Rascal, honey, I am gonna make peace with you. Like I have said in many other posts it is nearly impossible to know or understand someone's tone, meaning, (or the person) if you are not talking to them face to face.
Kimberly, I am glad that you desire peace. It was never my intention to fight. I have an honest question though. Do you think that we can achieve this and still discuss opposing view points civily without it being percieved as a personal attack? Is it a requirement of peace that we only talk about things that aligne with a single view point?
Oak Darling, I STILL have the doctorate that you bestowed upon me :) I`d say I worked a whole lot harder to get it than wierwille did his, the slimey poser.
These guys give holders of doctorates, theological stidents, seminary students, leaders, ministers, Christians and indeed even GOD a bad name.
TWI posers never did the work necessary to achieve the above titles, they never had the morals or character to be any one of those things/
I have heard time and again VPW`s life described as a great christian man who simply made some mistakes. I personally believe that He were a very evil man who pretended to be Christian.
Great men, good leaders, genuine Christians do not HAVE to lie about fake doctorates and invent false titles to get respect or status.
I have a sneeking suspiscion that more than one twi leader/participant will arrive breathless looking for the Bema and the rewards and celebration...to only be told by no less than Jesus himself to *Depart, for I knew you not* :(
I personally believe that He were a very evil man who pretended to be Christian.
and I would also say he was a quack who pretended to be a doctor..
One of my professors takes trips out of the country to some of the most unsafe places in the world.. says he doesn't need kevlar anymore. Reason? He figured it out.. you walk around and act like you own the place, even if you don't- and "they" will simply LEAVE YOU ALONE. Won't even question you..
I think that's what the vicster did.. a little known con artist with a doctorate worth a few sheets of toilet paper.. and he acted like king of the world..
TWI was more honest about its "degrees" from the way college of Emporia than VPW was about his "doctorate." Emporia couldn't grant any degree. But, they said, if you already had an AA (or BS) degree from an accredited college, you could say that you had an AA in theology from the way college. Of course, if anyone ever checked it, the college that granted an AA degree would have to admit they had no theology program, so it still amounted to a falsehood. I wouldn't be surprised if VP, who didn't have any interity when it came to degrees, lobbied for Emporia to give BA degrees, even though it had no accreditation.
VP and TWI liked short cuts to education. They bought the buildings at Emporia but tried to get the accreditatruion and bequests the older Presbyerian college had along with them. It didn't work, and TWI never had the academic ability to develop a real college or degree program. VP's "doctorate" was worth no more than Emporia's "degrees," but he had no quams about claiming a doctorate anway.
I have the equivalent of a degree mill ordination...Universal Life Church.
I've got it so I perform weddings and have "Rev." on my business card.
But I always introduce myself to folks who use my services as "Tom".
(Rascal...the doctorate that I conferred upon you is worth about as much as Wierwille's...more actually )
I got one too, just because they were handing them out.
At least they are honest- claim "this certificate doesn't give you squat.." just the MINIMUM paperwork to perform a legal marriage ceremony according to the laws of whatever state one finds oneself.
and it's.. FREE!
I really got it so I could boldly say to twi clergy, "I am not inferior to you.. you've got a useless piece of paper, well, I've got one too.."
VP and TWI liked short cuts to education. They bought the buildings at Emporia but tried to get the accreditatruion and bequests the older Presbyerian college had along with them. It didn't work, and TWI never had the academic ability to develop a real college or degree program. VP's "doctorate" was worth no more than Emporia's "degrees," but he had no quams about claiming a doctorate anway.
With the money and resources twi had in the mid seventies, I think they COULD have moved into the category of legitimate mainstream education..
they completely renovated the Carnagie library at emporia. Why stop there? They could have started with getting accredidation as a two year establishment.. and later accredidation as a four year university.. it would have taken some time, work, and MONEY.
I think the vicster looked at the price tag, and figured for "gawd's people" it just wasn't worth it.. that there were "better uses" for the money..
