Re:"I was wondering why he's been so quiet lately...guess a woman's got his tongue."
Or maybe something else. But in any case.. it's a good thing for ArkieRon if I'm any judge. Men are miserable living by themselves. I've been married for nearly 20 years.. gots myself three kids and I wouldn't want it any other way.
Just what the ol' Greasespot needs: Our favorite hillbilly getting civilized. ;)-->
Hey Ron, When you guys do the wedding, why doncha send us some pics of you in a tux! We could then submit it to the Jeff Foxworthy Best Dressed Redneck of the Year Contest. And we can even come up with some real winners of a caption for it.
Well, I didn't mean to leave ya all hanging like this! I thought maybe Ron woulda come in and given us more info by now!
I'll try to tell more here, but I don't know how much info is too much. . .
Ron's Sweetie is not a Greasespotter--has never been TWI (smart woman!! LOL!) They knew each other years ago-- before Ron got involved w/ TWI and recently "re-met" and discovered how much they had in common. The friendship grew from there (yes, this is why ya haven't seen him online much!) She's very intelligent, loves the same things he does, is a Christian, and will fit in just fine with Hillbilly life!!! LOL!!! :D-->
When she and Andrew met, they hit it off immediately. I've "met" her by phone, she's really sweet-- I think they'll be really good to and for each other.
Suffice to say many, many years ago there was a really cute twirler (majorette for the unititiated into band things) in the UT band. She got my attention and somehow I managed to get hers.
I encountered her again recently and I had grown up to become a hillbilly and she grew up to be a medical researcher/writer.
Obviously a match.
We're both into God first, music (she's a classical pianist and singer), rendezvous' which are "living history" gatherings and she's very passionate about me.
She's just as comfortable throwing a tomahawk and shooting a muzzle loader as she is performing Bach and dealing with pathogens and bio chemical issues.
LittleHawk...we just might make it to a rally at the creek one of these days. Her eyes lit up when I told her about it.
Sudo...UT is referring to the University of Texas...NOT Tennessee, just to avoid any confusion. Univ Tennessee is a good school, but as everyone knows, Univ Texas is THE Univeristy.
Grizz...Do you know where we can get a cool bear claw necklace?
More later.
"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law', because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." --Thomas Jefferson
Iffn ya cant find a real one, there are tons of fake bear claws at Boy Scout shops...for the cub Scout Bear level and other odd things....check a craft store too.
Or call the Bass Pro shop in Lake Orion Michigan, tell my sister-in-law...Sandy to get a Claw off one of her husband's many stuffed Canadian and Alaskan Bears(He's a guide/welder.) Just ask for Sandy...she's famous, won a kitchen from Home Depot...Big news in her town.
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I was wondering why he's been so quiet lately...guess a woman's got his tongue...LOL
[This message was edited by SlingShot on April 06, 2003 at 23:05.]
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Re:"I was wondering why he's been so quiet lately...guess a woman's got his tongue."
Or maybe something else. But in any case.. it's a good thing for ArkieRon if I'm any judge. Men are miserable living by themselves. I've been married for nearly 20 years.. gots myself three kids and I wouldn't want it any other way.
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Corn-gratulations on your engagement, Ron!
Just what the ol' Greasespot needs: Our favorite hillbilly getting civilized.
Hey Ron, When you guys do the wedding, why doncha send us some pics of you in a tux! We could then submit it to the Jeff Foxworthy Best Dressed Redneck of the Year Contest. And we can even come up with some real winners of a caption for it.
I just know you'd win.
Prophet Emeritus of THE,
and Wandering CyberUU Hippie,
Garth P.
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Stayed Too Long
With all the guns and ammo you have, this couldn't be a SHOTGUN WEDDING could it?
Don't allow resentment and bitterness to hinder healing.
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Ron, Congratulations!!!!
I am so happy for you and Andrew!
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Hell, maybe this means there might be hope for me yet
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Congratulations Ron!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's wonderful news! May you have many, many happy years together!!!!!!
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Wacky Funster
Sudo...did that mean what I think that meant?
