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Revised Rules Spinoff


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  HAPe4me said:
Do these apply to all forums? Politics n Tacks? Soap?

I agree with Hap and his question.

These rules seem quite fair, and I have tried (unsuccessfully at times) to follow the precepts there.

I recently had several posts deleted in P & T, when I was merely answering a question to Rocky.

There was no *You said/ I said* type of thing, He made a comment and asked a question.

I responded. My response got deleted as a personal attack, when all I did was answer his question.

I hope the 20 Mods will follow the new guidelines, as I will surely try to do as well.

I coulda said this by PM, but since the topic was broached on the Open board,

for all to see ---- so I feel why not ask/ question/ answer/ here.

I do appreciate what you do Paw. Sometimes I feel it's getting *heavy-handed* here.

But --- that's just me. You do what ya gotta do.

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D - as moderators we are still learning the ropes too. There will be a learning curve for us, in knowing when to edit a post and when to just leave it alone. I would suggest that people please feel free to send a PM to a moderator if they don't understand why one of their posts were moderated.

I also hope as moderators we will communicate well with the posters, who also have a learning curve in figuring out how the new rules apply, and will let you know why we have taken an action. :)

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  modbaker said:
D - .................. I would suggest that people please feel free to send a PM to a moderator if they don't understand why one of their posts were moderated.

I also hope as moderators we will communicate well with the posters, who also have a learning curve in figuring out how the new rules apply, and will let you know why we have taken an action. :)

All of which was done in the situation which Dmiller mentioned above.

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Any forums with different rules will have those posted in that particular forum. The following will have modified rules:

Politics and Tacks

Prayer Room -- not a discussion forum

In Memoriam -- not a discussion forum

This should be done in the next week.

We also have a great new feature, Blogging. Every poster can have their own blog to talk about anything that doesn't violate the rules. If you have a passion about something, start blogging about it. People can leave comments and you have control over allowing or deleting the comments. It is your own little webspace.

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May I suggest something?

I've suggested, in other messageboards, down the years, that rules for conduct include a request

that posters attempt to follow "the Golden Rule"-

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you",

and that posters who do not choose this should at least attempt to follow "the Silver Rules"-

"That which you don't want others to do to you, don't do to them."

The non-Christians generally have no problem at least seeing this makes sense, whether or not

it's ever considered part of the rules.

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A side note to the revised rules:

One of the issues that came up during the Rules Committee discussions was the need for more moderators to help lighten the load on the small group that we had previously, eight posters volunteered.

Now these are all posters who have been moderating for less than a month and are doing their best to do a tough job. Every single one of them are long-time posters who come from a variety of points of view.

Why don't some of you cut them some slack?

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And I third the motion!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

I mean you are going to get complaints no matter if your perfect so don't worry about it. We are all human. If someone thinks someone said something to hurt their feelings wha wha. Its like kindergarten all over again. Or should I say cult?

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  vickles said:
And I third the motion!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

I mean you are going to get complaints no matter if your perfect so don't worry about it. We are all human. If someone thinks someone said something to hurt their feelings wha wha. Its like kindergarten all over again. Or should I say cult?


No matter what I do or don't do, the critics are waiting at the door. I don't appreciate your analogy of being a "cult". It's not true. Don't understand your need to call GS that. The big difference is that you are always free to leave.

If this place becomes a cult, I'll close it down

These moderators do their best on their own time and generally get nothing but criticism -- and rarely anything constructive.

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like I said, some of the moderating needs a little lightening up.

modcow, i wasn't saying this because you said to cut them some slack

while i appreciate the PM, i think we should be able to talk openly here

ps. how do you do that carbon copy thing on PMs?

is there a "reply all" button like in email?

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Hey, I really don't understand why my post was deleted. Why is it that we have to have our posts deleted because you interpreted it the way you thought it was? I was not saying the moderators are getting their feelings hurt.

I was not replying to your post at all mod cow. I was stating that why does everyone have to whine about how their feelings are getting hurt. This was stated to everyone not just to moderators. I don't know why you would think the moderators would run away by something so simple.

You are never going to make everyone happy and you are going to have the same whiners whining. I just don't understand why our posts have to be deleted because someone got their feelings hurt by how they read a post. wha wha cry in my bottle sort of thing.

Another thing is, I don't post much here on greasespot as I used to and maybe this is a major reason why!!!!!

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A few posts up, I had made a comment that was somewhat sarcastic, which I deleted, but not before a few posters commented on it.

I deleted the comments, since they made no sense out of context.

Also deleted was a comment by pawtucket that made no sense out of context since it was a response to one of the responses that I had deleted.

I PM'd those whose posters I deleted explaining my actions. One poster PM'd me back with his opinion of my actions, the other two chose to continue to discuss the matter on this thread.

So, I put it all back in order to preserve some semblance of context.

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oh man, see what i mean about lightening up. i just don't get it

by the way, that's amazing that you can put stuff back after it's gone

The big difference is that you are always free to leave.

i don't think that was called for paw, in my humble. don't you want people to come here? don't you want them to feel somewhat welcome or free to express themselves?

i don't know. i hope you and modcow don't take me talking here as a personal attack because i surely don't mean it that way

thank you

Edited by excathedra
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  excathedra said:
And why don't some of you take yourselves less seriously?
Well, I take my responsibility seriously, since I believe in the mission of Grease Spot
  vickles said:
And I third the motion!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
  excathedra said:
modcow, i wasn't saying this because you said to cut them some slack
  vickles said:
I was not replying to your post at all mod cow.
Well, excathedra followed my post using similar language. I believe any reasonable person would come to the conclusion that it was a response to my remark; vickles "thirded" the motion, indicating a response to my remark as well.
  excathedra said:
like I said, some of the moderating needs a little lightening up.
Maybe it does, the newbies are learning and the veterans aren't perfect either.
  vickles said:
Hey, I really don't understand why my post was deleted.
It was explained in a PM.
  vickles said:
I don't know why you would think the moderators would run away by something so simple.
Because I have seen it before, time after time over the last five years. Most people get sick and tired of doing a volunteer job and getting nothing but grief
  vickles said:
If someone thinks someone said something to hurt their feelings wha wha. Its like kindergarten all over again.
  vickles said:
I was stating that why does everyone have to whine about how their feelings are getting hurt...You are never going to make everyone happy and you are going to have the same whiners whining... wha wha cry in my bottle sort of thing.
Who is it that's "whining" about their feelings being hurt?
  vickles said:
Well, Tom, I will probably get kicked off of here but I am in trouble....lol when am I not....but
What made you say that?
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  pawtucket said:

No matter what I do or don't do, the critics are waiting at the door. I don't appreciate your analogy of being a "cult". It's not true. Don't understand your need to call GS that. The big difference is that you are always free to leave.

If this place becomes a cult, I'll close it down

These moderators do their best on their own time and generally get nothing but criticism -- and rarely anything constructive.

I'm deeply hurt that you would think I called greasespot a cult. And actually I was standing up for you guys in a way saying everyone is going to complain so don't worry about it. If you remember how TWI was always whining to leadership being told on etc.

Thanks for letting me know how you feel. I won't be back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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