The Countess and I lost power on Friday night. It was just restored this afternoon. Except for some fence damage, we came through unscathed. Gas and water remained on, so we could cook and shower. We've gotten to know our new neighbors quite well, with little mini-cookouts together each of the last three evenings. Local ice drops kept us from losing all our food, though we did have to pitch some. The cold front that moved through two nights ago has made living MUCH more bearable. (I'm sure ex10 will agree.) Phone and internet (obviously) are now on, and all I'm missing is satellite TV. (Our dish is still there, but it's misaligned.)
We visited our old neighborhood near the coast yesterday. Not much damage, but no power, water, or gas.
Considering the tragedy it could have been, the inconvienience hasn't been all that bad.
The Countess and I lost power on Friday night. It was just restored this afternoon. Except for some fence damage, we came through unscathed. Gas and water remained on, so we could cook and shower. We've gotten to know our new neighbors quite well, with little mini-cookouts together each of the last three evenings. Local ice drops kept us from losing all our food, though we did have to pitch some. The cold front that moved through two nights ago has made living MUCH more bearable. (I'm sure ex10 will agree.) Phone and internet (obviously) are now on, and all I'm missing is satellite TV. (Our dish is still there, but it's misaligned.)
We visited our old neighborhood near the coast yesterday. Not much damage, but no power, water, or gas.
Considering the tragedy it could have been, the inconvienience hasn't been all that bad.
Glad to hear it. And if you have a safe ladder, it's probably not that difficult to re-aim your dish... if you have someone monitoring the signal strength on the set up screen while you (or someone) moves the dish... of course, you need to know the general direction to start with. :)
btw, in the retirement community I live in, for the first 2.5 years I was here, we had semi-regular power outages due to aging electrical infrastructure. Those times were the most conducive to getting to know neighbors... which is a consolation... given the inconvenience, a nice consolation.
If you give me your street address (PM) and if you know the satellite provider and (even better) which satellite you were pointing at I will give you the azimuth and elevation to re-point your antenna
Phone and internet (obviously) are now on, and all I'm missing is satellite TV. (Our dish is still there, but it's misaligned.)
If you give me your street address (PM) and if you know the satellite provider and (even better) which satellite you were pointing at I will give you the azimuth and elevation to re-point your antenna
You can do that? Crazy!
Thanks Temple Lady for the info. It's also good to see other Texans on line and checking in, so to speak to let us worryers know what's going on and how they faired. My thoughts and prayers have been with all of them since before this thing hit...and I will continue to pray for you all.
If you give me your street address (PM) and if you know the satellite provider and (even better) which satellite you were pointing at I will give you the azimuth and elevation to re-point your antenna
I'll keep that in mind for the future. We have an installer coming this afternoon to take care of it.
I remember all too well those very long, very hot days with no power and feel for anyone with young 'uns having to go through that.
So very, very glad to hear y'all are okay. We're still missing folks, though.
George, isn't it fun getting to know your neighbors like that. We did the same thing during Charlie, Ivan, Frances, Jean, etc.... my garage tends to become the gathering spot for my street.
Power out here from 2 pm Sunday until 9:30 am yesterday. DSL just back on.
60 mph winds with gusts to 78 mph. We were out chasing Diva Dog around in the worst of it. She is only about a foot high so the wind didn't bother her and she was chasing leaves and papers flying by at 50-70 mph.
We have a well and no generator, so had to halfway move into the house that belongs with our church, along with our groceries. Yesterday we came back from making breakfast and were messing around, then suddenly realized the lights were on!
Last night's hot shower was sweeet!
We lived in Charleston, SC during Hurricane Hugo, with winds twice the power and no electricity for two weeks. I haven't had too much sympathy with the whiners here. God was then and is now able to supply our every need.
Prayers for all those affected by this SOB storm.
Once when there was another hurricane in the Gulf I remember being in choir practice and praying for those affected by it. Our little twerp choir director prayed a corrective prayer right behind me THANKING God for showing His mighty power to the residents of New Orleans, Missiissippi etc. I could have strangled the little booger!
