I read a few blogs, tongue in cheek references to the one "rock" tune and the "shredding" in it, and I felt a twinge of pain for that guitarist as he may have had a pretty good solo cooked up but there was someone there editing him to tone it down, as it sounds like half a solo.
Where can that blog referring to the shredding be found? Hubby's taking a shredding course and it may give him hope.
This is what happens when a group becomes so insulated from the body. No one stops them and says that this looks and sounds ridiculous. Now they are subject to ridicule, but even that will be rationalized away to the end that they will become more marginalized than they already were.
Music in TWI and most of the splinters is more of an afterthought due to a lack of understanding of music's place in worship and the fact that TWI doesn't actually worship anything but the doctrine it teaches.
Keep in mind their reference to "shredding" was tongue in cheek, although the solo itself is decent enough, and ends with a series of hammer-ons on open string. The end starts to get a head of steam going but of course they have to ham it up. None of this really sounds that good, so don't blame me if your hubbie isn't "blessed". :blink: (I don't know what his range is, but he could check out Guthrie Govan's stuff on youtube for basic shredding 101 fer free. He does some funny facials on
, which sort of puts the topic to bed from about 1:20 on ) Actually he gets it back up for cookies and milk
Keep in mind their reference to "shredding" was tongue in cheek, although the solo itself is decent enough, and ends with a series of hammer-ons on open string. The end starts to get a head of steam going but of course they have to ham it up. None of this really sounds that good, so don't blame me if your hubbie isn't "blessed". :blink:
He's a student of Tom Hess. That stuff on the way site is weak, weak, weak.
The problem with music in the offshoots ( at least in mine ) is that the goal is to bless the leadership, not the saints. If the leaders would just let the musicians walk with God and not try to control things there would be some great music out there. As someone who this year quit the band (which I had started then had hijacked out from under me ) in my splinter group after banging my head against the wall for six years I know this way too well.
Hmm, so the Soup video has made it onto the Cafe's front page. Funny! :)
Not so sure I like the comments that are accumulating on the blog at the bottom of the video. It's one thing to work out issues at the Cafe, but quite another to wrangle in public on the blog. Enough there already to raise questions in the minds of any searchers after truth.
Hmm, so the Soup video has made it onto the Cafe's front page. Funny! :)
Not so sure I like the comments that are accumulating on the blog at the bottom of the video. It's one thing to work out issues at the Cafe, but quite another to wrangle in public on the blog. Enough there already to raise questions in the minds of any searchers after truth.
Twinky, this is an open forum. You don't have to be a member to read - just to post.
Looks like their blog slowed down about 9/19. I liked reading it "as is", to get a read on the voice of the average web viewer.
These comments from some genius were as funny as the video though:
cults dont change leadership you idiot
oh and dont just make up **** that you think is true cause you think it sounds good... there was no sexual abuse, YOU get real kid. Craig had consensual affairs with two women and that was handled in court and he isnt there anymore... Dr. W had been dead for years and in no was had affairs or even came close to sexually abusing anyone. Get your **** together man... and grow up its 2008
That person has obviously been fed the Way Line and has a very limited view and understanding of the Way's history. He/she/it appears to be separating VPW out from LCM's "affairs" and lawsuits blah blah blah. It's funny how Wayfers are so often willing to just bury Craig, just leave him hanging out to dry ... but can't see, don't know or don't want to anything else beyond or before him. It's easier to ignore everything else and dump it all on Craig, making him the magnet for everything that was "wrong". That way - get rid of Craig and "they're all gone now" - problem solved.
Socks, you think that was bad. Chick sent me a pm and used profanity that would embarrass Marine Sergants and Gordon Ramsey, threatening me personally. I informed Talk Soup website about this and they promised that she was now banned from ever responding anything on their forums. Boy, talk about arrogance. Sad.
yah, that's some cranky pants Wayfer there, TLB! I don't know, Chas, maybe that's what "sight unseen" means! I'm sorry you got winged like that Thomas, I'm sure it was disconcerting and Talksoup did the right thing by banning that kind of behavior, at least as it would result from their public blog. Geez o' Pete.
Those Wayfers got pretty teed off there, for a sec. I can't find the blog anymore, maybe it distappeared. ?
Funny though - there seemed to be less interest amongst the pro-Wafyfers in taking Talksoup or the host to task than in challenging the people who posted there who are non-Wayfers. I guess it's okay to make fun of the Way's efforts to communicate via song *kak* and dance *glaff* and parody the Voice of God telling them to literally STOP doing what they're doing...than it is to speak out about the Way as a former member.
Interesting. Very interesting. I dunno - if I was an innocent bystander I'd wonder what the glafuffel was really goin' on behind those spiffy curtains.
We might have to admit they were on to something there (whether intentional or not). How much harm can the devil cause when he is so distracted by that and laughing himself to tears? God does have a sense of humor.