I think the vicster looked at the price tag, and figured for "gawd's people" it just wasn't worth it.. that there were "better uses" for the money..
Oh uhh...you mean motorcycles, motor coaches, planes, copious quantities of Drambuie, lavish meals, trinkets for his sexual victims?!?!?! That piece of rat excrement didn't give a rat's behind about "gawd's people."
they completely renovated the Carnagie library at emporia. Why stop there? They could have started with getting accredidation as a two year establishment.. and later accredidation as a four year university.. it would have taken some time, work, and MONEY.
Short cuts...
There is a local guy here who is a real jerk. He's got a ton of money and he pushes people around with his "power."
Most people that know him either don't like him or pretend to like him because they want some favor from him.
He gives a TON of money to some local universities - because he wants to appear to be generous. He wants to appear to be a supporter of the arts. He wants his name on a building. He doesn't really want to put forth any more effort than he has to to appear generous. Certainly not unless there is something to be gained for him or his reputation.
Meanwhile, he hurts people and takes away their livelihood...
My admittedly very biased opinion...
The same with twi and the Carnegie Library. It looked good to renovate it. Accreditation would have taken more effort and more - ummm... smarts than vp was willing to invest. Why raise up a group of truly 'equipped' Biblically trained men and women, when it was much cheaper in the long run to tell them they were getting the best training money could buy - and charge them for doing work to renovate a campus and the Library? Heck he charged corps for the "privelege" to work for him. :asdf:
He never really wanted anyone to have something he either couldn't have or couldn't attain easily.
I think the vicster looked at the price tag, and figured for "gawd's people" it just wasn't worth it.. that there were "better uses" for the money..
Oh uhh...you mean motorcycles, motor coaches, planes, copious quantities of Drambuie, lavish meals, trinkets for his sexual victims?!?!?! That piece of rat excrement didn't give a rat's behind about "gawd's people."
Something like that.
Interesting the huckster managed to get his name on an auditorium *I* (and a few others) paid for with our own above 15 percent or so "giving"..
The same with twi and the Carnegie Library. It looked good to renovate it.
That was with slave labor to boot, was it not?
Why is it, the closer one looks at the huckster, the more almost EVERYTHING he *accomplished* was merely stolen?
He stole his classes and materials.. he one sidedly used resources to make his own SELF look good.. he even stole his "doctorate". It's almost like an identity theft..
he ingratiated himself with the title, but he did not pay for it the "traditional" way, time, money, and HARD WORK.
And the real shame of it all.. those who bought into his *program* got a certificate, just as "legitimate" in the real world as vic's.
Seeing him up on stage, in full "academic" dress.. handing out their "great reward".. is now a rather sickening thought..
Ham, I have a great deal of respect for you, but IMO you have disassociated from the reality of the time.
Calling it slave labor would indicate there was some level of unwillingness on the part of the laborers. People weren't unwilling, they were simply not paid. If my memory serves me right, those of us who were unwilling (or unable) to put in that kind of unpaid time were looked down upon. At least at my level of involvement people were "free" to choose to help or not. Not that there wasn't a "price" attached to not giving of time, talent, and funds, but the choice was there. I didn't suffer expulsion.
Why is it, the closer one looks at the huckster, the more almost EVERYTHING he *accomplished* was merely stolen?
He stole his classes and materials.. he one sidedly used resources to make his own SELF look good.. he even stole his "doctorate". It's almost like an identity theft..
Perhaps, but there were people sounding the alarm when I became involved in 1979. Most of us chose, for whatever reason, to ignore the alarm. I was unaware of the plagiarism, but I knew about the bogus doctorate early on. Apparently people did know about the plagiarism and chose to ignore it, rationalize it, or defend it. I think I remember someone saying that if he hadn't taken BG Leonard's stuff and done something with it, it would have remained largely unknown.
he ingratiated himself with the title, but he did not pay for it the "traditional" way, time, money, and HARD WORK.
