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Zeitgeist: Addendum

Seth R.

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For me the First Zeitgeist movie was moving and awesome.

It left me hanging though, with a question of what's next?

It was clear that the same paradigm that I grew up with was not the answer.

A new evolution needs to happen.

We are about to move into a Planetary Civilization, and if the transition is successful life for our children and grandchildren and onward will be unlike anything we ever dreamed of. It's going to take willingness to change, and a lot of courage because the last century resisted the transition. We are on the cusp of a collapse of the old civilization, the end of the world for some but the beginning of a new society for me and millions and billions of people. Some aren't going to go with out a fight, but the enlightened will welcome it.

So without further adieu, Zeitgeist: Addendum

Edited by Seth R.
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Sounds like more Kool Aid to me.

Do you really want to have a microchip implanted on your body, have one government and one currency?

Seriously. That's what this is promoting.

It promotes the denial of the freedoms that this country was founded on.

Although I respect your right to believe that Jesus is or was a hoax, I don't believe what you believe and neither do millions of others who believe in Christ.


Is this really a good thing?

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Planetary Civilization.......Really? Do you realize the number of tribes just in Africa, alone, that would not adhere to this?

Planetary Civilization will never happen. There are too many thinkers, fighters and lovers of freedom that would never succumb to that. Hhhmmm, someone telling me what is best for me, my children, grandchildren and "promising" to make that happen...what is that? Hitler comes to mind. Any others.?.?.?

Why would we want everybody to be the same and have the same and believe the same? Are you really willing to hand that all over? For what? Then you would not be you anymore. You would be jumping from the frying pan into the fire.

I would never expect or want anyone or anything to make it better or figure it out for me. I am greater than that and I would think you are too.

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LOL if you like cheesy but poignant sci-fi go rent the movie Equilibrium - same theme - not bad but I warned you - cheesy - and RIFE with WAYISMS - including calling the ruler of the planet - "The Father", "Consider it a matter of FAITH" - etc etc - could have come right from a corps night - I laughed throughout the movie wondering who in the directing positions had been to a ROA

Edited by RumRunner
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Love, baby, love.

There are laws.....because people do not walk in love. If people always walked in love then there would be no need for laws. There is police and military because people do not walk and live in love. That will NEVER change.

Love, baby, love. Love, the most powerful force on the face of the earth.

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  kimberly said:
Love, baby, love.

There are laws.....because people do not walk in love. If people always walked in love then there would be no need for laws. There is police and military because people do not walk and live in love. That will NEVER change.

Love, baby, love. Love, the most powerful force on the face of the earth.

Did you watch the movie? It is not human nature to be violent, there is no human nature, there is human behavior, and human behavior is influenced by environment.

The superstition that there is an ethereal battle being waged between god and the devil and we humans are caught in the middle is just part of the over all story your owners want you to believe.

Laws have never influenced human behavior in a healthy way, laws are put in place to bind people by the owners of this world. The current environment cannot support love on a widespread basis.

You are right, nothing changes if nothing changes, the current environment is unsustainable and will have to collapse, The Venus Project is offering a re-engineering of our society in that inevitable occurrence. If we open our minds to the possibilities and get started now with these ideas we will be in a better place when this society does collapse, and it's sooner then you think.

I'm raising the alarm not to monger fear, but give information to people so they can decide for themselves and see that the monetary economy is no longer a sustainable viable means to provide for a healthy and peaceful society. Well the monetary system was never designed for healthy or peaceful existence anyway, but that's a topic for another time. What is needed is a resource based economy where everyone is given truly equal opportunity to create the life they want, without the fear of scarcity and limited resources.

There is over abundance in this world, scarcity is an illusion a story told by the owners of this world, if you buy into it you are owned.

The difference between people like you and people like me is I know I'm owned, and who owns me and I act accordingly I stay awakened to the fact and look for a way out to escape monetary slavery.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

It's like Albert Einstein once said. "The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe."

Love and Peace,


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  Seth R. said:
Did you watch the movie? It is not human nature to be violent, there is no human nature, there is human behavior, and human behavior is influenced by environment.

The superstition that there is an ethereal battle being waged between god and the devil and we humans are caught in the middle is just part of the over all story your owners want you to believe.

Laws have never influenced human behavior in a healthy way, laws are put in place to bind people by the owners of this world. The current environment cannot support love on a widespread basis.

You are right, nothing changes if nothing changes, the current environment is unsustainable and will have to collapse, The Venus Project is offering a re-engineering of our society in that inevitable occurrence. If we open our minds to the possibilities and get started now with these ideas we will be in a better place when this society does collapse, and it's sooner then you think.

I'm raising the alarm not to monger fear, but give information to people so they can decide for themselves and see that the monetary economy is no longer a sustainable viable means to provide for a healthy and peaceful society. Well the monetary system was never designed for healthy or peaceful existence anyway, but that's a topic for another time. What is needed is a resource based economy where everyone is given truly equal opportunity to create the life they want, without the fear of scarcity and limited resources.

There is over abundance in this world, scarcity is an illusion a story told by the owners of this world, if you buy into it you are owned.

The difference between people like you and people like me is I know I'm owned, and who owns me and I act accordingly I stay awakened to the fact and look for a way out to escape monetary slavery.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

It's like Albert Einstein once said. "The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe."

Love and Peace,


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I can't help but think it looks like "bad religion" to me. While there were many true statements in the documentary there is always some truth in all religions. The law of unintended consequences also comes to mind. Be careful what you ask for.

As for me I will continue to hold to my Lord Jesus Christ and our father, God.

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  coupcake said:
I can't help but think it looks like "bad religion" to me. While there were many true statements in the documentary there is always some truth in all religions. The law of unintended consequences also comes to mind. Be careful what you ask for.

As for me I will continue to hold to my Lord Jesus Christ and our father, God.


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