I love it that i can get a profile on each and every somebody who posts in here!! so what if all I get is male/ somewhere in the universe/ and no-- no show tunes. At least that is something, and that is more than one gets on aol, and all the users there. At least we all have one thing in common, and if you want to remain anonymous (sp?) well fine. I like seeing the posts in the forum here, cause I know (whoever you are) you took the class too, and on that one point, we have at least one common bond. :)--> :P
Actually, that would depend on which class you took as to whether we were originally taught the same thing.
I left TWI long before the WAP class was even thought of. I only took PFAL (foundational and intermediate), Witnessing and Undershepherding, and Principles of Biblical Interperetation. As you can see, I don't have quite the exposure that some here have had.
From what I've read here, PFAL and WAP weren't anywhere near identical. The errors in PFAL were bad enough (about 1/3 of PFAL is Biblically inacurate), but I have always understood WAP to be even worse, doctrinally speaking. I never took the WAP class, so I don't know how bad it is.
I've thought that way myself...Although I don't look at the profiles much,I realize that no matter how much of a moron another poster is,I have empathy for them,knowing that at one time we shared the same dysfunction,deficiency,disease,syndrome or just plain curiosity that spurred us on to pay money to take the way's foundational class....
SimonZ I took the class (in 75) cause I wanted to. Was not co-erced, threatened, etc.
yea --- me and all others who plunked down their hard-earned cash for PFAL, learned something.
Some got a harder lesson than others. True.
The profiles posted here show a small window into the souls of those who were once just like you and I, no matter what the reason.
I like seeing each, and every one, cause at one small point in time, they were right at the same point I was. We have all moved on, but had (at one time) one common point in common.
I wish some people would write more in their profiles though. I understand some people need/want privacy, but some of you guys I just think are just lazy! ;)-->
I think it's rude not to have an AOL profile too.
Of course, it is annoying get those IMS from idiots you don't even know.
"HI Rottie! I live in bum****k Illinois too!"
Like they want to be best buddies with you.
I remember one girl would IM me everytime I was on. Her name was Christinefights or something like that. I looked up her profile and get this, she enjoyed wrestling and cat-fighting with other women. Sheesh. Yeah, I want to get to know her. Right.
I finally blocked her from being able to see me when I was online.
I didn't want to take PFAL, but I was pressured into doing it by pretty much everyone when I was 12 or whatever the age was then. Fortunately, I sat towards the back and the people running it were not that strict, so I slept some, doodled some, and was just bored other times. I did get very good at drawing Garfield characters though.
Later, I took the other classes because I felt pressure still and didn't want to dissapoint the other people who were counting on me for whatever. I took the PFAL advanced class which was taught by LCM, not the one taught by VPW. I was brainwashed or something, because I was wanting to go Corps and all that other stuff for a short time after that, and then LCM canceled the ROA and things started changing. At some point, I took the new WAP classes and was becoming less interested in them again and ultimately I moved away and ended up quitting TWI later without sitting through another class of theirs.
There are big differences in the two series. I would say that PFAL was more subtle in getting people to go to weird beliefs, but WAP started off in the beginning. I remember LCM bragging about how proud he was for insulting Catholics in the first segment. The WAP was more for people in TWI than for new people, which is partially why they are decreasing rather than increasing their numbers. Random people from off the street would simply find WAP too bizzare.
I wish some people would write more in their profiles though. I understand some people need/want privacy, but some of you guys I just think are just lazy! ;)-->
I was told that the WOP class was mostly about homos and dibble spirts.
I took LCM's advanced class to and was very dissapointed in it.
It also was mostly about homos a dibble spirts. LCM even said he wouldn't minister to some who were possesed by himself, he would take someone else with him. I would guess that he figured if the dibble spirt came out of that person, he could get it to get to the one he brought with him instead of him, but I don't think he would have to worry about that because he probly had so many of his own spirts there was no room for more. lol
Also even tho doc vic made some weird comments in PFAL alot of it was still good. After all he did plagerized most of it. I think the weird stuff was his own interpretation. And to be honest I thought doc's adv. class was pretty good if compared to Loy's class (which I slept thru as much as possible.
