One thing about Americans is, even if some of us didn't vote for the guy, we will still give the new President a chance , just looking at how much we put up with Bush & friend's anticks proves that, I think the country for the most part has rallied around Obama and will let him get his legs under him.
There is so much emphasis on the words "I have a dream...." I like the second parts of these phrases of Dr. King's speech much better.
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
I especially love the last line. We still don't judge people by the content of their character all the time. This goes for those of color, those with disabilities, those who are uneducated, those who are gay, those who suffer mental illness, or those who are different in any way. I have a dream that we will practice the tolerance of which we speak.
I think it's fantastic that a black man was elected president, considering the history of race relations in this country. I only hope the majority of people who voted for him did not do so just because he's black. Whether he will be a good president should have nothing to do with his race or color.
Will he be a good president? Only time will tell. He seems to be what so many people have been saying they wanted. So let them have their way this time. The Republicans had their way for 8 years, the Democrats for 8 years before that, and the Republicans had 12 years before that. The pendulum has swung back and forth for years and years, and guess what? It hasn't made that much of a difference!
I have been on both ends of the political spectrum at various times in my life. As a teenager I was a liberal. In my days in The Way I was convinced that right-wing politics was equivalent to religion. Now I am even more convinced that politics is not the answer, no matter what the flavor of the month is. I am not so much "middle of the road" as "OFF road."
No matter who got elected, the monetary system needs to be reformed or there will be no real lasting change in the economy. And neither candidate has any plans to reform the monetary system. So the economy will continue, getting temporary fixes at best. And the country as a whole will not change until the hearts of the people change, and that will not be affected by any politician.
Nevertheless, regardless of what we may think of his politics, the American system works, the people have spoken, and Obama is our president. But he is neither the devil nor the savior. One day Jesus Christ will return and rule the world in perfect righteousness. THEN “change will come” to America and to the world. Meanwhile God is still ultimately in charge, and He will see us through the good or the bad, whatever comes. Rather than “Yes we can” our rallying cry should be “Yes HE can!”
When Presidents have wanted to reform the monetary system in our country they were assassinated The attempt on Reagan's life was for an entirely different reason.
There are a couple of Republicans that he is seriously considering for that position. He's acting like a "maverick."
And actually, why shouldn't he? Sometimes an opinion from a different POV is what's needed. And just because a person has a different politican POV doesn't mean that he/she isn't patriotic, a good worker, and cannot think.
(A bit like Waybrain only seeing what it wants to see, really, when there are really committed Christians of other backgrounds out there doing the Lord's work.)
It has been said that politicians of any party have more in common with each other than with the people they are supposed to represent.
If you want a political discussion of this topic go to the political forum and start one, this isn't the thread or forum to do it.
I replied to one already in place as others have as well. I was stating my opinion of the facts in the popular vote which do not line up with a landslide. It has nothing to do with political choices just accuracy of facts. If declaring it a non landslide is a political discussion then declaring it as one ,also is one. a political discussion I did not start by the way.
I love your post, Nottawayfer-- you expressed my thoughts. I was a bit fearful of "what if Obama gets elected", but after his acceptance speech, I too, feel much better about his election. He was gracious, and I loved the humility with which he walked out on that stage with his family. I'm sure in time I'm not going to like certain decisions he puts out-- but heck, I haven't always liked what the republicans have done either.
I do hope we don't have a government-run health care system-- I don't trust that--this coming from someone who has had no health coverage for years and haven't had a lot of necessary treatments done in too long.
I also loved the concession speech Mc Cain made. I really didn't like either candidate before the election, but figured I should at least vote for him because he seemed the "lesser of two evils" (That's too strong of a statement, but it's the only expression i can think of). But my respect for him went up a whole lot after his speech, too. I don't think we've seen such gracious acceptance speeches or consession speeches in a LOOOOONNNNGGGG time.
Mark, i also like what you have said. I will be praying for this new leader of our country, but ultimately, God is in control.
Well, I didn't vote for him, either mostly out of fear, but I have to admit I really like the guy.
On election night, there was an older (about my age) African-American gentleman with tears in his eyes shown on local TV. "This is Martin Luther King's dream come true. We are all just people here. It's wonderful."
He is gonna need a lot of prayer. He is getting a real mess dumped in his lap.
I too thought John McCain's speech was excellent.
And I have to agree, the Republicans have done a damn poor job of running things.