There was a certain disdain for standard educational systems, which isn't all that unusual in fundamentalist Christian sects. The problem with standard education is that it tends to poke holes in fundamental belief systems. I personally have become far less fundamentalist since I expanded my horizons and allowed myself to explore other belief systems. Education outside of fundamentalism represents a clear and present danger to fundamentalist thinking. It would have been irrational for VPW to embrace standard education. TWI would have never grown and thrived under that model.
And the real shame of it all.. those who bought into his *program* got a certificate, just as "legitimate" in the real world as vic's.
The program was never intended to provide a real-world education. Maybe I'm just too practical, but it has been impossible for me to put time and money towards an education process where I could not transfer the credits to another institution. That alone made the Way College off limits in terms of "higher" education in my world, along with most community colleges and technical training schools. There was no secret that the Way College was unaccredited, but it was sold as not being particularly relevant. I didn't agree. Accreditation is a fairly rigorous process, but it also lends a level of accountability and respect for educational standards. Not wanting to have its processes scrutinized by outsiders or having to submit to outside standards was the sole reason for lack of accreditation.
Seeing him up on stage, in full "academic" dress.. handing out their "great reward".. is now a rather sickening thought..
Which ironically nobody getting that worthless piece of paper gave a thought to at the time. I would have to say that he did a very good job of educating people to fulfill his purpose.
Ham, I have a great deal of respect for you, but IMO you have disassociated from the reality of the time.
wouldn't be the first time.
I suppose I should rephrase it.. "it was restored largely by UNPAID labor and DONATED resources". I donated, others labored.
same for the Rome City campus, old dilapadated buildings.. regrouting, landscaping, tree service, etc. etc..
I suppose every organization can benefit from a "front man".. it's just.. next time around, I'll check the breath for the unmistakable stench of drambuie..
Most Community Colleges do have credits that transfer to a 4 year school. They have matriculation to State and other Universities--they are almost always set up in a transfer manner. Same with technical colleges. College 100 courses do not transfer, but they are not always needed--unless you have been out of school for awhile and forgot how to write, add or subtract---most Community Colleges will just let you test out of them.
Community Colleges are a great way to get back to school. Many people do their first two years there and transfer to a 4 year school. I would encourage anyone looking to get back to school to check out their local CC.
Ask about transfer. It is a great place for non-traditional students to get their feet wet again. It is less expensive and can actually be a better education than a 4 year school. Smaller classes.
I used to advise at a CC and tutor History to ESL and non-traditional students. I love the CC system. It attracts some great educators.
Just like Atlanta Bible College--Emporia probably would have had to change some core doctrines to become accredited as a theological institution. It may have been different in the 1970's.
Which ironically nobody getting that worthless piece of paper gave a thought to at the time. I would have to say that he did a very good job of educating people to fulfill his purpose.
We were supposed to be part of an organization that was doing something for God..
I think we really expected "God's Word" as we thought it was to prevail in culture..
signs, wonders.. to follow.. multitudes to turn to der vey's take on theology.. and actually have "way believers" hold public office in mass, not just an isolated few like Gahagan.. and "gawd's will" to be done..
maybe it was a madman's gamble. Of course, had it panned out, those little pieces of paper would be worth something.
Community Colleges are a great way to get back to school. Many people do their first two years there and transfer to a 4 year school. I would encourage anyone looking to get back to school to check out their local CC.
that's the route I chose, and I'd recommend it to anyone, providing there ARE any community colleges left after the current economic "crisis"..
The math and science curriculum was as good if not better than the 100 and 200 level curriculum offered at the university I'm currently at.
And the cost per credit was HALF. I can transfer the credits anywhere in the state. Folded in with a Bachellor's at the current university, they'll go anywhere.
Did you get a nice bronze statue of VP?
Is it proudly displayed on your mantle yet today?
A nice ego stroker for VP, but I wonder if they made or lost money on its production and sale?
Actually, I never got one. I was too poor from constantly abundant sharing, and working at a second rate job so as to be at twi's beck and call. I believe the little statue was a minature of the full sized "da teacher" bronze. I could be wrong, but I think the labor in that little effort was generally unpaid as well..
