I see that you guys have some very interesting opinions and knowledge about politics.
Even though he lost, I voted for McCain and Im not ashamed to say it. Here is my reasoning why.
Things that made me decide NOT to vote for Obama
Abortion - I studied Obamas record on the abortion issue, and he seems to have been "Pro Choice" consistently, even to the point where he refused to vote for a law that would block "Partial Birth Abortion" ( A particularly gruesome way to kill a baby even though its born alive)
Character - Obama seemed to be friends with some pretty rotten people.....Reverend Wright, Michael Ayers, Louis Farrakan, the PLO , etc....
Godliness - Obama said - those people in Pennsylvania want to just cling to their God and their guns......
Other issues that I agree with Obama or dont care about......
Taxes - Both candidates tried to appeal to the masses by claiming they would give "Tax Cuts", Obamas plan actually seemed better
Health Care - I know from experience, having been un-insured my whole life, that we NEED Universal Health Care, so I simply agree with Obama on this account
War in Iraq - to be honest with you I couldnt care less what happens in Iraq, and I feel it certainly isn't worth wasting 1 American life in trying to help them establish "Democracy"
Osama Bin Ladin - Both candidates said they were definirely going to catch Osama Bin Ladin, but I believe Osama Bin Ladin moves freely between Pakistan and Iran, both countries which politicians seem to fear to go into
Sorry to insert my opinions in there, and Ill respect other opinions, but thats how I believe politically....... :ph43r:
Character - Obama seemed to be friends with some pretty rotten people.....Reverend Wright, Michael Ayers, Louis Farrakan, the PLO , etc....
Friends seems to be an overstatement to me. A friend is someone you call up to come to your house to have a BBQ with your family. A friend is someone you call up to see a movie. A friend is someone you golf with on the weekend.
Friends? I think these people were more like acquaintances who Barack Obama had interaction with because of work-related issues. Just because some of these people have extreme sides they stand on doesn't mean Barack Obama agrees with them.
We can be freaked out about the accusations about who Obama keeps company with, but the reality is that he doesn't have complete power over this nation. There are too many in congress and the house who would not allow a cover-up terrorist to turn this country over to muslims (black, middle eastern or otherwise). Congress and the house have too much money and benefits riding in their interest.
I think many of these things were brought up as "what if" to put it out in the public knowledge. It's called campaign smearing.
I work for an elected official. This year's campaign was bad because we had an ex-employee with sociopathic tendencies run against him this year. I found dirt on my boss's opponent. I had our opponent tied to a southern Nevada Porn King who made the movie "Deep Throat". But the only way I could link the opponent was through is previous employment at our office. My boss didn't want to go that route. That information in a highly conservative area would have never given this guy a chance. This guy spread many vicious and half-truth rumors on media about my boss. Thankfully, it turned out to be a 65/35 vote in favor of my boss. Thankfully people in our area didn't believe the crap the opponent was spreading.
After listening to AM talk radio every day for the last few months, I am convinced that it is mostly a Republic/Democrat thing for most conservatives. I was so sickened over it. Hearing Rush Limbaugh really made me want to puke. They will try to find anythign which discredits a man EVEN AFTER HE HAS BEEN ELECTED PRESIDENT.
Mojito I agree that Rush can only be listened to for a short time. Just remember that a lot of people agree with him. Like 75% of the people here. McCain won this county by 76%.
Not everyone thinks that Obama is the answer. We looked at his voting record in Il. and decided that he was way to liberal. I wasn't going to vote for him way before all the smear stuff came out.
The Democratic Committie for Congress or something like that put out so many half truths before the election to make me vomit.
This is a country devided. Red in the middle and blue on the coasts.
Harris County (Houston) went Obama with all the surrounding counties went McCain.
Bexas County (San Antonio) went Obama with all surrounding counties went McCain.
When Obama talked about moving the wealth around many people stood up and took notice on both sides. He will have 6 months before it gets nasty. If in his first 6 months the left wing of the Dem. party trys for sweeping changes the reaction of the center and right will be interesting.