One thing about Americans is, even if some of us didn't vote for the guy, we will still give the new President a chance , just looking at how much we put up with Bush & friend's anticks proves that, I think the country for the most part has rallied around Obama and will let him get his legs under him.
I certainly hope so and for the majority of people i think that is true. There is a chance to change the way things are done and not resort to partisan bickering all the time. I dont expect to agree with anyone all the time but thats to be expected and its alright., there's a voice for all americans
What I really dont understand is some of the righty websites Ive seen that are out to destroy his presidency before it starts--there is still a lot of misdirected anger and bitterness at many of them. They are already blaming the economic collapse and every problem under the sun on him and he hasnt served a single day as president yet ....I dont get it, but so far it seems the only thing that some of them know how to do.
Maybe they'll get tired and jump on board for the good of the country instead of fighting it but Im not holding my breath either. The country has enough problems without insurrectionists to deal with. "A House divided against it self...etc."
At least the country is far more unified right now than it has been in a very long time--and that alone is ahuge step in the right direction imo
What I really dont understand is some of the righty websites Ive seen that are out to destroy his presidency before it starts--there is still a lot of misdirected anger and bitterness at many of them. They are already blaming the economic collapse and every problem under the sun on him and he hasnt served a single day as president yet ....I dont get it, but so far it seems the only thing that some of them know how to do.
Maybe they'll get tired and jump on board for the good of the country instead of fighting it but Im not holding my breath either. The country has enough problems without insurrectionists to deal with. "A House divided against it self...etc."
Right! Like the Democrats have not been doing that to Bush for the last 8 years, now all of a sudden they want peace.
Right! Like the Democrats have not been doing that to Bush for the last 8 years, now all of a sudden they want peace.
I think almost everyone was at the least supportive of Bush when he was initially inaugurated as President. Any criticism wasnt in earnest until he started his escapades in very serious bungling --then he became open--which in many ways he brought upon himself because of his poor decisions in office
In contrast There seems to be a thing with some republicans that every democrat is immediately the antichrist and the sky will immediately fall.
Despite all their claims Ive never actually seen the sky fall.
Despite the prosperity of the Clinton years there was a wing of the far right that for some reason always wanted him crucified--The same group has already come out after Obama--at a very tenuous time before he is even in office <_<
Its very strange to me, if they have a genuine beef --then fine---But they dont -and cant They only want to undermine whoever is their object of fear of the hour
Its a very strange phenomena-- Like I said I dont get it--- but if they get some sort of perverse pleasure from from being little angry bitter people --well what are you gonna do---Its their choice. It makes zero sense to me-- but its still their choice
Wait a daggum minute. I just read the entire thread and I want to know why WhiteDove is being singled out and reprimanded. All the posts on this thread, including mine, are political.
Hey Kimberly, there's a question George St George is asking you in the Reading Room forum in the What Movie is This thread, go check it out..
To find out why WD is singled out you should look up the original Losing the Way thread in the GS Radio forum, and the Boot the Wierwille Apologists thread in the About the Way forum, although even after reading them, you still might not understand, alot was deleted from the original.....
I trust Paw and his mod staff to keep the peace.....
Back to the subject of Obama's Presidency, I just came from the ER, and one of the medical staff told me they were dead quiet on election night till Obama was declared the winner, then a flood of cardiac related seizures came in immediately afterward. The hospital is located in a very affluent Repulican area of town...the staffer told me one older lady got so mad that Obama won, she walked up to her huge 37" TV and shook it so hard it fell on her shin-ouch!
I guess if you were told Obama is a Marxist and a terrorist, and actually believed those falsehoods, then you would think we're in a world of hurt...the mind is a terrible thang.
I prefer to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
I, as many small bussines owners are not happy with the election.
Our fear of more taxs and having to pay health insurance is keeping us from sleep at night.
This isn't the place to go into details, but you shouldn't worry about that. Seriously, if anything, your taxes should be lowered. Obama's tax plan has been misrepresented during the campaign, and I'm sure things will change as it goes through Congress, but look back a few years ago. When Clinton was president, we had a lot of financial prosperity as a nation, low unemployment, and a lot of innovation. A lot of the same people that brought us the governmental conditions that lead to that financial prosperity are being a part of Obama's financial team, as well as prominent businessmen and economic geniuses. He's got Warren Buffet on this team, for example. Do you really think they're going to do something to harm small businesses, when Obama's tax plan basically calls for restoring tax rates to how they were before Bush took office, minus middle class and poor tax cuts? That isn't radical, and shouldn't hurt any of us.