Just another thought.. when was the last time you saw STUDENTS mowing the lawn, doing security, repairing buildings.. fixing trees.. hauling off *devilish* monuments.. re-grouting buildings.. washing windows.. without being PAID to do so? The last time I remember.. it was the indiana campus. Generally, a "work-study" program actually pays someone for their labor.
Or at headquarters.. I know they had some staff perform some duties.. but what about all the little "special projects"? Mucking the pond.. etc. etc..
all done in the guise that- they are TEACHING the corps HOW to WORK?
Well.. the thought of all this seems so surreal, at least now..
Or.. cleaning leader's houses.. mowing their lawn, shampooing carpets.. babysitting evil, arrogant, egotistical, better than thou little minature mogs..
or limb clean up days.. cutting, hauling, raking, painting, etc..
the list goes on and on. I suppose, convince one it's God's will is all that's really necessary.
all by a guy who's degree would be more appropriate "gracing" the wall of an outhouse..
when an offshoot I know of started taking off.. someone who was close to me said something like.."they NEED someone LIKE YOU to get this thing running.."
no kidding.
Who knows.. maybe I would have gotten a worthless honorary doctorate and certificate of ordination, or something..
Now come on, Ham... you know they were teaching you how to serve.
Anyway, as you know, you can still learn to serve (or work). The tradition continues. Seems those "students" at McM's farm are doing just the same. But I don't think they get a pseudo degree, Bachelor's or Associate's, at the end of it.
BTW some of the Corps sponsorship when I was in was given back to the in rez Corps, at the rate of $30 per month spending money. I guess the rest went to provide board and lodging.
At the McM farm, they get free board and lodgings and have to provide for all of their expenses themselves. They don't "pay to work there."
At the McM farm, they get free board and lodgings and have to provide for all of their expenses themselves. They don't "pay to work there."
I guess.. well, they say millet, potatos and a couple hot dogs can go a long way..
still.. free board? seems it's dependant on "work to be done.."
and.. that outfit is likely being run by a group, who at best can cough up one individual who has a bachellor's, and not in something relevant to the task at hand to begin with.. rest of them have victoid clone credentials..
Oh! You have a truck,we could use it,finally I started saying,fine fill it up first,hmm...never got confronted on that one.
funny how they "miss" us.
maybe if you donate your truck, they'l "let" you come back to "twig"..
Amazing.. and they still think the same way.. tossing out little lines to offer a person the "priviledge" to come back.. but they won't offer directly. No.. just hinting, hem hawing around.. "oh, we miss you.. " give a person a way to "redeem" themselves.. hoping you'll beg to go back to servitude..
"here mistah.. come back, come back.. use my truck.. here, I've got forty gallons of gas to toss in besides.. "
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Rascal, honey, I am gonna make peace with you. Like I have said in many other posts it is nearly impossible to know or understand someone's tone, meaning, (or the person) if you are not talking to them face to face.
Me thinks we are lost in translation.
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Kimberly, I am glad that you desire peace. It was never my intention to fight. I have an honest question though. Do you think that we can achieve this and still discuss opposing view points civily without it being percieved as a personal attack? Is it a requirement of peace that we only talk about things that aligne with a single view point?
Oak Darling, I STILL have the doctorate that you bestowed upon me :) I`d say I worked a whole lot harder to get it than wierwille did his, the slimey poser.
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These guys give holders of doctorates, theological stidents, seminary students, leaders, ministers, Christians and indeed even GOD a bad name.
TWI posers never did the work necessary to achieve the above titles, they never had the morals or character to be any one of those things/
I have heard time and again VPW`s life described as a great christian man who simply made some mistakes. I personally believe that He were a very evil man who pretended to be Christian.
Great men, good leaders, genuine Christians do not HAVE to lie about fake doctorates and invent false titles to get respect or status.
