I still maintain that the Way was about power more than money. Not that they didn't do a lot of things for money, but that was second in importance to power, which is easier to disguise as a motive. Desire to control people can be easily spun to look like a desire to "see the Word prevail in the hearts and minds of men and women in our day and in our time." (Makes me want to barf that I can still recite those cliches.)
I still maintain that the Way was about power more than money. Not that they didn't do a lot of things for money, but that was second in importance to power, which is easier to disguise as a motive. Desire to control people can be easily spun to look like a desire to "see the Word prevail in the hearts and minds of men and women in our day and in our time." (Makes me want to barf that I can still recite those cliches.)
I would agree. Not to say the money wasn't demanded.. it was almost like they felt "entitled".. but it just greased the pan..
To tell the truth(Bwahahaheehee), is it contestant number 1-Christian Family Fellowship Ministries, 2-Spirit and Truth Fellowship International, or number 3- Christian Research and Fellowship, 4- Christian Outreach Fellowship, or some other pretender? All of them stand up and no one sits down. Gee, Gary Moore and John Hurley never seemed to have this problem. ;) :B) :unsure: :blink:
To tell the truth(Bwahahaheehee), is it contestant number 1-Christian Family Fellowship Ministries, 2-Spirit and Truth Fellowship International, or number 3- Christian Research and Fellowship, 4- Christian Outreach Fellowship, or some other pretender? All of them stand up and no one sits down...
Yeah.....All of them stand up and no one sits down...
Big-name splinter groups, little-known offshoot groups, websites that display a listing of wierwille teachings, books written posthumously in the name of wierwille...........seems like "praising the man" is far bigger than "praising the Lord."
Sure, the pyramid system is attractive to those who seek power and control over others ..........attracting the David Koreshes of the world and fueling the fires for even more isolationism.
Sure, the elitism feeds the mind with "a self-importance mission" that seems to substantiate one's "stand on the word" at every turn..........much like wierwille's spiel around those late-night campfires.
Sure, the insider-knowledge of all-that-wierwille-taught leverages major intimidation to those who venture into this arena..........but wierwille's teachings are NOT the standard for truth, the Scriptures provide that standard.
I guess it must feel very satisfying to be the ONLY REMNANT LEFT STANDING FOR GOD AND THE LEGACY OF WIERWILLE.
5Sewers went out to spread vp's hazardous waste: and as they flushed, some folks fell by the curbside; and they were trodden down by leadership wearing L.E.A.D.-footed boots, and the fowls of the air pooped all over them.
6And some fell for the same old BS again – just like at their first Rock; and as soon as TWIt-head sprung up, once again their brains withered away, because nonsense made more cents for the reverends of hazardous waste.
7And some fell among thorns; they were the lucky ones who flipped out while witnessing at a Guns N' Roses concert never to be seen again at the Sewers' Kitchen Dining Table.
I think that people need to feel like they were right, that the ministry falling apart was somebody elses fault, rather than being a cult, a diseased non fruit bearing tree that needs to be uprooted.
If you are a remnant, you are with people who still feel like you do, you have a prestige, an importance, that others recognize. There is no need to humble yourself and reevaluate your spiritual understanding.
In other words, you don`t have to admit that you were wrong.
You can still pretend to be God`s spiritual superstars, noble dulous, on an important mission.
You can all pat yourselves on the back and tell each other how special, and above the rest of the body of Christ you are. Other people help foster your delusion so that the reality of being alone, without God or family does not intrude and disturb ones peace of mind.
An observation...With the multiplicity of offshoots, the thing that stands out to me is that each of these offshoot leaders see themselves as "mini mogs"...with the death of Wierwille and the subsequent failures of Martindale, there was a mad scramble to form their own "ministries" and grab for all the exwayfers they could...unity?...everyone coming together?...not on your life! Each one of these mogsters wanted to be the big bananna in charge of their "own thing"...
THAT's what they learned from Vic...and they cover it up with a veneer of false humility and recycled, religious crap.