Thanks everyone for the concern and thoughtful messages. About 9:30 this morning, our power came back on. From what I can tell, much of our town is up and running now. The power went out sometime early Saturday morning, and our landline phone worked until Sunday nite, then went out. Cell phone service is sketchy, and our cable and internet is working, obviously.
It was really nice to hear from so many patrons of the cafe, and eased the discomfort of sitting around in the dark. Since my dearly beloved had to fly out Monday morning to Dallas for a business training, Jr. went and stayed with a friend that never lost power in Tomball, and I went to my brother's house in Spring. He has a generator to keep the fridge and a couple of other things running. So I was semi comfortable at his house. Mom and assorted other kin are at the lake house in New Braunfels, so they have been quite comfy, and actually haven't seen the havoc here.
My place of work isn't up and running yet, though, so I'm having to operate from home as best I can. My boss talked to the mayor of the town where our office is, and all 3 power stations were damaged. The mayor said it could be 3 or 4 weeks before the electricity is restored there. I am the only employee (besides my bosses that are staying with their daughter) that has power now, so we'll see how that situation works out. One of my coworkers had her house flood and has had to move out. Nothing is salvagable. :(
There are still very long lines at the gas stations that are open, but I expect that situation to abate pretty quickly since our town partially came up this morning. I just heard on the news though, that there are still 1.8 million without power in the Houston area.
It will probably be a while before the tree gets off our house. Many of our neighbors had trees actually go through the roofs and cause structural damage to their homes, so they are the priority as far as removal goes. We are very fortunate that we didn't get any structural or water damage from the fallen tree. The bad news is, our insurance deductable is a pretty staggering amount, I just now found out. And it will be weeks before an adjustor comes out.
George and Mr. P- I'm really glad you and yours are ok. Hopefully we will meet at the BBQ.
So good to hear from you Ex10. Such devestation is such a pain in the tail and isnt it always at times like this that we find out that the insurance we thought we had isnt what we actually have? Let us know if you need anything that we can provide.
It's good to hear your power is back on and that you all are doing ok. I was going to contact you to find out if you needed a place to stay, but it sounds like you're set, at least for now.
BBQ still going ahead then. Never mind the crane to remove the tree on the roof, get the GSers to heave it upright or chop it down for firewood for that fire pit of yours!
BBQ still going ahead then. Never mind the crane to remove the tree on the roof, get the GSers to heave it upright or chop it down for firewood for that fire pit of yours!
That is a nice thought... but even with a dozen chainsaws, a heavy crane is usually necessary in situations like that.
I worked one summer with a tree care firm... during the AZ monsoon season, there are usually at least one or two storms that down trees on homes...
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad you're safe and sound Ex10!!!
Wednesday Morning and still no power at the house. I'm sitting in a Denny's which never lost their power. It may be up to another week before power is restored. what can I say?
It gets old, doesn't it? We are now back on after having been without power for 9 days following Gustav. We got phone/cable/net back on the 10th day, but some are still waiting, going on 3 weeks. It got old after day 7. Before that it was lots of fun. But heat, exhaution & stress take their toll.
BBQ still going ahead then. Never mind the crane to remove the tree on the roof, get the GSers to heave it upright or chop it down for firewood for that fire pit of yours!
Ha Twinky!
There's a thought. Work for beer and BBQ?
Hmmm…Grease Spotters getting rid of a fallen tree that tried to crash the party. Whoa, heavy on the symbolism there!
Glad to hear you're doing okay…It's frightening to hear how much of an impact Ike had. A co-worker of mine was so worried about her daughter who works and goes to the university in Houston. She just paid for this semester, the office where she works is shut down for repairs [supposed to take 2 months], and they're shipping off just about everyone to their New Orleans office. Her daughter was so worried they'd make her go and she'd lose her tuition. But they finally worked out an arrangement using another small office – she and a handful of others will stay in Houston...All the folks of Houston, Galveston, etc. are still in our thoughts & prayers.