The Dow Jones is showing it with 2 big losses.
We are now going to go into a depression.
It was much lower before the election. The economic crisis started long before the primaries were even concluded. Sure, some people are freaking out for no reason, but don't let them fool you. Obama is working with some of the smartest people available on the economy, and will work with Congress and the private sector to do what is necessary to get us all back on our feet.
Hey Kimberly, there's a question George St George is asking you in the Reading Room forum in the What Movie is This thread, go check it out..
To find out why WD is singled out you should look up the original Losing the Way thread in the GS Radio forum, and the Boot the Wierwille Apologists thread in the About the Way forum, although even after reading them, you still might not understand, alot was deleted from the original.....
I trust Paw and his mod staff to keep the peace.....
Gee I did not know that offering a different point of view was disrupting the peace, one by the way which is shared by some on the internet news as well. Depending on how one looks at the data determines a landslide or not. So are you really proposing that only ideas that agree should be allowed here?
Wait a daggum minute. I just read the entire thread and I want to know why WhiteDove is being singled out and reprimanded. All the posts on this thread, including mine, are political.
What is going on here?
Thanks for noticing Kimberly I wondered that same thing I also wondered why a political thread was allowed in the open section that invites comment, I mean really ,what were we expecting 43 posts that simply say Yes He Is President. beyond that every one is political discussion. Thanks for your concern though I do appreciate it. Not to worry though I have excepted it ,it's part of the level playing field here. Which is why so many sadly do not post here anymore. But I have new Hope with Barack Hussein Obama he promises change for the oppressed kept down by the man.
I just came from the ER, and one of the medical staff told me they were dead quiet on election night till Obama was declared the winner, then a flood of cardiac related seizures came in immediately afterward. The hospital is located in a very affluent Repulican area of town...the staffer told me one older lady got so mad that Obama won, she walked up to her huge 37" TV and shook it so hard it fell on her shin-ouch!
South Park had a good episode the day after the election... The ER's were full--all the Obama supporters from partying too hard and all the McCain supporters were suicidal. The only question at the triage in the show was Are you a McCain supporter or an Obama supporter?
I knew there was a lot of partying in my neck of the woods and Im sure thousands of babies will be born in 9 months---but I didnt realize that the ER part of the story could actually be true-- :blink: That people really are that nuts.
You're right --the mind is a terrible thang to waste
The thread is about the election of Barack Obama and there's complaints about making it political? :o
Of course, this becomes an opening to whine about the imaginary unlevel playing field.
Personally I'm thankful that we can have a change of adminsitration without a coup, unlike so many places in the world.
Back to the subject of Obama's Presidency, I just came from the ER, and one of the medical staff told me they were dead quiet on election night till Obama was declared the winner, then a flood of cardiac related seizures came in immediately afterward. The hospital is located in a very affluent Repulican area of town...the staffer told me one older lady got so mad that Obama won, she walked up to her huge 37" TV and shook it so hard it fell on her shin-ouch!
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For a number of reasons! ;)
For the record, this thread was started when we still had a politics forum. And it was mostly intended (it appears) as a "wish him well" thread. A similar thread started today would be really dif
I for one am really glad we don't do politics here. I too wish the President Elect well. That is all I'll say too.
now I see
One thing about Americans is, even if some of us didn't vote for the guy, we will still give the new President a chance , just looking at how much we put up with Bush & friend's anticks proves that, I think the country for the most part has rallied around Obama and will let him get his legs under him.
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There is so much emphasis on the words "I have a dream...." I like the second parts of these phrases of Dr. King's speech much better.
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."
I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
I especially love the last line. We still don't judge people by the content of their character all the time. This goes for those of color, those with disabilities, those who are uneducated, those who are gay, those who suffer mental illness, or those who are different in any way. I have a dream that we will practice the tolerance of which we speak.
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Mark Clarke
I think it's fantastic that a black man was elected president, considering the history of race relations in this country. I only hope the majority of people who voted for him did not do so just because he's black. Whether he will be a good president should have nothing to do with his race or color.
Will he be a good president? Only time will tell. He seems to be what so many people have been saying they wanted. So let them have their way this time. The Republicans had their way for 8 years, the Democrats for 8 years before that, and the Republicans had 12 years before that. The pendulum has swung back and forth for years and years, and guess what? It hasn't made that much of a difference!
