Should all ex-TWI leaders be fitted for propeller hats?
Kinda how I view just about ANY religious "leader". Not an impressive sorta profession, IMNSHO.
By the way,
Who the heck is "Thomas Hegel"? I've never heard of him, though I have heard of the philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.
HEY! You're not supposed to check the facts! Just sit and nod - and maybe mumble "That's SOOO right!" softly so the entire audience (herd?) can reaffirm with you...
And to think, I was planning on reading that pesky 600 page The Philosophy of History by Georg Hegel. Thank God I discovered a one minute synopsis. Thank you Dr. Dale!!!!
I'll be waiting for the one minute synopsis of A Critique of Pure Reason by JERRY Kant, and Leviathan by CALVIN Hobbes.
i knew "dr.dale' back in charlotte, nc in 1974-75, when he had just graduated from nc state with a bachelor's degree in forrestry, IIRC. he was a cocky, self-obsessesd, annoyingly boisterous pfal grad back then already, looking to make some kind of "name for himself" in the idyllic, way of nc regime run in absentia by one doug emerson, limb "leader" of nc, who was "in-residece" with the first "special corps" at twi hq in new knoxville, ohio, with his first wife connie (panarello) emerson. i was on my interim year corps assignment as the "western territory coordinator" of the way of nc. "dr.dale" was to be a twig coordinator with one cathy joh**ton, a very nice, dedicated twi follower and twig coordinator in charlotte, nc, where i was living with my spouse.
although emerson had stated that charlotte was a twi "branch" of at least 7 twigs, when we arrived in august, 1974, there existed basically one twig, with a bunch of ecu students who were either leaving or going back to school in greenville, nc, home of the "famous" ecu way homes and the limb hq, now being coordinated by recent 3rd corps grad, david turk, with the "limb secretary" being one donna lombardi, 4th orps interim year gal, who would become the infamous second "first lady of twi", by marrying one l. craig martindale, upon her graduation from the 4th corps in august, 1976.
"dr.dale" went on to build a "twig area" with one cathi joh**ton, later to become a 7th corps grad, and northwest region secretary for j. bu*ler, a 4th corps grad married to one barbara fa*r, 2nd corps grad, when they "ran" the north central region for twi in 1980-1982, out of the "limb" of minnesota.
"dr.dale" went into the 6th corps, graduated, and eventually wound up as the limb coordinator of wyoming, and is mentioned in kris skedgell's accounts of her horrendous experiences with her 6th corps grad husband in wyoming. her husband was one of "dr.dale's" close 6th corps friends, while he was beating the crap out of kristen. it was during this time in wyoming, under "dr.dale's" fabulous "leadership", that kristen had her infamous "healing visit" with der victoid on his "bunnyhatch coach" in gunnison, co, when vic "showed" kristen what made her life "worth living" when she was so desperately suicidal because of the beating and abuse at the hands of her 6th corps husband, who, as i've already stated, was one of "dr.dale's" closest corps buddies. kristen's husband went on to become a twi "clergyman", and worked for vinny finnegan's "ministry" for a number of years during th 1990's.
while "serving" as the limb coordinator of wyoming under the region "leadership" of one steve sa*n, 4th corps grad, "dr.dale" attended b.g.leonard's "gifts of the spirit class. "dr.dale's" "ministry" is as rooted in b.g.'s teaching and theologies as was "dr.vic's"! his "degrees" past his bs in forrestry are less valid than vic's!.i don't know where he got his master's, or in what. but, his "doctorate" is from some patently obvious degree mill down south somewhere and is as "accredited" as those offered by atlanta bible college which we went around and about with during our disussions with greasespotter mark clarke several weeks ago, when discussing vinny finnegan's bogus theological "credentials" post-twi.