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The Countess and I lost power on Friday night. It was just restored this afternoon. Except for some fence damage, we came through unscathed. Gas and water remained on, so we could cook and shower. We've gotten to know our new neighbors quite well, with little mini-cookouts together each of the last three evenings. Local ice drops kept us from losing all our food, though we did have to pitch some. The cold front that moved through two nights ago has made living MUCH more bearable. (I'm sure ex10 will agree.) Phone and internet (obviously) are now on, and all I'm missing is satellite TV. (Our dish is still there, but it's misaligned.)
We visited our old neighborhood near the coast yesterday. Not much damage, but no power, water, or gas.
Considering the tragedy it could have been, the inconvienience hasn't been all that bad.
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Glad to hear it. And if you have a safe ladder, it's probably not that difficult to re-aim your dish... if you have someone monitoring the signal strength on the set up screen while you (or someone) moves the dish... of course, you need to know the general direction to start with. :)
btw, in the retirement community I live in, for the first 2.5 years I was here, we had semi-regular power outages due to aging electrical infrastructure. Those times were the most conducive to getting to know neighbors... which is a consolation... given the inconvenience, a nice consolation.
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If you give me your street address (PM) and if you know the satellite provider and (even better) which satellite you were pointing at I will give you the azimuth and elevation to re-point your antenna
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You can do that? Crazy!
Thanks Temple Lady for the info. It's also good to see other Texans on line and checking in, so to speak to let us worryers know what's going on and how they faired. My thoughts and prayers have been with all of them since before this thing hit...and I will continue to pray for you all.
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I'll keep that in mind for the future. We have an installer coming this afternoon to take care of it.
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I remember all too well those very long, very hot days with no power and feel for anyone with young 'uns having to go through that.
So very, very glad to hear y'all are okay. We're still missing folks, though.
George, isn't it fun getting to know your neighbors like that. We did the same thing during Charlie, Ivan, Frances, Jean, etc.... my garage tends to become the gathering spot for my street.
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Watered Garden
Power out here from 2 pm Sunday until 9:30 am yesterday. DSL just back on.
60 mph winds with gusts to 78 mph. We were out chasing Diva Dog around in the worst of it. She is only about a foot high so the wind didn't bother her and she was chasing leaves and papers flying by at 50-70 mph.
We have a well and no generator, so had to halfway move into the house that belongs with our church, along with our groceries. Yesterday we came back from making breakfast and were messing around, then suddenly realized the lights were on!
Last night's hot shower was sweeet!
We lived in Charleston, SC during Hurricane Hugo, with winds twice the power and no electricity for two weeks. I haven't had too much sympathy with the whiners here. God was then and is now able to supply our every need.
Prayers for all those affected by this SOB storm.
Once when there was another hurricane in the Gulf I remember being in choir practice and praying for those affected by it. Our little twerp choir director prayed a corrective prayer right behind me THANKING God for showing His mighty power to the residents of New Orleans, Missiissippi etc. I could have strangled the little booger!
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Thanks everyone for the concern and thoughtful messages. About 9:30 this morning, our power came back on. From what I can tell, much of our town is up and running now. The power went out sometime early Saturday morning, and our landline phone worked until Sunday nite, then went out. Cell phone service is sketchy, and our cable and internet is working, obviously.
It was really nice to hear from so many patrons of the cafe, and eased the discomfort of sitting around in the dark.
Since my dearly beloved had to fly out Monday morning to Dallas for a business training, Jr. went and stayed with a friend that never lost power in Tomball, and I went to my brother's house in Spring. He has a generator to keep the fridge and a couple of other things running. So I was semi comfortable at his house. Mom and assorted other kin are at the lake house in New Braunfels, so they have been quite comfy, and actually haven't seen the havoc here.