I have been on both ends of the political spectrum at various times in my life. As a teenager I was a liberal. In my days in The Way I was convinced that right-wing politics was equivalent to religion. Now I am even more convinced that politics is not the answer, no matter what the flavor of the month is. I am not so much "middle of the road" as "OFF road."
No matter who got elected, the monetary system needs to be reformed or there will be no real lasting change in the economy. And neither candidate has any plans to reform the monetary system. So the economy will continue, getting temporary fixes at best. And the country as a whole will not change until the hearts of the people change, and that will not be affected by any politician.
Nevertheless, regardless of what we may think of his politics, the American system works, the people have spoken, and Obama is our president. But he is neither the devil nor the savior. One day Jesus Christ will return and rule the world in perfect righteousness. THEN “change will come” to America and to the world. Meanwhile God is still ultimately in charge, and He will see us through the good or the bad, whatever comes. Rather than “Yes we can” our rallying cry should be “Yes HE can!”
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When Presidents have wanted to reform the monetary system in our country they were assassinated The attempt on Reagan's life was for an entirely different reason.
The Unforeseen Hand is a very enlightening book.
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And actually, why shouldn't he? Sometimes an opinion from a different POV is what's needed. And just because a person has a different politican POV doesn't mean that he/she isn't patriotic, a good worker, and cannot think.
(A bit like Waybrain only seeing what it wants to see, really, when there are really committed Christians of other backgrounds out there doing the Lord's work.)
It has been said that politicians of any party have more in common with each other than with the people they are supposed to represent.
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I, as many small bussines owners are not happy with the election.
Our fear of more taxs and having to pay health insurance is keeping us from sleep at night.
The Dow Jones is showing it with 2 big losses.
We are now going to go into a depression.
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I replied to one already in place as others have as well. I was stating my opinion of the facts in the popular vote which do not line up with a landslide. It has nothing to do with political choices just accuracy of facts. If declaring it a non landslide is a political discussion then declaring it as one ,also is one. a political discussion I did not start by the way.
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Psalm 71 one
I love your post, Nottawayfer-- you expressed my thoughts. I was a bit fearful of "what if Obama gets elected", but after his acceptance speech, I too, feel much better about his election. He was gracious, and I loved the humility with which he walked out on that stage with his family. I'm sure in time I'm not going to like certain decisions he puts out-- but heck, I haven't always liked what the republicans have done either.
I do hope we don't have a government-run health care system-- I don't trust that--this coming from someone who has had no health coverage for years and haven't had a lot of necessary treatments done in too long.
I also loved the concession speech Mc Cain made. I really didn't like either candidate before the election, but figured I should at least vote for him because he seemed the "lesser of two evils" (That's too strong of a statement, but it's the only expression i can think of). But my respect for him went up a whole lot after his speech, too. I don't think we've seen such gracious acceptance speeches or consession speeches in a LOOOOONNNNGGGG time.
Mark, i also like what you have said. I will be praying for this new leader of our country, but ultimately, God is in control.
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Watered Garden
Well, I didn't vote for him, either mostly out of fear, but I have to admit I really like the guy.
On election night, there was an older (about my age) African-American gentleman with tears in his eyes shown on local TV. "This is Martin Luther King's dream come true. We are all just people here. It's wonderful."
He is gonna need a lot of prayer. He is getting a real mess dumped in his lap.
I too thought John McCain's speech was excellent.
And I have to agree, the Republicans have done a damn poor job of running things.
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I certainly hope so and for the majority of people i think that is true. There is a chance to change the way things are done and not resort to partisan bickering all the time. I dont expect to agree with anyone all the time but thats to be expected and its alright., there's a voice for all americans
What I really dont understand is some of the righty websites Ive seen that are out to destroy his presidency before it starts--there is still a lot of misdirected anger and bitterness at many of them. They are already blaming the economic collapse and every problem under the sun on him and he hasnt served a single day as president yet ....I dont get it, but so far it seems the only thing that some of them know how to do.
Maybe they'll get tired and jump on board for the good of the country instead of fighting it but Im not holding my breath either. The country has enough problems without insurrectionists to deal with. "A House divided against it self...etc."
At least the country is far more unified right now than it has been in a very long time--and that alone is ahuge step in the right direction imo
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Right! Like the Democrats have not been doing that to Bush for the last 8 years, now all of a sudden they want peace.