...and of course now...they all want to lay claim as the "true" continuation of Vic's "ministry"....C'mon boys, it's time for a "check up from the neck up"...doncha think?
It's almost starting to look like the Mormons. Here's a cut-and-paste from watchman.org
As Gordon Fraser explains, "With the death of Joseph Smith, the entire church was thrust into a state of chaos, with a dozen potential leaders contending for the mantle of the Prophet" (Sects of the Latter-day Saints, p. 16). Many of these leaders would eventually begin their own churches, each claiming to be the only true church, as originally founded by Joseph Smith, Jr.
Some of these leaders included Brigham Young, who would lead many of Smith's followers from Nauvoo, Illinois to the Salt Lake Valley in Utah to begin The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the Mormons). James J. Strang would travel to Beaver Island, Michigan and have himself declared King by his followers. Sidney Rigdon, an early associate of Joseph Smith's, called his group the Church of Christ, which was the original name given the church by Joseph Smith. William Bickerton began The Church of Jesus Christ (or Church of Christ, Bickertonites) after a brief association with Rigdon. Another important leader was Grandville Hedrick who began The Church of Christ, Temple Lot (Divergent Paths of the Restoration, pp. 31, 37, 40-41, 76 and 89).
Other early followers of Joseph Smith were Jason Briggs, Zenos Gurley and William Marks. These three men are most often credited with organizing the group that would eventually be called the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This small remnant of believers in Joseph Smith formed because they did not accept his 1843 revelation that implemented polygamy.
Hey...if you want to tell me about medical science, how to build a canoe or how to build a house...I'm all ears!
...but if you want to tell me God's will for MY life...take a hike...been there, done that, got the Tshirt.
If any of these guys really want to live a Christian life...tell them to love and help people without getting a paycheck or self recognition from it...
It's almost starting to look like the Mormons. Here's a cut-and-paste from watchman.org
As Gordon Fraser explains, "With the death of Joseph Smith, the entire church was thrust into a state of chaos, with a dozen potential leaders contending for the mantle of the Prophet" (Sects of the Latter-day Saints, p. 16). Many of these leaders would eventually begin their own churches, each claiming to be the only true church, as originally founded by Joseph Smith, Jr.
Jim.....looks like the religious fervor in twi has mirrored what happened with the Mormons, no surpise there.
IMHO.....Twi was an offshoot of B.G. Leonard's ministry and never had a distant claim to being "the only true church or household." Sheeesh.
And now, twi offshoots are laying claim to the same. Move over cgeer......you didn't do anything different than what the Mormon leaders did. Move over lyyn.......you are just another guy in a long list of "players." Move over finnygin......move over sides...... move over ruud.......move over clappe.......move over seed......and the list goes on and on and on.
If it weren't for "sucker supporters".......these guys would have to get jobs and contribute to society.
And it seems like a blight spreading across the land..
I can't criticize anyone for specific beliefs.. what really bothers me is the rampant arrogance, false authoritarianism and egotism that seems to fuel a lot of these groups.
And apparently they aren't exactly getting the results they'd like..
this new corpse thingy.. it's almost like the attitude is "by gawd, we are RIGHT.. and we WILL get results, one way or another.."
why else put people through a meat grinder.. an "extreme" training..
I think they've perfected the concept of "fake it and you'll make it.."
look "christian" enough.. run classes, pretend one has the power of God, make enough noise.. and God *surely* will be on one's side..
Jim.....looks like the religious fervor in twi has mirrored what happened with the Mormons, no surpise there.
IMHO.....Twi was an offshoot of B.G. Leonard's ministry and never had a distant claim to being "the only true church or household." Sheeesh.
And now, twi offshoots are laying claim to the same. Move over cgeer......you didn't do anything different than what the Mormon leaders did. Move over lyyn.......you are just another guy in a long list of "players." Move over finnygin......move over sides...... move over ruud.......move over clappe.......move over seed......and the list goes on and on and on.
If it weren't for "sucker supporters".......these guys would have to get jobs and contribute to society.