Congratulations Arkie...sure have missed you, but am sooooo glad for you
My Best!!!
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come on ya gotta tell us WHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
us'n furry critters will have to make it a national holiday and party down!!!!!
A hillbillie getting some .............. attention
;)--> from a wimmin will now be more tolerable and even nicer to animals!!!!!!!!!
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Kick up your heels and smell the country air as you show each other how deeply you care.
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Congrats to ya and yers Ron!!! I now know there's hope for all us single fellers . May the good Lord smile upon yer lives real big!
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Righteous Brother
Congrats Ron. Best wishes on a LONG and fruitful marriage.
If most of your recipes include a slight aroma of WD-40,
yew jest might be a redneck.
All the Best!
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I talk to Ron all the time and he never said nuttin about this. Wow, ya think ya know someone.
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How Wonderful!!!!
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I know we will be very happy together...
skews me? It's someone else, not me?...
...rats. I guess I'll hafta keep The Gar another score years or more, God willing.
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Psalm 71 one
Well, I didn't mean to leave ya all hanging like this! I thought maybe Ron woulda come in and given us more info by now!
I'll try to tell more here, but I don't know how much info is too much. . .
Ron's Sweetie is not a Greasespotter--has never been TWI (smart woman!! LOL!) They knew each other years ago-- before Ron got involved w/ TWI and recently "re-met" and discovered how much they had in common. The friendship grew from there (yes, this is why ya haven't seen him online much!) She's very intelligent, loves the same things he does, is a Christian, and will fit in just fine with Hillbilly life!!! LOL!!!
When she and Andrew met, they hit it off immediately. I've "met" her by phone, she's really sweet-- I think they'll be really good to and for each other.
Ron, c'mon in here and tell us more!!
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Psalm 71 one
BTW iffin Ron starts bein nice to silly ole bears, maybe said bears will STOP TRYING TO BBQ piggy wings!!!!
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O my my my...
ArkieRon!!!... Can't wait for the next one o yours caption contests...
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and the perfect wedding feast is right here
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ok, talked to my dear friend and feel better.
[This message was edited by Shellon on January 27, 2003 at 19:58.]
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May you have a wunderful time getting to know each other ron,,,we did!!!
and may you be as happy as my furry guy and me
:)--> and boy is he even more furry!!
he's planning to grow that beard of his til, well I dunno,,,til it won't grow anymore I guess..
:P-->.. I like it,,,
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Ron G.
Hi and thanks for the wishes.
Suffice to say many, many years ago there was a really cute twirler (majorette for the unititiated into band things) in the UT band. She got my attention and somehow I managed to get hers.
I encountered her again recently and I had grown up to become a hillbilly and she grew up to be a medical researcher/writer.
Obviously a match.
We're both into God first, music (she's a classical pianist and singer), rendezvous' which are "living history" gatherings and she's very passionate about me.
She's just as comfortable throwing a tomahawk and shooting a muzzle loader as she is performing Bach and dealing with pathogens and bio chemical issues.
LittleHawk...we just might make it to a rally at the creek one of these days. Her eyes lit up when I told her about it.
Sudo...UT is referring to the University of Texas...NOT Tennessee, just to avoid any confusion. Univ Tennessee is a good school, but as everyone knows, Univ Texas is THE Univeristy.
Grizz...Do you know where we can get a cool bear claw necklace?
More later.
"Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add 'within the limits of the law', because law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the rights of the individual." --Thomas Jefferson
Ron G.
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Iffn ya cant find a real one, there are tons of fake bear claws at Boy Scout shops...for the cub Scout Bear level and other odd things....check a craft store too.
Or call the Bass Pro shop in Lake Orion Michigan, tell my sister-in-law...Sandy to get a Claw off one of her husband's many stuffed Canadian and Alaskan Bears(He's a guide/welder.) Just ask for Sandy...she's famous, won a kitchen from Home Depot...Big news in her town.
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just move close enough and I got a bearclaw necklace for ya!!!!!!!! well within claw reach that is...........
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