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I think almost everyone was at the least supportive of Bush when he was initially inaugurated as President. Any criticism wasnt in earnest until he started his escapades in very serious bungling --then he became open--which in many ways he brought upon himself because of his poor decisions in office
In contrast There seems to be a thing with some republicans that every democrat is immediately the antichrist and the sky will immediately fall.
Despite all their claims Ive never actually seen the sky fall.
Despite the prosperity of the Clinton years there was a wing of the far right that for some reason always wanted him crucified--The same group has already come out after Obama--at a very tenuous time before he is even in office <_<
Its very strange to me, if they have a genuine beef --then fine---But they dont -and cant
They only want to undermine whoever is their object of fear of the hour
Its a very strange phenomena-- Like I said I dont get it--- but if they get some sort of perverse pleasure from from being little angry bitter people --well what are you gonna do---Its their choice. It makes zero sense to me-- but its still their choice
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Wait a daggum minute. I just read the entire thread and I want to know why WhiteDove is being singled out and reprimanded. All the posts on this thread, including mine, are political.
What is going on here?
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now I see
Hey Kimberly, there's a question George St George is asking you in the Reading Room forum in the What Movie is This thread, go check it out..
To find out why WD is singled out you should look up the original Losing the Way thread in the GS Radio forum, and the Boot the Wierwille Apologists thread in the About the Way forum, although even after reading them, you still might not understand, alot was deleted from the original.....
I trust Paw and his mod staff to keep the peace.....
Back to the subject of Obama's Presidency, I just came from the ER, and one of the medical staff told me they were dead quiet on election night till Obama was declared the winner, then a flood of cardiac related seizures came in immediately afterward. The hospital is located in a very affluent Repulican area of town...the staffer told me one older lady got so mad that Obama won, she walked up to her huge 37" TV and shook it so hard it fell on her shin-ouch!
I guess if you were told Obama is a Marxist and a terrorist, and actually believed those falsehoods, then you would think we're in a world of hurt...the mind is a terrible thang.
I prefer to hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
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Mister P-Mosh
This isn't the place to go into details, but you shouldn't worry about that. Seriously, if anything, your taxes should be lowered. Obama's tax plan has been misrepresented during the campaign, and I'm sure things will change as it goes through Congress, but look back a few years ago. When Clinton was president, we had a lot of financial prosperity as a nation, low unemployment, and a lot of innovation. A lot of the same people that brought us the governmental conditions that lead to that financial prosperity are being a part of Obama's financial team, as well as prominent businessmen and economic geniuses. He's got Warren Buffet on this team, for example. Do you really think they're going to do something to harm small businesses, when Obama's tax plan basically calls for restoring tax rates to how they were before Bush took office, minus middle class and poor tax cuts? That isn't radical, and shouldn't hurt any of us.
It was much lower before the election. The economic crisis started long before the primaries were even concluded. Sure, some people are freaking out for no reason, but don't let them fool you. Obama is working with some of the smartest people available on the economy, and will work with Congress and the private sector to do what is necessary to get us all back on our feet.
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Gee I did not know that offering a different point of view was disrupting the peace, one by the way which is shared by some on the internet news as well. Depending on how one looks at the data determines a landslide or not. So are you really proposing that only ideas that agree should be allowed here?
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Thanks for noticing Kimberly I wondered that same thing I also wondered why a political thread was allowed in the open section that invites comment, I mean really ,what were we expecting 43 posts that simply say Yes He Is President. beyond that every one is political discussion. Thanks for your concern though I do appreciate it. Not to worry though I have excepted it ,it's part of the level playing field here. Which is why so many sadly do not post here anymore. But I have new Hope with Barack Hussein Obama he promises change for the oppressed kept down by the man.
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South Park had a good episode the day after the election... The ER's were full--all the Obama supporters from partying too hard and all the McCain supporters were suicidal. The only question at the triage in the show was Are you a McCain supporter or an Obama supporter?
I knew there was a lot of partying in my neck of the woods and Im sure thousands of babies will be born in 9 months---but I didnt realize that the ER part of the story could actually be true-- :blink: That people really are that nuts.
You're right --the mind is a terrible thang to waste
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The thread is about the election of Barack Obama and there's complaints about making it political? :o
Of course, this becomes an opening to whine about the imaginary unlevel playing field.
Personally I'm thankful that we can have a change of adminsitration without a coup, unlike so many places in the world.
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As long as we can change it back, likewise.
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What would you call it northern neighbor when everyone but one is free to discuss politics without repremand?
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