Just for the sake of accuracy, Vince Finnegan doesn't consider himself to be in any way carrying on VPW's legacy. He has a very different theology these days, as can be seen on his website (kingdomready.org). He has distanced himself from his past with TWI, which makes John Juedes think he's hiding something, yet if he were to speak of any connection with The Way he'd be accused of trying to keep the old stuff alive, and/or cash in on his past. Sometimes you just can't win.
if he were to speak of any connection with The Way he'd be accused of trying to keep the old stuff alive, and/or cash in on his past. Sometimes you just can't win.
Geeze, I don't know, Mark.
You have openly spoken of your connection with The Way.
I haven't seen you trying to keep the old stuff alive or cash in on the past.
I think that people need to feel like they were right, that the ministry falling apart was somebody elses fault, rather than being a cult, a diseased non fruit bearing tree that needs to be uprooted.
If you are a remnant, you are with people who still feel like you do, you have a prestige, an importance, that others recognize. There is no need to humble yourself and reevaluate your spiritual understanding.
In other words, you don`t have to admit that you were wrong.
You can still pretend to be God`s spiritual superstars, noble dulous, on an important mission.
You can all pat yourselves on the back and tell each other how special, and above the rest of the body of Christ you are. Other people help foster your delusion so that the reality of being alone, without God or family does not intrude and disturb ones peace of mind.
Just for the sake of accuracy, Vince Finnegan doesn't consider himself to be in any way carrying on VPW's legacy. He has a very different theology these days, as can be seen on his website (kingdomready.org). He has distanced himself from his past with TWI, which makes John Juedes think he's hiding something, yet if he were to speak of any connection with The Way he'd be accused of trying to keep the old stuff alive, and/or cash in on his past. Sometimes you just can't win.
reading through some of the things on Kingdomready.org is jsu recycled VPW writings. There is not much difference is his theology. Those of us who have been there can tell the difference. He is looking for those who are looking for the way stuff or don't know better. Not to say everything that was taught in the way was bad. Fior error to be believeable it must be mixed with truth. But I have see some people will believe anything. There are even people that believe the earth is flat or hollow with another world inside. The more error is said over and over the more believable it will be. <_<
"Just for the sake of accuracy, Vince Finnegan doesn't consider himself to be in any way carrying on VPW's legacy. He has a very different theology these days, as can be seen on his website (kingdomready.org). He has distanced himself from his past with TWI, which makes John Juedes think he's hiding something, yet if he were to speak of any connection with The Way he'd be accused of trying to keep the old stuff alive, and/or cash in on his past. Sometimes you just can't win."
hello fellow greasespotters!
"just for the sake of accuracy", what vince finnegan considers himself to be or not to be does not change the fact that he was one of the worst of the twi hypocrites who ever ascended to the ranks of power that vic dangled in front of him to entice him into the corrupt, perverted, "inner sanctum" of twi "leadership", imho. he was a mean-spirited, vindictive, total vic loyalist who parlayed his phoney "everyman" public persona into his own little feifdom of spiritual and sexual abuse to the delight of his "father-in-the-word"........he was a plagiarist cut in the ignorant, pseudo-intellectual "biblical research" cloth of his "teacher", and he remains an "intellectual" hoax to this day.....
i've read his apolageia covering his twi roots on his self-serving, money grubbing website.............in which he declares total "thankfulness" for what he learned from der victoid in his years at twi, while feebly attempting to "distance himself" from vic's dysfunctional personal and biblical perversions, at the same time totally whitewashing his own personal participation in the sexual, and spiritual abuse that he "made his own" while climbing the twi corporate ladder..........he owes his "ministry" to vic and twi........since, when he finally had the guts to publicly break with twi and go with geer in 1989, using the doofus from okie's loyalty oath demand as an excuse to take for himself the remnants of the way of new york limb structure and financial base............he briefly credits god with the financial "miracle" that bought him his house and built him his church building and paved his personal financial highway with ex-wayfer money, support, and "volunteerism" that kept him working "full-time" as "god's minister"!..........but, all he really did was appropriate to himself the "ministry" vic bequeathed him in new york........making the financial and social support structures of twi in ny his own under the guise of "taking a stand" for god against martindale and the rapidly imploding way tree left in the united states!........and, never admitting to nor apologizing for the abuses and "crimes against humanity" he gleefully perpetrated while serving as "assistant to the president" and "worldwide outreach coordinator" for vic's perverted "word over the world machine".
