It was also sang at the Dallas Special one year. And I was told it would never be recorded for ears outside twi household to hear. Therefore would not be played during a STS.
Thanks for the info. I was hopeing that someone might have written down the words or remembered the melody. It was said that Mozart could hear a piece of music once and then he could flawlessly perform it. I am sure there is one person of that caliber in this forum.
Music is a great way to peek into an organization's heart.
EWB, You very well could be right, someone may have remembered the words. I found myself turned off by it and quickly "washed my brain" of most of the words. :D-->
That song spoke of the devils children that someday would be blood below their feet. If I remember correctly it was not referring to what they called empties (body and soul folks).
I remember them taking great relish in performing that song. Even though I was pretty much waybrained at the time I was extremely concerned that they would perform that type of Branch Davidian crap. I felt scared for the poor hotel staff behind the walls for one thing. They had another wierd song(Mike Martin again), that I mentioned months ago called "Don't Be Afraid Of Confrontation". That one was playing in the background, so they must have had a recording of it but I haven't seen it on any of the CD's I have.
TWI as we all know is caught up in the old testament. Last time I checked it wasn't 800BC.
God is the same always, but c'mon get off the Conan .... willya?
ala: got your mail, still don't know why you can't get mine.
The song is from Psalm 58 and the chorus is from verse 10:
Psalm 58:10
The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengence: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.
This WAS recorded - it was sent on tape to the WC one summer - I think it was summer of '99 - yes, I'm pretty sure that's right.
I don't have the full the lyrics or music - sorry. I can tell you that for Way Productions it was a pretty rockin' song and Mike Martin's songs were good in comparison to the sugarey drek that WP turned out.
TWI didn't want this song out in the mainstream because taken out of context (i.e. - just looking at the title of it) TWI knew they would look bad. To people who knew the teaching about the Bema and the lake of fire and all that - it's not so bad (read the entire Psalm 58) - it's a figure of speech.
I was also at the Advanced Class Special in Dallas when this was played and people really got into it - very emotional. I was surprised that this was played at such a function. But then they were doing everything they could at the time to make everyone who was in TWI think that the ministry was THE ONLY PLACE TO BE - anything else and it could be your blood they're washin' up in!
Oh, and I should add this song was inspiried by a Corpse Night teaching that LCM did on "Break the teeth of the young lion" - getting deliverance from enemies.
This was when LCM was on his OT jag and seemed to blur the lines of the Grace Administration whenever it suited him. These were the teaching that came out whenever he felt "threatened" for some reason - something I believe was a result of the uncovering of his "affairs" (TWI's words - not mine!) and the stuff about him on the internet - of course, we all know that the MOG was being attacked because the household was strong and the adversary wanted to see it destroyed because they had the Word over the world...
I remembered something on Waydale about that song and thought the lyrics might be there, so I "googled" it and found this comment on the Waydale "Corps Notes" section:(click here)
Here's an excerpt:
quote:Corps Morning usually begins with the Associate Corps Director - Rico Magnelli, doing a review of the previous week, and then reading a list of Way Corps Status Changes (people who have "lost their salt" and have been dropped from the ranks).
Way Productions will usually play some music. Occasionally that music will feature songs that are not heard by the general Way follower audience.
The song "Wash My Feet in the Blood of the Wicked" is very popular and usually receives uproarious applause. This song features lyrics about God's enemies being killed (those who have "lost their salt"). During the performance of this song by Mike Martin and the Singing Ladies, a large blood red backdrop is displayed on the stage.
This song was going to be played at a Way Sunday Service, but martindale was advised against it. It has therefore only been performed for selected addiences.
It has been played for the Way Corps on a few occasions and it was played once at the Advanced Class special in Dallas Texas which about 2800 advanced class graduated attended.
Whoever it was that had the Waydale Forums archive, could you give them a look to see if the words were posted there. I remember reading them somewhere - but never heard the song.
Hope R. color>size>face>
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints - the sinners are much more fun... Billy Joel size>
About those notes tho - how tacky that they'd have a big red blood drop for the back drop while performing that song! EEEwwww! I mean, the Psalm is about God's vengence but they acted like it was their's...
Thanks for looking for the song for me. I was just hoping that someone out here in GreaseSpot land has a recording of the song.
You may want to know why I want it. Last spring I took a trip to a Shaker village in Kentucky. I saw the artisans in costume who were making Shaker style products, and they made the place seem like it was still alive. However it was a perforamnce group that did Shaker songs and dances that made me understand who they really were.
I think that song exemplifies the worst of the TWI 2 era.
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Most likely TWI 'borrowed' the lyrics from one Marilyn Manson.
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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George Aar
Then there was the sequel, "I Make my Bowstring from the Intestines of the Unholy", but somehow it lacked the panache of the original.
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"Wash My Feet" was sung by Mike Martin at the live WAP advanced class in 1998 at HQ. It is from some psalm.
It was well received. Of course, Mike M is a lot livelier than the Singing Ladies.
It may have only been played a couple of times--I never heard it on a SST so don't know if you'll find the words.
I think the wicked the song referred to was M&A folk. Like us!
