

Link: http://www.ncua.gov/indexdata.html

Enter 66066 for the Charter Number then click FIND

Edited by Goey
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At one point it was basically for Staff and Way Corps. But knowing twi it could have expanded to include Advanced Class grads or contracted to exclude corps on the field...

What we would need to know is generally speaking, what percent of twi's overall numbers were credit union members. From that we could logically deduce how many folks are fellowshippin' around the globe these days.

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  Goey said:
What kind of Credit unit is it ......

that offers basically no services and hasn't made a loan in well over 10 years ?

I think the sole purpose of the credit union is to control staff money.

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  Goey said:
What kind of Credit unit is it ......

that offers basically no services and hasn't made a loan in well over 10 years ?

At this point it is useless, but it was at one time functioning as a financial business. I had a checking account there for several years but it was not functional for day to day drive up to the teller business so I used it more of a savings account for upcoming household expenses.

Some things about the CU

After the 87 exodus for a long time I did find that they would ship bookstore orders written on CU checks when they would not sell to those who had left, but eventually they did start checking .

Eventually they started pushing everyone out that was no longer fellowshipping with the Way ( which by the way is illegal) but they started adding fees (depending on who you were) for non monthly use of the account, and minimum transactions fees if you did not use so many transactions per month until they drained the balances out or just generally made bookkeeping hell until you closed it out.

They also used to CU to dig for dirt on members that had left (also highly illegal) under the guise of their right to maintain financial information. They funneled it to limb leaders things like where you wrote checks to and if you were in any financial trouble.

They tried to close out my account for years because they also figured out that if you were a member that means they had to let you on their grounds to do business and there was nothing that they could do about it.

They sent a check for the balance several times trying to close it out I reported them to the Ohio Credit Union Board for not doing the legal steps to close an account, having worked in the banking industry I was aware of those. They had no reason ,I was a member in good standing and did not request the account closed they just kept blaming it on clerical errors when the CU Board would ask and reopened it.

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Interesting, WD. They made me close my account, too. Sent a check and insisted I present it. I wanted to transfer the funds to my spiritual partner who was in rez in teh WC but they wouldn't allow that. They wrote to me several times to get me to present the check. They even extended the use-by date as more than six months had elapsed.

Afterwards I learned that my SP had left in rez (voluntarily, I think) but did they tell me that? Ha ha.

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1012 might be about right for all staff and active Corps combined. Last I knew, those were the only people who were eligible to open twi CU accounts.

I don't believe they could legally get away with basing eligibility for CU membership on people's donating to twi.

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  Ham said:
I didn't think it was exactly legal for them to summarily close someone's account either..

No it was not and when the Ohio Credit Union Board pointed that out to them they changed their tune real fast.

It's sad really I worked with Annely Skapura when I donated some teller units to the credit union from our bank when we remodeled.

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  Ham said:
I didn't think it was exactly legal for them to summarily close someone's account either..

Duh!! They do it because they "can." No one complains; no "foul". This is considered a civil matter and more than a few people have to complain and file suit before authorities step in.

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  Linda Z said:

Ah, the Skapuras...salt-of-the-earth people. Those are the ones I wonder about...good souls who just stick around after it's become so obvious there's nothing to stick around for.

Ok...back to finances. WD just sent me down Memory Lane for a minute.


I did not know Annely as well as you I'm sure ,our exchange was fairly brief, but I did always look her up when I was at Int. I thought the same of her. I did a search for her she is still in St Marys/New Knoxville she is 70 now.

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