I don't trust him.
This tread realy does belong in the politics section.
Friends seems to be an overstatement to me. A friend is someone you call up to come to your house to have a BBQ with your family. A friend is someone you call up to see a movie. A friend is someone you golf with on the weekend.
Friends? I think these people were more like acquaintances who Barack Obama had interaction with because of work-related issues. Just because some of these people have extreme sides they stand on doesn't mean Barack Obama agrees with them.
We can be freaked out about the accusations about who Obama keeps company with, but the reality is that he doesn't have complete power over this nation. There are too many in congress and the house who would not allow a cover-up terrorist to turn this country over to muslims (black, middle eastern or otherwise). Congress and the house have too much money and benefits riding in their interest.
I think many of these things were brought up as "what if" to put it out in the public knowledge. It's called campaign smearing.
I work for an elected official. This year's campaign was bad because we had an ex-employee with sociopathic tendencies run against him this year. I found dirt on my boss's opponent. I had our opponent tied to a southern Nevada Porn King who made the movie "Deep Throat". But the only way I could link the opponent was through is previous employment at our office. My boss didn't want to go that route. That information in a highly conservative area would have never given this guy a chance. This guy spread many vicious and half-truth rumors on media about my boss. Thankfully, it turned out to be a 65/35 vote in favor of my boss. Thankfully people in our area didn't believe the crap the opponent was spreading.
After listening to AM talk radio every day for the last few months, I am convinced that it is mostly a Republic/Democrat thing for most conservatives. I was so sickened over it. Hearing Rush Limbaugh really made me want to puke. They will try to find anythign which discredits a man EVEN AFTER HE HAS BEEN ELECTED PRESIDENT.
Much like they have done to George Bush the last 8 years.
Bush deserved scrutiny, certainly by the second election. He got a big break after 9/11. He's an irresponsible liar, propped up and supported by a cadry of strong partnerships, much as he was as a younger man. If his Dad hadn't been President Bush first, I'm sure Little Bush would have been scubbed early. IMO.
Obama - I have a feeling he'll do fine under scrutiny. he should be expected to be accountable, he's the President. Lame criticisms and the endless and inevitable barrage of pathological lies and thinly connected bits of phlegm soaked "information" are going to flow as they always do. Trying to discredit him may actually show how whipped some of his detractors are. They say if something's true it'll "stick". Snot sticks too though. If Kleenex gets in trouble we make it priority number one to bail those boys out and quick, we may have a lot of that stuff flying around for awhile.
Rush Lumbarge is a joke, and most know it. He sells advertising for his Masters and to line his pockets with coin oiled by the sweat of others. He's a pig without the lipstick. He puts the fly in butterfly and the hmmm....roach in cockroach. He makes the buzz of mosquitoes sound like heavenly music. He could run his fingernails over a chalkboard while he spoke on the radio and the switchboard would light up with requests to play it again, he sounds that bad. He's gross.
Bush deserved scrutiny, certainly by the second election. He got a big break after 9/11. He's an irresponsible liar, propped up and supported by a cadry of strong partnerships, much as he was as a younger man. If his Dad hadn't been President Bush first, I'm sure Little Bush would have been scubbed early. IMO.
Obama - I have a feeling he'll do fine under scrutiny. he should be expected to be accountable, he's the President. Lame criticisms and the endless and inevitable barrage of pathological lies and thinly connected bits of phlegm soaked "information" are going to flow as they always do. Trying to discredit him may actually show how whipped some of his detractors are. They say if something's true it'll "stick". Snot sticks too though. If Kleenex gets in trouble we make it priority number one to bail those boys out and quick, we may have a lot of that stuff flying around for awhile.
Rush Lumbarge is a joke, and most know it. He sells advertising for his Masters and to line his pockets with coin oiled by the sweat of others. He's a pig without the lipstick. He puts the fly in butterfly and the hmmm....roach in cockroach. He makes the buzz of mosquitoes sound like heavenly music. He could run his fingernails over a chalkboard while he spoke on the radio and the switchboard would light up with requests to play it again, he sounds that bad. He's gross.