I have a sneeking suspiscion that more than one twi leader/participant will arrive breathless looking for the Bema and the rewards and celebration...to only be told by no less than Jesus himself to *Depart, for I knew you not* :(
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and I would also say he was a quack who pretended to be a doctor..
One of my professors takes trips out of the country to some of the most unsafe places in the world.. says he doesn't need kevlar anymore. Reason? He figured it out.. you walk around and act like you own the place, even if you don't- and "they" will simply LEAVE YOU ALONE. Won't even question you..
I think that's what the vicster did.. a little known con artist with a doctorate worth a few sheets of toilet paper.. and he acted like king of the world..
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Ah,Its good to be king,if just for a day!
Maybe it should have bee Heil Vicster the Wierwillie.
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Think about it for a second... it already had become that
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TWI was more honest about its "degrees" from the way college of Emporia than VPW was about his "doctorate." Emporia couldn't grant any degree. But, they said, if you already had an AA (or BS) degree from an accredited college, you could say that you had an AA in theology from the way college. Of course, if anyone ever checked it, the college that granted an AA degree would have to admit they had no theology program, so it still amounted to a falsehood. I wouldn't be surprised if VP, who didn't have any interity when it came to degrees, lobbied for Emporia to give BA degrees, even though it had no accreditation.
VP and TWI liked short cuts to education. They bought the buildings at Emporia but tried to get the accreditatruion and bequests the older Presbyerian college had along with them. It didn't work, and TWI never had the academic ability to develop a real college or degree program. VP's "doctorate" was worth no more than Emporia's "degrees," but he had no quams about claiming a doctorate anway.
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I got one too, just because they were handing them out.
At least they are honest- claim "this certificate doesn't give you squat.." just the MINIMUM paperwork to perform a legal marriage ceremony according to the laws of whatever state one finds oneself.
and it's.. FREE!
I really got it so I could boldly say to twi clergy, "I am not inferior to you.. you've got a useless piece of paper, well, I've got one too.."

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With the money and resources twi had in the mid seventies, I think they COULD have moved into the category of legitimate mainstream education..
they completely renovated the Carnagie library at emporia. Why stop there? They could have started with getting accredidation as a two year establishment.. and later accredidation as a four year university.. it would have taken some time, work, and MONEY.
I think the vicster looked at the price tag, and figured for "gawd's people" it just wasn't worth it.. that there were "better uses" for the money..
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[quote name='Ham' date='Oct 8 2008, 12:31 PM' post='438865'
I think the vicster looked at the price tag, and figured for "gawd's people" it just wasn't worth it.. that there were "better uses" for the money..
Oh uhh...you mean motorcycles, motor coaches, planes, copious quantities of Drambuie, lavish meals, trinkets for his sexual victims?!?!?! That piece of rat excrement didn't give a rat's behind about "gawd's people."
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Short cuts...
There is a local guy here who is a real jerk. He's got a ton of money and he pushes people around with his "power."
Most people that know him either don't like him or pretend to like him because they want some favor from him.
He gives a TON of money to some local universities - because he wants to appear to be generous. He wants to appear to be a supporter of the arts. He wants his name on a building. He doesn't really want to put forth any more effort than he has to to appear generous. Certainly not unless there is something to be gained for him or his reputation.
Meanwhile, he hurts people and takes away their livelihood...
My admittedly very biased opinion...
The same with twi and the Carnegie Library. It looked good to renovate it. Accreditation would have taken more effort and more - ummm... smarts than vp was willing to invest. Why raise up a group of truly 'equipped' Biblically trained men and women, when it was much cheaper in the long run to tell them they were getting the best training money could buy - and charge them for doing work to renovate a campus and the Library? Heck he charged corps for the "privelege" to work for him.
He never really wanted anyone to have something he either couldn't have or couldn't attain easily.
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Something like that.
Interesting the huckster managed to get his name on an auditorium *I* (and a few others) paid for with our own above 15 percent or so "giving"..
I'd like to see it turned into a mall..
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That was with slave labor to boot, was it not?
Why is it, the closer one looks at the huckster, the more almost EVERYTHING he *accomplished* was merely stolen?
