(OH, BTW, I lost about a quarter million dollars out in your neighborhood somewhere. I think I had it rolled up in my pocket and musta dropped it somewhere. I feel REALLY bad about it, so I'm wondering?)
Geo. if I find it, I'll make you a believer lol. Hell, I'll make me a believer!!!!
This little park sits in the middle of an apartment complex where this girl lives. So I was just hoping all the kids that live over there weren't awake yet!!!!
When I was growing up, my family called me "the finder". I used to find things all the time. Honest.
Today around 11 a.m. I went grocery shopping and the young teen who was bagging my groceries was really sad.
So I asked her about what was the matter, etc.
Last night around midnight she lost $100. It fell out of her pocket. So I asked her where this happened, etc., and she told me she thinks it was at or by this park. (When she realized, she couldn't go look because she had to get to work at the store.)
So I told her I would go look. I went to the park -- nothing. But then I decided to walk along a few different streets that led away from the park because I knew she had walked away from the park and also there was a breeze.
Guess what! I found her money -- five $20 bills folded up -- on the street. I brought it back to her at the store. She was so happy. That's a lot of money for that kid and she worked so hard for it.
Happy ending. Made my day! :)
Made YOUR day?
That little gal will remember this ALL of her life!
WOW!!! What a truly selfless and Loving thing to do!!!!
She will always love and remember You! Charactor counts on all "stages"!!! Such a Grrrredreat example was Your gift to her, far more precious and
priceless than the money You returned to Her!!!
Your act of kindness may snowball into a "Pay It Forward" type attitude or situation in the long run and at the very least; You know what You are truly made of and how GOD sees You!!!
i hope she gets to buy new school clothes or put gas in her car
i'm especially glad i found it because i was tempted to give her the money, and i'm kind of broke (after buying my kid school clothes and putting gas in my car) lol lol
Just kidding, but isn't it nice to be able to have such an experience and not have to have some other motive (like getting them into the Class)?
BTW, my wife finds things all the time. When she loses something, if she stays calm, God shows her a little mental picture of where it is, and sure enough, it's there!
That story really blessed me, but more than that I believe that God worked through you that day! Kinda reminds me of how the prophet Elisha found the lost axe head in the lake that one time on the OT (2 Kings 6:6)
One time we were on vacation at Dover Downs and my son was at an atm machine when suddenly the wind started blowing all this money everywhere and the lady it belonged to couldn't catch it,my son at the time
a footbal player in high school was running after it as it went everywhere including hwy 13,he caught some
of it and gave it too the lady but alot was lost.
She was glad he was there cause she was older and couldn't move that fast. I don't think either will
Excie, as you know, I've been questioning a lot about God and other things. I'm wondering if the next time you see her when your at the grocery store if you could ask her if she prayer before? I know it sounds weird but it would be interesting to know.
You have a great heart Excie. Even the thought of helping someone feels good inside, doesn't it.
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George Aar
How cool izzat!
(OH, BTW, I lost about a quarter million dollars out in your neighborhood somewhere. I think I had it rolled up in my pocket and musta dropped it somewhere. I feel REALLY bad about it, so I'm wondering?)
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That's just awesome Excie, what a great thing to do for her!
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Thank you!!!
Geo. if I find it, I'll make you a believer lol. Hell, I'll make me a believer!!!!
This little park sits in the middle of an apartment complex where this girl lives. So I was just hoping all the kids that live over there weren't awake yet!!!!
When I was growing up, my family called me "the finder". I used to find things all the time. Honest.
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Coming from you, this story doesn't surprise me in the least.
You've got a heart of gold, lady.
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Made YOUR day?
That little gal will remember this ALL of her life!
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Thanks for sharing that!
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WOW!!! What a truly selfless and Loving thing to do!!!!
She will always love and remember You! Charactor counts on all "stages"!!! Such a Grrrredreat example was Your gift to her, far more precious and
priceless than the money You returned to Her!!!
Your act of kindness may snowball into a "Pay It Forward" type attitude or situation in the long run and at the very least; You know what You are truly made of and how GOD sees You!!!
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oh, thank you!!!!
i hope she gets to buy new school clothes or put gas in her car
i'm especially glad i found it because i was tempted to give her the money, and i'm kind of broke (after buying my kid school clothes and putting gas in my car) lol lol
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How nice, Excathedra! I figure getting her $100 back is a significant blessing to the young lady. Way to go!
But in order to teach her a further lesson about the downside of careless living, maybe you could send me door-to-door witnessing in her neighborhood.
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cynic, i want you to come with me right now over to her apt.
i love you
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excie, that is so cool! How very nice of you to do that for her and how awesome that you have such keen "finder" skills!
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Ron G.
Not only did it make your day and her day, reading about it made MY day!!
Your tenacity, compassion and interest are amazing! How WONDERFUL!!!
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thanks, friends.
i wasn't especially looking for a pat on the back, but i love it :) and i wanted to tell someone about it
because it made really happy and i was just so happy for this young kid, you know?
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it kind of renewed my faith too
what do you think?
i was thinking God really could direct me in things in my life
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A very simple act of kindness, a walk along a park walkway, and a young lady recovers something more than money....the gift of a stranger.
Way to go, excie!!!
You are da best!!!!
That young lady will remember this simple act and tell her grandkids and others about it...which might prompt...
A very simple act of kindness......
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Mark Clarke
So, is the girl going to take the Class now? <_<
Just kidding, but isn't it nice to be able to have such an experience and not have to have some other motive (like getting them into the Class)?
BTW, my wife finds things all the time. When she loses something, if she stays calm, God shows her a little mental picture of where it is, and sure enough, it's there!
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That story really blessed me, but more than that I believe that God worked through you that day! Kinda reminds me of how the prophet Elisha found the lost axe head in the lake that one time on the OT (2 Kings 6:6)
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exie,how very nice.way to go!
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Very cool! You earned serious good karma points with that one!!
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thats great!
I have a long list of lost things--If you find my mind anywhere let me know :)
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hey you wonderful "guys"
i'm going to sign off here in a sec.
but you know what's weird
little things in life can make you think about these things that mark just said
how nice not to ever have a hidden agenda
and at the same time, i did wonder if she had said a prayer
not trying to be weird
but you know that thing about being in the right place at the right time
oh, i don't know
i'm insane
but i love you all and thanks for letting me share
i mean it
meaning, do these things happen because of god or whatev?
does it matter? i don't know
never meant to be philosophical on this thing but that's me
can't shut this damn brain off
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Commit acts of random kindness! Awesome
One time we were on vacation at Dover Downs and my son was at an atm machine when suddenly the wind started blowing all this money everywhere and the lady it belonged to couldn't catch it,my son at the time
a footbal player in high school was running after it as it went everywhere including hwy 13,he caught some
of it and gave it too the lady but alot was lost.
She was glad he was there cause she was older and couldn't move that fast. I don't think either will
forget that.
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Mark Clarke
I can relate. Sometimes I lie awake at night thinking about how my brain won't shut up!
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Excie, as you know, I've been questioning a lot about God and other things. I'm wondering if the next time you see her when your at the grocery store if you could ask her if she prayer before? I know it sounds weird but it would be interesting to know.
You have a great heart Excie. Even the thought of helping someone feels good inside, doesn't it.
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