Then again he has a switchboard to light up doesn't he .......
Since its inception on August 1, 1988, The Rush Limbaugh Show has become the highest-rated talk radio show in the United States, The Rush Limbaugh Show has a minimum weekly audience of 13.5 million listeners.
Which is exactly why we need some new change in how we gauge and measure intelligence and "entertainment" White Dove. Limbug does well for a college drop out, I'll give him that. He's clearly knowledgable although his knowledge isn't always factual. But critiquing his unique method of assembling information isn't worth it - he is, as you note, a radio personality who entertains and amuses millions who both agree and disagree with him. The fact he's hornswoggled his way onto the radio hardly makes him a point of agreement or disagreement, it just makes him someone who sells advertising.
He's clogging up the air waves though as he may only be appealing to that part of the human psyche that slows down traffic on the road to better see an accident. Verbal train wrecks have appeal I guess. But that voice - he has that humpty dumpty glocked up bellow of a troll gargling mayonnaise. Yuk, for a guy who talks on the radio his voice gives me the creeps
But he should be knowledgable, he should know stuff and make it entertaining to listen to since most of his job is to sit on his fat butt and quack about whatever crosses his "mind". Thankfully he's leaned up the rear view of his seat pants a little and for that he deserves our thanks. Less Limbug is a good thing, however we get it.
I don't dislike him personally and don't listen to him at this point. I did take to checking in every once in awhile at one time but that was more than enough. No, I don't dislike him. I can't take him seriously enough to truly dislike him. But I do think he has the demeanor and personality of a wet baseball mitt. But that's just me.
Which is exactly why we need some new change in how we gauge and measure intelligence and "entertainment" White Dove. Limbug does well for a college drop out, I'll give him that. He's clearly knowledgable although his knowledge isn't always factual. But critiquing his unique method of assembling information isn't worth it - he is, as you note, a radio personality who entertains and amuses millions who both agree and disagree with him. The fact he's hornswoggled his way onto the radio hardly makes him a point of agreement or disagreement, it just makes him someone who sells advertising.
He's clogging up the air waves though as he may only be appealing to that part of the human psyche that slows down traffic on the road to better see an accident. Verbal train wrecks have appeal I guess. But that voice - he has that humpty dumpty glocked up bellow of a troll gargling mayonnaise. Yuk, for a guy who talks on the radio his voice gives me the creeps
But he should be knowledgable, he should know stuff and make it entertaining to listen to since most of his job is to sit on his fat butt and quack about whatever crosses his "mind". Thankfully he's leaned up the rear view of his seat pants a little and for that he deserves our thanks. Less Limbug is a good thing, however we get it.
I don't dislike him personally and don't listen to him at this point. I did take to checking in every once in awhile at one time but that was more than enough. No, I don't dislike him. I can't take him seriously enough to truly dislike him. But I do think he has the demeanor and personality of a wet baseball mitt. But that's just me.
NO! That's NOT just you!
I prefer to call him LUSH Rimbaugh... after all, he IS an ADDICT.
And Olbermann calls him "Comedian Rush Limbaugh." And let's not forget BILLO the CLOWN.
I don't think the addiction factor is really a stain on anyone's personal life these days. I have respect for people who admit their illness and go for recovery. In Rush's case, it was due to pain killers which were easily prescribed at the time. Prescription drugs are the new recreational drugs in our society and a huge problem in our schools because they're easy to get. You'd have to also put your darling, Al Franken's wife on the same level as Rush if you're going to look down your nose at someone because of an addiction problem.
Besides, didn't Obama admit to snorting coke? Didn't Billary state that he tried pot but "didn't inhale"?
I've seen bumperstickers which say "Rush is Reich!" That was hella funny to see.