He stole his classes and materials.. he one sidedly used resources to make his own SELF look good.. he even stole his "doctorate". It's almost like an identity theft..
he ingratiated himself with the title, but he did not pay for it the "traditional" way, time, money, and HARD WORK.
And the real shame of it all.. those who bought into his *program* got a certificate, just as "legitimate" in the real world as vic's.
Seeing him up on stage, in full "academic" dress.. handing out their "great reward".. is now a rather sickening thought..
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Did you get a nice bronze statue of VP?
Is it proudly displayed on your mantle yet today?
A nice ego stroker for VP, but I wonder if they made or lost money on its production and sale?
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Ham, I have a great deal of respect for you, but IMO you have disassociated from the reality of the time.
Calling it slave labor would indicate there was some level of unwillingness on the part of the laborers. People weren't unwilling, they were simply not paid. If my memory serves me right, those of us who were unwilling (or unable) to put in that kind of unpaid time were looked down upon. At least at my level of involvement people were "free" to choose to help or not. Not that there wasn't a "price" attached to not giving of time, talent, and funds, but the choice was there. I didn't suffer expulsion.
Perhaps, but there were people sounding the alarm when I became involved in 1979. Most of us chose, for whatever reason, to ignore the alarm. I was unaware of the plagiarism, but I knew about the bogus doctorate early on. Apparently people did know about the plagiarism and chose to ignore it, rationalize it, or defend it. I think I remember someone saying that if he hadn't taken BG Leonard's stuff and done something with it, it would have remained largely unknown.
There was a certain disdain for standard educational systems, which isn't all that unusual in fundamentalist Christian sects. The problem with standard education is that it tends to poke holes in fundamental belief systems. I personally have become far less fundamentalist since I expanded my horizons and allowed myself to explore other belief systems. Education outside of fundamentalism represents a clear and present danger to fundamentalist thinking. It would have been irrational for VPW to embrace standard education. TWI would have never grown and thrived under that model.
The program was never intended to provide a real-world education. Maybe I'm just too practical, but it has been impossible for me to put time and money towards an education process where I could not transfer the credits to another institution. That alone made the Way College off limits in terms of "higher" education in my world, along with most community colleges and technical training schools. There was no secret that the Way College was unaccredited, but it was sold as not being particularly relevant. I didn't agree. Accreditation is a fairly rigorous process, but it also lends a level of accountability and respect for educational standards. Not wanting to have its processes scrutinized by outsiders or having to submit to outside standards was the sole reason for lack of accreditation.
Which ironically nobody getting that worthless piece of paper gave a thought to at the time. I would have to say that he did a very good job of educating people to fulfill his purpose.
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wouldn't be the first time.
I suppose I should rephrase it.. "it was restored largely by UNPAID labor and DONATED resources". I donated, others labored.
same for the Rome City campus, old dilapadated buildings.. regrouting, landscaping, tree service, etc. etc..
I suppose every organization can benefit from a "front man".. it's just.. next time around, I'll check the breath for the unmistakable stench of drambuie..
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Most Community Colleges do have credits that transfer to a 4 year school. They have matriculation to State and other Universities--they are almost always set up in a transfer manner. Same with technical colleges. College 100 courses do not transfer, but they are not always needed--unless you have been out of school for awhile and forgot how to write, add or subtract---most Community Colleges will just let you test out of them.
Community Colleges are a great way to get back to school. Many people do their first two years there and transfer to a 4 year school. I would encourage anyone looking to get back to school to check out their local CC.
Ask about transfer. It is a great place for non-traditional students to get their feet wet again. It is less expensive and can actually be a better education than a 4 year school. Smaller classes.
I used to advise at a CC and tutor History to ESL and non-traditional students. I love the CC system. It attracts some great educators.
Just like Atlanta Bible College--Emporia probably would have had to change some core doctrines to become accredited as a theological institution. It may have been different in the 1970's.
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We were supposed to be part of an organization that was doing something for God..