Thank God I missed th WOP class by the hair of my chinney chin chin.
I never did figure out why in doc's class masturbation was the original sin that brought all of mankind down, yet in CFS class it was ok and he even taught how to do it right.lol
And where in the hell did Loy get the idea that Eve was a lesbian?
Maybe I'm nieve but I God said fruit and I think he meant fruit!
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
And where in the hell did Loy get the idea that Eve was a lesbian?
Maybe I'm nieve but I God said fruit and I think he meant fruit!
We may want to start a new thread about this because it was a lot of tapdancing around in Genesis and definitions of words. I don't even really remember but I have my books still.
I was able to read some profiles, while visiting my mother over the holiday,
and enjoyed getting to know more about each
person. I was impressed and encouraged by
those of you who shared more about yourselves, and took that oportunity to add a litle more info to my profile.
For some reason I am not able to see any profiles ( even my own ) on my computer, I can read and I can post, thats it. When I get the problem solved I will definitely
Recommended Posts
I love it that i can get a profile on each and every somebody who posts in here!! so what if all I get is male/ somewhere in the universe/ and no-- no show tunes. At least that is something, and that is more than one gets on aol, and all the users there. At least we all have one thing in common, and if you want to remain anonymous (sp?) well fine. I like seeing the posts in the forum here, cause I know (whoever you are) you took the class too, and on that one point, we have at least one common bond.
:)--> :P
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Steve Swenton
Actually, that would depend on which class you took as to whether we were originally taught the same thing.
I left TWI long before the WAP class was even thought of. I only took PFAL (foundational and intermediate), Witnessing and Undershepherding, and Principles of Biblical Interperetation. As you can see, I don't have quite the exposure that some here have had.
From what I've read here, PFAL and WAP weren't anywhere near identical. The errors in PFAL were bad enough (about 1/3 of PFAL is Biblically inacurate), but I have always understood WAP to be even worse, doctrinally speaking. I never took the WAP class, so I don't know how bad it is.
Just a thought.
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I've thought that way myself...Although I don't look at the profiles much,I realize that no matter how much of a moron another poster is,I have empathy for them,knowing that at one time we shared the same dysfunction,deficiency,disease,syndrome or just plain curiosity that spurred us on to pay money to take the way's foundational class....
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SimonZ I took the class (in 75) cause I wanted to. Was not co-erced, threatened, etc.
yea --- me and all others who plunked down their hard-earned cash for PFAL, learned something.
Some got a harder lesson than others. True.
The profiles posted here show a small window into the souls of those who were once just like you and I, no matter what the reason.
I like seeing each, and every one, cause at one small point in time, they were right at the same point I was. We have all moved on, but had (at one time) one common point in common.
Shoot low, they are riding Shetlands
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I think we all wanted to...
I've wondered how many people who were presented PALF,or WAP, didn't take the class,compared to those who did...
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Steve ----- not sure what this class is. guess i got out too early.
:)--> guess I am glad I did.
Shoot low. They are riding Shetlands.
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WAP was Stinkendale's class, "The Way of Abundance and Power", it's where stinky shows how the original sin was lesbianism.
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hmmmm, didn't realize the original sin had been changed.
Now that I think about it, I have lesbian tendencies. LOL
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Tom Strange
well then... who was she lebaneses with?
and does that make all lebanese people bad?
I'm so confused...
... I've been here and I've been there and I've been in between...
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Well, they do have this border problem with Israel.
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Mister P-Mosh
In their favor, they make some decent food, although I think that I prefer Persian food more than Lebanese.
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I wish some people would write more in their profiles though. I understand some people need/want privacy, but some of you guys I just think are just lazy!
I think it's rude not to have an AOL profile too.
Of course, it is annoying get those IMS from idiots you don't even know.
