I found I was a # 1 my wife a nine. My wife took a course to learn more up in Queensland Australia and two weeks in San Fransisco, Ca. to teach personality traits. I think it helped me most buy understanding others and why I think as I do. I never like putting myself in a box or anyone else for that matter but I think there is something to it.
Thanks for the referral to a more scientific test, ex10. The enneagram is pop psych junk, so have fun, but don't take it seriously.
Like Gurdjieff—or perhaps not like Gurdjieff—he {Ichazo} claimed we are born with an essence (nature) which conflicts with our personality (nurture), and we must struggle to harmonize the two and return to our true essence. He founded his Arica Institute in 1971
Palmer says that the "Enneagram is a psychological and spiritual system with roots in ancient traditions."
There is a new guy running local government near me who required all the town department heads to look up their enneagram and report on it. Then they also had to report an incident where they had not been good managers. Can we say, From Birth to the Corps?
Thanks Ex10 & Shazdancer, for your input…Yeah Shaz, that local gov thing sounds kinda weird to me too. This stuff is all new to me and thought it would be fun – it may ‘splain a little more if I tell you how I stumbled onto it. I’m reading a book Write Great Fiction: Dialogue [Techniques and Exercises for Crafting Effective Dialogue] by Gloria Kempton. Kempton has a chapter on developing characters. In it she suggests using the nine personality types – definitions she’s taken from Baron & Wagele’s The Enneagram made Easy – to craft believable characters with dialogue that sounds real - like it’s coming from their authentic personality revealing “genuine” motivations – in other words, it all rings true for a fictional character.
Personally, I take a lot of things with a grain of salt and usually defer to my lucky astrology mood ring [with a wink & nod to monsieur Steve Martin].
Back in my dancing days, we did the "what does your character eat for breakfast" exercise in acting class, to develop depth of character. Same idea as yours -- just thinking through who the character is.
We have an author coming to our library ot talk about what he does to flesh out a character. Should be interesting. But if he says he uses the enneagram, I think I will LOL!
But I do know that I have mellowed out A LOT since I left a rather strident organisation and started to relax and enjoy life again.
I am the "caring, nurturing" type (10) follwed by "intuitive and reserved" (7) , a lousy reformer and a lousy thinker .
But maybe I'll be something different tomorrow or a different time of day. Heck, anyone who knows me wouldn't exactly call me "reserved". And they would say that I "think too much".
The more I thought about it – the more I felt the results reflected the way I usually handle things. I do tend to analyze everything and pride myself on getting along with just about anyone at work. Who knows – I guess we could keep taking the test repeatedly and score differently each time…I wouldn't make any life-changing decisions over it…just thought we'd have a little fun with an exercise in self-discovery.
But I do know that I have mellowed out A LOT since I left a rather strident organisation and started to relax and enjoy life again.
I am the "caring, nurturing" type (10) follwed by "intuitive and reserved" (7) , a lousy reformer and a lousy thinker .
But maybe I'll be something different tomorrow or a different time of day. Heck, anyone who knows me wouldn't exactly call me "reserved". And they would say that I "think too much".
Twinky... caring, nurturing and intuitive and reserved were exactly how I had you "pegged" at least from my experiences with you last year at the BBQ!
I clicked on the link and started the test. But on about question #3 it became obvious to me it was a feeley meeley "test" that meant nothing. Not to say these kinds of things aren't fun... they just have no validity.
OK then... let's take IQ tests and compare scores!
I couldn't get a response after I took the test. What does that mean? I got a message saying "Internet Explorer cannot display the web page." Maybe I answered to wacky???
I couldn't get a response after I took the test. What does that mean? I got a message saying "Internet Explorer cannot display the web page." Maybe I answered to wacky???
Interesting - an element of mystery! When you meet folks for the first time do you ever get the feeling that they don't quite know how to take you?
Type 1: The Reformer. The rational, idealistic type. (-10)
Type 2: The Helper. The caring, nurturing type. (9)
Type 3: The Motivator. The adaptable, success-oriented type. (4)
So I guess I must be a "Helper" (ha ha ha) - If only my former boss thought so as well.
You know what? I just ENJOY LIFE nowadays.
Twinky, I agree with Tom. Getting to know you since the BBQ last year - I'd say you're definitely a helper. And the experiences you've shared and how you speak of your career with such passion, I think motivator is on the mark too.
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I found I was a # 1 my wife a nine. My wife took a course to learn more up in Queensland Australia and two weeks in San Fransisco, Ca. to teach personality traits. I think it helped me most buy understanding others and why I think as I do. I never like putting myself in a box or anyone else for that matter but I think there is something to it.
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What does it make my if I don't believe you?
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I scored highest as a Helper, Motivator, and Leader, with my largest negative as Peacemaker. Velly interesting....
If they knew the job I now have, I would imagine the scores would change in a big way.
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Thanks for the referral to a more scientific test, ex10. The enneagram is pop psych junk, so have fun, but don't take it seriously.
There is a new guy running local government near me who required all the town department heads to look up their enneagram and report on it. Then they also had to report an incident where they had not been good managers. Can we say, From Birth to the Corps?