his "original theology" of today remains at least 70% wierwilleism, with his own "degree mill" attachments providing enough of a cover for him to proclaim just enouigh "distance" from vic and twi to keep the money rolling in........his own "bible classes" are formatted just like the ones he took in twi, and the content is, as i said before, predominantly the same..........which is his absolute right as a citizen of our wonderful country.......but, makes him no less of a "whited sepulchre" than ces/stfi, cff, the geerites, and any/every other offshoot of vic's "ministry" available to the sadly gullible public around the country and world today!........the structure of his "church" is a thinly disguised remake of the way tree......he's got his headquarters, his bookstore, his classes, and his in-home fellowships just like he had in twi.........and, they're all quite lucrative enough so vinny doesn't ever have to get a "real job" ever again............which is quite fortunate for him and his family, since vinny isn't qualified for any job beyond pseudo-minister for god that could financially support the lifestyle he and mimi grew accustomed to in twi!
no skin off my nose........it's a free country........ in our country, people are free to choose what they want to believe and what ideologies they determine to be "truth"..........but, to give credit to vinny as somehow being a bona fide "christian minister" who has boldly gone beyond the obvious hypocrisies and perversions of der victoid and twi, and honestly and righteously "built his own church" by courageously "distancing himself" from his undeniable "spiritual heritage", and getting away with all the crap he pulled as one of vic's best "assistants" is a bit much..................and, imo, a far cry and long distance short of "for the sake of accuracy"!
as i've stated before here at the spot, none of the various twi offshoots will ever really be able to truly escape vic's "spiritual DNA" as long as they continue to propagate their versions of vic's "word of god" and their hybrids of vic's "way tree"'...........they all still meet einstein's definition of insanity, until they genuinely and actually have a change of consciousness when it comes to their twi-based "understanding" and belief of what "god's word" is, who jesus christ was and is, what the real "church" is, and what genuine "christian ministering" is!..........and, they must repent publicly for the egregious wrongs committed by them while in twi as their christ and their bibles command if they truly wish to "distance themselves" from what they so desperately cling to, despite their many words to the contrary..........imho, they owe this to god and the church of the body of christ, "for the sake of accuracy"!.....................................................peace.
Anyone else recognize that magazine layout for the front cover??
Thought so. :blink:
It looks like a Jehovah's Witness Watchtower magazine cover?
You know, I like DWBH's post. It kind of reminds me of Jesus expression that you can't put new wine in old wineskins. I can't really say that I know what the new wineskin is in our day and time. But it is easy to see the old wineskins.
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Show me the money!!!
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I agree with Frank. The Wierwille family did not inherit the TWI money, nor even the farm. The non-profit has it, the BOD is in control of it.
So how does one cash in on the legacy of a dead man? Ah, former followers!
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Mark Clarke
I still maintain that the Way was about power more than money. Not that they didn't do a lot of things for money, but that was second in importance to power, which is easier to disguise as a motive. Desire to control people can be easily spun to look like a desire to "see the Word prevail in the hearts and minds of men and women in our day and in our time." (Makes me want to barf that I can still recite those cliches.)
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I would agree. Not to say the money wasn't demanded.. it was almost like they felt "entitled".. but it just greased the pan..
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the ole corn field preacher just won't die! will he ? damn
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As Bob Dylan once said..."I'll stand on his grave til' I'm sure that's he's dead"...
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Thomas Loy Bumgarner
To tell the truth(Bwahahaheehee), is it contestant number 1-Christian Family Fellowship Ministries, 2-Spirit and Truth Fellowship International, or number 3- Christian Research and Fellowship, 4- Christian Outreach Fellowship, or some other pretender? All of them stand up and no one sits down. Gee, Gary Moore and John Hurley never seemed to have this problem.