"dr.dale" is an academic, intellectual, and theological fraud! he has eerily duplicated the ministry" of der victoid , as rooted in the teachings and "spiritual insight and revelations" of b.g.leonard. he considers himself to be an "apostle", and a "prophet". his mnistry is also based on "visions and revelations" from the "one true god". he preys on many hapless, former twi followers, who seek the "expertise" "dr.dale" offers in operating the "revelation" and "power" manifestations of the holy spirit", or "the gifts" as he now terms them.......anything he hasn't plagiarized from b.g.leonard, or other words, his "original" teachings, etc., is as goofy as anything der victoid could have ever devised himself. "d.dale" is as phoney as a 3 dollar bill, and equally valid academically and intellectually, IMHO.! it amazes me how much MONEY guys like "dr. dale" can make for themselves by continuing to perpetuate the hoax of genuine spiritual "power", and/or "biblical scholarship"! true to his forrestry degree, "dr.dale" has never been able to see the forrest for the trees "spiritually", intellectually, or academically since leaving twi and "building his own ministry"!!! jalvis, clapp, rood, geer, et al, he is a liar, thief, and shameless huckster in the likeness of der victoid and elmer gantry! the words of mr. T.................."i pity the fool"!...................peace.
Hey there DWBH. Happy Saturday. You've got a scarey memory. I remember about 1/2 of what you posted, although it came back quickly as I read. Seems I do remember reading online a few years ago (in his website) that Dr. D was also a part of some "apostolic leadership" group of I guess self-proclaimed apostles, that aspired to some form of assumed leadership role in the Christian world. Does that ring a bell? I just remember it sounded very "heavy" and "important" and moderately farcical, and I couldn't tell from a single word what they actually aspired to do other than give advice and postulate on the Grand Scheme of Spiritual Things. And stuff.
HELLO SOCKS-NESS, MY OLD FIREND.......I'VE COME TO TALK WITH YOU AGAIN..........LOL!........just a short paraphrase of paul simon's first big hit.............sowwy!
yeah, ......"dr.dale" is part of a self-proclaimed, self-important, and self-inflated "consortium" of unaccredited and undocumented "alien" apostles! important and central to the current cycle of "spiritual events" as was der victoid and the doofus from okie himself!..........i guess they've all got spayshul rewards at the bema set aside for themselves for being so arrogantly and condescendingly "spritually perceptive and aware", above and beyond your average, christian fundamentalist, megalomaniac!
when emerson got "recognized" after graduating from the first "spayshul" corps, he returned to greenville, nc as the limb coord................he promptly engaged in another of his long string of extra-marital affairs with karen ca**ack.............he left his wife, the future trunk coordinator's wife, connie panarello, to run off with karen in the fall of 1975..........this was the same karen c. whose pre-marital affair with jalvis in 2000 or so, caused jalvis' public "downfall" from the presidency of CES, at the hands of swa tra tra herself, culminating in his "firing" as CES prez, and the installation of swa tra tra's husband, mark, as CES' second prez!'s a small world after all, ain't it?
there was a brief "alliance" or convergance between CES and "dr.dale's" "ministry" during the late 1990's...........but they split completely and nastily from each other over "doctrinal differences", a euphemism for the unavoidable and predictable clash of the huge and shameless egos common to "dr. dale", jalvis, and the graeser's, as well as schoenheit's "intellectual elitism" as the keeper to the keys of twi's "biblical research" kingdom!
these guys are all the bastard children of der victoid and twi!.............the differences in the hoaxes they perepetuate on the public are basically cosmetic.........their core constituencies are all former twi way corps and other twi affiliated groups.........they pay themselves and praise themselves with no honest public accounting of their financial structures, while persistently trying to cover, obfuscate, or deny their "spiritual pedigree" in the perverse life and "ministry" of der victoid! i've stated before, they are morally and spiritually bankrupt, IMO, and charlatans of the first degree................intellectually vapid, and academic frauds........................true sons of their father in da verd!! happy saturday afernoon to you too bro!..........................peace.
I'm thinking DWBH has a TV mini series almost written.
It starts with an apparently normal family attending a seemingly innocent Christian fellowship and evolves to the twisted alien, child eating, brain sucking, self aggrandizing, predatory, conspiratorial cult we all loved and now reflect on with varying degrees of denial and amazement.
oh ... and I guess the death of vp was the end of the first season, but the zombie cults arose from the dead to continue the series ...
Don'tWorryBe, You have to educate me on the Wayne Clapp thing.