I completely disrespect Limbaugh because of his inability to speak like an adult when he disagrees with the evil liberal demmies. He addressed Obama as "Lord Obama" as if Obama was trying to put himself in that sort of position. I wasn't a huge Obama fan, but I could see through the BS Limbaugh was promoting. I think he says things like that because he is an EXTREME conservative who can't stand liberals. Even if Obama came in to office and cleared the whole national debt in one month, people like Limbaugh would still try to discredit him.
I believe there are liberal democrats who have the same terrible attitudes about conservative Republican. They are no better than Limbaugh, and they are equally distasteful. I wonder why it's not as easy to hear their radio shows. Oh, I forgot, the mainstream media is liberal.
That is the part which I believe is extremely sad about our country. There is so much prejudice between the left and right. Until we are able to hear (agreeance not required) without shooting darts, then we will always be a county divided.
It reminds me of little kids fighting over the same toy. Each one is right in their own mind, and the other has to be bad because they stole MY toy!!
I personally think it takes ideas from both sides to get a balance. I don't label myself one way or the other.
I would agree, Chas. Limbug's version of what is and isn't fair and equitable treatment of human failing has adjusted as a result, I'm sure since he's espoused that drug users convicted should be put into jail.
He was arrested for illegal use of painkillers. It looked like his defense worked the system as best as could be done and his own case didn't result in a jail sentence. Defensible use of questionably obtained drugs to support an addiction to counter pain? We have a little of the pot calling the kettle black there IMO. Okay for his circumstance to be treated and rehab'd, others no.
I would hope he's given thought to the basis for his former opinion in light of his own situation. But he's a radio personality, it's unreasonable to expect that because he has the mic that he offers anything useful, correct or of value simply because a lot of people listen to his program, a fact I'm sure we all would agree on. He talks. I guess a lot of people listen but again, why I don't know. He's balances between sophomoric soliliguoys and gallavanting gab that succeeds to generate substantial coin into the cash registers of all involved, so he's a "success". But at what? I don't know.
I would agree, Chas. Limbug's version of what is and isn't fair and equitable treatment of human failing has adjusted as a result, I'm sure since he's espoused that drug users convicted should be put into jail.
He was arrested for illegal use of painkillers. It looked like his defense worked the system as best as could be done and his own case didn't result in a jail sentence. Defensible use of questionably obtained drugs to support an addiction to counter pain? We have a little of the pot calling the kettle black there IMO. Okay for his circumstance to be treated and rehab'd, others no.
I would hope he's given thought to the basis for his former opinion in light of his own situation. But he's a radio personality, it's unreasonable to expect that because he has the mic that he offers anything useful, correct or of value simply because a lot of people listen to his program, a fact I'm sure we all would agree on. He talks. I guess a lot of people listen but again, why I don't know. He's balances between sophomoric soliliguoys and gallavanting gab that succeeds to generate substantial coin into the cash registers of all involved, so he's a "success". But at what? I don't know.
I SUPPOSE it's unChristian of me to see the humor in that Rocky, but it's pretty damdingit funny, to me.
Humor is an interesting thing and what makes a person laugh a phenomena worth looking into. Contrasting images are often funny, where context is so contradictory it's ludicrous. Dogs in sweaters, people in pants obviously too tight, that kind of thing.
Limbug's predicament is that kind of contradictory context, I think - as an entertainer he rips people for something he feels is wrong, and then in his "real" life turns around and has that wrong in his own life. It's hypocrisy, by another name. What we need to correct in ourselves, we criticize in others. Sometimes, not all the time, but in that case of his chronic pain and drugs, yes I think so. His reason was "less wrong" than someone else's reason. How conv-eeeeen-yent!
But he's still a bug. Until he stops with the bellowing, he's a bug.
I SUPPOSE it's unChristian of me to see the humor in that Rocky, but it's pretty damdingit funny, to me.
Humor is an interesting thing and what makes a person laugh a phenomena worth looking into. Contrasting images are often funny, where context is so contradictory it's ludicrous. Dogs in sweaters, people in pants obviously too tight, that kind of thing.