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Thanks Ex10 & Shazdancer, for your input…Yeah Shaz, that local gov thing sounds kinda weird to me too. This stuff is all new to me and thought it would be fun – it may ‘splain a little more if I tell you how I stumbled onto it. I’m reading a book Write Great Fiction: Dialogue [Techniques and Exercises for Crafting Effective Dialogue] by Gloria Kempton. Kempton has a chapter on developing characters. In it she suggests using the nine personality types – definitions she’s taken from Baron & Wagele’s The Enneagram made Easy – to craft believable characters with dialogue that sounds real - like it’s coming from their authentic personality revealing “genuine” motivations – in other words, it all rings true for a fictional character.
Personally, I take a lot of things with a grain of salt and usually defer to my lucky astrology mood ring [with a wink & nod to monsieur Steve Martin].
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I'd say that makes you - YOU!
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Watered Garden
I scored 9 on artist - intuitive and reserved
Some for caring and nurturing
-9 on leader - no surprise there.
Heck, when I was in FLO I even ate the damn familia!
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Hi T-Bone,
Back in my dancing days, we did the "what does your character eat for breakfast" exercise in acting class, to develop depth of character. Same idea as yours -- just thinking through who the character is.
We have an author coming to our library ot talk about what he does to flesh out a character. Should be interesting. But if he says he uses the enneagram, I think I will LOL!
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I think I failed this!
Answer was nothing like what I think I am. Ha ha.
But I do know that I have mellowed out A LOT since I left a rather strident organisation and started to relax and enjoy life again.
I am the "caring, nurturing" type (10) follwed by "intuitive and reserved" (7)
, a lousy reformer and a lousy thinker 
But maybe I'll be something different tomorrow or a different time of day. Heck, anyone who knows me wouldn't exactly call me "reserved". And they would say that I "think too much".
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Don't feel bad, Twinky – I had the same reaction to my results. I expected to score high on the Artist and Skeptic but here's my full test results:
Type 1 The Reformer…-3
Type 2 The Helper…3
Type 3 The Motivator…0
Type 4 The Artist…2
Type 5 The Thinker…8
Type 6 The Skeptic…-2
Type 7 The Generalist…-5
Type 8 The Leader…-9
Type 9 The Peacemaker…6
After I took the test and read the descriptions and checked out the diagrams on the same website – I gave this link in my first post:
The more I thought about it – the more I felt the results reflected the way I usually handle things. I do tend to analyze everything and pride myself on getting along with just about anyone at work. Who knows – I guess we could keep taking the test repeatedly and score differently each time…I wouldn't make any life-changing decisions over it…just thought we'd have a little fun with an exercise in self-discovery.
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Tom Strange
Twinky... caring, nurturing and intuitive and reserved were exactly how I had you "pegged" at least from my experiences with you last year at the BBQ!
OK then... let's take IQ tests and compare scores!
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No --- What that means is you can have an intelligent conversation with yourself!
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Thank you Tom, very kind of you to say so.
Had another go today and this is what came out:
Type 1: The Reformer. The rational, idealistic type. (-10)
Type 2: The Helper. The caring, nurturing type. (9)
Type 3: The Motivator. The adaptable, success-oriented type. (4)
So I guess I must be a "Helper" (ha ha ha) - If only my former boss thought so as well.
You know what? I just ENJOY LIFE nowadays.
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I couldn't get a response after I took the test.
What does that mean? I got a message saying "Internet Explorer cannot display the web page." Maybe I answered to wacky??? 
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...I'm a skeptic and a thinker...no leader or motivator here folks... :)
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Interesting - an element of mystery! When you meet folks for the first time do you ever get the feeling that they don't quite know how to take you?
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Twinky, I agree with Tom. Getting to know you since the BBQ last year - I'd say you're definitely a helper. And the experiences you've shared and how you speak of your career with such passion, I think motivator is on the mark too.
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this may sound positively odd ...or not
but among other things...ive been a student of "the enneagram" for a number of years now...even longer than i was a student of twi
mostly as an artist, but also in the context of hospice, palliative care, integral medicine, grief and rites of passage
including its many histories, theories, theologies, psychologies, processes, arts, applications, traditions, yada yada
not sure what all that means or not
except that i could probably talk about it til the wee hours with whomever was interested
....and put everyone else to sleep
and ...that i am having a helluva time composing something short enough to post here about it
...feels kinda like sitting on a pandora's box ...so not easy to summarize my experiences and opinions of it here
and i dont want to disturb the thread either...
but overall, i can recommend it ...though take your time with it
and handle with care...as it seems easy as anything to misuse and abuse...
and for better or worse, maybe be prepared...such inquiry may actually trigger some life transforming episode
but do have fun...all that
btw, whether the authors consciously knew it or not
seems a lot of great literature has been influenced by "the enneagram"
...such as Tolkien, Jim Henson, Charles Schultz....maybe even 1 Corinthians 12
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Thanks, Sir Todd !
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Definitely a Thinker. No other category even close.
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