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Vic the grandson kicks off new waycorps program


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There is only one opening day for S.O.W.E.R.S." and "there is only one first year for S.O.W.E.R.S."

WOW! Really? How do they know these great things?

This photo was dubbed "Kitchen Table"


With this type of in depth spiritual perception and awareness

I better go sign up right away!

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  mstar1 said:
WOW! Really? How do they know these great things?

With this type of in depth spiritual perception and awareness

I better go sign up right away!

Well he didn't come up with those on his own ... he said those are two quotes that he heard ... so someone actually retemorized them, and quoted them to him. But then he talks of the next ten months ... which is not really a year ... so I'm already lost ... :biglaugh:

And that table doesn't seem to be in the kitchen ... isn't it a dining room table? Should there be pfal books in the cupboard?

I wonder how many committed souls they have ... it says they are FULL ... I guess that is 12, like the twelve apostles ... and Jesus in the mist ...

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  GrouchoMarxJr said:
On Sept 7th, according to some link that I read hereabouts, Vic jr is starting his own "Sowers" program (which happens to have the same way corps objectives) in the state of Mississipi!

any thoughts on the subject?

Um, OK, I give him one for wanting to carry on a legacy, but to what end? Who are his supporters? Does he even care what his grandfather was really all about? Seems ambitious, idealistic and adventurous maybe his goal is to raise an army to take back the family farm?


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On Sept 7th, according to some link that I read hereabouts, Vic jr is starting his own "Sowers" program (which happens to have the same way corps objectives) in the state of Mississipi!

any thoughts on the subject?

Yawn, sure...

Is any of Martindale's spawn second in command?

Do you get in trouble if you show up with metal clothes hangers?

Is all your "unstructured time" spent writing beg letters to your sponsors?

Does he have a motorcoach and a Harley?

Will the first Corps be zero or one?

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  Seth R. said:
Um, OK, I give him one for wanting to carry on a legacy, but to what end? Who are his supporters? Does he even care what his grandfather was really all about? Seems ambitious, idealistic and adventurous maybe his goal is to raise an army to take back the family farm?


Reminds me of this song, rain on the scarecrow...blood on the plow!

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  Seth R. said:
Um, OK, I give him one for wanting to carry on a legacy, but to what end? Who are his supporters? Does he even care what his grandfather was really all about? Seems ambitious, idealistic and adventurous maybe his goal is to raise an army to take back the family farm?


Could be..

There are two takes here that I know of..

1. He doesn't know about gramps proclivities..

2. He knows, but just doesn't care.

The first choice.. shame on the parent.. honestly.. and "advisors". and they KNOW the real history of der vey..

the second choice, shame on him..

it's a blood stained mantle I wouldn't want to pick up..

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  Ham said:
Could be..

There are two takes here that I know of..

1. He doesn't know about gramps proclivities..

2. He knows, but just doesn't care.

The first choice.. shame on the parent.. honestly.. and "advisors". and they KNOW the real history of der vey..

the second choice, shame on him..

it's a blood stained mantle I wouldn't want to pick up..

A real job looks boring ... this could be interesting/different. But to just do a replay with the same script would be really sad.

So Vic ... strike out on your own and don't let the old fogies cow you. YOU are the vic ... change the principles or you are doomed ... or just do CP1 ... cancel the rest ... you are the man ... fug em if they can't take a joke. Don't be a replay ...

whaddya think Ham ... does that help?

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If Charlie Manson had a grandchild (and who knows?) maybe Chucky Jr.-the-Third would also be starting his own little club by now. Wonderful!

How far, the apples from the tree?

Get in on the ground floor folks. There's still time to be an old-timer someday, hailed as one of the few who stood with VPW The Sequel, from the beginning, to be propped up in the amen corner and drooling on your "Emeritus" badge, trying to remember your name and which meeting it is. Woo hoo. You'll have earned the Crown of Licentiousness for sure, or is it the Crown of Lechery? maybe the Crown of Hypocrisy, and even the Crown of Skulduggery, if you're really helpful. When you die, you might get even planted under one of the smaller, honorary fountains. (Let's hope nobody pees in it.) If it's in Mississippi swamp land, your carcass might get to be re-planted every time there's a big rain. What fun!