"HI Rottie! I live in bum****k Illinois too!"
Like they want to be best buddies with you.
I remember one girl would IM me everytime I was on. Her name was Christinefights or something like that. I looked up her profile and get this, she enjoyed wrestling and cat-fighting with other women. Sheesh. Yeah, I want to get to know her. Right.
I finally blocked her from being able to see me when I was online.
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peas peas continue to derail
i'm so happy to not to have a bomb thread !!!!!
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oops sorry rottie
thank you for keeping this thread on track
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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Mister P-Mosh
I didn't want to take PFAL, but I was pressured into doing it by pretty much everyone when I was 12 or whatever the age was then. Fortunately, I sat towards the back and the people running it were not that strict, so I slept some, doodled some, and was just bored other times. I did get very good at drawing Garfield characters though.
Later, I took the other classes because I felt pressure still and didn't want to dissapoint the other people who were counting on me for whatever. I took the PFAL advanced class which was taught by LCM, not the one taught by VPW. I was brainwashed or something, because I was wanting to go Corps and all that other stuff for a short time after that, and then LCM canceled the ROA and things started changing. At some point, I took the new WAP classes and was becoming less interested in them again and ultimately I moved away and ended up quitting TWI later without sitting through another class of theirs.
There are big differences in the two series. I would say that PFAL was more subtle in getting people to go to weird beliefs, but WAP started off in the beginning. I remember LCM bragging about how proud he was for insulting Catholics in the first segment. The WAP was more for people in TWI than for new people, which is partially why they are decreasing rather than increasing their numbers. Random people from off the street would simply find WAP too bizzare.
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Mister P-Mosh
Fine, I updated mine.
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Mosh, what a cutie you were!!!!
I was told that the WOP class was mostly about homos and dibble spirts.
I took LCM's advanced class to and was very dissapointed in it.
It also was mostly about homos a dibble spirts. LCM even said he wouldn't minister to some who were possesed by himself, he would take someone else with him. I would guess that he figured if the dibble spirt came out of that person, he could get it to get to the one he brought with him instead of him, but I don't think he would have to worry about that because he probly had so many of his own spirts there was no room for more. lol
Also even tho doc vic made some weird comments in PFAL alot of it was still good. After all he did plagerized most of it. I think the weird stuff was his own interpretation. And to be honest I thought doc's adv. class was pretty good if compared to Loy's class (which I slept thru as much as possible.
Thank God I missed th WOP class by the hair of my chinney chin chin.
I never did figure out why in doc's class masturbation was the original sin that brought all of mankind down, yet in CFS class it was ok and he even taught how to do it right.lol
And where in the hell did Loy get the idea that Eve was a lesbian?
Maybe I'm nieve but I God said fruit and I think he meant fruit!
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... Dovey
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"i just wanted to tell you all how much i enjoy your profiles"
Your purpose is to be a movie star? cool.
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Mister P-Mosh
We may want to start a new thread about this because it was a lot of tapdancing around in Genesis and definitions of words. I don't even really remember but I have my books still.
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Okey Dokey
Dovey....proud owner of two low riders...Dovey's Doxies...... imagesWeinerDog1jpeg Dovey
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I was able to read some profiles, while visiting my mother over the holiday,
and enjoyed getting to know more about each
person. I was impressed and encouraged by
those of you who shared more about yourselves, and took that oportunity to add a litle more info to my profile.
For some reason I am not able to see any profiles ( even my own ) on my computer, I can read and I can post, thats it. When I get the problem solved I will definitely
modify my profile.
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" . . . When I get the problem solved I will definitely modify my profile"
Well, I suppose that brief is good too.
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by the way galen, the movie star thing, you're too innocent or is that naive !!!!!!
maybe that's why i love you
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"by the way galen, the movie star thing, you're too innocent or is that naive !!!!!!"
I guess that I am just missing 'it'. I re-viewed your profile and you do say that your purpose in life is to be a moive star.
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