It has been many years since I talked to him. A few years after I left twi and he, also, I learned that he was teaching in a town near me. I was going through a horrible divorce/child custody. He was our limb leader while we were wows in Iowa. Wayne (and Fern) was always so loving and caring and helped me heal so much concerning the divorce/child custody.
It has been many years since I have been acquainted with his doings.
i remember being at a major function maybe an advanced class and there was a new young emerson spouse (gorgeous young girl)
i think i have the right person
One in the same, I believe. Was that the same advanced class when Doug did some extra curriculur sexual d.s. "research" with another married student--both married, just not to each other?
Both couples left residence shortly invitation, I believe.
HELLO SOCKS-NESS, MY OLD FIREND.......I'VE COME TO TALK WITH YOU AGAIN..........LOL!........just a short paraphrase of paul simon's first big hit.............sowwy!
yeah, ......"dr.dale" is part of a self-proclaimed, self-important, and self-inflated "consortium" of unaccredited and undocumented "alien" apostles! important and central to the current cycle of "spiritual events" as was der victoid and the doofus from okie himself!..........i guess they've all got spayshul rewards at the bema set aside for themselves for being so arrogantly and condescendingly "spritually perceptive and aware", above and beyond your average, christian fundamentalist, megalomaniac!
when emerson got "recognized" after graduating from the first "spayshul" corps, he returned to greenville, nc as the limb coord................he promptly engaged in another of his long string of extra-marital affairs with karen ca**ack.............he left his wife, the future trunk coordinator's wife, connie panarello, to run off with karen in the fall of 1975..........this was the same karen c. whose pre-marital affair with jalvis in 2000 or so, caused jalvis' public "downfall" from the presidency of CES, at the hands of swa tra tra herself, culminating in his "firing" as CES prez, and the installation of swa tra tra's husband, mark, as CES' second prez!'s a small world after all, ain't it?
there was a brief "alliance" or convergance between CES and "dr.dale's" "ministry" during the late 1990's...........but they split completely and nastily from each other over "doctrinal differences", a euphemism for the unavoidable and predictable clash of the huge and shameless egos common to "dr. dale", jalvis, and the graeser's, as well as schoenheit's "intellectual elitism" as the keeper to the keys of twi's "biblical research" kingdom!
these guys are all the bastard children of der victoid and twi!.............the differences in the hoaxes they perepetuate on the public are basically cosmetic.........their core constituencies are all former twi way corps and other twi affiliated groups.........they pay themselves and praise themselves with no honest public accounting of their financial structures, while persistently trying to cover, obfuscate, or deny their "spiritual pedigree" in the perverse life and "ministry" of der victoid! i've stated before, they are morally and spiritually bankrupt, IMO, and charlatans of the first degree................intellectually vapid, and academic frauds........................true sons of their father in da verd!! happy saturday afernoon to you too bro!..........................peace.
Yo worryfree....
Wow, interesting stuff. Having been a somewhat close partner of the Way back in the 80's, and an arms length affiliate of CES/STFI at times, it really gets kme to think about what I believe and why I believe what I do believe. I was a teenager when I hooked into the Way in 1978, and it helped bring a real troubled young man (me) out of serious pain (though it took many years to get to some semblance of wholeness...about 16 years...). I have learned a lot from various folks in those two organizations, and I have developed some pretty strong spiritual instincts and a pretty intense prayer life.
Now, the American Christian landscape seems a wreck. Most of the "Christian ministers" on TV seem to be frauds. Local churches are stuck in their religious mentality, far from anything like truth setting us really free. Funny thing is, I feel really free in a Christian sense, have found connection with God, and am able to help people. So I guess I'm doing ok, healthy family and family life. Like you, I just have no reason to worry, despite all of the crap flying around...cheers !
Will ponder things more today as I watch some football and sip some Sam Adam's Octoberfest beer.
It's amazing what's on youtube exockymama. I'm glad you brought this up, I'd have missed it for sure.
Reading the bible as I do and letting my mind fill in the images of what Jesus might have done had He had more time - I wonder what He'd say or think today? Would this have been His next step, His New Change Paradigm for Power? It's a tad facetious and maybe more than a little presumptuous to assume to know but deep in my innards I sense - that ain't it.