Limbug's predicament is that kind of contradictory context, I think - as an entertainer he rips people for something he feels is wrong, and then in his "real" life turns around and has that wrong in his own life. It's hypocrisy, by another name. What we need to correct in ourselves, we criticize in others. Sometimes, not all the time, but in that case of his chronic pain and drugs, yes I think so. His reason was "less wrong" than someone else's reason. How conv-eeeeen-yent!
But he's still a bug. Until he stops with the bellowing, he's a bug.
I think of the expression, "absurd juxtaposition."
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For a number of reasons! ;)
For the record, this thread was started when we still had a politics forum. And it was mostly intended (it appears) as a "wish him well" thread. A similar thread started today would be really dif
I for one am really glad we don't do politics here. I too wish the President Elect well. That is all I'll say too.
Nope the answer.....
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It was fairly obvious , but I guess some of us need it spelled out for them.
The answer is yes and I tend to agree......
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I see that you guys have some very interesting opinions and knowledge about politics.
Even though he lost, I voted for McCain and Im not ashamed to say it. Here is my reasoning why.
Things that made me decide NOT to vote for Obama
Abortion - I studied Obamas record on the abortion issue, and he seems to have been "Pro Choice" consistently, even to the point where he refused to vote for a law that would block "Partial Birth Abortion" ( A particularly gruesome way to kill a baby even though its born alive)
Character - Obama seemed to be friends with some pretty rotten people.....Reverend Wright, Michael Ayers, Louis Farrakan, the PLO , etc....
Godliness - Obama said - those people in Pennsylvania want to just cling to their God and their guns......
Other issues that I agree with Obama or dont care about......
Taxes - Both candidates tried to appeal to the masses by claiming they would give "Tax Cuts", Obamas plan actually seemed better
Health Care - I know from experience, having been un-insured my whole life, that we NEED Universal Health Care, so I simply agree with Obama on this account
War in Iraq - to be honest with you I couldnt care less what happens in Iraq, and I feel it certainly isn't worth wasting 1 American life in trying to help them establish "Democracy"
Osama Bin Ladin - Both candidates said they were definirely going to catch Osama Bin Ladin, but I believe Osama Bin Ladin moves freely between Pakistan and Iran, both countries which politicians seem to fear to go into
Sorry to insert my opinions in there, and Ill respect other opinions, but thats how I believe politically....... :ph43r:
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Why would you feel the need to apologize for inserting your opinion? I don't think anyone is going to be offended that you stated your case...
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Friends seems to be an overstatement to me. A friend is someone you call up to come to your house to have a BBQ with your family. A friend is someone you call up to see a movie. A friend is someone you golf with on the weekend.
Friends? I think these people were more like acquaintances who Barack Obama had interaction with because of work-related issues. Just because some of these people have extreme sides they stand on doesn't mean Barack Obama agrees with them.
Obama Comments on Rev. Wright
We can be freaked out about the accusations about who Obama keeps company with, but the reality is that he doesn't have complete power over this nation. There are too many in congress and the house who would not allow a cover-up terrorist to turn this country over to muslims (black, middle eastern or otherwise). Congress and the house have too much money and benefits riding in their interest.
I think many of these things were brought up as "what if" to put it out in the public knowledge. It's called campaign smearing.
I work for an elected official. This year's campaign was bad because we had an ex-employee with sociopathic tendencies run against him this year. I found dirt on my boss's opponent. I had our opponent tied to a southern Nevada Porn King who made the movie "Deep Throat". But the only way I could link the opponent was through is previous employment at our office. My boss didn't want to go that route. That information in a highly conservative area would have never given this guy a chance. This guy spread many vicious and half-truth rumors on media about my boss. Thankfully, it turned out to be a 65/35 vote in favor of my boss. Thankfully people in our area didn't believe the crap the opponent was spreading.
