Thanks Shell...gee, Waydale seems a long time ago already. But someone who seems special after a few months seems more special after several years.
Rummy, I was glad when you came on that you remembered, even though I beat you out on remembering some details. And speaking of Waydale, I remember years ago when Groucho asked me in chat if i ever knew you and I told him.
Hap, I can actually relate or analogize a lot of the joys and sorrows of life to baseball. I can do the same for bridge, but i wonder if even one other person on GS knows that game.
RG, mine was no secret...Shell got going and you posted before midnight; but mine has been mentioned on the bottom all day dince then. You seem to make a special effort to make birthdays better, and you have for me.
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LU's b'day? Darn - he was one of my roomies back in the corps daze. Happy Birthday Lifted Up.
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I hope the day is a homerun for you Lifted.
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This must be "Secret Birthday Day" Wow!!!

May All You Wishes come true...So wish Well!!!
With Love, RainbowsGirl
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Have a gloriously relaxing day...and then some!
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Lifted Up
Thanks Shell...gee, Waydale seems a long time ago already. But someone who seems special after a few months seems more special after several years.
Rummy, I was glad when you came on that you remembered, even though I beat you out on remembering some details. And speaking of Waydale, I remember years ago when Groucho asked me in chat if i ever knew you and I told him.
Hap, I can actually relate or analogize a lot of the joys and sorrows of life to baseball. I can do the same for bridge, but i wonder if even one other person on GS knows that game.
RG, mine was no secret...Shell got going and you posted before midnight; but mine has been mentioned on the bottom all day dince then. You seem to make a special effort to make birthdays better, and you have for me.
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happy birthday lifted !!!! and thanks for opening your heart here
ps. are you and rhino almost twins
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I hope it was awesome!!
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sorry i missed it!!!! have a happy year!
sorry i missed it!!!! have a happy year!
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Lifted Up
Thanks, Belle!!!Just don't credit me with two in the same year!!!
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Running behind, as usual. Happy Belated Birthday, Lifted UP!!!!!!!
Sure hope it was a BIG LIFT for you.
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Happy Birthday LU...first GSer that I met face-to-face
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