;) :B)
:unsure: :blink: 

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Yeah.....All of them stand up and no one sits down...
Big-name splinter groups, little-known offshoot groups, websites that display a listing of wierwille teachings, books written posthumously in the name of wierwille...........seems like "praising the man" is far bigger than "praising the Lord."
Sure, the pyramid system is attractive to those who seek power and control over others ..........attracting the David Koreshes of the world and fueling the fires for even more isolationism.
Sure, the elitism feeds the mind with "a self-importance mission" that seems to substantiate one's "stand on the word" at every turn..........much like wierwille's spiel around those late-night campfires.
Sure, the insider-knowledge of all-that-wierwille-taught leverages major intimidation to those who venture into this arena..........but wierwille's teachings are NOT the standard for truth, the Scriptures provide that standard.
I guess it must feel very satisfying to be the ONLY REMNANT LEFT STANDING FOR GOD AND THE LEGACY OF WIERWILLE.
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Port-A-Potty 8:5-7 The New Sewers Translation
5 Sewers went out to spread vp's hazardous waste: and as they flushed, some folks fell by the curbside; and they were trodden down by leadership wearing L.E.A.D.-footed boots, and the fowls of the air pooped all over them.
6 And some fell for the same old BS again – just like at their first Rock; and as soon as TWIt-head sprung up, once again their brains withered away, because nonsense made more cents for the reverends of hazardous waste.
7 And some fell among thorns; they were the lucky ones who flipped out while witnessing at a Guns N' Roses concert never to be seen again at the Sewers' Kitchen Dining Table.
Edited by T-BoneLink to comment
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I think that people need to feel like they were right, that the ministry falling apart was somebody elses fault, rather than being a cult, a diseased non fruit bearing tree that needs to be uprooted.
If you are a remnant, you are with people who still feel like you do, you have a prestige, an importance, that others recognize. There is no need to humble yourself and reevaluate your spiritual understanding.
In other words, you don`t have to admit that you were wrong.
You can still pretend to be God`s spiritual superstars, noble dulous, on an important mission.
You can all pat yourselves on the back and tell each other how special, and above the rest of the body of Christ you are. Other people help foster your delusion so that the reality of being alone, without God or family does not intrude and disturb ones peace of mind.
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An observation...With the multiplicity of offshoots, the thing that stands out to me is that each of these offshoot leaders see themselves as "mini mogs"...with the death of Wierwille and the subsequent failures of Martindale, there was a mad scramble to form their own "ministries" and grab for all the exwayfers they could...unity?...everyone coming together?...not on your life! Each one of these mogsters wanted to be the big bananna in charge of their "own thing"...
THAT's what they learned from Vic...and they cover it up with a veneer of false humility and recycled, religious crap.
...and of course now...they all want to lay claim as the "true" continuation of Vic's "ministry"....C'mon boys, it's time for a "check up from the neck up"...doncha think?
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It's almost starting to look like the Mormons. Here's a cut-and-paste from watchman.org
As Gordon Fraser explains, "With the death of Joseph Smith, the entire church was thrust into a state of chaos, with a dozen potential leaders contending for the mantle of the Prophet" (Sects of the Latter-day Saints, p. 16). Many of these leaders would eventually begin their own churches, each claiming to be the only true church, as originally founded by Joseph Smith, Jr.
Some of these leaders included Brigham Young, who would lead many of Smith's followers from Nauvoo, Illinois to the Salt Lake Valley in Utah to begin The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (commonly called the Mormons). James J. Strang would travel to Beaver Island, Michigan and have himself declared King by his followers. Sidney Rigdon, an early associate of Joseph Smith's, called his group the Church of Christ, which was the original name given the church by Joseph Smith. William Bickerton began The Church of Jesus Christ (or Church of Christ, Bickertonites) after a brief association with Rigdon. Another important leader was Grandville Hedrick who began The Church of Christ, Temple Lot (Divergent Paths of the Restoration, pp. 31, 37, 40-41, 76 and 89).