I think we really expected "God's Word" as we thought it was to prevail in culture..
signs, wonders.. to follow.. multitudes to turn to der vey's take on theology.. and actually have "way believers" hold public office in mass, not just an isolated few like Gahagan.. and "gawd's will" to be done..
maybe it was a madman's gamble. Of course, had it panned out, those little pieces of paper would be worth something.
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that's the route I chose, and I'd recommend it to anyone, providing there ARE any community colleges left after the current economic "crisis"..
The math and science curriculum was as good if not better than the 100 and 200 level curriculum offered at the university I'm currently at.
And the cost per credit was HALF. I can transfer the credits anywhere in the state. Folded in with a Bachellor's at the current university, they'll go anywhere.
Actually, I never got one. I was too poor from constantly abundant sharing, and working at a second rate job so as to be at twi's beck and call. I believe the little statue was a minature of the full sized "da teacher" bronze. I could be wrong, but I think the labor in that little effort was generally unpaid as well..
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Just another thought.. when was the last time you saw STUDENTS mowing the lawn, doing security, repairing buildings.. fixing trees.. hauling off *devilish* monuments.. re-grouting buildings.. washing windows.. without being PAID to do so? The last time I remember.. it was the indiana campus. Generally, a "work-study" program actually pays someone for their labor.
Or at headquarters.. I know they had some staff perform some duties.. but what about all the little "special projects"? Mucking the pond.. etc. etc..
all done in the guise that- they are TEACHING the corps HOW to WORK?
Well.. the thought of all this seems so surreal, at least now..
Or.. cleaning leader's houses.. mowing their lawn, shampooing carpets.. babysitting evil, arrogant, egotistical, better than thou little minature mogs..
or limb clean up days.. cutting, hauling, raking, painting, etc..
the list goes on and on. I suppose, convince one it's God's will is all that's really necessary.
all by a guy who's degree would be more appropriate "gracing" the wall of an outhouse..
when an offshoot I know of started taking off.. someone who was close to me said something like.."they NEED someone LIKE YOU to get this thing running.."
no kidding.
Who knows.. maybe I would have gotten a worthless honorary doctorate and certificate of ordination, or something..
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A slight deviation from topic:
Now come on, Ham... you know they were teaching you how to serve.
Anyway, as you know, you can still learn to serve (or work). The tradition continues. Seems those "students" at McM's farm are doing just the same. But I don't think they get a pseudo degree, Bachelor's or Associate's, at the end of it.
BTW some of the Corps sponsorship when I was in was given back to the in rez Corps, at the rate of $30 per month spending money. I guess the rest went to provide board and lodging.
At the McM farm, they get free board and lodgings and have to provide for all of their expenses themselves. They don't "pay to work there."
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Hi Ho! Hi ho,its off the work we go,yep,they(twi) worked us like dogs,period...
Oh!We will teach you how to work,I did say one time,well if I didnt,how the heck did all this stuff get done?
Oh!You have a bad atittude.Oh! I heard recently,They miss me,yeah all the free labor they got out of me.
Oh! You have a truck,we could use it,finally I started saying,fine fill it up first,hmm...never got confronted on that one.
Now I am called skilled labor,See!someone has to train ya!
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I guess.. well, they say millet, potatos and a couple hot dogs can go a long way..
still.. free board? seems it's dependant on "work to be done.."
and.. that outfit is likely being run by a group, who at best can cough up one individual who has a bachellor's, and not in something relevant to the task at hand to begin with.. rest of them have victoid clone credentials..
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funny how they "miss" us.
maybe if you donate your truck, they'l "let" you come back to "twig"..
Amazing.. and they still think the same way.. tossing out little lines to offer a person the "priviledge" to come back.. but they won't offer directly. No.. just hinting, hem hawing around.. "oh, we miss you.. " give a person a way to "redeem" themselves.. hoping you'll beg to go back to servitude..
"here mistah.. come back, come back.. use my truck.. here, I've got forty gallons of gas to toss in besides.. "
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