The business of religion, tax exempt highway robbery.
I'm so glad I got off the vpw treadmill (bound for the land of no return) when I did... all these people in offshoots and those still hangin round twi, are still being deceived.Â
Thanks for lowdown on those down lower, DW, I remember D. S. made his rounds back in the 90's scooping up many extwi believers who were looking for signs and who'd lend him an ear, so glad I missed that bus when it came round.
exnoggy, that's the bidness He's in! I dewwwww believe it!
Dale's 'tube videos have to be marketing to the converted, is my guess. He's putting stuff online for his own peeps. Or, he's trying to attract those outer-edgers who dig that kind of stuff.
I know I felt power surging through my spiritual loins after just one viewing of one video. I can't imagine the explosive power that would be unleashed by a steady diet.
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I knew Dale and his family in Connecticut but what I hear is that voice Charlie Brown hears when grown ups talk.
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Should all ex-TWI leaders be fitted for propeller hats?
By the way,
Who the heck is "Thomas Hegel"? I've never heard of him, though I have heard of the philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.
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George Aar
HEY! You're not supposed to check the facts! Just sit and nod - and maybe mumble "That's SOOO right!" softly so the entire audience (herd?) can reaffirm with you...
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And to think, I was planning on reading that pesky 600 page The Philosophy of History by Georg Hegel. Thank God I discovered a one minute synopsis. Thank you Dr. Dale!!!!
I'll be waiting for the one minute synopsis of A Critique of Pure Reason by JERRY Kant, and Leviathan by CALVIN Hobbes.
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I wonder if Crime and Punishment would each have their own segment.----???
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They'd be perfect between cartoons or on the sci-fi channel

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i knew "dr.dale' back in charlotte, nc in 1974-75, when he had just graduated from nc state with a bachelor's degree in forrestry, IIRC. he was a cocky, self-obsessesd, annoyingly boisterous pfal grad back then already, looking to make some kind of "name for himself" in the idyllic, way of nc regime run in absentia by one doug emerson, limb "leader" of nc, who was "in-residece" with the first "special corps" at twi hq in new knoxville, ohio, with his first wife connie (panarello) emerson. i was on my interim year corps assignment as the "western territory coordinator" of the way of nc. "dr.dale" was to be a twig coordinator with one cathy joh**ton, a very nice, dedicated twi follower and twig coordinator in charlotte, nc, where i was living with my spouse.
although emerson had stated that charlotte was a twi "branch" of at least 7 twigs, when we arrived in august, 1974, there existed basically one twig, with a bunch of ecu students who were either leaving or going back to school in greenville, nc, home of the "famous" ecu way homes and the limb hq, now being coordinated by recent 3rd corps grad, david turk, with the "limb secretary" being one donna lombardi, 4th orps interim year gal, who would become the infamous second "first lady of twi", by marrying one l. craig martindale, upon her graduation from the 4th corps in august, 1976.
"dr.dale" went on to build a "twig area" with one cathi joh**ton, later to become a 7th corps grad, and northwest region secretary for j. bu*ler, a 4th corps grad married to one barbara fa*r, 2nd corps grad, when they "ran" the north central region for twi in 1980-1982, out of the "limb" of minnesota.
"dr.dale" went into the 6th corps, graduated, and eventually wound up as the limb coordinator of wyoming, and is mentioned in kris skedgell's accounts of her horrendous experiences with her 6th corps grad husband in wyoming. her husband was one of "dr.dale's" close 6th corps friends, while he was beating the crap out of kristen. it was during this time in wyoming, under "dr.dale's" fabulous "leadership", that kristen had her infamous "healing visit" with der victoid on his "bunnyhatch coach" in gunnison, co, when vic "showed" kristen what made her life "worth living" when she was so desperately suicidal because of the beating and abuse at the hands of her 6th corps husband, who, as i've already stated, was one of "dr.dale's" closest corps buddies. kristen's husband went on to become a twi "clergyman", and worked for vinny finnegan's "ministry" for a number of years during th 1990's.