How to apply? You can start by donating a potty and a plumber to S.E.W.E.R.S. (See Help Wanted). Remember, there's only one first flush.

Edited by satori001
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  satori001 said:
If Charlie Manson had a grandchild (and who knows?) maybe Chucky Jr.-the-Third would also be starting his own little club by now. Wonderful!

How far, the apples from the tree?

Despite the name, a son is only half the same genes as Dad, and the grandson one quarter.

And given some apparent double recessives in the first vic ... we hope those aren't recurrent in v2p2.

But still ... if you march down the same ordered path ... with the same name ... how many days till you start drinking drambuie and chasing skirts? (maybe the skirt part is OK for young vic)

And to claim ahead of time, how historical the moment is ... it seems great moments in history are usually decided after the fact ... but then, if you see snow on the gas pumps, that changes everything.

But there is only one fourth beer ... :beer:

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If he wants to avoid going in the same direction as the old ministry, he should try sounding different, at least. But that letter, once you take out all of the old Way cliches, says virtually nothing. And letters from HQ were already sounding like that back in the early 90s.

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  mstar1 said:
WOW! Really? How do they know these great things?

This photo was dubbed "Kitchen Table"


With this type of in depth spiritual perception and awareness

I better go sign up right away!

  rhino said:
And that table doesn't seem to be in the kitchen ... isn't it a dining room table? Should there be pfal books in the cupboard?

They must have seen your post. The caption has been changed to "Dinner Table." Have you gotten any thank you notes for setting them straight? ;)

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I suppose that you could consider this kid to be the "ultimate byproduct" of his grandfather's con job...

Born with the name VPW and raised in one of the splinter groups, young Vic came of age... ready for this challenge...ready to fulfill the "prohesy"...ready to regurgitate granpa's errors and carry on the legacy of the "spiritual green beret"...with the same tired slogans and manipulation tactics, the "sowers"...or "sewers" (take your pick), reach out with an ebola like determination to infect all those around them.

Perhaps the local officials in Mississipi would be interested to know some the "background" on the Wierwille family?

Edited by GrouchoMarxJr
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  mstar1 said:
WOW! Really? How do they know these great things?

This photo was dubbed "Kitchen Table"

With this type of in depth spiritual perception and awareness

I better go sign up right away!

I didn't realize it was "their" kitchen table. Sorta reminds me of the documentary "The Fuhrer Gives a City to the Jews". Is this picture of the table the equivalent of the Way Corp experience (since I have no idea)?

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You know, looking at them under the "friends" section - the one where they're all in overalls - they look like some characters from the movie Deliverance.

I cannot imagine anyone thinking these hayseeds on some friggin' plantation in the middle of nowhere in Mississippi are even remotely spiritual, or qualified, or know or have any clue what's best for anyone's life. This is absolutely pathetic.

Why would anyone put themselves in thier hands?????

Young VP2P's smiling all over the place. Why? Because they've talked him into believing he is the next prophet, carrying on the old man's legacy. I see the same arrogance, aren't I special as I saw in LCM. He thinks he's the new MOG for this day and time.

The kid's a star!

Sorry, that house doesn't do anything for me. Its bare, devoid of life, with all the little fundy pics and posters. Just - ugh.

The kid is their puppet. He has no clue. He's the front for the old dudes in overalls. This is pathetic. Run, run far away...

Edited by Sunesis
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A few other "firsts" of note:

There is only one first bowel movement, only one first time for alienating all your friends and family by embracing some jerk-off cult, only one first time for puking your guts out after drinking cheap wine all night, AND only one first time for realizing that you've wasted a goodly portion of your existence chasing tinkerbells.

I'm sure there's more, but it's morning and I haven't had my coffee yet...

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