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Surrendering to our enemies


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Not in the physical as in other people.

But in our minds.

That which has been and still is an enemy.

That which we don't want to think of or about.

The things that really blocking a view.

Even a view from outside of yourself.

Which is clearer and un biased.

Some enemies are love, forgiveness even hatred.

Meaning seeing it for what it is.

Since I said hatred, surrendering to it would be letting it run it's course.

Not taking harmful action to others.

But seeing where it leads to in the mind.

Finding much about why and what it is there for.

We each have our own I suppose.

These are just examples.

Other people could be considerded enemies.

But why?

There more to it then the person.

In fact the person is rather secondary to the why.

Just some thoughts and feedback I have been having myself.

So I thought others would see things similar.

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Don't enemies seek to harm you? Why would it be good to let yourself be harmed if you had the power to avoid it? And speaking as a mom, if I am harmed, it hurts my children, also. So what is the benefit of that?

Love your enemies--can't you do that without letting them harm you?

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No, don't let yourself be harmed. I thought I was clear on that.

But to deal with our own enemies in the mind.

Even if these are seen in others as well as ourselves.

Not surrendering to get run over,

but to understand and learn.

To quit fighting whatever it is,

in order to see more clearly.

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well yeah, sort of except it's your enemies

things like attitudes, fears, feelings, etc....

or perceptions even

empathy is about someone else

this is about your own enemies

which is quite personal

just thinking, seems not much else happening down here....

i'm not attacking or telling anyone what o do

though feedback is cool

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Take the fear of death for instance.

If you fear it or anxious about it.

Most don't want to think about it till they have to.

But anyway, surrendering to death, would be accepting it.

Not to bring it on but to not fear it anymore.

If we surrender to it, it could teach us about itself.

Since death is an enemy to some and so stated in the bible.

I thought I would pick it.

So we are to love our enemies, so the bible says also.

How to do it?

Would surrendering come into play or not.

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Check this out-you will have to download it.

It's a powerpoint file.


I'm not recruiting or some bs.

I don't know what you guys think.

Whatever...I'm just wingin it.

If you get anything from this, fine.

If not, that's fine too.


got this from here-


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