After listening to AM talk radio every day for the last few months, I am convinced that it is mostly a Republic/Democrat thing for most conservatives. I was so sickened over it. Hearing Rush Limbaugh really made me want to puke. They will try to find anythign which discredits a man EVEN AFTER HE HAS BEEN ELECTED PRESIDENT.
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Mojito I agree that Rush can only be listened to for a short time. Just remember that a lot of people agree with him. Like 75% of the people here. McCain won this county by 76%.
Not everyone thinks that Obama is the answer. We looked at his voting record in Il. and decided that he was way to liberal. I wasn't going to vote for him way before all the smear stuff came out.
The Democratic Committie for Congress or something like that put out so many half truths before the election to make me vomit.
This is a country devided. Red in the middle and blue on the coasts.
Harris County (Houston) went Obama with all the surrounding counties went McCain.
Bexas County (San Antonio) went Obama with all surrounding counties went McCain.
When Obama talked about moving the wealth around many people stood up and took notice on both sides. He will have 6 months before it gets nasty. If in his first 6 months the left wing of the Dem. party trys for sweeping changes the reaction of the center and right will be interesting.
I don't trust him.
This tread realy does belong in the politics section.
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Much like they have done to George Bush the last 8 years.
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Bush deserved scrutiny, certainly by the second election. He got a big break after 9/11. He's an irresponsible liar, propped up and supported by a cadry of strong partnerships, much as he was as a younger man. If his Dad hadn't been President Bush first, I'm sure Little Bush would have been scubbed early. IMO.
Obama - I have a feeling he'll do fine under scrutiny. he should be expected to be accountable, he's the President. Lame criticisms and the endless and inevitable barrage of pathological lies and thinly connected bits of phlegm soaked "information" are going to flow as they always do. Trying to discredit him may actually show how whipped some of his detractors are. They say if something's true it'll "stick". Snot sticks too though. If Kleenex gets in trouble we make it priority number one to bail those boys out and quick, we may have a lot of that stuff flying around for awhile.
Rush Lumbarge is a joke, and most know it. He sells advertising for his Masters and to line his pockets with coin oiled by the sweat of others. He's a pig without the lipstick. He puts the fly in butterfly and the hmmm....roach in cockroach. He makes the buzz of mosquitoes sound like heavenly music. He could run his fingernails over a chalkboard while he spoke on the radio and the switchboard would light up with requests to play it again, he sounds that bad. He's gross.
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now I see
Limbaugh is just another syndicated shock jock, cept he didn't go the way of Howard Stern, he chose politics instead, peddling the same dung though.
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Linda Z
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That WAS quite eloquent on his part, wasn't it!
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Then again he has a switchboard to light up doesn't he .......
Since its inception on August 1, 1988, The Rush Limbaugh Show has become the highest-rated talk radio show in the United States, The Rush Limbaugh Show has a minimum weekly audience of 13.5 million listeners.
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Which is exactly why we need some new change in how we gauge and measure intelligence and "entertainment" White Dove. Limbug does well for a college drop out, I'll give him that. He's clearly knowledgable although his knowledge isn't always factual. But critiquing his unique method of assembling information isn't worth it - he is, as you note, a radio personality who entertains and amuses millions who both agree and disagree with him. The fact he's hornswoggled his way onto the radio hardly makes him a point of agreement or disagreement, it just makes him someone who sells advertising.
He's clogging up the air waves though as he may only be appealing to that part of the human psyche that slows down traffic on the road to better see an accident. Verbal train wrecks have appeal I guess. But that voice - he has that humpty dumpty glocked up bellow of a troll gargling mayonnaise. Yuk, for a guy who talks on the radio his voice gives me the creeps
But he should be knowledgable, he should know stuff and make it entertaining to listen to since most of his job is to sit on his fat butt and quack about whatever crosses his "mind". Thankfully he's leaned up the rear view of his seat pants a little and for that he deserves our thanks. Less Limbug is a good thing, however we get it.
I don't dislike him personally and don't listen to him at this point. I did take to checking in every once in awhile at one time but that was more than enough. No, I don't dislike him. I can't take him seriously enough to truly dislike him. But I do think he has the demeanor and personality of a wet baseball mitt. But that's just me.