while "serving" as the limb coordinator of wyoming under the region "leadership" of one steve sa*n, 4th corps grad, "dr.dale" attended b.g.leonard's "gifts of the spirit class. "dr.dale's" "ministry" is as rooted in b.g.'s teaching and theologies as was "dr.vic's"! his "degrees" past his bs in forrestry are less valid than vic's!.i don't know where he got his master's, or in what. but, his "doctorate" is from some patently obvious degree mill down south somewhere and is as "accredited" as those offered by atlanta bible college which we went around and about with during our disussions with greasespotter mark clarke several weeks ago, when discussing vinny finnegan's bogus theological "credentials" post-twi.
"dr.dale" is an academic, intellectual, and theological fraud! he has eerily duplicated the ministry" of der victoid , as rooted in the teachings and "spiritual insight and revelations" of b.g.leonard. he considers himself to be an "apostle", and a "prophet". his mnistry is also based on "visions and revelations" from the "one true god". he preys on many hapless, former twi followers, who seek the "expertise" "dr.dale" offers in operating the "revelation" and "power" manifestations of the holy spirit", or "the gifts" as he now terms them.......anything he hasn't plagiarized from b.g.leonard, or other words, his "original" teachings, etc., is as goofy as anything der victoid could have ever devised himself. "d.dale" is as phoney as a 3 dollar bill, and equally valid academically and intellectually, IMHO.! it amazes me how much MONEY guys like "dr. dale" can make for themselves by continuing to perpetuate the hoax of genuine spiritual "power", and/or "biblical scholarship"! true to his forrestry degree, "dr.dale" has never been able to see the forrest for the trees "spiritually", intellectually, or academically since leaving twi and "building his own ministry"!!! jalvis, clapp, rood, geer, et al, he is a liar, thief, and shameless huckster in the likeness of der victoid and elmer gantry! the words of mr. T.................."i pity the fool"!...................peace.
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a very dear friend of mine (from back in the day -- or should i say, way) was involved in dr. dale's "ministry"
he committed suicide
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Hey there DWBH. Happy Saturday. You've got a scarey memory.
I remember about 1/2 of what you posted, although it came back quickly as I read. Seems I do remember reading online a few years ago (in his website) that Dr. D was also a part of some "apostolic leadership" group of I guess self-proclaimed apostles, that aspired to some form of assumed leadership role in the Christian world. Does that ring a bell? I just remember it sounded very "heavy" and "important" and moderately farcical, and I couldn't tell from a single word what they actually aspired to do other than give advice and postulate on the Grand Scheme of Spiritual Things. And stuff.
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HELLO SOCKS-NESS, MY OLD FIREND.......I'VE COME TO TALK WITH YOU AGAIN..........LOL!........just a short paraphrase of paul simon's first big hit.............sowwy!
yeah, ......"dr.dale" is part of a self-proclaimed, self-important, and self-inflated "consortium" of unaccredited and undocumented "alien" apostles! important and central to the current cycle of "spiritual events" as was der victoid and the doofus from okie himself!..........i guess they've all got spayshul rewards at the bema set aside for themselves for being so arrogantly and condescendingly "spritually perceptive and aware", above and beyond your average, christian fundamentalist, megalomaniac!
when emerson got "recognized" after graduating from the first "spayshul" corps, he returned to greenville, nc as the limb coord................he promptly engaged in another of his long string of extra-marital affairs with karen ca**ack.............he left his wife, the future trunk coordinator's wife, connie panarello, to run off with karen in the fall of 1975..........this was the same karen c. whose pre-marital affair with jalvis in 2000 or so, caused jalvis' public "downfall" from the presidency of CES, at the hands of swa tra tra herself, culminating in his "firing" as CES prez, and the installation of swa tra tra's husband, mark, as CES' second prez!'s a small world after all, ain't it?
there was a brief "alliance" or convergance between CES and "dr.dale's" "ministry" during the late 1990's...........but they split completely and nastily from each other over "doctrinal differences", a euphemism for the unavoidable and predictable clash of the huge and shameless egos common to "dr. dale", jalvis, and the graeser's, as well as schoenheit's "intellectual elitism" as the keeper to the keys of twi's "biblical research" kingdom!