Just one of the many things that made AC'98 so 'spayshul.'
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It was also sang at the Dallas Special one year. And I was told it would never be recorded for ears outside twi household to hear. Therefore would not be played during a STS.
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E. W. Bullinger
Dear Chatty Cathy and Night Melody:
Thanks for the info. I was hopeing that someone might have written down the words or remembered the melody. It was said that Mozart could hear a piece of music once and then he could flawlessly perform it. I am sure there is one person of that caliber in this forum.
Music is a great way to peek into an organization's heart.
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EWB, You very well could be right, someone may have remembered the words. I found myself turned off by it and quickly "washed my brain" of most of the words.
That song spoke of the devils children that someday would be blood below their feet. If I remember correctly it was not referring to what they called empties (body and soul folks).
Sorry I can't help with the words.
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I'm gonna wash my teeth in a tub of Dawn Liquid...
Are those the words?
"We...know how cruel the truth often is, and we wonder whether delusion is not more consoling"
Henri Poincare
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I remember them taking great relish in performing that song. Even though I was pretty much waybrained at the time I was extremely concerned that they would perform that type of Branch Davidian crap. I felt scared for the poor hotel staff behind the walls for one thing. They had another wierd song(Mike Martin again), that I mentioned months ago called "Don't Be Afraid Of Confrontation". That one was playing in the background, so they must have had a recording of it but I haven't seen it on any of the CD's I have.
TWI as we all know is caught up in the old testament. Last time I checked it wasn't 800BC.
God is the same always, but c'mon get off the Conan .... willya?
ala: got your mail, still don't know why you can't get mine.
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I remember "Confrontation." I think my last HFC must have recorded it from a tape or something because I heard it alot.
Sad--I remember Mike Martin before he got LCM brained.
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"I wanna wash my feet, cuz they smell wicked"
...are those the lyrics?
"We...know how cruel the truth often is, and we wonder whether delusion is not more consoling"
Henri Poincare
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Dot Matrix
That was SO FUNNY!!!!!
Dot Matrix
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The song is from Psalm 58 and the chorus is from verse 10:
Psalm 58:10
The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengence: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked.
This WAS recorded - it was sent on tape to the WC one summer - I think it was summer of '99 - yes, I'm pretty sure that's right.
I don't have the full the lyrics or music - sorry. I can tell you that for Way Productions it was a pretty rockin' song and Mike Martin's songs were good in comparison to the sugarey drek that WP turned out.
TWI didn't want this song out in the mainstream because taken out of context (i.e. - just looking at the title of it) TWI knew they would look bad. To people who knew the teaching about the Bema and the lake of fire and all that - it's not so bad (read the entire Psalm 58) - it's a figure of speech.
I was also at the Advanced Class Special in Dallas when this was played and people really got into it - very emotional. I was surprised that this was played at such a function. But then they were doing everything they could at the time to make everyone who was in TWI think that the ministry was THE ONLY PLACE TO BE - anything else and it could be your blood they're washin' up in!
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Oh, and I should add this song was inspiried by a Corpse Night teaching that LCM did on "Break the teeth of the young lion" - getting deliverance from enemies.
This was when LCM was on his OT jag and seemed to blur the lines of the Grace Administration whenever it suited him. These were the teaching that came out whenever he felt "threatened" for some reason - something I believe was a result of the uncovering of his "affairs" (TWI's words - not mine!) and the stuff about him on the internet - of course, we all know that the MOG was being attacked because the household was strong and the adversary wanted to see it destroyed because they had the Word over the world...
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Hope R.
I remembered something on Waydale about that song and thought the lyrics might be there, so I "googled" it and found this comment on the Waydale "Corps Notes" section:(click here)
Here's an excerpt:
Whoever it was that had the Waydale Forums archive, could you give them a look to see if the words were posted there. I remember reading them somewhere - but never heard the song.
Hope R. color>size>face>
I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints - the sinners are much more fun... Billy Joel size>
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Hope - they weren't posted. I checked earlier.
Maybe someone else has them...
About those notes tho - how tacky that they'd have a big red blood drop for the back drop while performing that song! EEEwwww! I mean, the Psalm is about God's vengence but they acted like it was their's...
Oh, I get it! They thought they were God!
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E. W. Bullinger
Dear Hope and Chas:
Thanks for looking for the song for me. I was just hoping that someone out here in GreaseSpot land has a recording of the song.
You may want to know why I want it. Last spring I took a trip to a Shaker village in Kentucky. I saw the artisans in costume who were making Shaker style products, and they made the place seem like it was still alive. However it was a perforamnce group that did Shaker songs and dances that made me understand who they really were.
I think that song exemplifies the worst of the TWI 2 era.
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"I wanta squash my meat in the mud of Wilson Picket"
Are those the words?
"We...know how cruel the truth often is, and we wonder whether delusion is not more consoling"
Henri Poincare
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No, Oak, I think that's a line in "There's a bathroom on the right" or maybe it's "Bacon, Carrot, Biscuits"
I don't remember the lyrics being posted, but I have a friend with a superb memory unless it's wrong-doings in TWI, but I'll ask....
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