Be interesting to see after all this exposure and ridicule whether they try some different sort of dance routine for their next round of song/dances, especially for the bigger events - the forthcoming anniversary weekend? The New Year Watchnight?
Be interesting to see after all this exposure and ridicule whether they try some different sort of dance routine for their next round of song/dances, especially for the bigger events - the forthcoming anniversary weekend? The New Year Watchnight?
More likely, they'll just bar all cameras, phones, etc.
Isn't it the least bit ironic that some of the signature moves in this little show are from the '80's?
And... they come from Michael Jackson.??!!.. who's "love of little boys" and sexual dalliances have been questioned numerous times in the news.
I happen to like MJ's dancing during that period in time. I just find this choice of dance steps odd given the attitudes that have been spouted during the years.
(* NOTE ~ think about the prevalent attitudes at the Cornfield Cult location. *)
Isn't it the least bit ironic that some of the signature moves in this little show are from the '80's?
And... they come from Michael Jackson.??!!.. who's "love of little boys" and sexual dalliances have been questioned numerous times in the news.
I happen to like MJ's dancing during that period in time. I just find this choice of dance steps odd given the attitudes that have been spouted during the years.
(* NOTE ~ think about the prevalent attitudes at the Cornfield Cult location. *)
MJ was sick, 1 of the sickest dancers ever. 1 of the absolute best performers ever
honestly the twi guy isn't a bad dancer, he did well, it was just the whole context... the song sucked, he's got 50+year old trudy backing him up... his style.. the beat was too slow for that type of dancing... the lighting was odd, he just looked so out of place
but i'll admit, he's a better dancer than I am... i bet if he had a few drinks and was at a good club, he'd kill it..
props to him for trying, and at least it was funny as hell :)
I needed a good laugh. I watched that months ago and showed Mr. Bliss.......
we cracked up and then got on our knees in thanksgiving.
Now, the woman on the right is Trudy Yates(Bayne). I am sorry to say that I taught her some ''break dancing'' moves years ago............. I can see she's still doing them. She probably wrote that song. As she does most of them. They are all awful.
The rubber man in the middle is Frank Stutz. (child of the Corn)
not sure about the other gal.
If you are gonna dance like that, at least wear appropriate clothing people! Rosalie would never have it!
What happened to the delightful swaying I remember? And blecch, I thought the clothing was terrible back when I was a little kid. Why has the production quality never gotten any better?
I'm afraid that I'm a Johnny come lately to this thread and I just now watched the video...Good Lord in heaven..is this some kind of joke? I'll bet that Vic is spinning so fast in his grave that it's powering the fountain by now...
gawd that's hysterical...and there's folks who still take them seriously?...har har har
It's sick...the Coen brothers couldn't have done any better.
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Years ago, they would have used "featured on Talk Soup" as a promotional slogan, right next to Life mag.
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Where can that blog referring to the shredding be found? Hubby's taking a shredding course and it may give him hope.
This is what happens when a group becomes so insulated from the body. No one stops them and says that this looks and sounds ridiculous. Now they are subject to ridicule, but even that will be rationalized away to the end that they will become more marginalized than they already were.
Music in TWI and most of the splinters is more of an afterthought due to a lack of understanding of music's place in worship and the fact that TWI doesn't actually worship anything but the doctrine it teaches.
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It's on the Wayfer site HERE Tzaia- couple minutes in.
Keep in mind their reference to "shredding" was tongue in cheek, although the solo itself is decent enough, and ends with a series of hammer-ons on open string. The end starts to get a head of steam going but of course they have to ham it up. None of this really sounds that good, so don't blame me if your hubbie isn't "blessed". :blink:
(I don't know what his range is, but he could check out Guthrie Govan's stuff on youtube for basic shredding 101 fer free. He does some funny facials on
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He's a student of Tom Hess. That stuff on the way site is weak, weak, weak.
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Well, what the heck, we're off topic anyway so here's a guy who KNEW how to shred.
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I just can not believe this,I have worried about people getting suckered into TWI for all these years
and now that I have seen this I am NOT worried at all,people will be running out the door on there own!
They are like "stepford wives gone mad"back in the day way productions was actually pretty good
it was one of the main vehicals I thought for encouraging us to"stay committed and all that jazz"
Or maybe it was just me thinking that because I like music so much.
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The problem with music in the offshoots ( at least in mine ) is that the goal is to bless the leadership, not the saints. If the leaders would just let the musicians walk with God and not try to control things there would be some great music out there. As someone who this year quit the band (which I had started then had hijacked out from under me ) in my splinter group after banging my head against the wall for six years I know this way too well.
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Hmm, so the Soup video has made it onto the Cafe's front page. Funny! :)
Not so sure I like the comments that are accumulating on the blog at the bottom of the video. It's one thing to work out issues at the Cafe, but quite another to wrangle in public on the blog. Enough there already to raise questions in the minds of any searchers after truth.
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Twinky, this is an open forum. You don't have to be a member to read - just to post.