these guys are all the bastard children of der victoid and twi!.............the differences in the hoaxes they perepetuate on the public are basically cosmetic.........their core constituencies are all former twi way corps and other twi affiliated groups.........they pay themselves and praise themselves with no honest public accounting of their financial structures, while persistently trying to cover, obfuscate, or deny their "spiritual pedigree" in the perverse life and "ministry" of der victoid! i've stated before, they are morally and spiritually bankrupt, IMO, and charlatans of the first degree................intellectually vapid, and academic frauds........................true sons of their father in da verd!! happy saturday afernoon to you too bro!..........................peace.
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I'm thinking DWBH has a TV mini series almost written.
It starts with an apparently normal family attending a seemingly innocent Christian fellowship and evolves to the twisted alien, child eating, brain sucking, self aggrandizing, predatory, conspiratorial cult we all loved and now reflect on with varying degrees of denial and amazement.
oh ... and I guess the death of vp was the end of the first season, but the zombie cults arose from the dead to continue the series ...
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i remember being at a major function maybe an advanced class and there was a new young emerson spouse (gorgeous young girl)
i think i have the right person
more links for f un
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Don'tWorryBe, You have to educate me on the Wayne Clapp thing.
It has been many years since I talked to him. A few years after I left twi and he, also, I learned that he was teaching in a town near me. I was going through a horrible divorce/child custody. He was our limb leader while we were wows in Iowa. Wayne (and Fern) was always so loving and caring and helped me heal so much concerning the divorce/child custody.
It has been many years since I have been acquainted with his doings.
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Yo worryfree....
Wow, interesting stuff. Having been a somewhat close partner of the Way back in the 80's, and an arms length affiliate of CES/STFI at times, it really gets kme to think about what I believe and why I believe what I do believe. I was a teenager when I hooked into the Way in 1978, and it helped bring a real troubled young man (me) out of serious pain (though it took many years to get to some semblance of wholeness...about 16 years...). I have learned a lot from various folks in those two organizations, and I have developed some pretty strong spiritual instincts and a pretty intense prayer life.
Now, the American Christian landscape seems a wreck. Most of the "Christian ministers" on TV seem to be frauds. Local churches are stuck in their religious mentality, far from anything like truth setting us really free. Funny thing is, I feel really free in a Christian sense, have found connection with God, and am able to help people. So I guess I'm doing ok, healthy family and family life. Like you, I just have no reason to worry, despite all of the crap flying around...cheers !
Will ponder things more today as I watch some football and sip some Sam Adam's Octoberfest beer.
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I couldnt quite put afinger on it, then I finally figured it out--
He reminds me of ----
Mr. Know It All

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((((( cari b )))))
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Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!
DWBH - "blinded by the light".
It's amazing what's on youtube exockymama. I'm glad you brought this up, I'd have missed it for sure.
Reading the bible as I do and letting my mind fill in the images of what Jesus might have done had He had more time - I wonder what He'd say or think today? Would this have been His next step, His New Change Paradigm for Power? It's a tad facetious and maybe more than a little presumptuous to assume to know but deep in my innards I sense - that ain't it.
The business of religion, tax exempt highway robbery.
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i love you socksie
the business of jesus makes me happy because i think it's me -- hope i'm not too presumptious
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now I see
I'm so glad I got off the vpw treadmill (bound for the land of no return) when I did... all these people in offshoots and those still hangin round twi, are still being deceived.Â
Thanks for lowdown on those down lower, DW, I remember D. S. made his rounds back in the 90's scooping up many extwi believers who were looking for signs and who'd lend him an ear, so glad I missed that bus when it came round.
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exnoggy, that's the bidness He's in! I dewwwww believe it!
Dale's 'tube videos have to be marketing to the converted, is my guess. He's putting stuff online for his own peeps. Or, he's trying to attract those outer-edgers who dig that kind of stuff.
I know I felt power surging through my spiritual loins after just one viewing of one video. I can't imagine the explosive power that would be unleashed by a steady diet.
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