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Saw this bumper sticker on a car a few years ago:
"Rush is right!"
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NO! That's NOT just you!
I prefer to call him LUSH Rimbaugh... after all, he IS an ADDICT.
And Olbermann calls him "Comedian Rush Limbaugh." And let's not forget BILLO the CLOWN.
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I don't think the addiction factor is really a stain on anyone's personal life these days. I have respect for people who admit their illness and go for recovery. In Rush's case, it was due to pain killers which were easily prescribed at the time. Prescription drugs are the new recreational drugs in our society and a huge problem in our schools because they're easy to get. You'd have to also put your darling, Al Franken's wife on the same level as Rush if you're going to look down your nose at someone because of an addiction problem.
Besides, didn't Obama admit to snorting coke? Didn't Billary state that he tried pot but "didn't inhale"?
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I've seen bumperstickers which say "Rush is Reich!" That was hella funny to see.
I completely disrespect Limbaugh because of his inability to speak like an adult when he disagrees with the evil liberal demmies.
He addressed Obama as "Lord Obama" as if Obama was trying to put himself in that sort of position. I wasn't a huge Obama fan, but I could see through the BS Limbaugh was promoting. I think he says things like that because he is an EXTREME conservative who can't stand liberals. Even if Obama came in to office and cleared the whole national debt in one month, people like Limbaugh would still try to discredit him.
I believe there are liberal democrats who have the same terrible attitudes about conservative Republican. They are no better than Limbaugh, and they are equally distasteful. I wonder why it's not as easy to hear their radio shows. Oh, I forgot, the mainstream media is liberal.
That is the part which I believe is extremely sad about our country. There is so much prejudice between the left and right. Until we are able to hear (agreeance not required) without shooting darts, then we will always be a county divided.
It reminds me of little kids fighting over the same toy. Each one is right in their own mind, and the other has to be bad because they stole MY toy!!
I personally think it takes ideas from both sides to get a balance. I don't label myself one way or the other.
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I would agree, Chas. Limbug's version of what is and isn't fair and equitable treatment of human failing has adjusted as a result, I'm sure since he's espoused that drug users convicted should be put into jail.
He was arrested for illegal use of painkillers. It looked like his defense worked the system as best as could be done and his own case didn't result in a jail sentence. Defensible use of questionably obtained drugs to support an addiction to counter pain? We have a little of the pot calling the kettle black there IMO. Okay for his circumstance to be treated and rehab'd, others no.
I would hope he's given thought to the basis for his former opinion in light of his own situation. But he's a radio personality, it's unreasonable to expect that because he has the mic that he offers anything useful, correct or of value simply because a lot of people listen to his program, a fact I'm sure we all would agree on. He talks. I guess a lot of people listen but again, why I don't know. He's balances between sophomoric soliliguoys and gallavanting gab that succeeds to generate substantial coin into the cash registers of all involved, so he's a "success". But at what? I don't know.
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And I'll STILL call him "Lush Rimbaugh."
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I SUPPOSE it's unChristian of me to see the humor in that Rocky, but it's pretty damdingit funny, to me.
Humor is an interesting thing and what makes a person laugh a phenomena worth looking into. Contrasting images are often funny, where context is so contradictory it's ludicrous. Dogs in sweaters, people in pants obviously too tight, that kind of thing.
Limbug's predicament is that kind of contradictory context, I think - as an entertainer he rips people for something he feels is wrong, and then in his "real" life turns around and has that wrong in his own life. It's hypocrisy, by another name. What we need to correct in ourselves, we criticize in others. Sometimes, not all the time, but in that case of his chronic pain and drugs, yes I think so. His reason was "less wrong" than someone else's reason. How conv-eeeeen-yent!
But he's still a bug. Until he stops with the bellowing, he's a bug.
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I think of the expression, "absurd juxtaposition."
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Naw , if you want a political discussion you have to go somewhere else.
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