I had a roommate who snored, Way back when. She was a rip-snorting type, and her particular nasal-glottal combo sounded something like a tuba, the mouthpiece partially attached to the exhaust pipe of lawn mower, a little 2-cycle Briggs and Stratton job with the "choke" open full and the throttle all the way down. You could almost see blue smoke and smell oil burning when she got cooking! And she was the deepest sleeper. Those were the days.
"You don't really live until you find something worth dying for." - Jesus
Just to get serious for a moment. I used to snore VERY LOUDLY. I now am on a sleep apnea machine. I have been for about 4 years or so. It is a pain but you get used to it. I would love to have teh surgery but INsurance......blah blah blah.
If you are a big snorer or know someone who is it is worth having it checked out.
My whole family sleeps better since I use my machine.
(By the way I do not think that there is an option that fits the way I used to snore. I am worse than all of the above. )
excathedra, I've heard that when you wake yourself up by snoring, you get to make a wish. I've never been to a porker pageant, but someday, someday I will if it's the last thing I do.
Chatty Kathy, you are thinking of a duxymoron. Very perceptive, too.
Zshot, don't lose any more sleep over it.
"You don't really live until you find something worth dying for." - Jesus
Sorry. I didn't see this until just now. I was trying to pick people in the word who slept through some choice stuff. For Lot, see Gen.19:30-38; for Abner, 1Sam.26:7-16.
Wife & I really pride ourselfs the nudge the other during snoring episodes... and have learned the quality of our sleep depends upon who needs the earliest rise... if either of us is having the next day open... the other of us remains up to the wee morn and does not enter the snore sanctuary... if both of us are open the next day, we softly elbow each other all nite our snores...
I didn't realize I snored until my wife at the time mentioned it, but was always tired during the day even after sleeping all night. I went to the doc and he sent a technicion to my house at bed time, and had me hooked up to all sorts of measuring devices. All night this noisy little dot matrix printer recorded all my information on a role of paper tape. The doc interpreted it all to mean I stopped breathing at night (apnea). He attributed it to two things; 1): a deviated septum in my nose and 2): too much fat tissue on some kind of valve in my throat. He said he could remove it with a laser (quite expensive), or I could loose weight at it would clear itself up naturally. I choose to have surgery on my nose to have the septum straighten out, and too loose weight. It really worked. I feel rested in the mornings now.
Don't allow resentment and bitterness to hinder healing.
Yup, I'm a window rattler. My wife claimed she wasn't a snorer until our 3 year old niece told her she did (she wouldn't believe me).
She did it in the most cute way I've ever seen. My wife dozed off in the recliner at my Dad's house.
Our niece walked up to the chair and stared at her for a few minutes. Then she touched her hand and when she woke up, she said, "Aunt Nomad777, you snore." "Aunt Nomad777" looked around and everyone there was looking at her, and trying not to laugh. She would admit she snored after that. :)-->
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"like a hog in heat at a porker pageant"
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
i am told that i snore very loudly but i don't think so
except for that one time i actually woke myself up with one of those "hog in heat" snorts
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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Ain't #2 an oxymoron?
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#5 is the best #5 i've seen so far
very good
ps. i did not vote
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I sayed up all night just to verify.
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Live sound clip of a Firebee at rest..........
What Superman sleeps?
QQ, could that bee considered a "super" snore?
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I had a roommate who snored, Way back when. She was a rip-snorting type, and her particular nasal-glottal combo sounded something like a tuba, the mouthpiece partially attached to the exhaust pipe of lawn mower, a little 2-cycle Briggs and Stratton job with the "choke" open full and the throttle all the way down. You could almost see blue smoke and smell oil burning when she got cooking! And she was the deepest sleeper. Those were the days.
"You don't really live until you find something worth dying for." - Jesus
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Think about it. Abner, too.
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Just to get serious for a moment. I used to snore VERY LOUDLY. I now am on a sleep apnea machine. I have been for about 4 years or so. It is a pain but you get used to it. I would love to have teh surgery but INsurance......blah blah blah.
If you are a big snorer or know someone who is it is worth having it checked out.
My whole family sleeps better since I use my machine.
(By the way I do not think that there is an option that fits the way I used to snore. I am worse than all of the above. )
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Firebee, you may need to call Roto-Rooter.
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johniam, I will probably regret asking, but why do you say Lot snored?
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excathedra, I've heard that when you wake yourself up by snoring, you get to make a wish. I've never been to a porker pageant, but someday, someday I will if it's the last thing I do.
Chatty Kathy, you are thinking of a duxymoron. Very perceptive, too.
Zshot, don't lose any more sleep over it.
"You don't really live until you find something worth dying for." - Jesus
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Separate bedrooms.
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Yes a duxymoron it is.
Perceptive, well I have my occasional moments.
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Sorry. I didn't see this until just now. I was trying to pick people in the word who slept through some choice stuff. For Lot, see Gen.19:30-38; for Abner, 1Sam.26:7-16.
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Wife & I really pride ourselfs the nudge the other during snoring episodes... and have learned the quality of our sleep depends upon who needs the earliest rise... if either of us is having the next day open... the other of us remains up to the wee morn and does not enter the snore sanctuary... if both of us are open the next day, we softly elbow each other all nite our snores...
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Stayed Too Long
I didn't realize I snored until my wife at the time mentioned it, but was always tired during the day even after sleeping all night. I went to the doc and he sent a technicion to my house at bed time, and had me hooked up to all sorts of measuring devices. All night this noisy little dot matrix printer recorded all my information on a role of paper tape. The doc interpreted it all to mean I stopped breathing at night (apnea). He attributed it to two things; 1): a deviated septum in my nose and 2): too much fat tissue on some kind of valve in my throat. He said he could remove it with a laser (quite expensive), or I could loose weight at it would clear itself up naturally. I choose to have surgery on my nose to have the septum straighten out, and too loose weight. It really worked. I feel rested in the mornings now.
Don't allow resentment and bitterness to hinder healing.
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You hear the story of why men snore?
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no Shell can't say I have...Tell your Snorey
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Yup, I'm a window rattler. My wife claimed she wasn't a snorer until our 3 year old niece told her she did (she wouldn't believe me).
She did it in the most cute way I've ever seen. My wife dozed off in the recliner at my Dad's house.
Our niece walked up to the chair and stared at her for a few minutes. Then she touched her hand and when she woke up, she said, "Aunt Nomad777, you snore." "Aunt Nomad777" looked around and everyone there was looking at her, and trying not to laugh. She would admit she snored after that.
That's my snorey and I'm sniffin' through it!
My 2 cents...
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