Other early followers of Joseph Smith were Jason Briggs, Zenos Gurley and William Marks. These three men are most often credited with organizing the group that would eventually be called the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This small remnant of believers in Joseph Smith formed because they did not accept his 1843 revelation that implemented polygamy.
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Hey...if you want to tell me about medical science, how to build a canoe or how to build a house...I'm all ears!
...but if you want to tell me God's will for MY life...take a hike...been there, done that, got the Tshirt.
If any of these guys really want to live a Christian life...tell them to love and help people without getting a paycheck or self recognition from it...
Edited by GrouchoMarxJrLink to comment
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Jim.....looks like the religious fervor in twi has mirrored what happened with the Mormons, no surpise there.
IMHO.....Twi was an offshoot of B.G. Leonard's ministry and never had a distant claim to being "the only true church or household." Sheeesh.
And now, twi offshoots are laying claim to the same. Move over cgeer......you didn't do anything different than what the Mormon leaders did. Move over lyyn.......you are just another guy in a long list of "players." Move over finnygin......move over sides...... move over ruud.......move over clappe.......move over seed......and the list goes on and on and on.
If it weren't for "sucker supporters".......these guys would have to get jobs and contribute to society.
Edited by skyriderLink to comment
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And it seems like a blight spreading across the land..
I can't criticize anyone for specific beliefs.. what really bothers me is the rampant arrogance, false authoritarianism and egotism that seems to fuel a lot of these groups.
And apparently they aren't exactly getting the results they'd like..
this new corpse thingy.. it's almost like the attitude is "by gawd, we are RIGHT.. and we WILL get results, one way or another.."
why else put people through a meat grinder.. an "extreme" training..
I think they've perfected the concept of "fake it and you'll make it.."
look "christian" enough.. run classes, pretend one has the power of God, make enough noise.. and God *surely* will be on one's side..
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Mark Clarke
Just for the sake of accuracy, Vince Finnegan doesn't consider himself to be in any way carrying on VPW's legacy. He has a very different theology these days, as can be seen on his website (kingdomready.org). He has distanced himself from his past with TWI, which makes John Juedes think he's hiding something, yet if he were to speak of any connection with The Way he'd be accused of trying to keep the old stuff alive, and/or cash in on his past. Sometimes you just can't win.
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Geeze, I don't know, Mark.
You have openly spoken of your connection with The Way.
I haven't seen you trying to keep the old stuff alive or cash in on the past.
My 2 centavos
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Rascal, I agree with your analysis 100% !!!!
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Green Hornet
reading through some of the things on Kingdomready.org is jsu recycled VPW writings. There is not much difference is his theology. Those of us who have been there can tell the difference. He is looking for those who are looking for the way stuff or don't know better. Not to say everything that was taught in the way was bad. Fior error to be believeable it must be mixed with truth. But I have see some people will believe anything. There are even people that believe the earth is flat or hollow with another world inside. The more error is said over and over the more believable it will be. <_<
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"Just for the sake of accuracy, Vince Finnegan doesn't consider himself to be in any way carrying on VPW's legacy. He has a very different theology these days, as can be seen on his website (kingdomready.org). He has distanced himself from his past with TWI, which makes John Juedes think he's hiding something, yet if he were to speak of any connection with The Way he'd be accused of trying to keep the old stuff alive, and/or cash in on his past. Sometimes you just can't win."
hello fellow greasespotters!
"just for the sake of accuracy", what vince finnegan considers himself to be or not to be does not change the fact that he was one of the worst of the twi hypocrites who ever ascended to the ranks of power that vic dangled in front of him to entice him into the corrupt, perverted, "inner sanctum" of twi "leadership", imho. he was a mean-spirited, vindictive, total vic loyalist who parlayed his phoney "everyman" public persona into his own little feifdom of spiritual and sexual abuse to the delight of his "father-in-the-word"........he was a plagiarist cut in the ignorant, pseudo-intellectual "biblical research" cloth of his "teacher", and he remains an "intellectual" hoax to this day.....