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Looks like their blog slowed down about 9/19. I liked reading it "as is", to get a read on the voice of the average web viewer.
These comments from some genius were as funny as the video though:
cults dont change leadership you idiot
oh and dont just make up **** that you think is true cause you think it sounds good... there was no sexual abuse, YOU get real kid. Craig had consensual affairs with two women and that was handled in court and he isnt there anymore... Dr. W had been dead for years and in no was had affairs or even came close to sexually abusing anyone. Get your **** together man... and grow up its 2008
That person has obviously been fed the Way Line and has a very limited view and understanding of the Way's history. He/she/it appears to be separating VPW out from LCM's "affairs" and lawsuits blah blah blah. It's funny how Wayfers are so often willing to just bury Craig, just leave him hanging out to dry ... but can't see, don't know or don't want to anything else beyond or before him. It's easier to ignore everything else and dump it all on Craig, making him the magnet for everything that was "wrong". That way - get rid of Craig and "they're all gone now" - problem solved.
But still, kinda funny in it's own way.
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
Socks, you think that was bad. Chick sent me a pm and used profanity that would embarrass Marine Sergants and Gordon Ramsey, threatening me personally. I informed Talk Soup website about this and they promised that she was now banned from ever responding anything on their forums. Boy, talk about arrogance. Sad.
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Just think... they're still "IN" and they have to watch Way Productions. They have no choice.
Wouldn't that make you sorta cranky, too?
I seriously want to unsee that clip now.
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yah, that's some cranky pants Wayfer there, TLB!
I don't know, Chas, maybe that's what "sight unseen" means! I'm sorry you got winged like that Thomas, I'm sure it was disconcerting and Talksoup did the right thing by banning that kind of behavior, at least as it would result from their public blog. Geez o' Pete.
Those Wayfers got pretty teed off there, for a sec. I can't find the blog anymore, maybe it distappeared. ?
Funny though - there seemed to be less interest amongst the pro-Wafyfers in taking Talksoup or the host to task than in challenging the people who posted there who are non-Wayfers. I guess it's okay to make fun of the Way's efforts to communicate via song *kak* and dance *glaff* and parody the Voice of God telling them to literally STOP doing what they're doing...than it is to speak out about the Way as a former member.
Interesting. Very interesting. I dunno - if I was an innocent bystander I'd wonder what the glafuffel was really goin' on behind those spiffy curtains.
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I added my two cents worth in there too.
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so it was
We might have to admit they were on to something there (whether intentional or not). How much harm can the devil cause when he is so distracted by that and laughing himself to tears? God does have a sense of humor.
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Be interesting to see after all this exposure and ridicule whether they try some different sort of dance routine for their next round of song/dances, especially for the bigger events - the forthcoming anniversary weekend? The New Year Watchnight?
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More likely, they'll just bar all cameras, phones, etc.
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Isn't it the least bit ironic that some of the signature moves in this little show are from the '80's?
And... they come from Michael Jackson.??!!.. who's "love of little boys" and sexual dalliances have been questioned numerous times in the news.
I happen to like MJ's dancing during that period in time. I just find this choice of dance steps odd given the attitudes that have been spouted during the years.
(* NOTE ~ think about the prevalent attitudes at the Cornfield Cult location. *)
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MJ was sick, 1 of the sickest dancers ever. 1 of the absolute best performers ever
honestly the twi guy isn't a bad dancer, he did well, it was just the whole context... the song sucked, he's got 50+year old trudy backing him up... his style.. the beat was too slow for that type of dancing... the lighting was odd, he just looked so out of place
but i'll admit, he's a better dancer than I am... i bet if he had a few drinks and was at a good club, he'd kill it..
props to him for trying, and at least it was funny as hell :)
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I needed a good laugh. I watched that months ago and showed Mr. Bliss.......
we cracked up and then got on our knees in thanksgiving.
Now, the woman on the right is Trudy Yates(Bayne). I am sorry to say that I taught her some ''break dancing'' moves years ago.............
I can see she's still doing them. She probably wrote that song. As she does most of them. They are all awful.
The rubber man in the middle is Frank Stutz. (child of the Corn)
not sure about the other gal.
If you are gonna dance like that, at least wear appropriate clothing people! Rosalie would never have it!
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What happened to the delightful swaying I remember? And blecch, I thought the clothing was terrible back when I was a little kid. Why has the production quality never gotten any better?
I love The Soup.
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I'm afraid that I'm a Johnny come lately to this thread and I just now watched the video...Good Lord in heaven..is this some kind of joke? I'll bet that Vic is spinning so fast in his grave that it's powering the fountain by now...
gawd that's hysterical...and there's folks who still take them seriously?...har har har
It's sick...the Coen brothers couldn't have done any better.
Edited by GrouchoMarxJrLink to comment
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tommyz -- get out of that offshoot and start your own -- BAND not offshoot ha ha ha ha ha love ya
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now I see
Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!!
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