My place of work isn't up and running yet, though, so I'm having to operate from home as best I can. My boss talked to the mayor of the town where our office is, and all 3 power stations were damaged. The mayor said it could be 3 or 4 weeks before the electricity is restored there. I am the only employee (besides my bosses that are staying with their daughter) that has power now, so we'll see how that situation works out. One of my coworkers had her house flood and has had to move out. Nothing is salvagable. :(
There are still very long lines at the gas stations that are open, but I expect that situation to abate pretty quickly since our town partially came up this morning. I just heard on the news though, that there are still 1.8 million without power in the Houston area.
It will probably be a while before the tree gets off our house. Many of our neighbors had trees actually go through the roofs and cause structural damage to their homes, so they are the priority as far as removal goes. We are very fortunate that we didn't get any structural or water damage from the fallen tree. The bad news is, our insurance deductable is a pretty staggering amount, I just now found out. And it will be weeks before an adjustor comes out.
George and Mr. P- I'm really glad you and yours are ok. Hopefully we will meet at the BBQ.
Thanks again for all the kindnesses.
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So good to hear from you Ex10. Such devestation is such a pain in the tail and isnt it always at times like this that we find out that the insurance we thought we had isnt what we actually have? Let us know if you need anything that we can provide.
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Mister P-Mosh
It's good to hear your power is back on and that you all are doing ok. I was going to contact you to find out if you needed a place to stay, but it sounds like you're set, at least for now.
Take care and see you at the BBQ.
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Good to know all's well with you! ((Ex10))
BBQ still going ahead then. Never mind the crane to remove the tree on the roof, get the GSers to heave it upright or chop it down for firewood for that fire pit of yours!
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Ha Twinky!
There's a thought. Work for beer and BBQ?
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If thou hast faith the size of a mustard seed, Thou wouldst be able to say unto that tree:
BE THOU REMOVED!, verily, it would be so!!! ;)
Glad to hear you and yours (and house) are OK.
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That is a nice thought... but even with a dozen chainsaws, a heavy crane is usually necessary in situations like that.
I worked one summer with a tree care firm... during the AZ monsoon season, there are usually at least one or two storms that down trees on homes...
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad you're safe and sound Ex10!!!
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I'm relieved to know that you are good to see everyone pulling together in a time of need...
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Wednesday Morning and still no power at the house. I'm sitting in a Denny's which never lost their power. It may be up to another week before power is restored. what can I say?
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It gets old, doesn't it? We are now back on after having been without power for 9 days following Gustav. We got phone/cable/net back on the 10th day, but some are still waiting, going on 3 weeks. It got old after day 7. Before that it was lots of fun. But heat, exhaution & stress take their toll.
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Hmmm…Grease Spotters getting rid of a fallen tree that tried to crash the party. Whoa, heavy on the symbolism there!
Glad to hear you're doing okay…It's frightening to hear how much of an impact Ike had. A co-worker of mine was so worried about her daughter who works and goes to the university in Houston. She just paid for this semester, the office where she works is shut down for repairs [supposed to take 2 months], and they're shipping off just about everyone to their New Orleans office. Her daughter was so worried they'd make her go and she'd lose her tuition. But they finally worked out an arrangement using another small office – she and a handful of others will stay in Houston...All the folks of Houston, Galveston, etc. are still in our thoughts & prayers.
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I saw on the news this morning that Entergy expects to have power to The Woodlands by the 25th. Hang in there, ex!
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Too funny!!!!
Maybe it needs to be marked and avoided?
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Evan !!!!!! you poor thing. Love you.
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Just got in from work and found my power back on.
I didn't mind the power being off nearly as much as I detested the sound of generators filling the ordinarily quiet nights.
I had my fridge plugged into my neighbor's generator until it (his generator) decided to take a dirt nap.
All in all, we did much better this time than we did with the ice storm a couple years ago.
That one had us out of juice for 6 1/2 days in the dead of winter.
Missed a pretty important email but I'll see if I can remedy that situation when the Sun comes up tomorrow.
I almost feel guilty that we fared so well compared to so many others.
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