i've read his apolageia covering his twi roots on his self-serving, money grubbing website.............in which he declares total "thankfulness" for what he learned from der victoid in his years at twi, while feebly attempting to "distance himself" from vic's dysfunctional personal and biblical perversions, at the same time totally whitewashing his own personal participation in the sexual, and spiritual abuse that he "made his own" while climbing the twi corporate ladder..........he owes his "ministry" to vic and twi........since, when he finally had the guts to publicly break with twi and go with geer in 1989, using the doofus from okie's loyalty oath demand as an excuse to take for himself the remnants of the way of new york limb structure and financial base............he briefly credits god with the financial "miracle" that bought him his house and built him his church building and paved his personal financial highway with ex-wayfer money, support, and "volunteerism" that kept him working "full-time" as "god's minister"!..........but, all he really did was appropriate to himself the "ministry" vic bequeathed him in new york........making the financial and social support structures of twi in ny his own under the guise of "taking a stand" for god against martindale and the rapidly imploding way tree left in the united states!........and, never admitting to nor apologizing for the abuses and "crimes against humanity" he gleefully perpetrated while serving as "assistant to the president" and "worldwide outreach coordinator" for vic's perverted "word over the world machine".
his "original theology" of today remains at least 70% wierwilleism, with his own "degree mill" attachments providing enough of a cover for him to proclaim just enouigh "distance" from vic and twi to keep the money rolling in........his own "bible classes" are formatted just like the ones he took in twi, and the content is, as i said before, predominantly the same..........which is his absolute right as a citizen of our wonderful country.......but, makes him no less of a "whited sepulchre" than ces/stfi, cff, the geerites, and any/every other offshoot of vic's "ministry" available to the sadly gullible public around the country and world today!........the structure of his "church" is a thinly disguised remake of the way tree......he's got his headquarters, his bookstore, his classes, and his in-home fellowships just like he had in twi.........and, they're all quite lucrative enough so vinny doesn't ever have to get a "real job" ever again............which is quite fortunate for him and his family, since vinny isn't qualified for any job beyond pseudo-minister for god that could financially support the lifestyle he and mimi grew accustomed to in twi!
no skin off my nose........it's a free country........ in our country, people are free to choose what they want to believe and what ideologies they determine to be "truth"..........but, to give credit to vinny as somehow being a bona fide "christian minister" who has boldly gone beyond the obvious hypocrisies and perversions of der victoid and twi, and honestly and righteously "built his own church" by courageously "distancing himself" from his undeniable "spiritual heritage", and getting away with all the crap he pulled as one of vic's best "assistants" is a bit much..................and, imo, a far cry and long distance short of "for the sake of accuracy"!
as i've stated before here at the spot, none of the various twi offshoots will ever really be able to truly escape vic's "spiritual DNA" as long as they continue to propagate their versions of vic's "word of god" and their hybrids of vic's "way tree"'...........they all still meet einstein's definition of insanity, until they genuinely and actually have a change of consciousness when it comes to their twi-based "understanding" and belief of what "god's word" is, who jesus christ was and is, what the real "church" is, and what genuine "christian ministering" is!..........and, they must repent publicly for the egregious wrongs committed by them while in twi as their christ and their bibles command if they truly wish to "distance themselves" from what they so desperately cling to, despite their many words to the contrary..........imho, they owe this to god and the church of the body of christ, "for the sake of accuracy"!.....................................................peace.
Edited by Don'tWorryBeHappyLink to comment
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i rather enjoyed that post
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Me too, excie ... way to tell it like it was/is, DWBH!
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I wonder if a lawsuit is going to ensue over the use of the use of the word SOWER.
The CES/ STFI magazine ---------- >>>
Here's another ------------- >>>
Anyone else recognize that magazine layout for the front cover??
Thought so. :blink:
Edited by dmillerLink to comment
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It looks like a Jehovah's Witness Watchtower magazine cover?
You know, I like DWBH's post. It kind of reminds me of Jesus expression that you can't put new wine in old wineskins. I can't really say that I know what the new wineskin is in our day and time. But it is easy to see the old wineskins.
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